Huge Explosion in Waco Texas. Many injured.

CNN reported that at least two people had been killed, but that figure could not be independently confirmed.

Wilson said 50 to 75 homes were damaged by the explosion and a fire that followed, and that a nearby 50-unit apartment complex had been reduced to "a skeleton standing up." Muska put the number of destroyed homes at between 60 and 80.

I cannot help but wonder what kind of planning took place to put people's homes and a nursing home within range of a disaster in this factory?

Were the homes there first?

If yes, then why was the factory built there?

If the factory was there first, then why allow homes to be built near it?


This is why the theory that its all about rights of the individual truly aren't well thought out.

man I don't know !! apparently they believed it was not a threat !! and the EPA don't cut no freaken slack !! and that damn explosion was devastating !! something stinks !! and it ain't just the fertilizer either !! the damn thing caused a minor earth quake !!
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I read today in a CNN article, that 3 or 4 firemen are missing, or unaccounted for...hope they're found soon. Prayers for the deceased and injured.
Hundreds believed injured in Texas fertilizer plant blast | Reuters

(Reuters) - Hundreds of people were likely injured in a fiery explosion on Wednesday night at a fertilizer plant near Waco, Texas, that damaged or destroyed numerous buildings including a school and nursing home, authorities said.

The blast was reported at about 8 p.m. CDT (0100 GMT on Thursday) in West, a town of some 2,700 people about 80 miles south of Dallas and 20 miles north of Waco.

"It's a lot of devastation. I've never seen anything like this," said McLennan County Sheriff Parnell McNamara. "It looks like a war zone with all the debris."

First Boston and now this, it's a horrible week for America. I pray for the families involved in both catastrophes.
Search and rescue continuing. Many buildings are having to be stabilized before they can be entered for search.

Seems there were a number of heroes out there pulling people out.

A cold front has arrived and temps down in the 40's there now.
CNN reported that at least two people had been killed, but that figure could not be independently confirmed.

Wilson said 50 to 75 homes were damaged by the explosion and a fire that followed, and that a nearby 50-unit apartment complex had been reduced to "a skeleton standing up." Muska put the number of destroyed homes at between 60 and 80.
I cannot help but wonder what kind of planning took place to put people's homes and a nursing home within range of a disaster in this factory?

Were the homes there first?

If yes, then why was the factory built there?

If the factory was there first, then why allow homes to be built near it?


This is why the theory that its all about rights of the individual truly aren't well thought out.

I cannot help but winder why anyone thinks the government should be involved in telling people where to live.
Good grief, now we'll have to ban fertilizer and rely totally on genetic tampering to get big green beans.

Not really. BUt it would be nice if we funded the agencies that were responsible for regulating places like this adequately.

Chemical industry watchdog falls years behind on safety reports for deadly accidents - Open Channel

I wonder why Obama didn't fix this, could it be because there is no real need for this group, it just exists to keep idiots like you happy?
My home town just defeated Conoco Phillips plans to put a 22,000,000 gallon LNG plant in the heart of our little village.

The EPA in its totally FINITE wisdom was fine with placing it there.

Had that plant gone up in a catastropic failing?

It's LNG had about 6 times the explosive capacity as the bomb at hiroshima.

It would have devasted our entire town and caused a firestorm disaster miles and miles away from the site because it would have set huge wooded forests aflame almost instantaneously if the disaster happened in just the wrong way. .

Don't EVER count on the EPA to protect you from inappropriate industrial development

They EPA is a political animal and needs to be GOADED politically to do the right thing.

You defeated a plan to bring more jobs to your community, you must be so proud.
That is exactly what I was thinking, Gracie. No news is good news though. It sounds as if it was a terrible accident at this point. It is very scary that these two explosions happened so close to each other. My prayers to the families. This is a real nightmare.

Right. Just incredible stupidity allowing construction of any human habitat near THAT much potential for explosion. If the fertilizer plant was there first the people that built the apartments and the officials that allowed it should be arrested and convicted of conspiracy to commit murder.

Also... the fire department officials allowing thier people to go INTO this bomb waiting to go off to put out a fire was beyond stupid...and criminal. ALL they should have been concerned with is evacuation for the dumb asses that were living near(half a mile) the initial fire knowing that fertilizer will eventually expolde. That was no secret to the fire department and probably several officials.

They shouldn't go in and try to prevent an explosion that is not inevitable?

No wonder people think I am crazy, they live in a world where it makes sense to let disasters happen.
Right. Just incredible stupidity allowing construction of any human habitat near THAT much potential for explosion. If the fertilizer plant was there first the people that built the apartments and the officials that allowed it should be arrested and convicted of conspiracy to commit murder.

Also... the fire department officials allowing thier people to go INTO this bomb waiting to go off to put out a fire was beyond stupid...and criminal. ALL they should have been concerned with is evacuation for the dumb asses that were living near(half a mile) the initial fire knowing that fertilizer will eventually expolde. That was no secret to the fire department and probably several officials.

goes the same apply to officials that allow folks to build in known hurricane zones

That's a bit of a stretch. I will allow that construction in a hurricane zone should be of the nature of taking into account potential and likely wind and tide surge. It is also not THAT hard to evacuate from most hurricaine scenerios. Evacuation from a BOMB is not possible. I am surprised that the fertilizer factory/plant didn't explode earlier in the fire. Any chemical engineer could have calculated the potential for disaster with that much bomb fuel available. X amount of fertilizer will blow the shit out of anything within an X radius. Not rocket surgery.

They evacuated the courthouse in Boston after a bomb threat. If evacuation is impossible they would have just told them to make out a will.
That's a bit of a stretch. I will allow that construction in a hurricane zone should be of the nature of taking into account potential and likely wind and tide surge. It is also not THAT hard to evacuate from most hurricaine scenerios. Evacuation from a BOMB is not possible. I am surprised that the fertilizer factory/plant didn't explode earlier in the fire. Any chemical engineer could have calculated the potential for disaster with that much bomb fuel available. X amount of fertilizer will blow the shit out of anything within an X radius. Not rocket surgery.

out here we have been trying to get a refinery up and running

the epa has put its blessing on it

but it keeps running into court battles

with the enviros

latest is the enviros are hoping to run the clock out

on the air quality permit by pushing for a chemical plant

if a chemical plant gets up and running first

it will use up the area needed to fall into air quality standards

Not every area is suitable for a refinery. As has been demonstrated by this explosion in West Texas one must consider ALL of the potential for possible/likely air quality standards if there is a disaster at the refinery. Think of it like this.. How much gasoline and dangerous chemicals should your neighbor be allowed to store in his garage? Oh..and he will be welding every day and there are flames allowed to burn constantly in his garage also just incase there is a spill of some fuel and a fire his garage WILL blow up.

That is not to suggest that there are not plenty of places that a refinery could not be built. Just not near human habitat thank you. OR buy all the land where folks live and would be at risk.

Which explains why every effort to build a refinery in the middle of nowhere in various states has always been attacked by environmentalists, we have to consider the possibility that it might actually make things better and do everything we can to prevent it.
Could the libertarians temporarily put a lid on their surly teenage "YOU'RE NOT THE BOSS OF ME!" tantrums? This isn't an appropriate time for them. Thank you.
That is exactly what I was thinking, Gracie. No news is good news though. It sounds as if it was a terrible accident at this point. It is very scary that these two explosions happened so close to each other. My prayers to the families. This is a real nightmare.

Right. Just incredible stupidity allowing construction of any human habitat near THAT much potential for explosion. If the fertilizer plant was there first the people that built the apartments and the officials that allowed it should be arrested and convicted of conspiracy to commit murder.

Also... the fire department officials allowing thier people to go INTO this bomb waiting to go off to put out a fire was beyond stupid...and criminal. ALL they should have been concerned with is evacuation for the dumb asses that were living near(half a mile) the initial fire knowing that fertilizer will eventually expolde. That was no secret to the fire department and probably several officials.

They shouldn't go in and try to prevent an explosion that is not inevitable?

No wonder people think I am crazy, they live in a world where it makes sense to let disasters happen.

No, people think you're crazy because you're not very bright and you never seem to shut the fuck up even when it would be a benefit to you.
That must have been absolutely horrible. Talk about a worst case scenario.

Thoughts and prayers.
Got some frantic texts from friends last night who didnt know how far i live from West. I cant even imagine what thats like. A terrible tragedy, but texas is already rallying, sending help and needed supplies. Im always amazed by how much americans are willing to give of themselves to others.
West Mayor Tommy Muska confirmed at least 15 people are dead after the explosion at a fertilizer plant in the town.

Muska confirmed five firefighters, four EMTs, five employees of the fertilizer plant, and one other person have been killed. Emergency crews also lost three fire trucks in the blast.

may they rest in peace.

Mayor: At Least 15 Dead After West Explosion | NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth

these are the confirmed deaths at this point.
news conference - 50 homes destroyed, still doing search and rescue. Have 25 more homes to go through.
Over 200 injured. No news on the totals killed.
Okay. I know firefighters are trained very thoroughly. I did wonder why they would not have known the water would set off such a reaction. Still I am disturbed over their having built those homes and businesses, apts so close to that plant. The people who built the plant knew the danger I'm sure. Somewhere along the way money must have exchanged hands for someone to look the other way. Texas is a good ole boy state. Know the right people and anything can be done for you. When these companies build dangerous plants producing chemicals, contamination of water supply, etc. they should be held accountable. Even in the story of Erin Brogavich the company responsible was so powerful and wealthy - no one was held accountable - no one was every brought to trial and put in prison over it. There was a civil suit that payed off the people but no justice. This should not be. It isn't right. - Jeremiah

It is not uncommon to build next to dangerous places. The Mississippi River from New Orleans to Baton Rouge is flanked with chemical plants and refineries, and has been for decades. Countless cities and towns have cropped up, including subdivisions, schools, nursing homes, hospitals and everything else a town in any other area needs. People know the plants are there and know the risks and they come anyway. The jobs are good and no one wants to commute an hour each way to take a 12-hour shift. Catastrophes are rare. We all wonder why "those people" live in California where earthquakes hit. To each his own, I guess.
update, center of explosion found, still not sure of those unaccounted for, though the last number was 60, but another official stated they thought it would be much lower than that when all is sorted through -
West, Texas update: Site of explosion identified; memorial details revealed | - News for Dallas, Texas - The Dallas Morning News
The Texas Fire Marshal's office, meanwhile, identified the exact site of the explosion at the West Fertilizer Co. and Adair Grain property.

"We do have a large crater," said assistant state Fire Marshal Kelly Kistner.

Kistner declined to say where on the site the blast occurred or the dimensions of the crater. The cause of the explosion and the fire that preceded still aren't known, he said.
it's kind of sad this has gotten lost in light of the bombing.

14 have been killed, most were first responders.
I agree! We've been distracted long enough by those two idiots that created such chaos and suffering in Boston. Texas people are suffering on a huge scale also. We shouldn't forget them.

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