HR 368 - Proof the republicans wanted this shutdown.


Libruhl! Libruhl!
Aug 21, 2012
Downtown Sarasota, FL
The "champions" of democracy and askers of compromise, suspended them both on Oct 1st 2013. :lol:

[ame=]The GOP's little rule change they hoped you wouldn't notice - YouTube[/ame]

Thanks GOP and the Baggers! You guys just handed the house over to the Dems in 2014.

Great jorb. :eusa_shifty:
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So, if I understand this correctly, House rules allowed for ANY member of the House to bring up for a vote a resolution for ending the shutdown, but House leadership changed the rule just before the shutdown so that ONLY House leadership could bring up the resolution for a vote.
Looks like a Republican shutdown to me

Republicans seized exclusive power in the House.....
Looks like a Republican shutdown to me

Republicans seized exclusive power in the House.....

the Borg Dems hate it when the Rs copy their own tactics.....especially when done legally....

i seem to remember the Borg Demrats rejecting the Full Faith and Credit legislation (HR 807) that would automatically pay our core bills.....a default is way worse than a shutdown.....but let's not bring that up shall we....:eusa_shhh:
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The "champions" of democracy and askers of compromise, suspended them both on Oct 1st 2013. :lol:

The GOP's little rule change they hoped you wouldn't notice - YouTube

Thanks GOP and the Baggers! You guys just handed the house over to the Dems in 2014.

Great jorb. :eusa_shifty:

Same thing was said during the 96 shutdown and Clinton was way more popular than O. Turns out, the R's kept the house, lost two seats, and added two seats in the senate a year later.

But we weren't in a major recession in '96. Instead, we were on the way up with the dot-com boom and the beginnings of a housing boom.

Just a minor detail.
The GOP's little rule change they hoped you wouldn't notice - YouTube


Why would the republicans do that?.........could it be because ......:

"The roll was called shortly after 1 a.m., with Washington still snowbound after a weekend blizzard, and the Senate voted on party lines to cut off a Republican filibuster of a package of changes to the health care bill by the majority leader, Harry Reid of Nevada

“It’s obvious why the majority has cooked up this amendment in secret, has introduced it in the middle of a snowstorm, has scheduled the Senate to come in session at midnight, has scheduled a vote for 1 a.m., is insisting that it be passed before Christmas — because they don’t want the American people to know what’s in it,”

said Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee.

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The "champions" of democracy and askers of compromise, suspended them both on Oct 1st 2013. :lol:

The GOP's little rule change they hoped you wouldn't notice - YouTube

Thanks GOP and the Baggers! You guys just handed the house over to the Dems in 2014.

Great jorb. :eusa_shifty:

Same thing was said during the 96 shutdown and Clinton was way more popular than O. Turns out, the R's kept the house, lost two seats, and added two seats in the senate a year later.

They didn't have a record low approval going into that election year.
The "champions" of democracy and askers of compromise, suspended them both on Oct 1st 2013. :lol:

The GOP's little rule change they hoped you wouldn't notice - YouTube

Thanks GOP and the Baggers! You guys just handed the house over to the Dems in 2014.

Great jorb. :eusa_shifty:

Same thing was said during the 96 shutdown and Clinton was way more popular than O. Turns out, the R's kept the house, lost two seats, and added two seats in the senate a year later.

But we weren't in a major recession in '96. Instead, we were on the way up with the dot-com boom and the beginnings of a housing boom.

Just a minor detail.

We're not in a recession. These are great economic times.
So on the very day the shutdown took effect, Republicans changed the rules so that only Boehner could introduce a bill to end the shutdown

Even though bipartisan votes are available to end it today....Republicans made sure it could not be done
The GOP's little rule change they hoped you wouldn't notice - YouTube


Why would the republicans do that?.........could it be because ......:

"The roll was called shortly after 1 a.m., with Washington still snowbound after a weekend blizzard, and the Senate voted on party lines to cut off a Republican filibuster of a package of changes to the health care bill by the majority leader, Harry Reid of Nevada

“It’s obvious why the majority has cooked up this amendment in secret, has introduced it in the middle of a snowstorm, has scheduled the Senate to come in session at midnight, has scheduled a vote for 1 a.m., is insisting that it be passed before Christmas — because they don’t want the American people to know what’s in it,”

said Senator Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee.


The "champions" of democracy and askers of compromise, suspended them both on Oct 1st 2013. :lol:

The GOP's little rule change they hoped you wouldn't notice - YouTube

Thanks GOP and the Baggers! You guys just handed the house over to the Dems in 2014.

Great jorb. :eusa_shifty:

Same thing was said during the 96 shutdown and Clinton was way more popular than O. Turns out, the R's kept the house, lost two seats, and added two seats in the senate a year later.

But we weren't in a major recession in '96. Instead, we were on the way up with the dot-com boom and the beginnings of a housing boom.

Just a minor detail.

And on the cusp of the dot com bust..... you know, the one that literally wiped out millions of American's savings & retirements and gave us Enron, Arthur Anderson, etc.???? That wonderful economy? And how'd that housing boom end up?

And on the cusp of the dot com bust..... you know, the one that literally wiped out millions of American's savings & retirements and gave us Enron, Arthur Anderson, etc.???? That wonderful economy? And how'd that housing boom end up?


What happened afterwards is irrelevant to his point. At the midterm things looked "good".

Stay on topic. Deflection is a sign of a weak argument.
So, if I understand this correctly, House rules allowed for ANY member of the House to bring up for a vote a resolution for ending the shutdown, but House leadership changed the rule just before the shutdown so that ONLY House leadership could bring up the resolution for a vote.


I am stunned, I mean literally, that they would sink this low.

But yeah. Both parties are the same.

The fuck they are.

[ame=]The GOP's little rule change they hoped you wouldn't notice - YouTube[/ame]

"The Rules Committee, under the rules of the House, changed the standing rules of the House to take away the right of any member to move to vote to open the government, and gave that right exclusively to the Republican Leader," said Van Hollen. "Is that right?"

"The House adopted that resolution," replied Chaffetz.

"I make my motion, Mr. Speaker," said Van Hollen. "I renew my motion that under the regular standing rules of the House... that the house take up the Senate amendments and open the government now."

"Under section 2 of H.R. 368, that motion may be offered only by the majority leader or his designee," Chaffetz said.

"Mr. Speaker, why were the rules rigged to keep the government shut down?" Van Hollen asked.

"The gentleman will suspend," Chaffetz interjected.

"Democracy has been suspended, Mr. Speaker."
So, if I understand this correctly, House rules allowed for ANY member of the House to bring up for a vote a resolution for ending the shutdown, but House leadership changed the rule just before the shutdown so that ONLY House leadership could bring up the resolution for a vote.

Hmmm maybe it's more of you get what you give, what comes around goes around

If Obama would only sign if there is full funding and wouldn't negotiate, and others play that same game, does it matter which came first the chicken or the egg
if they are all playing chicken?

And why didn't they take up the original offer of just delaying the individual mandate for a year (especially since Obama delayed the employer mandate), and removing the tax on medical devices so as not to burden companies trying to provide medical services?

That could have easily resolved this quickly
and was a huge concession by the opponents to reduce to just those two simple points.

Why was that refused?

Does anyone have any concept that in order to encourage others to negotiate, maybe you have to also? Surely the President knows better and was hoping to make the others look bad. Now they're both stalling out to expose the other. But that first concession was not negative at all. That was reasonable and had logical benefits and reasons behind it.

Why oh why didn't Democrats take the easy route when it was offered up front?
Maybe we are meant to examine both sides carefully to see what went wrong on both.
Ya know? I'd almost buy that line of bullshit if Boehner hadn't bragged about getting 98% of what he wanted.

Additionally; what were Republicans willing to give up? Because I haven't heard a damn thing. They make demands, no concessions, and they think that's negotiating.

GOP changed the House rules, forbidding anyone other than the House Speaker from bringing a bill up for a vote.

They did this right before this crisis began.

They did this to prevent the Democrats and Moderate Republicans from passing a budget against the wishes of the Tea Baggers.

shame on them.

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