Huge Explosion in Waco Texas. Many injured.

This is going to rival Texas City. I predict that the Army is going to fly a MASH unit in to handle the casualties, the nearest trauma center is 20 miles from the plant.

It looks like a war zone. I can't believe this happened. It is just unbelievable after Boston for this to happen. Why did they build a neighborhood full of houses right next to a plant like this? Who was the genius behind that decision? All of those houses are gone.

They were not "right next" to the plant. The exposion was big enough that it registered on the Richter Scale and was felt 30 miles away.
I hope that this was caused by an accidental fire or something of that nature .if it isn't an accident it may be connected to the Boston attack ,and maybe that is the reason no one has taken credit for the bombing ,maybe they aren't through yet !! maybe they are waiting till all the coordinated strikes have been carried out before taking responsibility !! like I posted on another thread I could be wrong ...I hope i'm wrong.
You are a horrible, boring, insane human being.

Aren't you the guy that was trying to claim that experts were saying that the Boston bombing was probably perpetrated by right wing groups? Wouldn't that make you a horrible, boring, insane,human being, and a liar?

I noted that an expert on CNN and the profile of the bomber indicted that it was a domestic attack. It's your lack of reading comprehension and mental illnesses that make you believe I said it was a right wing group. And you don't know who the bomber is yet, so you're being a defensive idiot right now. And I'm not driving a very serious news thread into the ground with brain dead politics when there's no need for it. But these are things you need to have above a double digit IQ to understand.

This wasn't your post?

So because there's a lot of circumstantial evidence to suggest and experts on terrorism say it's likely, it's wishful thinking? You really come across like an ignorant racist bitch on this one.
Aren't you the guy that was trying to claim that experts were saying that the Boston bombing was probably perpetrated by right wing groups? Wouldn't that make you a horrible, boring, insane,human being, and a liar?

I noted that an expert on CNN and the profile of the bomber indicted that it was a domestic attack. It's your lack of reading comprehension and mental illnesses that make you believe I said it was a right wing group. And you don't know who the bomber is yet, so you're being a defensive idiot right now. And I'm not driving a very serious news thread into the ground with brain dead politics when there's no need for it. But these are things you need to have above a double digit IQ to understand.

This wasn't your post?

So because there's a lot of circumstantial evidence to suggest and experts on terrorism say it's likely, it's wishful thinking? You really come across like an ignorant racist bitch on this one.

What in that post has anything to do with right wing groups? Again, I'm proven correct. You have an extremely poor grasp of reading comprehension and you have a mental illness that makes you think people are attacking your political ideology when they aren't. And you're going off-topic with this stupidity in a very serious news thread. Take some anti-psychotic medication and relax.
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I noted that an expert on CNN and the profile of the bomber indicted that it was a domestic attack. It's your lack of reading comprehension and mental illnesses that make you believe I said it was a right wing group. And you don't know who the bomber is yet, so you're being a defensive idiot right now. And I'm not driving a very serious news thread into the ground with brain dead politics when there's no need for it. But these are things you need to have above a double digit IQ to understand.

This wasn't your post?

So because there's a lot of circumstantial evidence to suggest and experts on terrorism say it's likely, it's wishful thinking? You really come across like an ignorant racist bitch on this one.

What in that post has anything to do with right wing groups? Again, I'm proven you correct. You have an extremely poor grasp of reading comprehension and you have a mental illness that makes you think people are attacking your political ideology when they aren't.

You just claimed you said one expert, you said experts. This despite the fact that the SPLC actually argued that it was extremely unlikely to be a group, and that it was even less likely to be a right wing group. As for domestic or not, no one who is actually an expert actually has an opinion.

Still a liar.
This wasn't your post?

What in that post has anything to do with right wing groups? Again, I'm proven you correct. You have an extremely poor grasp of reading comprehension and you have a mental illness that makes you think people are attacking your political ideology when they aren't.

You just claimed you said one expert, you said experts. This despite the fact that the SPLC actually argued that it was extremely unlikely to be a group, and that it was even less likely to be a right wing group. As for domestic or not, no one who is actually an expert actually has an opinion.

Still a liar.

What the hell is this guy talking about? I said there were experts who said it was likely a domestic terrorist which there were all over CNN, CBS and the NBC networks over the last few days. And yeah I'm sure there's experts who think it's some brown guy threat as well. We don't have enough information to know for sure. You are a lunatic who can't win an argument. Why are you so emotional about this that you're mucking up this thread with crap that has nothing to do with this topic. :cuckoo:
This wasn't your post?

What in that post has anything to do with right wing groups? Again, I'm proven you correct. You have an extremely poor grasp of reading comprehension and you have a mental illness that makes you think people are attacking your political ideology when they aren't.

You just claimed you said one expert, you said experts. This despite the fact that the SPLC actually argued that it was extremely unlikely to be a group, and that it was even less likely to be a right wing group. As for domestic or not, no one who is actually an expert actually has an opinion.

Still a liar.

Oh jeez folks, can we just leave this stuff alone for a while, please?
What in that post has anything to do with right wing groups? Again, I'm proven you correct. You have an extremely poor grasp of reading comprehension and you have a mental illness that makes you think people are attacking your political ideology when they aren't.

You just claimed you said one expert, you said experts. This despite the fact that the SPLC actually argued that it was extremely unlikely to be a group, and that it was even less likely to be a right wing group. As for domestic or not, no one who is actually an expert actually has an opinion.

Still a liar.

What the hell is this guy talking about? I said there were experts who said it was likely a domestic terrorist which there were all over CNN, CBS and the NBC networks over the last few days. And yeah I'm sure there's experts who think it's some brown guy threat as well. We don't have enough information to know for sure. You are a lunatic who can't win an argument. Why are you so emotional about this that you're mucking up this thread with crap that has nothing to do with this topic. :cuckoo:

Can name them? Cite their credentials? In not, why do you think they were capable of anything other than talking to reporters?

As for what is wrong with this guy, I despise pretentious assholes that try to label people they disagree with as extremists. This explains my major problem with Obama.
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looks like an atomic bomb went off. That was one BIG explosion. And now they are saying thunder storms are expected.

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You just claimed you said one expert, you said experts. This despite the fact that the SPLC actually argued that it was extremely unlikely to be a group, and that it was even less likely to be a right wing group. As for domestic or not, no one who is actually an expert actually has an opinion.

Still a liar.

What the hell is this guy talking about? I said there were experts who said it was likely a domestic terrorist which there were all over CNN, CBS and the NBC networks over the last few days. And yeah I'm sure there's experts who think it's some brown guy threat as well. We don't have enough information to know for sure. You are a lunatic who can't win an argument. Why are you so emotional about this that you're mucking up this thread with crap that has nothing to do with this topic. :cuckoo:

Can name them? Cite their credentials? In not, why do you think they were capable of anything other than talking to reporters?

As for what is wrong with this guy, I despise pretentious assholes that try to label people they disagree with as extremists. This explains my major problem with Obama.

You must just block out things you don't like or agree with like a rape victim or ardent religious person.

Experts say Boston bombing may be domestic terrorism -

Local terrorism expert on Boston bombings: 'Likely domestic, possible lone wolf'

Boston Marathon bombings raise speculation about home-grown terrorism - Metro - The Boston Globe

Boston Marathon bombings: Security experts weigh in on potential culprits, motives - CBS News

Go away idiot and stop derailing this thread. It's just embarrassing for you.

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