Huge Anti-Obama Protests In Roseburg


How many people showed up to protest?
I did not count. More than none.

Yes.....and less than 100. It's consistent with the overall numbers of crazed ODS citizens. Loud and proud.....but woefully small in number.

Typical, ignore the Constitution and those who support it.

How many people showed up to protest?
I did not count. More than none.

Yes.....and less than 100. It's consistent with the overall numbers of crazed ODS citizens. Loud and proud.....but woefully small in number.
How do you know how many are there? I have not seen any numbers reported. BTW I am just trying to fuck with LL

I know. I watched a report about an hour ago that put the number at 65 or 70.
I like that some are armed... As a show of defiance to our control freak commander in chief.

President a$$ hat

How many people showed up to protest?
I did not count. More than none.

Yes.....and less than 100. It's consistent with the overall numbers of crazed ODS citizens. Loud and proud.....but woefully small in number.

Typical, ignore the Constitution and those who support it.

You think you support it....but you didn't. It's beyond you.

How many people showed up to protest?
I did not count. More than none.

Yes.....and less than 100. It's consistent with the overall numbers of crazed ODS citizens. Loud and proud.....but woefully small in number.
How do you know how many are there? I have not seen any numbers reported. BTW I am just trying to fuck with LL

I know. I watched a report about an hour ago that put the number at 65 or 70.

"About 200 protesters were milling around outside Roseburg airport Friday, "
Read more at Gun-rights activists protest Obama visit"

and that was just at the airport.

How many people showed up to protest?
I did not count. More than none.

Yes.....and less than 100. It's consistent with the overall numbers of crazed ODS citizens. Loud and proud.....but woefully small in number.
So the "loud and Proud" citizens are crazy?

Yes because they are not looting and rioting like the far left does when they are upset..

If they were, the far left would have no problems with them..
This president hasn't done a fucking thing to take away anyone's gun rights. The idea that gun rights activists are protesting him is funny. It's a complete waste of energy.

How many people showed up to protest?
I did not count. More than none.

Yes.....and less than 100. It's consistent with the overall numbers of crazed ODS citizens. Loud and proud.....but woefully small in number.

You are in a win win win situation.....

Thousands show up and you get to call them racist clowns....And I'm guessing,and I say it again to be clear, guessing....You get paid for your post.... win # 1
No one or very few show up so you make fun of them because no one showed up.... Win # 2
And you get to post it either way.... Win # 3

Can you say political hack much.....
I knew that you could.
How many people showed up to protest?
I did not count. More than none.

Yes.....and less than 100. It's consistent with the overall numbers of crazed ODS citizens. Loud and proud.....but woefully small in number.
How do you know how many are there? I have not seen any numbers reported. BTW I am just trying to fuck with LL

I know. I watched a report about an hour ago that put the number at 65 or 70.

"About 200 protesters were milling around outside Roseburg airport Friday, "
Read more at Gun-rights activists protest Obama visit"

and that was just at the airport.

The Roseburg airport webcam looks pretty vacant.

Huge airport, just huge.

This president hasn't done a fucking thing to take away anyone's gun rights. The idea that gun rights activists are protesting him is funny. It's a complete waste of energy.

They have to let him know he has no shame...
Pretty rotten way to get a political photo op... But does not surprise me.

President a$$ hat

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