Huge Explosion in Waco Texas. Many injured.

I am no forensics expert so I have a question. there is speculation that the water the fire fighters were using to control the fire may have reacted to the chemicals ...and I am not trying to beat the terrorist attack drum but with recent events in past 48 hrs only a fool would dismiss the possibility that the initial fire was purposely set the question I have is this. is it possible for investigators to confirm what caused the fire after an explosion that obliterates everything close to it ?? I mean will there be any evidence left ??

Look how the city was laid out. :eek: How stupid was it to build a city around what essentially was a TNT factory?
Funny how none of those implicate a right wing person or persons.

Let us move on shall we?

From the first fracking link the asshole provided.

The Boston Marathon bombings bear the hallmarks of anti-government domestic terrorism — not foreign, experts said yesterday.
They cited the lack of Internet “chatter” or a claim of responsibility, the crude nature of the explosives and the timing.
“The month of April is very significant,” said Harvey Kushner, author of the “Encyclopedia of Terrorism.” He noted that the 1993 Waco siege and 1995 Oklahoma City terror bombings occurred on April 19.
“On top of that, it happened on Patriots Day. That’s a message and a half,” he said.
The asshole called out somebody for acting all political when he is one of the people that made politics a central theme in the other thread. On top of that, like it or not, this is going to be even more political once people start blaming the lack of regulation, or something equally stupid, for the explosion.

The question was are there experts which said they believe it to be a domestic enemy. It took me a couple of seconds to prove there are. Once again, I never said anything about a right wing anything in relation to the bombings. This is again your mental illness and your inability to comprehend what you read or words in general.

That was not the question, the question I asked is if you were boring and hateful human being, especially since you were complaining about someone else doing the exact same thing you did with the Boston bomb.

You more than made the point that you are.
I am no forensics expert so I have a question. there is speculation that the water the fire fighters were using to control the fire may have reacted to the chemicals ...and I am not trying to beat the terrorist attack drum but with recent events in past 48 hrs only a fool would dismiss the possibility that the initial fire was purposely set the question I have is this. is it possible for investigators to confirm what caused the fire after an explosion that obliterates everything close to it ?? I mean will there be any evidence left ??

Ammonium nitrate and water are what they use in cold packs, there is very little chance of them causing an explosion of this magnitude.
From the first fracking link the asshole provided.

The asshole called out somebody for acting all political when he is one of the people that made politics a central theme in the other thread. On top of that, like it or not, this is going to be even more political once people start blaming the lack of regulation, or something equally stupid, for the explosion.

The question was are there experts which said they believe it to be a domestic enemy. It took me a couple of seconds to prove there are. Once again, I never said anything about a right wing anything in relation to the bombings. This is again your mental illness and your inability to comprehend what you read or words in general.

That was not the question, the question I asked is if you were boring and hateful human being, especially since you were complaining about someone else doing the exact same thing you did with the Boston bomb.

You more than made the point that you are.

This is boring and you're stupid/crazy. Stop posting.
The question was are there experts which said they believe it to be a domestic enemy. It took me a couple of seconds to prove there are. Once again, I never said anything about a right wing anything in relation to the bombings. This is again your mental illness and your inability to comprehend what you read or words in general.

That was not the question, the question I asked is if you were boring and hateful human being, especially since you were complaining about someone else doing the exact same thing you did with the Boston bomb.

You more than made the point that you are.

This is boring and you're stupid/crazy. Stop posting.

People keep telling me I am crazy when I point out their hypocrisy, can't figure out why.

CaféAuLait;7107828 said:

Look how the city was laid out. :eek: How stupid was it to build a city around what essentially was a TNT factory?

Wow! That fire ball seemed to reach out and nearly touch that father and son. I can't imagine why city officials or the EPA would allow them to be so damn close, the homes I mean.

Could it be because the plant was there first? Strange how, despite the idiocy of people who have never worked in factories, they tend to be places where people move to to be closer to work.
I think this was purely an accident. There is a saying that things come in threes. I am referring to Sandy Hook, Boston and now this. Maybe this is it, and the last bad event for a while. At the moment America is going through a rough time. It would behove everyone to stop assigning blame to left or right or conspiracies and just wait to learn the truth about these things, as it is discovered.
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I am no forensics expert so I have a question. there is speculation that the water the fire fighters were using to control the fire may have reacted to the chemicals ...and I am not trying to beat the terrorist attack drum but with recent events in past 48 hrs only a fool would dismiss the possibility that the initial fire was purposely set the question I have is this. is it possible for investigators to confirm what caused the fire after an explosion that obliterates everything close to it ?? I mean will there be any evidence left ??

It was ammonium nitrate right?

This hazmat sheet says to douse with abundance of water but no dry chemicals. And I wondered the same as you given the dates.
CaféAuLait;7107828 said:

Look how the city was laid out. :eek: How stupid was it to build a city around what essentially was a TNT factory?

Wow! That fire ball seemed to reach out and nearly touch that father and son. I can't imagine why city officials or the EPA would allow them to be so damn close, the homes I mean.

Could it be because the plant was there first? Strange how, despite the idiocy of people who have never worked in factories, they tend to be places where people move to to be closer to work.
yep in small towns all over the US people live very close to where they work.
CaféAuLait;7107828 said:

Look how the city was laid out. :eek: How stupid was it to build a city around what essentially was a TNT factory?

Wow! That fire ball seemed to reach out and nearly touch that father and son. I can't imagine why city officials or the EPA would allow them to be so damn close, the homes I mean.

Could it be because the plant was there first? Strange how, despite the idiocy of people who have never worked in factories, they tend to be places where people move to to be closer to work.

An article I was reading said the plant got permission from the EPA to build there and the only hazard they said was possible was a 10 minute or less than 10 minute release of ammonia fumes which would be disputed by winds.
CaféAuLait;7107847 said:
CaféAuLait;7107828 said:
Wow! That fire ball seemed to reach out and nearly touch that father and son. I can't imagine why city officials or the EPA would allow them to be so damn close, the homes I mean.

Could it be because the plant was there first? Strange how, despite the idiocy of people who have never worked in factories, they tend to be places where people move to to be closer to work.

An article I was reading said the plant got permission from the EPA to build there and the only hazard they said was possible was a 10 minute or less than 10 minute release of ammonia fumes which would be disputed by winds.

My guess is the article was wrong about something, The only reason the EPA would get involved with building a plant was if it was brand new and there was some sort of environmental hurdle to clear. Couple that with the fact that the EPA got a report of a small leak and my guess is that it was an expansion or a license renewal, not the original building permit.
CNN reported that at least two people had been killed, but that figure could not be independently confirmed.

Wilson said 50 to 75 homes were damaged by the explosion and a fire that followed, and that a nearby 50-unit apartment complex had been reduced to "a skeleton standing up." Muska put the number of destroyed homes at between 60 and 80.

I cannot help but wonder what kind of planning took place to put people's homes and a nursing home within range of a disaster in this factory?

Were the homes there first?

If yes, then why was the factory built there?

If the factory was there first, then why allow homes to be built near it?


This is why the theory that its all about rights of the individual truly aren't well thought out.
My home town just defeated Conoco Phillips plans to put a 22,000,000 gallon LNG plant in the heart of our little village.

The EPA in its totally FINITE wisdom was fine with placing it there.

Had that plant gone up in a catastropic failing?

It's LNG had about 6 times the explosive capacity as the bomb at hiroshima.

It would have devasted our entire town and caused a firestorm disaster miles and miles away from the site because it would have set huge wooded forests aflame almost instantaneously if the disaster happened in just the wrong way. .

Don't EVER count on the EPA to protect you from inappropriate industrial development

They EPA is a political animal and needs to be GOADED politically to do the right thing.
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That is exactly what I was thinking, Gracie. No news is good news though. It sounds as if it was a terrible accident at this point. It is very scary that these two explosions happened so close to each other. My prayers to the families. This is a real nightmare.

Right. Just incredible stupidity allowing construction of any human habitat near THAT much potential for explosion. If the fertilizer plant was there first the people that built the apartments and the officials that allowed it should be arrested and convicted of conspiracy to commit murder.

Also... the fire department officials allowing thier people to go INTO this bomb waiting to go off to put out a fire was beyond stupid...and criminal. ALL they should have been concerned with is evacuation for the dumb asses that were living near(half a mile) the initial fire knowing that fertilizer will eventually expolde. That was no secret to the fire department and probably several officials.

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