Huge Anti-Obama Protests In Roseburg

"About 200 protesters were milling around outside Roseburg airport Friday, "
Read more at Gun-rights activists protest Obama visit"

and that was just at the airport.
Obviously not locals, but stooges shipped in by the NRA!


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View attachment 52068


When has the GOP put chains on anyone?
The chains in that pic are symbolic of the hold the GOP has on sheep like EWE.
You aren't rich but the party of "Whitenes": has used that pseudonym to sucker fools you into supporting them and their rich constituency. Hence, the chains.... got it now?

Obviously not locals, but stooges shipped in by the NRA!


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View attachment 52068


When has the GOP put chains on anyone?
The chains in that pic are symbolic of the hold the GOP has on sheep like EWE.
You aren't rich but the party of "Whitenes": has used that pseudonym to sucker fools you into supporting them and their rich constituency. Hence, the chains.... got it now?

I know you are lame, that is why are you a republican...You're lame!...mentally!


When has the GOP put chains on anyone?
The chains in that pic are symbolic of the hold the GOP has on sheep like EWE.
You aren't rich but the party of "Whitenes": has used that pseudonym to sucker fools you into supporting them and their rich constituency. Hence, the chains.... got it now?

I know you are lame, that is why are you a republican...You're lame!...mentally!
It must be lame to be an Obama worshipper... Barry has no shame.

Embrace the suck
AF1 is sitting at the Eugene Airport 70 miles north of Roseburg, Obama took Marine One the rest of the way.
Here's AF1 less that 2 hours ago through the window of my plane.

Is that Obama's Plane? Dayum thats a BADDDASSSS NEGRO AINT HE?

Do you really think so???
View attachment 52073
There you go hallucinating again. Obama is playing "rope a dope:" with Putin. Russia is now fighting a war they can't afford and the effects of that will be felt soon enough. Obama is just letting the Ruskies show their hand before the we TRUMP them... no pun intended. I want to see how far you can see when THAT happens.


When has the GOP put chains on anyone?
The chains in that pic are symbolic of the hold the GOP has on sheep like EWE.
You aren't rich but the party of "Whitenes": has used that pseudonym to sucker fools you into supporting them and their rich constituency. Hence, the chains.... got it now?

I know you are lame, that is why are you a republican...You're lame!...mentally!

and your deflection is even lamer.
I know you are lame, that is why are you a republican...You're lame!...mentally!
I know you are but what am I....what a dimwit; liberalism is a mental disorder...
Yep, Jesus and I have been falsely accused before after being too altruistic. If you call that liberalism I guess my conservative stance n other major issues doesn't matter. At least not to the likes of you... frankly , my dear, I don't give a damn!
How do THESE LINKS work for ya?

View attachment 52068


When has the GOP put chains on anyone?
The chains in that pic are symbolic of the hold the GOP has on sheep like EWE.
You aren't rich but the party of "Whitenes": has used that pseudonym to sucker fools you into supporting them and their rich constituency. Hence, the chains.... got it now?

I know you are lame, that is why are you a republican...You're lame!...mentally!

and your deflection is even lamer.
YaWWNNNNN! WHATEVER.... You are not important enough to even .....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
How do THESE LINKS work for ya?

View attachment 52068


When has the GOP put chains on anyone?
The chains in that pic are symbolic of the hold the GOP has on sheep like EWE.
You aren't rich but the party of "Whitenes": has used that pseudonym to sucker fools you into supporting them and their rich constituency. Hence, the chains.... got it now?

I know you are lame, that is why are you a republican...You're lame!...mentally!
It must be lame to be an Obama worshipper... Barry has no shame.

Embrace the suck
I am a Christian. I worship no man or thing. You republliklans worship money and guns...
See where that gets you when St Peter comes a calling!

When has the GOP put chains on anyone?
The chains in that pic are symbolic of the hold the GOP has on sheep like EWE.
You aren't rich but the party of "Whitenes": has used that pseudonym to sucker fools you into supporting them and their rich constituency. Hence, the chains.... got it now?

I know you are lame, that is why are you a republican...You're lame!...mentally!
It must be lame to be an Obama worshipper... Barry has no shame.

Embrace the suck
I am a Christian. I worship no man or thing. You republliklans worship money and guns...
See where that gets you when St Peter comes a calling!
Buy more guns and ammo

How many people showed up to protest?
Looks like the right wing media stirred up around 50
How many people showed up to protest?
I did not count. More than none.

Yes.....and less than 100. It's consistent with the overall numbers of crazed ODS citizens. Loud and proud.....but woefully small in number.
How do you know how many are there? I have not seen any numbers reported. BTW I am just trying to fuck with LL

I know. I watched a report about an hour ago that put the number at 65 or 70.
I like that some are armed... As a show of defiance to our control freak commander in chief.

President a$$ hat

Secret Service should take them down.....can't be too safe

How many people showed up to protest?
I did not count. More than none.

Yes.....and less than 100. It's consistent with the overall numbers of crazed ODS citizens. Loud and proud.....but woefully small in number.
How do you know how many are there? I have not seen any numbers reported. BTW I am just trying to fuck with LL

I know. I watched a report about an hour ago that put the number at 65 or 70.
Fox News is slipping

They got more than that for Cliven Bundy
I did not count. More than none.

Yes.....and less than 100. It's consistent with the overall numbers of crazed ODS citizens. Loud and proud.....but woefully small in number.
How do you know how many are there? I have not seen any numbers reported. BTW I am just trying to fuck with LL

I know. I watched a report about an hour ago that put the number at 65 or 70.
I like that some are armed... As a show of defiance to our control freak commander in chief.

President a$$ hat

Secret Service should take them down.....can't be too safe
For what?

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