HUGE favor: Law Enforcement Abuse of Power Research Survey

I think it is important to find out why some people have such negative thoughts about the police, who they are, why they do, and what they think can help to fix the problem.
Want to know why people think negatively about member so law enforcement?

Start here and read about brutality, abuse of power and authority, crime within law enforcement agencies, committing perjury in a court of law, favoritism by our judicial system, and the lack of respect given to the general public.

LINK: Police Brutality Archives - The Free Thought Project

The survey is to find out more about the people, like who they are, their experiences, and what they think can fix the problems.
The problem can be fixed by simply holding members of law enforcement to the exact same standards as John Q. Public is held to. In other words, NO free passes in our courts and judicial system. For example, murder is murder regardless of who commits it. If cops can use "I feared for my life", or "I feared for my safety", then everyone should be able to use the same excuse, period. No free passes.

But the public can use that defense. It's under the "Stand my ground" law. The same one that allowed George Zimmerman to kill.
Go try it and see if you aren't dragged into court. How many cops are dragged into court before a judge and jury? How many get paid vacation and / or desk duty?

FYI - It's NOT self defense when rogue cops commit cold blooded murder. I call bullshit. Check our shameful prison population and see how many cops are now behind bars.

Go shoot someone in the back that's running away from you and see if you walk free. Shoot a mentally challenged teen that's unarmed and see if a jury will let you walk free.

Bull fucking shit.

Dear Sonny Clark in addition to that,
ask how many people in prison were fully taught and trained what the laws were to begin with,
or only read their rights AFTER they committed crimes and lost those rights.

How many are taught Constitutional laws, principles process and ethics?
And why these are important to self-govt and independence as people and communities?

It is truly SAD and SICK we spend 50k a year for each person sent to prison and unable to work afterwards who end up on welfare
or in crime drugs and back on the streets or in jail.

Yet we wonder why we don't have the money to pay more teachers to keep kids
in school and get an education which is the top deterrent to crime, the education reduces recidivism rates.

Why don't we pay 30K for a teacher and 20K for a student to go to college
in place of paying 50K to keep a person in jail instead of working?
Want to know why people think negatively about member so law enforcement?

Start here and read about brutality, abuse of power and authority, crime within law enforcement agencies, committing perjury in a court of law, favoritism by our judicial system, and the lack of respect given to the general public.

LINK: Police Brutality Archives - The Free Thought Project

The survey is to find out more about the people, like who they are, their experiences, and what they think can fix the problems.
The problem can be fixed by simply holding members of law enforcement to the exact same standards as John Q. Public is held to. In other words, NO free passes in our courts and judicial system. For example, murder is murder regardless of who commits it. If cops can use "I feared for my life", or "I feared for my safety", then everyone should be able to use the same excuse, period. No free passes.

But the public can use that defense. It's under the "Stand my ground" law. The same one that allowed George Zimmerman to kill.
Go try it and see if you aren't dragged into court. How many cops are dragged into court before a judge and jury? How many get paid vacation and / or desk duty?

FYI - It's NOT self defense when rogue cops commit cold blooded murder. I call bullshit. Check our shameful prison population and see how many cops are now behind bars.

Go shoot someone in the back that's running away from you and see if you walk free. Shoot a mentally challenged teen that's unarmed and see if a jury will let you walk free.

Bull fucking shit.

Dear Sonny Clark in addition to that,
ask how many people in prison were fully taught and trained what the laws were to begin with,
or only read their rights AFTER they committed crimes and lost those rights.

How many are taught Constitutional laws, principles process and ethics?
And why these are important to self-govt and independence as people and communities?

It is truly SAD and SICK we spend 50k a year for each person sent to prison and unable to work afterwards who end up on welfare
or in crime drugs and back on the streets or in jail.

Yet we wonder why we don't have the money to pay more teachers to keep kids
in school and get an education which is the top deterrent to crime, the education reduces recidivism rates.

Why don't we pay 30K for a teacher and 20K for a student to go to college
in place of paying 50K to keep a person in jail instead of working?
I understand what you're saying, and totally agree.

Dear Sonny Clark
For the officers in Dallas, who responded when the shooting started after a BLM march,
by defending the civilians and putting their own lives on the line as officers on duty,
would you rather have those officers too busy getting cats out of trees
to help citizens dodge for cover when the real danger hit.

Would you rather have Boy Scouts help elderly crossing streets
and the cats stuck in trees,
or the Humane society or no kill shelters help rescue cats,
or have police do the cat work
and ask Boy Scouts and animal volunteers to save lives of citizens being shot out without warning.
I'm still needing lots of help with this. Only Emily has done it! I'd greatly appreciate it!
I'm still needing lots of help with this. Only Emily has done it! I'd greatly appreciate it!
Ha ha cuz I'm the only one with the right answers anyway!

Sonny Clark
Where is my check and balance?
Luddly Neddite anyone?
Justice Emily the Consensus Freak
has ruled in favor of community based policing to stop crime and abuses on both sides

Where is the dissenting opinion to fill out the survey with realistic answers? C'mon folks! Who has an opinion to share? On police and abuse of power!

Dont Taz Me Bro
Tennyson where is the abuse coming from and whose responsibility is it?

See OP survey
Use OTHER to inject YOUR opinion in the mind and class of a college professor and students reading your answers! What are they??? Where are you? Cmon!

PoliticalChic Asclepias miketx rightwinger JimBowie1958
Can I please ask your help to answer Lewdog survey in the OP
as an exercise for class on how to gather input by questionnaire

Do you know 2-3 other ppl on here with an intelligent enough
Opinion on police authority or abuse of power
worth sharing with a college class and professor? Thanks!
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