HTML5, anyone else interested in it yet?

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
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This shit fascinates me to no end.

go figure

Flash, HTML5 comparison finds neither has performance advantage

By Katie Marsal
Published: 03:45 PM EST

A comparison of streaming video via the Adobe Flash and HTML5 formats with numerous different browsers on both Mac and Windows produced wildly different results based on the operating system and browser, making neither a clear winner.

The test, from Streaming Learning Center, was conducted in response to recent comments alleged to have been said by Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, in which he reportedly called Flash a "CPU hog." While the test found that HTML5 is significantly more efficient than Flash on the Mac when running the Safari Web browser, those same advantages do not exist on other Mac browsers, or in Windows.

"It's inaccurate to conclude that Flash is inherently inefficient," author Jan Ozer wrote. "Rather, Flash is efficient on platforms where it can access hardware acceleration and less efficient where it can't. With Flash Player 10.1, Flash has the opportunity for a true leap in video playback performance on all platforms that enable hardware acceleration."

The report noted that Apple has not enabled the hooks to allow GPU-based acceleration for H.264 video decoding. Anand Lai Shimpi, founder of AnandTech, asserted "it's up to Apple to expose the appropriate hooks to allow Adobe to (eventually) enable that functionality."

Adobe's update to Flash 10.1 on the Mac improved CPU efficiency within Safari by 5 percent, but the Web format still trails far behind HTML5 due to hardware acceleration. With Google Chrome, neither were particularly efficient, and Firefox saw slightly better performance than Chrome.

-AppleInsider | Flash, HTML5 comparison finds neither has performance advantage
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IS oops on it's way out? Is scripting the way to go? Is JAVA worth learning as well as Python or TCL, or is better to know a few languages to accomplish building architecture for the new web?

Am I just spinning webs or am I weaving them?

I need a friggin' drink.

of course some of those questions revolve around decisions the"big boys" make-there's a contingent wanting to standardize a lot of these processes and i can only believe theyll end up getting waht they want
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of course some of those questions revolve around decisions the"big boys" make-there's a contingent wanting to standardize a lot of these processes and i can only believe theyll end up getting waht they want

standardization of code is needed. the big guys (microsoft and others) were against standardization. standardization of the web may not be what you are speaking of. maybe you are speaking of control of internet.

now I'm confused. :lol:

not really, but I am guilty of mixing up the terms.

Content vs. transport. Many people use the terms Web and Internet synonymously. In casual conversation such as "I was on the Internet" or "I was on the Web," there is no difference. However, in fact, the Web is just one of the services deployed on the Internet. Just as cargo is transported by a truck on a highway, a Web page is transported by packets on the Internet. When information is sent over the Internet, it is broken apart and packaged inside Internet Protocol packets or "IP packets." See packet switching and TCP/IP.

Not Just Web Pages

Every form of information travels over the Internet, including e-mail messages, newsgroup news, instant messages as well as audio, video and data files of all description. Countless client-to-server and client-to-client (peer-to-peer) applications have been and will continue to be developed using the Internet as transport between sending and receiving stations. See World Wide Web, Internet and IP. Web vs. Internet: Information from

Many people use the terms Internet and World Wide Web (aka. the Web) interchangeably, but in fact the two terms are not synonymous. The Internet and the Web are two separate but related things.

What is The Internet?
The Internet is a massive network of networks, a networking infrastructure. It connects millions of computers
together globally, forming a network in which any computer can communicate with any other computer as long as they are both connected to the Internet. Information that travels over the Internet does so via a variety of languages known as protocols.

What is The Web (World Wide Web)?
The World Wide Web, or simply Web, is a way of accessing information over the medium of the Internet. It is an information-sharing model that is built on top of the Internet. The Web uses the HTTP protocol, only one of the languages spoken over the Internet, to transmit data. Web services, which use HTTP to allow applications to communicate in order to exchange business logic, use the the Web to share information. The Web also utilizes browsers, such as Internet Explorer or Firefox, to access Web documents called Web pages that are linked to each other via hyperlinks. Web documents also contain graphics, sounds, text and video.

The Web is just one of the ways that information can be disseminated over the Internet. The Internet, not the Web, is also used for e-mail, which relies on SMTP, Usenet news groups, instant messaging and FTP. So the Web is just a portion of the Internet, albeit a large portion, but the two terms are not synonymous and should not be confused. The Difference Between the Internet and the World Wide Web -
not those big guys-i saw some political big guys talking about this stuff and i wish i had a link for you but i dont-im not capable of arguing any of this with you-im just not smart enough..i hate microsoft with a blind passionate diamond sharp hatred-
that isnt spam but tis too much for an old man with failing eyesight to digest at one time
not those big guys-i saw some political big guys talking about this stuff and i wish i had a link for you but i dont-im not capable of arguing any of this with you-im just not smart enough..i hate microsoft with a blind passionate diamond sharp hatred-
that isnt spam but tis too much for an old man with failing eyesight to digest at one time

the big guys always run things, but they always have clay feet too.

I've purchased Adobe CS4 knowing that cs5 is out soon. I had an older product. I wonder how it will work in html5 development tests.

It looks like html5 will be far enough in the future that waiting on browser support, etc., before purchasing more software is a waste of time.

The internet = money spent. Unless one is a thief...a software bandit.

I like showing my receipts and licenses to potential partners and mentioning how they shouldn't trust anyone who cannot do the same, because...they will be allowing sensitive data and info to be put into the hands of people with very little to any scruples.

If you are a designer/web designer...learn HTML5. HTML/CSS/Javascript. Do not get caught up in the Flash vs HTML debates or other nonsense.

Try reading up on what Eric Meyers has to say. Try sampling O'Reilly Books and articles.

I really do want to see some of you get a leg up. really.

I'm feeling generous.

What is hot at the moment may pay well for a short amount of time, but in the end you will do well and become more valuable to others when you get a good grounding and grasp of things that are not fads. The foundation you build upon will hold fats in a storm.

take IT for what it's worth

I've sampled a few of the popular cms software systems out there. I'm currently sampling ezpublish. I dislike PHP based stuff...I prefer perl based MT, but ezp looks promising.

I hope to integrate it into a mixed environment of static pages and different cms systems.

anyone ever use ezp?
W3C HTML Working Group


The current HTML working group charter was issued on 7 March 2007. The group is chartered to continue its work through 31 December 2010.

See also W3C Relaunches HTML Activity press release and Architectural vision behind the HTML/XHTML2/Forms Chartering as well as pre-charter discussion such as Reinventing HTML: Update and HTML and Forms Activities Proposals (Call for Review) to W3C Members, and XHTML 2 Working Group Expected to Stop Work End of 2009, W3C to Increase Resources on HTML 5.

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