Huffpo to children: Anal sex is good and HEALTHY

Also lets ignore how it makes transmission of STDs much more likely and a greatly increased risk of anal cancer. But hey, this is about indoctrinating kids.
It is getting worse. Some countries in Europe are looking at legalizing incest.
It is getting worse. Some countries in Europe are looking at legalizing incest.

Because of the flood of Muslim refugees there, they'll have to legalize it to keep from filling up the prisons.
You have to be mentally deranged to think anal sex is "healthy".
I bet you're one of those people who makes a lot of noise about something being immoral/wrong/deranged but then ends up in the ER one night claiming to have accidentally sat on a candlestick while naked.
Also lets ignore how it makes transmission of STDs much more likely and a greatly increased risk of anal cancer. But hey, this is about indoctrinating kids.

Do you have the statistics to prove this?

My father got "anal cancer" and I doubt very, VERY much that some other man stuck his penis up there..... I get the feeling that anal sex doesn't cause "anal cancer" at all and that you're just making things up.
Also lets ignore how it makes transmission of STDs much more likely and a greatly increased risk of anal cancer. But hey, this is about indoctrinating kids.

Do you have the statistics to prove this?

My father got "anal cancer" and I doubt very, VERY much that some other man stuck his penis up there..... I get the feeling that anal sex doesn't cause "anal cancer" at all and that you're just making things up.

You aren't very well rounded nor informed in the world of reality are you?

  • Sexual activity: Having multiple sex partners and having receptive anal sex can increase your risk of getting anal cancer. Not wearing barrier protection, like condoms, also increases the risk of anal cancer due to increased risk of contracting HPV.
Anal Cancer
Well many keep trying to tell you sheep they're working on legalizing pedophilia , but the libtards are so dumbed down and so unable to decode the information before them it will be an easy task to do. The only ones who will work to stop it are those who certainly aren't leftist libtards. They are the only people who are paying attention the rest will only say that is not true, it's a conspiracy blah blah.. Meanwhile...............................
Well many keep trying to tell you sheep they're working on legalizing pedophilia , but the libtards are so dumbed down and so unable to decode the information before them it will be an easy task to do. The only ones who will work to stop it are those who certainly aren't leftist libtards. They are the only people who are paying attention the rest will only say that is not true, it's a conspiracy blah blah.. Meanwhile...............................

And those who now deny that this is happening, will soon enough be deluded into accepting it as normal and proper, and will accuse those of us who say that there is anything wrong with sexually-abusing children of being “hateful” and “bigoted”. They'll probably come up with a new epithet, “pedophobic”, to put next to “transphobic” and “homophobic” and whatever other new epithets they'll coin to similarly defend other foul sexual perversions.
Also lets ignore how it makes transmission of STDs much more likely and a greatly increased risk of anal cancer. But hey, this is about indoctrinating kids.

Do you have the statistics to prove this?

My father got "anal cancer" and I doubt very, VERY much that some other man stuck his penis up there..... I get the feeling that anal sex doesn't cause "anal cancer" at all and that you're just making things up.
What Are the Risk Factors for Anal Cancer?

Please feel free to ignore this.

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