Huawei Marine Bids to Build Undersea Internet Cable, building internet cables for France...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
A reminder of why people like Macron and Merkel were not only disliked by Trump, but by many of us. China is going to crush any nation they wish at the time of their choosing and they will have the ability to shut down whomever they choose.

I've also read that Macron is going to allow Huawei to build underground internet for France, even as the West and many in his intel warn him of the major threats of backdoor access.

The United States has warned Pacific island nations about security threats posed by a Chinese company’s cut-price bid to build an undersea internet cable in the region from China’s Huawei Marine.

It’s a nearly $73 million project, bankrolled in part by the World Bank, designed to give an internet boost to Nauru, Micronesia, and Kiribati.

Chinese telecom companies have come under scrutiny abroad, especially giant Huawei Technologies.

President Donald Trump’s administration has pressured allies to squeeze the company out of future infrastructure projects.

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