HUD Will Choose Your Neighbors through a Massive Social Engineering Rule


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
this not your Democrat party of OLD. vote out these Progressives come 2016, who doesn't have your best interest at heart. I posted another article on this yesterday. this is ALL ABOUT CONTROL over you. call your Congresscritters tell them to DEFUND this agency they don't come under Congress control. they are making up their own rules over us


HUD will socially reengineer where we live, Forcing people to live in neighborhoods of the government’s choosing has been tried under communism with disastrous results
HUD Will Choose Your Neighbors through a Massive Social Engineering Rule
By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh -- Bio and Archives December 9, 2015

On July 8, 2015, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced the final rule on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH). HUD describes this rule – “everyone can access affordable, quality housing regardless of their “race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, or familial status.”

HUD’s Secretary, Julian Castro, stated that “unfortunately, too many Americans find their dreams limited by where they come from, and a ZIP code should never determine a child’s future.” To make sure all Americans have access to “safe, affordable housing in communities that are rich with opportunity,” HUD will socially reengineer where we live.

This new AFFH (15-084) HUD rule was issued based on “recommendations made by a 2010 Government Accountability Office report, stakeholders, and HUD program participants.”

Those who receive grants from HUD must analyze “their fair housing landscape and set locally determined fair housing priorities and goals through an Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH).

“To aid communities in this work, HUD will provide open data to grantees and the public on patterns of integration and segregation, racially and ethnically concentrated areas of poverty, disproportionate housing needs, and disparities in access to opportunity.” Armed with such sensitive information, HUD grantees will then force their goals onto existing communities and housing planning processes. “In addition to providing data and maps, HUD will also provide technical assistance to aid grantees as they adopt this approach.”

Tom DeWeese, President of the American Policy Center, explained that the AFFH Rule “will virtually erase the very concept of local rule by your locally elected representatives.” Massive demographic analyses will be undertaken on communities that apply for HUD grants “to determine if there are enough low income and minority people living in every neighborhood. HUD will search the records of every person in each neighborhood for income levels, race, color, religion, national origin and much more.” Such data mining will take place every five years.

all of it here:
HUD Will Choose Your Neighbors through a Massive Social Engineering Rule
from yesterday. this is from a leftwing progressive/ so called democrats site


they are feeling they don't need to hide behind that Democrat mask anymore. they have gone full blown commie in the Democrat party
this is their VISIONS for YOU. My gawd wake up

PROJECTS FOR EVERYONE: Liberal Journalist Calls For End Of Private Home Ownership

December 9, 2015 by


Have you driven by a public housing project lately? If so, you may have noticed decrepit living conditions. The left thinks it would be great if everyone lived that way.

Check out this progressive masterpiece from The Nation:

How to Get Rid of Your Landlord and Socialize American Housing, in 3 Easy Steps

Let’s get rid of private housing.
they are feeling they don't need to hide behind that Democrat mask anymore. they have gone full blown commie in the Democrat party
this is their VISIONS for YOU. My gawd wake up

PROJECTS FOR EVERYONE: Liberal Journalist Calls For End Of Private Home Ownership

December 9, 2015 by


Have you driven by a public housing project lately? If so, you may have noticed decrepit living conditions. The left thinks it would be great if everyone lived that way.

Check out this progressive masterpiece from The Nation:

How to Get Rid of Your Landlord and Socialize American Housing, in 3 Easy Steps

Let’s get rid of private housing.


PROJECTS FOR EVERYONE: Liberal Journalist Calls For End Of Private Home Ownership - Progressives Today

We got off the Interstate once while going through Memphis, late at night....dang that was scary.
Won't happen in our community, guaranteed

sassylassie-----do not be so sure. It is happening in many places. ----the good news is that IT IS NOT WORKING----but it is causing all kinds of grief

It's happening in our area but we live in a private gated community. I know a friend in a city we used to live in and they are doing it there, you have welfare rats living in apartments working people pay over a grand and a half a month for and people are livid at how fast the building is deteriorating
We got off the Interstate once while going through Memphis, late at night....dang that was scary.
Won't happen in our community, guaranteed

sassylassie-----do not be so sure. It is happening in many places. ----the good news is that IT IS NOT WORKING----but it is causing all kinds of grief

It's happening in our area but we live in a private gated community. I know a friend in a city we used to live in and they are doing it there, you have welfare rats living in apartments working people pay over a grand and a half a month for and people are livid at how fast the building is deteriorating

yes----where I live too-----not gated-----not even----nice-----but NOT THAT BAD
this not your Democrat party of OLD. vote out these Progressives come 2016, who doesn't have your best interest at heart. I posted another article on this yesterday. this is ALL ABOUT CONTROL over you. call your Congresscritters tell them to DEFUND this agency they don't come under Congress control. they are making up their own rules over us


HUD will socially reengineer where we live, Forcing people to live in neighborhoods of the government’s choosing has been tried under communism with disastrous results
HUD Will Choose Your Neighbors through a Massive Social Engineering Rule
By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh -- Bio and Archives December 9, 2015

On July 8, 2015, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced the final rule on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH). HUD describes this rule – “everyone can access affordable, quality housing regardless of their “race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, or familial status.”

HUD’s Secretary, Julian Castro, stated that “unfortunately, too many Americans find their dreams limited by where they come from, and a ZIP code should never determine a child’s future.” To make sure all Americans have access to “safe, affordable housing in communities that are rich with opportunity,” HUD will socially reengineer where we live.

This new AFFH (15-084) HUD rule was issued based on “recommendations made by a 2010 Government Accountability Office report, stakeholders, and HUD program participants.”

Those who receive grants from HUD must analyze “their fair housing landscape and set locally determined fair housing priorities and goals through an Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH).

“To aid communities in this work, HUD will provide open data to grantees and the public on patterns of integration and segregation, racially and ethnically concentrated areas of poverty, disproportionate housing needs, and disparities in access to opportunity.” Armed with such sensitive information, HUD grantees will then force their goals onto existing communities and housing planning processes. “In addition to providing data and maps, HUD will also provide technical assistance to aid grantees as they adopt this approach.”

Tom DeWeese, President of the American Policy Center, explained that the AFFH Rule “will virtually erase the very concept of local rule by your locally elected representatives.” Massive demographic analyses will be undertaken on communities that apply for HUD grants “to determine if there are enough low income and minority people living in every neighborhood. HUD will search the records of every person in each neighborhood for income levels, race, color, religion, national origin and much more.” Such data mining will take place every five years.

all of it here:
HUD Will Choose Your Neighbors through a Massive Social Engineering Rule
They did that back in the forties, put all the white people in the nice neighborhoods and the black people in the un-desirable neighborhoods and denied them property ownership.

Maybe these will correct a bad situation. Sorry if you end up with a darkie or two in your neighborhood. We have several and so far no one has raped me, broken into my house, or stole my car. :thup:
HUD redrew Westchester County so that the golf courses around Rye and Scarsdale will get a bonus for developing affordable housing.

The County just continues to laugh at HUD. HUD pulled all our funding, and we laughed
This is what happens with a Federal Government who has become the size of a Monster. they think they have a right to squash everyone under them by dangling YOUR tax dollars over their heads. We need to cut this Government down to size or keep being stepped over and on with no Representation of your say in Congress

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