HUGE! Trump White House Implements Executive Order on Online Censorship: Prevents Tech Giants from Altering Users’ Free Speech

Aww, he got a sad, because they wouldn't let him hock snake oil on the internet. What a pathetic snowflake.

17 medical doctors, or leftist journalists who would rather millions die that Trump get credit for something - who to believe....


The Virology Journal – the official publication of Dr. Fauci’s National Institutes of Health – published what is now a blockbuster article on August 22, 2005, under the heading – get ready for this – “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.” (Emphasis mine throughout.) Write the researchers, “We report…that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.”

This means, of course, that Dr. Fauci (pictured at right) has known for 15 years that chloroquine and it’s even milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) will not only treat a current case of coronavirus (“therapeutic”) but prevent future cases (“prophylactic”). So HCQ functions as both a cure and a vaccine. In other words, it’s a wonder drug for coronavirus. Said Dr. Fauci’s NIH in 2005, “concentrations of 10 μM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection.” Fauci’s researchers add, “chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV.”


You rightards never learn.


That study 15 years ago was never tested on people.

It involved chloroquine, not hydroxychloroquine.

It was about a different strain of coronavirus.

But I get it... you read about this on Facebook, so it must be a cure now for COVID-19.


Thanks Farouk.

Love the link you provided - oh wait...

So hydroxychloroquine is a BRAND NEW drug that Trump just invented, and we have no idea what it will do, right?

1946? Trump invented this drug in 1946? Wow..

But Iran has to fight it - which means YOU have to fight it - Orange Man Bad.

Besides, saving American lives is just the opposite of what you want to do.

Allahu Sucksdick....
Oh poor baby. Where in my post that I supported the boycott? I specifically said I don’t support the boycott. Read my post don’t stare at it. You are dumber and stupid than I thought. You went all over the place with foaming in your mouth.
Where in my post that I said Chick Fila will go bankrupt?

I exactly said Chick Fila foundation changed where the donations went. From anti LGBTQ to education, hunger and homelessness.
What part of your low IQ don’t understand that? You probably feel betrayed by Chicky Chicky.,

What you support is irrelevant, you're not even American.

Chic-fil-A was attacked by the Communist party. Due to a family and Christian forward image, the silent majority defended them, propelling them to new levels of success.

Communists already ban them from opening in New York City, ban them from airports, and continue their boycott. Up to this point it hasn't mattered, because the Americans outnumber the filthy democrats.

But Dan Cathy spit in the face of the Americans. Now who is he going to sell over-priced chicken sandwiches to? The Communists? His bending the knee only increased their contempt. Maybe he can build a store in Tehran and you'll buy them?

Either way, he pissed on his majority customer base. He's a crappy leader who got caught up in his celebrity and failed to serve his customers.

Yes, the chain will fail as a result.
Aww, he got a sad, because they wouldn't let him hock snake oil on the internet. What a pathetic snowflake.

17 medical doctors, or leftist journalists who would rather millions die that Trump get credit for something - who to believe....


The Virology Journal – the official publication of Dr. Fauci’s National Institutes of Health – published what is now a blockbuster article on August 22, 2005, under the heading – get ready for this – “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.” (Emphasis mine throughout.) Write the researchers, “We report…that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.”

This means, of course, that Dr. Fauci (pictured at right) has known for 15 years that chloroquine and it’s even milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) will not only treat a current case of coronavirus (“therapeutic”) but prevent future cases (“prophylactic”). So HCQ functions as both a cure and a vaccine. In other words, it’s a wonder drug for coronavirus. Said Dr. Fauci’s NIH in 2005, “concentrations of 10 μM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection.” Fauci’s researchers add, “chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV.”


You rightards never learn.


That study 15 years ago was never tested on people.

It involved chloroquine, not hydroxychloroquine.

It was about a different strain of coronavirus.

But I get it... you read about this on Facebook, so it must be a cure now for COVID-19.


Thanks Farouk.

Love the link you provided - oh wait...

So hydroxychloroquine is a BRAND NEW drug that Trump just invented, and we have no idea what it will do, right?

1946? Trump invented this drug in 1946? Wow..

But Iran has to fight it - which means YOU have to fight it - Orange Man Bad.

Besides, saving American lives is just the opposite of what you want to do.

Allahu Sucksdick....
Are you so mentally deranged that you need the link that debunks your delusions that's been posted on the forum multiple times?

You're clearly demented since you falsely accuse me of claiming HCQ is a new drug that Impeached Trump invented; when in reality, I never said any such thing. As is usual for you, you're literally arging with the voices in your head and not with anything I ever posted.
Topic here is Social Media arbitrary censorship.. NOTHING TO DO with the DNC hack or Russia.. Folks will start getting ejected/warned if they're that far off topic...
They CAN ban if people violate their ToS, and regardless they ARE private entities. Even publishers like the media are not required to publish everything. They pick and choose.

Can bakers refuse to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding?

They cannot refuse to bake a cake. They are a public accomodation. I don't necessarily believe they have to bake a wedding cake but they have to bake a cake.
That law is pure idiocy and unconstitutional. The commerce clause does not give the federal government to run every business in the United States.

They do not have the right to discriminate. If they do then they can be sued.
They do have that right in the Constitution, but liberal judges overruled the Constitution.

So in other words the Constitution should allow merchants to not sell to blacks. Not sell to Jews. They do not have a right to do that you bigoted asshole.
The Constitution does allow that, moron.
They CAN ban if people violate their ToS, and regardless they ARE private entities. Even publishers like the media are not required to publish everything. They pick and choose.

Can bakers refuse to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding?

They cannot refuse to bake a cake. They are a public accomodation. I don't necessarily believe they have to bake a wedding cake but they have to bake a cake.
You make posts back to back. One saying a business can operate as they please, the other saying they are a public accommodation and have to adhere to certain rules of operation...

They operate in two different business environments. Social media companies do not sell to the public. They are not bound by free speech rules. A bakery that sells directly to the public is different with a different set of rules.
Where does it say they operate on two different sets of rules?

Also, I think some are saying that, yes, if Facebook or Google doesn't want to allow certain views on their platform, they have that right, as they are indeed private companies. What that also means, however, is that when theydo that, they forfeit protection from being sued. If they are going to cherry pick what content is allowed on their sites, then they become a publisher, and the laws state that as a publisher, they are responsible for anything posted on their platform, even if they were unaware that it was there.

Actually I disagree with that. They are not publishers. That is like saying the post office should be held liable if they deliver a threatening note.
The Post office doesn't refuse to deliver mail from conservatives.
Trump went even further than I expected. The SJWs will be livid.

HUGE! Trump White House Implements Executive Order on Online Censorship: Prevents Tech Giants from Altering Users’ Free Speech – Demands Transparency of Moderation Practices
This Is Big!
On Wednesday Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Google’s Sundar Pichai and Apple’s Tim Cook testified before Congress in the House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust.
Since 2016 and the election of Donald Trump the tech giants have been censoring and banning conservative voices online. The Gateway Pundit has been a huge target of these liberal tech giants.
Of course, the CEOs dismissed allegations that they are targeting and censoring conservative users despite ALL of the evidence to the contrary.
Ugh you’re such an idiot. If Trump never whines about this, you wouldn’t even give a shut.

More importantly, the fact that you think letting these companies censor content is a violation of the 1st amendment is so fucking stupid. NO ONE IS BEING CHARGED WITH A CRIME INVOLVING FREE SPEECH IDIOT. It’s their goddamn platform. Funny how you support regulations that fit your narrative.
Trump isn't asking them to censor content, moron. He's asking them not to censor it.

They have been protected by the law, so it's not "their goddamn platform."

I sure do enjoy watching you have a royal hissy fit when your game is over.
Yeah idiot. I know. He doesn’t want his completr bullshit censored. It’s so moronic how you think their censorship ON THEIR PLATFORM is a violation of his 1st amendment rights. I can’t get over how fucking stupid that is lol
Trump gets censored for the truth, yet idiots like you cheer as the PROVEN BULLSHIT Russia hoax crap get so to remain up. As well as true hate speech from the Ayatollah and the Democrat Party. When it’s only conservatives getting removed, that’s censorship and illegal. We can’t get over how stupid you are. Lol.

Oh Please. Trump get censored for the truth. What truth? Like WHAT? Trump lied most of the time spreading false information especially CV crisis.
You are die hard supporter. what difference does it make? You and most of the rest cannot even tell the difference when he spewing hatred, racism, anti Americans. Lies is acceptable, wrong information is acceptable just because of Trump. SADLY.

Stop playing like a victim. If Trump tweeted hatred, incite violence, misinformation. They have the right to delete that tweet. It’s that simple. You don’t like it but it is what it is.

2 weeks ago Trump retweeted Chuck Woolery that Covid-19 are all lies, doctors, hospitals, CDC, media, democrats are all lies. This is the president of US ( I think ) spreading false information in the middle of pandemic crisis.
Hey dumbfuck, show where Trump has encouraged violence or encouraged rioters like you retards do. Trump got censored because idiots like you can’t handle the truth. You’re the one crying like the victim here. You’re a Stage 4 TDS suffering moron so the truth hurts your little pea brain. Spreading false information. No. That’s you and the rest of your leftist ilk. It’s all you have. No, if posts from only one side are deleted, they do NOT have that right. Period.

What difference does it make Bob? You don’t even know the difference when Trump lies, incite violence against Americans.
But I will give you couple examples.

LIBERATE save your 2nd amendment.

Show us where we encourage violence and encourage rioters.
We playing victims? Don’t be silly. You got it backwards sweetie. You are playing a victim from Trump ignorant tweets. Not us.

Truth? What truth do you know? Trump tweeted a lunatic or psychotic doctor. Posting false information about CV-19 and HCQ. On top of her alien DNA, can get pregnant having sex with demons belief. THAT IS SO FUNNY. What that proved you about Donnie? I’m glad they deleted Trump Sr and Jr irresponsible and ignorant Facebook post.

TDS? Your post is a good example of Trump Denial Sympathizers or Trump Deranged Sympathizers.
Trump went even further than I expected. The SJWs will be livid.

HUGE! Trump White House Implements Executive Order on Online Censorship: Prevents Tech Giants from Altering Users’ Free Speech – Demands Transparency of Moderation Practices
This Is Big!
On Wednesday Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Google’s Sundar Pichai and Apple’s Tim Cook testified before Congress in the House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust.
Since 2016 and the election of Donald Trump the tech giants have been censoring and banning conservative voices online. The Gateway Pundit has been a huge target of these liberal tech giants.
Of course, the CEOs dismissed allegations that they are targeting and censoring conservative users despite ALL of the evidence to the contrary.
Ugh you’re such an idiot. If Trump never whines about this, you wouldn’t even give a shut.

More importantly, the fact that you think letting these companies censor content is a violation of the 1st amendment is so fucking stupid. NO ONE IS BEING CHARGED WITH A CRIME INVOLVING FREE SPEECH IDIOT. It’s their goddamn platform. Funny how you support regulations that fit your narrative.
Trump isn't asking them to censor content, moron. He's asking them not to censor it.

They have been protected by the law, so it's not "their goddamn platform."

I sure do enjoy watching you have a royal hissy fit when your game is over.
Yeah idiot. I know. He doesn’t want his completr bullshit censored. It’s so moronic how you think their censorship ON THEIR PLATFORM is a violation of his 1st amendment rights. I can’t get over how fucking stupid that is lol
Trump gets censored for the truth, yet idiots like you cheer as the PROVEN BULLSHIT Russia hoax crap get so to remain up. As well as true hate speech from the Ayatollah and the Democrat Party. When it’s only conservatives getting removed, that’s censorship and illegal. We can’t get over how stupid you are. Lol.

Oh Please. Trump get censored for the truth. What truth? Like WHAT? Trump lied most of the time spreading false information especially CV crisis.
You are die hard supporter. what difference does it make? You and most of the rest cannot even tell the difference when he spewing hatred, racism, anti Americans. Lies is acceptable, wrong information is acceptable just because of Trump. SADLY.

Stop playing like a victim. If Trump tweeted hatred, incite violence, misinformation. They have the right to delete that tweet. It’s that simple. You don’t like it but it is what it is.

2 weeks ago Trump retweeted Chuck Woolery that Covid-19 are all lies, doctors, hospitals, CDC, media, democrats are all lies. This is the president of US ( I think ) spreading false information in the middle of pandemic crisis.
Hey dumbfuck, show where Trump has encouraged violence or encouraged rioters like you retards do. Trump got censored because idiots like you can’t handle the truth. You’re the one crying like the victim here. You’re a Stage 4 TDS suffering moron so the truth hurts your little pea brain. Spreading false information. No. That’s you and the rest of your leftist ilk. It’s all you have. No, if posts from only one side are deleted, they do NOT have that right. Period.

What difference does it make Bob? You don’t even know the difference when Trump lies, incite violence against Americans.
But I will give you couple examples.

LIBERATE save your 2nd amendment.

Show us where we encourage violence and encourage rioters.
We playing victims? Don’t be silly. You got it backwards sweetie. You are playing a victim from Trump ignorant tweets. Not us.

Truth? What truth do you know? Trump tweeted a lunatic or psychotic doctor. Posting false information about CV-19 and HCQ. On top of her alien DNA, can get pregnant having sex with demons belief. THAT IS SO FUNNY. What that proved you about Donnie? I’m glad they deleted Trump Sr and Jr irresponsible and ignorant Facebook post.

TDS? Your post is a good example of Trump Denial Sympathizers or Trump Deranged Sympathizers.

Wow, are you really that stupid?

Trump went even further than I expected. The SJWs will be livid.

HUGE! Trump White House Implements Executive Order on Online Censorship: Prevents Tech Giants from Altering Users’ Free Speech – Demands Transparency of Moderation Practices
This Is Big!
On Wednesday Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Google’s Sundar Pichai and Apple’s Tim Cook testified before Congress in the House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust.
Since 2016 and the election of Donald Trump the tech giants have been censoring and banning conservative voices online. The Gateway Pundit has been a huge target of these liberal tech giants.
Of course, the CEOs dismissed allegations that they are targeting and censoring conservative users despite ALL of the evidence to the contrary.
Ugh you’re such an idiot. If Trump never whines about this, you wouldn’t even give a shut.

More importantly, the fact that you think letting these companies censor content is a violation of the 1st amendment is so fucking stupid. NO ONE IS BEING CHARGED WITH A CRIME INVOLVING FREE SPEECH IDIOT. It’s their goddamn platform. Funny how you support regulations that fit your narrative.
Trump isn't asking them to censor content, moron. He's asking them not to censor it.

They have been protected by the law, so it's not "their goddamn platform."

I sure do enjoy watching you have a royal hissy fit when your game is over.
Yeah idiot. I know. He doesn’t want his completr bullshit censored. It’s so moronic how you think their censorship ON THEIR PLATFORM is a violation of his 1st amendment rights. I can’t get over how fucking stupid that is lol
Trump gets censored for the truth, yet idiots like you cheer as the PROVEN BULLSHIT Russia hoax crap get so to remain up. As well as true hate speech from the Ayatollah and the Democrat Party. When it’s only conservatives getting removed, that’s censorship and illegal. We can’t get over how stupid you are. Lol.

Oh Please. Trump get censored for the truth. What truth? Like WHAT? Trump lied most of the time spreading false information especially CV crisis.
You are die hard supporter. what difference does it make? You and most of the rest cannot even tell the difference when he spewing hatred, racism, anti Americans. Lies is acceptable, wrong information is acceptable just because of Trump. SADLY.

Stop playing like a victim. If Trump tweeted hatred, incite violence, misinformation. They have the right to delete that tweet. It’s that simple. You don’t like it but it is what it is.

2 weeks ago Trump retweeted Chuck Woolery that Covid-19 are all lies, doctors, hospitals, CDC, media, democrats are all lies. This is the president of US ( I think ) spreading false information in the middle of pandemic crisis.
Hey dumbfuck, show where Trump has encouraged violence or encouraged rioters like you retards do. Trump got censored because idiots like you can’t handle the truth. You’re the one crying like the victim here. You’re a Stage 4 TDS suffering moron so the truth hurts your little pea brain. Spreading false information. No. That’s you and the rest of your leftist ilk. It’s all you have. No, if posts from only one side are deleted, they do NOT have that right. Period.

What difference does it make Bob? You don’t even know the difference when Trump lies, incite violence against Americans.
But I will give you couple examples.

LIBERATE save your 2nd amendment.

Show us where we encourage violence and encourage rioters.
We playing victims? Don’t be silly. You got it backwards sweetie. You are playing a victim from Trump ignorant tweets. Not us.

Truth? What truth do you know? Trump tweeted a lunatic or psychotic doctor. Posting false information about CV-19 and HCQ. On top of her alien DNA, can get pregnant having sex with demons belief. THAT IS SO FUNNY. What that proved you about Donnie? I’m glad they deleted Trump Sr and Jr irresponsible and ignorant Facebook post.

TDS? Your post is a good example of Trump Denial Sympathizers or Trump Deranged Sympathizers.
Poor baby. What difference does it make? Where do you encourage violence? Damn you’re truly stupid. There was NO false information posted. Show your beloved leftist idiots medical degrees or STFU loser. Trump has NEVER used a white power slogan you blatant racist liar. You are a prime example of low education Stage 4 TDS. Try again. And fail again.
They CAN ban if people violate their ToS, and regardless they ARE private entities. Even publishers like the media are not required to publish everything. They pick and choose.

Can bakers refuse to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding?

They cannot refuse to bake a cake. They are a public accomodation. I don't necessarily believe they have to bake a wedding cake but they have to bake a cake.
That law is pure idiocy and unconstitutional. The commerce clause does not give the federal government to run every business in the United States.

They do not have the right to discriminate. If they do then they can be sued.
They do have that right in the Constitution, but liberal judges overruled the Constitution.

So in other words the Constitution should allow merchants to not sell to blacks. Not sell to Jews. They do not have a right to do that you bigoted asshole.
The Constitution does allow that, moron.

No it does not allow for discrimination.
They CAN ban if people violate their ToS, and regardless they ARE private entities. Even publishers like the media are not required to publish everything. They pick and choose.

Can bakers refuse to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding?

They cannot refuse to bake a cake. They are a public accomodation. I don't necessarily believe they have to bake a wedding cake but they have to bake a cake.
You make posts back to back. One saying a business can operate as they please, the other saying they are a public accommodation and have to adhere to certain rules of operation...

They operate in two different business environments. Social media companies do not sell to the public. They are not bound by free speech rules. A bakery that sells directly to the public is different with a different set of rules.
Where does it say they operate on two different sets of rules?

Also, I think some are saying that, yes, if Facebook or Google doesn't want to allow certain views on their platform, they have that right, as they are indeed private companies. What that also means, however, is that when theydo that, they forfeit protection from being sued. If they are going to cherry pick what content is allowed on their sites, then they become a publisher, and the laws state that as a publisher, they are responsible for anything posted on their platform, even if they were unaware that it was there.

Actually I disagree with that. They are not publishers. That is like saying the post office should be held liable if they deliver a threatening note.
The Post office doesn't refuse to deliver mail from conservatives.

They can ban certain items.
They CAN ban if people violate their ToS, and regardless they ARE private entities. Even publishers like the media are not required to publish everything. They pick and choose.

Can bakers refuse to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding?

They cannot refuse to bake a cake. They are a public accomodation. I don't necessarily believe they have to bake a wedding cake but they have to bake a cake.
That law is pure idiocy and unconstitutional. The commerce clause does not give the federal government to run every business in the United States.

They do not have the right to discriminate. If they do then they can be sued.
They do have that right in the Constitution, but liberal judges overruled the Constitution.

So in other words the Constitution should allow merchants to not sell to blacks. Not sell to Jews. They do not have a right to do that you bigoted asshole.
The Constitution does allow that, moron.

No it does not allow for discrimination.
Where does it say discrimination is not allowed?
Trump went even further than I expected. The SJWs will be livid.

HUGE! Trump White House Implements Executive Order on Online Censorship: Prevents Tech Giants from Altering Users’ Free Speech – Demands Transparency of Moderation Practices
This Is Big!
On Wednesday Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Google’s Sundar Pichai and Apple’s Tim Cook testified before Congress in the House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust.
Since 2016 and the election of Donald Trump the tech giants have been censoring and banning conservative voices online. The Gateway Pundit has been a huge target of these liberal tech giants.
Of course, the CEOs dismissed allegations that they are targeting and censoring conservative users despite ALL of the evidence to the contrary.
Ya illegal and unconstitutional.

It will.go no-where. Particularly not in the few months he has left.
He's got four more years chinaman.

Four more years of what? Throwing a Trumptantrum??

Trump went even further than I expected. The SJWs will be livid.

HUGE! Trump White House Implements Executive Order on Online Censorship: Prevents Tech Giants from Altering Users’ Free Speech – Demands Transparency of Moderation Practices
This Is Big!
On Wednesday Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Google’s Sundar Pichai and Apple’s Tim Cook testified before Congress in the House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust.
Since 2016 and the election of Donald Trump the tech giants have been censoring and banning conservative voices online. The Gateway Pundit has been a huge target of these liberal tech giants.
Of course, the CEOs dismissed allegations that they are targeting and censoring conservative users despite ALL of the evidence to the contrary.
Ya illegal and unconstitutional.

It will.go no-where. Particularly not in the few months he has left.
He's got four more years chinaman.

Four more years of what? Throwing a Trumptantrum??

/——/ Thank God, Trump removed the burdensome regulations and got the vaccines in record time. No democRAT would be able to do it or would even try.

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