Hr 3962 passes!

i am totally AGAINST the mandatory measure in this bill...i think this is a GIFT HORSE to the insurance industry, without them ever having to compete for these new customers.

Agreed. Talk about "Cororate Welfare"? :eusa_whistle:

Through the Rangel amendment these assholes can lock you up if you don't pay the big boys.

Ture, and Fine companies that do not comply. Guess what will happen there?

This isn't signed law yet...and I hope it gets destroyed in the Senate.
yeah other purposes, to help convert the country to socialism.
(3) require the option of extending coverage for children under 27 years of age;
Since when is 26 years old a "child"?

Oh, never mind, it's the government, they want all of us to see them as our mommy.

Jesus christ. now my cousin won't have to get a fucking job. he can just live at home until he's 27.

You and your cousin, peas in a pod, eh:lol:
Well, it is not what we want, but it is a beginning.

We will just have to make the public option strong enough that the Health Care for Greed companies wither and die.
I also heard that insurance companies will be required to spend 85% of what they charge people in premiums, on actual health care services....

15% allowed for overhead/administration costs.

That really surprised me....

had any of you heard about this measure in the bill....

I am uncertain what to make of it....need to think about it a bit....

Now, that actually is interesting. Did you hear it mentioned if this only applied to insurance plans that received government-subsidies (in the form of subsidized premiums for the poor), or is it some general across-the-board requirement?

Although, since most plans currently take medicare, I'm guessing that most will also not want to be cut out of all the new people who will get insured as a result of the mandate.

I'm not quite sure what to make of that either - seems to be essentially capping the insurance companies' profits, but not sure to what end. (and we don't know if this will survive the meshing with the Senate bill anyway, but still).
Through the Rangel amendment these assholes can lock you up if you don't pay the big boys.

Ture, and Fine companies that do not comply. Guess what will happen there?

This isn't signed law yet...and I hope it gets destroyed in the Senate.

It's going to be challenged in the courts.
No doubt. And as I said yesterday in another thread, and this morning in this thread?

I was hoping it wouldn't come to that. Just more money to be spent that we cannot afford. But they'll keep those presses greased and inked up to print more money I suppose...
Well, it is not what we want, but it is a beginning.

We will just have to make the public option strong enough that the Health Care for Greed companies wither and die.

We already know you are all for putting all the power into one person's hands and to hell with everyone else. :doubt:
Ture, and Fine companies that do not comply. Guess what will happen there?

This isn't signed law yet...and I hope it gets destroyed in the Senate.

It's going to be challenged in the courts.
No doubt. And as I said yesterday in another thread, and this morning in this thread?

I was hoping it wouldn't come to that. Just more money to be spent that we cannot afford. But they'll keep those presses greased and inked up to print more money I suppose...

Well at least with all the "saved jobs", we will have someone to help finance this bill.:cuckoo:
It's going to be challenged in the courts.
No doubt. And as I said yesterday in another thread, and this morning in this thread?

I was hoping it wouldn't come to that. Just more money to be spent that we cannot afford. But they'll keep those presses greased and inked up to print more money I suppose...

Well at least with all the "saved jobs", we will have someone to help finance this bill.:cuckoo:

It's going to be challenged in the courts.
No doubt. And as I said yesterday in another thread, and this morning in this thread?

I was hoping it wouldn't come to that. Just more money to be spent that we cannot afford. But they'll keep those presses greased and inked up to print more money I suppose...

Well at least with all the "saved jobs", we will have someone to help finance this bill.:cuckoo:

Can you imagine how many jobs will be shipped over seas just because of this development? Not to mention how many more if it passes all the way? We're fucked, plain and simple.
they had to suck a lot a cocks and lick a lot a assholes, black and white, clean to get it done. but march of the dangerous extreme radical left march's on.
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No doubt. And as I said yesterday in another thread, and this morning in this thread?

I was hoping it wouldn't come to that. Just more money to be spent that we cannot afford. But they'll keep those presses greased and inked up to print more money I suppose...

Well at least with all the "saved jobs", we will have someone to help finance this bill.:cuckoo:

Can you imagine how many jobs will be shipped over seas just because of this development? Not to mention how many more if it passes all the way? We're fucked, plain and simple.

We have been for awhile. They are thrusting one of two measures foward to seal the fate of this nation. Next is "Cap And Tax".
I am sad to see more of the American dream bashed on the shores of the Obamaborg ... shattered to a million pieces and soon to be washed away like so many other freedoms.

I, on the other hand, am vastly amused at all the wing-nuts losing their heads, and running around screaming, "the sky is falling, they're gonna take our kidneys, OH MY GOD, we might actually HAVE to get health insurance, the INJUSTICE of it all, OMG, it's the END OF AMERICA" :cuckoo:

LMAO, no wonder you people lost the last couple of elections, you're a bunch of whining ninnies. You're exactly the same kind of ninnies that cried when Social Security was first enacted a 70 years ago, and when Medicare was done in the 1960s. You act like this is some "marxist plot" to destroy America, instead of an overhaul of an over-priced health-care system that leaves 40 million people without access to preventive medicine.

By all means, keep up the hysterics, it's funny as hell! :lol: :lol:


*laughing* So, not a single rebuttal to anything I've posted, just "wrong!". Like I would take your ill-informed word on whether I was "wrong" or not. :cuckoo:

Gosh, maybe I'll try that "Jedi mind trick" on you:


You left wingnuts are no better, assuming that this isn't going to hurt us, assuming that everyone getting health insurance means letting the government control it, assuming that government controlled health insurance means the costs will go down ... assuming that the government even really gives a fuck about you or anyone else. That's just as insane as the right wingnut claims. You have shown yourself to just be another kettle. Thanks for playing.

So, you first assume that I'm a "left wingnut" - probably the real left wingnuts would be offended that someone as centrist as I am would get included in their group.

Then you assume that I assume a bunch of things, none of which I'm on record as saying, I think.

Finally, you point out the obvious - that to you, this is just a game that you're "playing", which means your opinion probably counts for less than even CrusaderFrank, since while he's crazier than a bat on crack, he seems earnest and serious about it.

If this really were a game with scores, it would be game, set, and match, you lose. But to me, it's not really a game, it's about pointing out the lies, misinformation, deluded and illogical thinking and faulty reasoning by people like you :lol::lol:
they had to suck a lot a cocks and lick a lot a assholes, black and white, clean to get get it done. and the march of the dangerous extreme radical left march's on.

Actually it was quite easy to get it done in the House. Democrats have quite a large majority if you recall.
I, on the other hand, am vastly amused at all the wing-nuts losing their heads, and running around screaming, "the sky is falling, they're gonna take our kidneys, OH MY GOD, we might actually HAVE to get health insurance, the INJUSTICE of it all, OMG, it's the END OF AMERICA" :cuckoo:

LMAO, no wonder you people lost the last couple of elections, you're a bunch of whining ninnies. You're exactly the same kind of ninnies that cried when Social Security was first enacted a 70 years ago, and when Medicare was done in the 1960s. You act like this is some "marxist plot" to destroy America, instead of an overhaul of an over-priced health-care system that leaves 40 million people without access to preventive medicine.

By all means, keep up the hysterics, it's funny as hell! :lol: :lol:


*laughing* So, not a single rebuttal to anything I've posted, just "wrong!". Like I would take your ill-informed word on whether I was "wrong" or not. :cuckoo:

Gosh, maybe I'll try that "Jedi mind trick" on you:


You left wingnuts are no better, assuming that this isn't going to hurt us, assuming that everyone getting health insurance means letting the government control it, assuming that government controlled health insurance means the costs will go down ... assuming that the government even really gives a fuck about you or anyone else. That's just as insane as the right wingnut claims. You have shown yourself to just be another kettle. Thanks for playing.

So, you first assume that I'm a "left wingnut" - probably the real left wingnuts would be offended that someone as centrist as I am would get included in their group.

Then you assume that I assume a bunch of things, none of which I'm on record as saying, I think.

Finally, you point out the obvious - that to you, this is just a game that you're "playing", which means your opinion probably counts for less than even CrusaderFrank, since while he's crazier than a bat on crack, he seems earnest and serious about it.

If this really were a game with scores, it would be game, set, and match, you lose. But to me, it's not really a game, it's about pointing out the lies, misinformation, deluded and illogical thinking and faulty reasoning by people like you :lol::lol:

You are quite naive, I call it how I see it, and if you believe the tripe you posted then you are a left wingnut. Again, thanks for playing. Learn something about me, I don't like wingnuts on either side of the aisle. I pointed out the lies from the left, that was a rebuttal, but of course you ignored that completely ... because you simply cannot counter them. This is a bad bill, period, it will ruin what's left of our economy and drive businesses over seas.

`Congress declares that it is the policy of this Nation, in fulfillment of its special trust responsibilities and legal obligations to Indians--

`(1) to assure the highest possible health status for Indians and Urban Indians and to provide all resources necessary to effect that policy;

`(2) to raise the health status of Indians and Urban Indians to at least the levels set forth in the goals contained within the Health People 2010 or successor objectives;

`(3) to the greatest extent possible, to allow Indians to set their own health care priorities and establish goals that reflect their unmet needs;

`(4) to increase the proportion of all degrees in the health professions and allied and associated health professions awarded to Indians so that the proportion of Indian health professionals in each Service Area is raised to at least the level of that of the general population;

`(5) to require meaningful consultation with Indian Tribes, Tribal Organizations, and urban Indian organizations to implement this Act and the national policy of Indian self-determination; and

`(6) to provide funding for programs and facilities operated by Indian Tribes, Tribal Organizations, and Urban Indian Organizations in amounts that are not less than the amounts provided to programs and facilities operated directly by the Service.

I thought the politically correct term was "Native American".
Indians come from India.

`Congress declares that it is the policy of this Nation, in fulfillment of its special trust responsibilities and legal obligations to Indians--

`(1) to assure the highest possible health status for Indians and Urban Indians and to provide all resources necessary to effect that policy;

`(2) to raise the health status of Indians and Urban Indians to at least the levels set forth in the goals contained within the Health People 2010 or successor objectives;

`(3) to the greatest extent possible, to allow Indians to set their own health care priorities and establish goals that reflect their unmet needs;

`(4) to increase the proportion of all degrees in the health professions and allied and associated health professions awarded to Indians so that the proportion of Indian health professionals in each Service Area is raised to at least the level of that of the general population;

`(5) to require meaningful consultation with Indian Tribes, Tribal Organizations, and urban Indian organizations to implement this Act and the national policy of Indian self-determination; and

`(6) to provide funding for programs and facilities operated by Indian Tribes, Tribal Organizations, and Urban Indian Organizations in amounts that are not less than the amounts provided to programs and facilities operated directly by the Service.

I thought the politically correct term was "Native American".
Indians come from India.

:lol: I don't see it as politically correct ... but yeah, that's why I say native American ... simply because Indians come from India ... good catch there.

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