HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes

I know this is gloating, but it's irresistible:

The HuffPost presidential forecast model gives Democrat Hillary Clinton a 98.2 percent chance of winning the presidency. Republican Donald Trump has essentially no path to an Electoral College victory.

Further down the article there's this:

The Senate is likely to shift to a Democratic majority, with 51 seats, or 50 seats and Tim Kaine as the vice presidential tie-breaker. The HuffPost model says there’s a 66 percent chance Democrats will get 51 or more seats, and a 25 percent chance the chamber ends up with each party at 50 seats.

HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes | The Huffington Post

All this of course from the vaunted site that put Trump in the entertainment section. I guess it makes CNN look better. :)

Huffpost is a far left hack site and is more like the onion than anything else!

But the far left drones eat it up!
The only way for the Huffington Post to become relevant and useful is to start a print addition so folks without indoor plumbing might buy it.
It's impossible to account for foreign and FBI sabotage in election predictions
Well, we actually know that CNN journalists were feeding the Beast debate questions. But the DNC knows what's best for us.
Wow way to twist that into oblivion you dumb fucking rube
Twist what? All you've got is wild speculation which objectively makes little sense and is obviously borne of butt hurt.

We know that Clinton was being fed questions on an upcoming debate by CNN's skank Brazile.

Stop, think, and come up with something more formidable than that lame shit.
She was told about 1 topic that is at best just similar to a single question that was asked at a town hall, not a debate.

She was told about 1 topic that is at best just similar to a single question that was asked at a town hall, not a debate.

Please. That's what we know about. You should more time fighting real Nazi's instead of your imagination.

Sleaze is sleaze, and the Beast and her sycophants were the sleaziest in US history.
Sometimes the 1.8 percent does happen!
A slam dunk is a slam dunk. Trying squirrel your way out of that is the caliber of Huffpost and more recently, CNN.
I wasn't doing any squirreling. I simply stated mathematical fact. And that mathematical fact does not make a slam dunk not be a slam dunk.
I did not vote for Trump. I did not vote for Clinton. But now that Trump has won, consider me on the Trump Train. I am very happy that the Hildabeast lost!
Joey, that was the impersonal "you". You're not a liberal apparently, so stop the knee-jerk victimization shit!
I can't stop the knee-jerk victimization shit because I haven't started the knee-jerk victimization shit.
She was told about 1 topic that is at best just similar to a single question that was asked at a town hall, not a debate.

Please. That's what we know about. You should more time fighting real Nazi's instead of your imagination.

Sleaze is sleaze, and the Beast and her sycophants were the sleaziest in US history.
Lol now there you go with that wild speculation you were talking about :rofl:
It's impossible to account for foreign and FBI sabotage in election predictions
Really? How many votes were changed?
An honest question would be how many voters stayed home or how many voters were convinced of the fake evils that Russian propagandists were spreading about Clinton.
The released emails were not fake. The rest of the stuff coming out about her came from the US government. Are you claiming that the Obama administration acted as Russian propagandists?
It's impossible to account for foreign and FBI sabotage in election predictions
Really? How many votes were changed?
An honest question would be how many voters stayed home or how many voters were convinced of the fake evils that Russian propagandists were spreading about Clinton.
The released emails were not fake. The rest of the stuff coming out about her came from the US government. Are you claiming that the Obama administration acted as Russian propagandists?
The fabrication of there being an illegal scandal was fake. The stories of the Clintons murdering supporters, pay for play, and Clinton ordering the Benghazi murders were all fake.
It's impossible to account for foreign and FBI sabotage in election predictions
Really? How many votes were changed?
An honest question would be how many voters stayed home or how many voters were convinced of the fake evils that Russian propagandists were spreading about Clinton.
The released emails were not fake. The rest of the stuff coming out about her came from the US government. Are you claiming that the Obama administration acted as Russian propagandists?
The fabrication of there being an illegal scandal was fake. The stories of the Clintons murdering supporters, pay for play, and Clinton ordering the Benghazi murders were all fake.
Some of those have been around for decades. Are you saying that the Russian plot against Hillary goes back to when she was nothing more than the wife of the president? What exactly came out of Russia (not the FBI, not the Justice Department, no government agency) about Hillary that wasn't true?
It's impossible to account for foreign and FBI sabotage in election predictions
Really? How many votes were changed?
An honest question would be how many voters stayed home or how many voters were convinced of the fake evils that Russian propagandists were spreading about Clinton.
Like that Russian guy who claimed Romney hadn't paid any taxes for ten years? Oops, wait...that was the dimocrat Senate majority leader. Nevermind.
It's impossible to account for foreign and FBI sabotage in election predictions
Really? How many votes were changed?
An honest question would be how many voters stayed home or how many voters were convinced of the fake evils that Russian propagandists were spreading about Clinton.
The released emails were not fake. The rest of the stuff coming out about her came from the US government. Are you claiming that the Obama administration acted as Russian propagandists?
The fabrication of there being an illegal scandal was fake. The stories of the Clintons murdering supporters, pay for play, and Clinton ordering the Benghazi murders were all fake.
Some of those have been around for decades. Are you saying that the Russian plot against Hillary goes back to when she was nothing more than the wife of the president? What exactly came out of Russia (not the FBI, not the Justice Department, no government agency) about Hillary that wasn't true?
Benghazi was not "around for decades" retard. What wasn't true? How about the "thing" on Hillary's tongue, the ear bud during the debate, her ordering a woman investigating her to be murdered, and countless other embarrassingly fake stories. How quickly you dumb fucking rubes forget the bullshit you fell for.
Hillary Clinton only won 15.8% of US Counties Vs. Trump won 84.2% of all Counties in The US.

Let that sink in for a minute.

The only people that voted for Hillary were a bunch of Smug CNN Watching City Slickers in Densely Populated Cities.
All kidding aside. A respected media has been crucial in the development of democracies. Perhaps other venues supplied by new technology can fill the void that CNN,Huffpo, buzzfeed and the like have created.

Now at least people can go directly to the public, as has Trump.
Can you imagine the fake MSM message about Trump today had he not decided to go around them and communicate with us directly....

Endlessly hilarious how two frenetic caterwauling cults of imbecilic partisanshithead puppets can be taught to wail upon command about false narratives, but never think to question the indoctrination and propaganda of their political system or societal creation myths.

Yup, every time ya post shoog.
I know this is gloating, but it's irresistible:

The HuffPost presidential forecast model gives Democrat Hillary Clinton a 98.2 percent chance of winning the presidency. Republican Donald Trump has essentially no path to an Electoral College victory.

Further down the article there's this:

The Senate is likely to shift to a Democratic majority, with 51 seats, or 50 seats and Tim Kaine as the vice presidential tie-breaker. The HuffPost model says there’s a 66 percent chance Democrats will get 51 or more seats, and a 25 percent chance the chamber ends up with each party at 50 seats.

HuffPost Forecasts Hillary Clinton Will Win With 323 Electoral Votes | The Huffington Post

All this of course from the vaunted site that put Trump in the entertainment section. I guess it makes CNN look better. :)

Yes, it does make one smile.

Sometimes the 1.8 percent does happen!
A slam dunk is a slam dunk. Trying squirrel your way out of that is the caliber of Huffpost and more recently, CNN.

It should be obvious to everyone by now that liberal blogs and the mainstream news media have no credibility! When the news media colluded with the Clinton campaign, that the end of their credibility. So called journalistic integrity went out the door decades ago.

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