HUGE! Trump White House Implements Executive Order on Online Censorship: Prevents Tech Giants from Altering Users’ Free Speech

Trump went even further than I expected.
IOW, Baby Donald got his diaper in a twist over being humiliated when he re-tweeted those batshyte crazy nitwits promoting hydroxychloroquine as a cure for COVID. Not to mention that Jr got his wrist slapped pretty hard since he too re-tweeted the nonsense. So.........President Petulance took it personally. He thinks he and all the other right wing crazies should have the freedom to post lies, misinformed, and recklessly dangerous things for people's health.

The question is, how many from the left brought up the subject of HCQ not working or being dangerous when that isn't the truth either?

HCQ is experimental and has mixed opinions on it's effectiveness from doctors and disease experts. Some have claimed it doesn't work while others are making claim it saved the lives of some of their patients.

You are poorly misinformed. PAY ATTENTION. Yes HCQ are administered in hospitals in a strictly supervised environment. it works sometimes it doesn’t depending on the stage of infections. But it’s NOT the cure to fight Covid-19.
Let me repeat it again OVER and OVER. The difference what your moron he is promoting. Wants you to take it as PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. That is why he took it. That’s the difference.

Yes. it’s very dangerous especially to people that has a have heart problems like you. Just imagine if you just willy nilly take it. What do you think will happen to you? How many times people suddenly died of heat attack not knowing they have a heart problems? How do you even know that in the near future you will develop a hear problem? Are you going to take that risk just because this ignorant idiot wants you to take it? Since when that is acceptable?

Study after study clinical trials after clinical trials of HCQ it has negative results. FDA, CDC NIH is the rule of law about medications in this country followed by numerous countries around the world as the standard. Not from a lying ignorant president who does not have the credibility or medical experience to force people to take any medications.
So if Trump continues to promote unproven drugs like HCQ as a preventative maintenance against FDA, CDC, NIH. Is that acceptable? If I own FB, Twitter etc etc. I will ban him and slap him in the face for spreading misinformation that is dangerous to Americans.

On top of that he is promoting, praising and adoring a lunatic doctor in Houston that is spewing just garbage misinformation about HCQ. Plus alien DNA, sex with demon can get you cyst or watching movies. That’s the president of US. Just because he likes what he is saying.
No one said it was a "cure," moron. However, if it relieves the symptoms and eliminates fatalities, then it's as good as a cure. That's precisely why you hate it. HCQ is far safer then the symptoms of COVID in people over 70.

51 studies have shown positive results.

You're spouting DNC talking points to keep the shutdown going as long as possible.

You're a fucking douchebag.
These rats are censoring conservatives.

It is also an in-kind donation to the Democratic Party. Therefore in violation of campaign finance laws.
Interesting. I've kinda toyed around with that idea. The fact that these online giants are suppressing opposing viewpoints, and considering how big and influential they have become, it could be tantamount to influencing an election. And as you said, an "in kind" donation to the democratic candidate.

Having said that, I struggle with this, because I believe private business should be free to operate, legally, without interference from the government. These big companies should be allowed to operate as they see fit, no? If they want to only allow one viewpoint, should they be denied that? If the other side doesn't like it, then they should create a competing company to allow their viewpoints. As long as those other companies do not throw obstacles in their way that is.

Of course, if those companies are receiving some kind of benefit from the government because they claim to be arbiters of free speech and fair expression of different views, and they are not doing that, then the benefit needs to be removed.
While I agree with you in theory, most of those huge corporations that dominate the top of silicon valley's food chain and monopolize the industry, were made possible by the tax payer, and are in bed with the government and the intelligence agencies.

. . . thus, should they have a monopoly over propaganda and influencing the debate?

This is why I struggle with an answer to this. As we can see, this is what happens when a company gets too close to the government. This is what happens when a company is given benefits by a government.

Here we have these giants who have been built as private companies, but have, in some cases, worked so closely with the government, and may have been given benefits by that government that have helped them grow, and they have become so very influential in everyone's lives.

On one hand, one would say that they should be allowed to run their business as they see fit, on the other hand, they have been allowed to become so powerful that they could, in fact, steer an election. How does one reconcile that? I have a hard time with that, as one who wants maximum freedom and liberty to exceed. It is a contradiction, and a paradox.

I'm not an extremist, but I am a right-leaning Republican. Even I'm not real keen on this.

People can boycott whatever they like. It's been done so many times in the past. When Chick-Fil-A took a religious stance on gay marriage, the left countered by telling it's ilk to boycott the restaurant chain. At the same time, people on the right flooded their restaurants. They had lines out the door and surrounding the building. That's what I'm for.

The US Constitution gives us the right to free speech, but you can't go into your bosses office tomorrow and tell him his wife and kids are the ugliest people you've ever seen. You will get fired. The Constitution does not give you the right of free speech from everybody, it gives you the right to free speech by any government.

I’m not a supporter of any boycott. The issue with Chick Fila was donating $ against LGBTQ. You can go hundreds blocks wirh your buddies supporting Chick fila... That is not the point.... In any circumstance you don’t want any large groups of people boycotting your products. as much as possible solve it fast and avoid it. That is a good business practices.

RESULTS of the boycott.......Chick Fila reverse or changed where the donations are going. November 2019 the Chick-fil-A foundation announced in a statement that it planned to concentrate its giving in the areas of education, homelessness and hunger. That’s the results of the boycott. A success.

In other words, you supported the boycott against Chick-Fil-A

You're a douchebag.
Your paranoia is not really my problem.
Asking for evidence is hardly paranoia. That's pretty standard for any intelligent being.
Uh, yeah, I gave you the evidence you asked for.
No... You didn't. You got me a document that does exactly what you do on these forums. Say, but don't show evidence.
That report is full of information about how Russians hacked us. It's really not my problem that it's 12 grades above your reading level.
it's full of claims. None of those claims have been verified.
Aww, he got a sad, because they wouldn't let him hock snake oil on the internet. What a pathetic snowflake.
Trump went even further than I expected. The SJWs will be livid.

HUGE! Trump White House Implements Executive Order on Online Censorship: Prevents Tech Giants from Altering Users’ Free Speech – Demands Transparency of Moderation Practices
This Is Big!
On Wednesday Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Google’s Sundar Pichai and Apple’s Tim Cook testified before Congress in the House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust.
Since 2016 and the election of Donald Trump the tech giants have been censoring and banning conservative voices online. The Gateway Pundit has been a huge target of these liberal tech giants.
Of course, the CEOs dismissed allegations that they are targeting and censoring conservative users despite ALL of the evidence to the contrary.
Ugh you’re such an idiot. If Trump never whines about this, you wouldn’t even give a shut.

More importantly, the fact that you think letting these companies censor content is a violation of the 1st amendment is so fucking stupid. NO ONE IS BEING CHARGED WITH A CRIME INVOLVING FREE SPEECH IDIOT. It’s their goddamn platform. Funny how you support regulations that fit your narrative.
Trump isn't asking them to censor content, moron. He's asking them not to censor it.

They have been protected by the law, so it's not "their goddamn platform."

I sure do enjoy watching you have a royal hissy fit when your game is over.
Yeah idiot. I know. He doesn’t want his completr bullshit censored. It’s so moronic how you think their censorship ON THEIR PLATFORM is a violation of his 1st amendment rights. I can’t get over how fucking stupid that is lol
Trump gets censored for the truth, yet idiots like you cheer as the PROVEN BULLSHIT Russia hoax crap get so to remain up. As well as true hate speech from the Ayatollah and the Democrat Party. When it’s only conservatives getting removed, that’s censorship and illegal. We can’t get over how stupid you are. Lol.

Oh Please. Trump get censored for the truth. What truth? Like WHAT? Trump lied most of the time spreading false information especially CV crisis.
You are die hard supporter. what difference does it make? You and most of the rest cannot even tell the difference when he spewing hatred, racism, anti Americans. Lies is acceptable, wrong information is acceptable just because of Trump. SADLY.

Stop playing like a victim. If Trump tweeted hatred, incite violence, misinformation. They have the right to delete that tweet. It’s that simple. You don’t like it but it is what it is.

2 weeks ago Trump retweeted Chuck Woolery that Covid-19 are all lies, doctors, hospitals, CDC, media, democrats are all lies. This is the president of US ( I think ) spreading false information in the middle of pandemic crisis.
For example .... guessing at someone's password until you get in -- that's hacking. Sending someone phishing email that looks legit but really baits them into entering their password -- that's hacking.

That's what Russians did.


And you have evidence that such a thing happened? Dmitri Alperovitch tell you that, shit fer brains?

Over in your homeland of Iran, you heavily censor the internet, so Fascistbook is right down your ally...

You know, you never see Iranian hackers - is that because you people are stupid? :dunno:

Nice quote Farouk.

Of course the report you linked that you didn't read provides NO evidence of Russia hacking anything. The only interference is with them buying ads on facebook - which everyone including you Iranians do.

Hey, I get it - you're a "baffle em with bullshit" kind of troll.

You poor, demented Fruitcake. The report proves what I said. Your limited single-digit IQ is no match for reality.

Is that why you quoted the pertinent parts, Farouk?

You thought you could bullshit your way past, as always...
Well for one, Obama being born in Kenya was not true; whereas it is true that Russia hacked us.

Actually, you're wrong on both points. He was born in Kenya, his wife admitted it. And Russia didn't hack us; they purchased some... wait for it..FACEBOOK ads. Oh, and they provided fake opposition research to THE HILLARY CLINTON campaign in an effort to keep Trump from being elected...

According to Obama, himself, no voting machines were hacked.

According to Trump during 2016 campaign. He admitted Obama was born in the USA.

Are you saying Trump lied again? LOL. This is so hilarious.
Aww, he got a sad, because they wouldn't let him hock snake oil on the internet. What a pathetic snowflake.

17 medical doctors, or leftist journalists who would rather millions die that Trump get credit for something - who to believe....


The Virology Journal – the official publication of Dr. Fauci’s National Institutes of Health – published what is now a blockbuster article on August 22, 2005, under the heading – get ready for this – “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.” (Emphasis mine throughout.) Write the researchers, “We report…that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.”

This means, of course, that Dr. Fauci (pictured at right) has known for 15 years that chloroquine and it’s even milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) will not only treat a current case of coronavirus (“therapeutic”) but prevent future cases (“prophylactic”). So HCQ functions as both a cure and a vaccine. In other words, it’s a wonder drug for coronavirus. Said Dr. Fauci’s NIH in 2005, “concentrations of 10 μM completely abolished SARS-CoV infection.” Fauci’s researchers add, “chloroquine can effectively reduce the establishment of infection and spread of SARS-CoV.”

Well for one, Obama being born in Kenya was not true; whereas it is true that Russia hacked us.

Actually, you're wrong on both points. He was born in Kenya, his wife admitted it. And Russia didn't hack us; they purchased some... wait for it..FACEBOOK ads. Oh, and they provided fake opposition research to THE HILLARY CLINTON campaign in an effort to keep Trump from being elected...

According to Obama, himself, no voting machines were hacked.

According to Trump during 2016 campaign. He admitted Obama was born in the USA.

Are you saying Trump lied again? LOL. This is so hilarious.
He said that only to get the issue behind him.
That report is full of information about how Russians hacked us. It's really not my problem that it's 12 grades above your reading level.
No it didn't. It said that they did. That's all. It's really not my problem that it's 12 grades above your reading level.

I always get a kick when retards regurgitate my insults because they're not bright enough to think up their own.

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According to Trump during 2016 campaign. He admitted Obama was born in the USA.

Are you saying Trump lied again? LOL. This is so hilarious.

Obama lied at Harvard because Obama is a sleazy little pile of shit. Yes, he was born in Hawaii - and LIED that he was born in Kenya to promote himself. At the leftist shit hole Harvard, being American is a detriment. so Obama lied - as he does about everything.

I always get a kick when retards regurgitate my isults because they're not bright enough to think up their own.

I don't like hypocrites. That's what I used it.
"from the left" ?
Its from the FDA

Oh my ALLAH.

Well, Hydroxychroroquin is a BRAND NEW DRUG that's never been used before, right comrade traitor?

Because if it had been in use for 93 FUCKING YEARS, you piles of shit would look REALLY FUCKING STUPID, doncha think?
Trump went even further than I expected.
IOW, Baby Donald got his diaper in a twist over being humiliated when he re-tweeted those batshyte crazy nitwits promoting hydroxychloroquine as a cure for COVID. Not to mention that Jr got his wrist slapped pretty hard since he too re-tweeted the nonsense. So.........President Petulance took it personally. He thinks he and all the other right wing crazies should have the freedom to post lies, misinformed, and recklessly dangerous things for people's health.

The question is, how many from the left brought up the subject of HCQ not working or being dangerous when that isn't the truth either?

HCQ is experimental and has mixed opinions on it's effectiveness from doctors and disease experts. Some have claimed it doesn't work while others are making claim it saved the lives of some of their patients.

You are poorly misinformed. PAY ATTENTION. Yes HCQ are administered in hospitals in a strictly supervised environment. it works sometimes it doesn’t depending on the stage of infections. But it’s NOT the cure to fight Covid-19.
Let me repeat it again OVER and OVER. The difference what your moron he is promoting. Wants you to take it as PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. That is why he took it. That’s the difference.

Yes. it’s very dangerous especially to people that has a have heart problems like you. Just imagine if you just willy nilly take it. What do you think will happen to you? How many times people suddenly died of heat attack not knowing they have a heart problems? How do you even know that in the near future you will develop a hear problem? Are you going to take that risk just because this ignorant idiot wants you to take it? Since when that is acceptable?

Study after study clinical trials after clinical trials of HCQ it has negative results. FDA, CDC NIH is the rule of law about medications in this country followed by numerous countries around the world as the standard. Not from a lying ignorant president who does not have the credibility or medical experience to force people to take any medications.
So if Trump continues to promote unproven drugs like HCQ as a preventative maintenance against FDA, CDC, NIH. Is that acceptable? If I own FB, Twitter etc etc. I will ban him and slap him in the face for spreading misinformation that is dangerous to Americans.

On top of that he is promoting, praising and adoring a lunatic doctor in Houston that is spewing just garbage misinformation about HCQ. Plus alien DNA, sex with demon can get you cyst or watching movies. That’s the president of US. Just because he likes what he is saying.
No one said it was a "cure," moron. However, if it relieves the symptoms and eliminates fatalities, then it's as good as a cure. That's precisely why you hate it. HCQ is far safer then the symptoms of COVID in people over 70.

51 studies have shown positive results.

You're spouting DNC talking points to keep the shutdown going as long as possible.

You're a fucking douchebag.
"No one said it was a "cure," moron."


Are you ever not a fucking moron?


“You don’t need masks. There is a cure.”

"Nobody needs to get sick. This virus has a cure - it is called hydroxychloroquine."

- Dr. Stella Immanuel, quack from Texas
Trump went even further than I expected. The SJWs will be livid.

HUGE! Trump White House Implements Executive Order on Online Censorship: Prevents Tech Giants from Altering Users’ Free Speech – Demands Transparency of Moderation Practices
This Is Big!
On Wednesday Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Google’s Sundar Pichai and Apple’s Tim Cook testified before Congress in the House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust.
Since 2016 and the election of Donald Trump the tech giants have been censoring and banning conservative voices online. The Gateway Pundit has been a huge target of these liberal tech giants.
Of course, the CEOs dismissed allegations that they are targeting and censoring conservative users despite ALL of the evidence to the contrary.

Trump can't stop a private company from doing anything. The Constitution only prevents the government from censoring free speech.

A private company is under no such prohibitions.
Your paranoia is not really my problem.
Asking for evidence is hardly paranoia. That's pretty standard for any intelligent being.
Uh, yeah, I gave you the evidence you asked for.
No... You didn't. You got me a document that does exactly what you do on these forums. Say, but don't show evidence.
That report is full of information about how Russians hacked us. It's really not my problem that it's 12 grades above your reading level.
it's full of claims. None of those claims have been verified.
They were verified by Mueller and his team who investigated them.
For example .... guessing at someone's password until you get in -- that's hacking. Sending someone phishing email that looks legit but really baits them into entering their password -- that's hacking.

That's what Russians did.


And you have evidence that such a thing happened? Dmitri Alperovitch tell you that, shit fer brains?

Over in your homeland of Iran, you heavily censor the internet, so Fascistbook is right down your ally...

You know, you never see Iranian hackers - is that because you people are stupid? :dunno:

Nice quote Farouk.

Of course the report you linked that you didn't read provides NO evidence of Russia hacking anything. The only interference is with them buying ads on facebook - which everyone including you Iranians do.

Hey, I get it - you're a "baffle em with bullshit" kind of troll.

You poor, demented Fruitcake. The report proves what I said. Your limited single-digit IQ is no match for reality.

Is that why you quoted the pertinent parts, Farouk?

You thought you could bullshit your way past, as always...

Bologna. This Farouk the ultimate head above Ayatollah of IRAN..... LOL.
It’s sad when people are face with facts and reality. Truth hurts eh buddy. Instead of giving me your usual blabbering nonsense. Why don’t you give me your rebuttal If you have any. Where in my post above that I mentioned Russia?
ALL my post I mean ALL my post are straight facts and reality. If you or anyone think it’s false. PROVE IT.

And your Farouk hogwash. Just because I exposed Iran military might capabilities and strategies in this site. Is that makes me an Iranian? Where in my previous post that I supported Iran? You should be thankful that you have a member in this site that has these knowledge and experience giving you these information about Iran. You are one of the top 10 dumbest i encountered in this site.
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For example .... guessing at someone's password until you get in -- that's hacking. Sending someone phishing email that looks legit but really baits them into entering their password -- that's hacking.

That's what Russians did.


And you have evidence that such a thing happened? Dmitri Alperovitch tell you that, shit fer brains?

Over in your homeland of Iran, you heavily censor the internet, so Fascistbook is right down your ally...

You know, you never see Iranian hackers - is that because you people are stupid? :dunno:

Nice quote Farouk.

Of course the report you linked that you didn't read provides NO evidence of Russia hacking anything. The only interference is with them buying ads on facebook - which everyone including you Iranians do.

Hey, I get it - you're a "baffle em with bullshit" kind of troll.

You poor, demented Fruitcake. The report proves what I said. Your limited single-digit IQ is no match for reality.

Is that why you quoted the pertinent parts, Farouk?

You thought you could bullshit your way past, as always...
I have no need to drag a horse like you, Fruitcake, to the trough. All the information needed is in there.

I’m not a supporter of any boycott. The issue with Chick Fila was donating $ against LGBTQ.


The American Communist Party (democrats) attacked Chic-fil-A because Dan Cathy said in an interview that he believed that marriage should be between a man and woman. The Nazicrat vermin went wild at the idea that anyone have free speech - but it backfired on the Stalinist fucks

You can go hundreds blocks wirh your buddies supporting Chick fila... That is not the point.... In any circumstance you don’t want any large groups of people boycotting your products. as much as possible solve it fast and avoid it. That is a good business practices.

RESULTS of the boycott.......Chick Fila reverse or changed where the donations are going. November 2019 the Chick-fil-A foundation announced in a statement that it planned to concentrate its giving in the areas of education, homelessness and hunger. That’s the results of the boycott. A success.

And now Chic-fil-A will go bankrupt.

Look, you're an Iranian, you don't understand America. BUT for the filthy democrats, it should have demonstrated the power of the silent majority that absolutely crushes these loud and violent fascist-Marxist pigs.

democrats have their Brown Shirts engaging in nightly terrorism and think they are winning.

November will be a shock for them - again - because the Communists are stupid, and can't learn.
Trump went even further than I expected.
IOW, Baby Donald got his diaper in a twist over being humiliated when he re-tweeted those batshyte crazy nitwits promoting hydroxychloroquine as a cure for COVID. Not to mention that Jr got his wrist slapped pretty hard since he too re-tweeted the nonsense. So.........President Petulance took it personally. He thinks he and all the other right wing crazies should have the freedom to post lies, misinformed, and recklessly dangerous things for people's health.

The question is, how many from the left brought up the subject of HCQ not working or being dangerous when that isn't the truth either?

HCQ is experimental and has mixed opinions on it's effectiveness from doctors and disease experts. Some have claimed it doesn't work while others are making claim it saved the lives of some of their patients.

You are poorly misinformed. PAY ATTENTION. Yes HCQ are administered in hospitals in a strictly supervised environment. it works sometimes it doesn’t depending on the stage of infections. But it’s NOT the cure to fight Covid-19.
Let me repeat it again OVER and OVER. The difference what your moron he is promoting. Wants you to take it as PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. That is why he took it. That’s the difference.

Yes. it’s very dangerous especially to people that has a have heart problems like you. Just imagine if you just willy nilly take it. What do you think will happen to you? How many times people suddenly died of heat attack not knowing they have a heart problems? How do you even know that in the near future you will develop a hear problem? Are you going to take that risk just because this ignorant idiot wants you to take it? Since when that is acceptable?

Study after study clinical trials after clinical trials of HCQ it has negative results. FDA, CDC NIH is the rule of law about medications in this country followed by numerous countries around the world as the standard. Not from a lying ignorant president who does not have the credibility or medical experience to force people to take any medications.
So if Trump continues to promote unproven drugs like HCQ as a preventative maintenance against FDA, CDC, NIH. Is that acceptable? If I own FB, Twitter etc etc. I will ban him and slap him in the face for spreading misinformation that is dangerous to Americans.

On top of that he is promoting, praising and adoring a lunatic doctor in Houston that is spewing just garbage misinformation about HCQ. Plus alien DNA, sex with demon can get you cyst or watching movies. That’s the president of US. Just because he likes what he is saying.
No one said it was a "cure," moron. However, if it relieves the symptoms and eliminates fatalities, then it's as good as a cure. That's precisely why you hate it. HCQ is far safer then the symptoms of COVID in people over 70.

51 studies have shown positive results.

You're spouting DNC talking points to keep the shutdown going as long as possible.

You're a fucking douchebag.

Iran wants as many Americans as possible to die. If the disinformation from Charwin results in even one American death, Allah will smile.

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