Hugh Hewitt...Republican politicians better man the F**k up and start defending Trump....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
He didn't quite put it that way...but it is the same anyway....

Third, if a quid pro quo involving Trump is established, and the agreement it refers to was the leveraging of military or civilian aid to Ukraine for assistance in the investigation of the attack on the 2016 presidential election, that would not be illegitimate. It would be of a piece with special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation, which involved least a dozen requests for assistance from foreign governments by Mueller and his staff. If the aim of a negotiation was to lever information on the operations run against the United States in 2016, it’s a legitimate ask.

Finally, if the impeachment process moves toward a Senate trial, House Republicans had better offer loud and sustained denunciations of the outrageous Star Chamber tactics of Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) during the inquiry, or they will almost certainly face primary challenges. Likewise, Senate Republicans will need to stand up against the left’s campaign of insinuations and trafficking in unnamed sources, or they may well get the boot.

Members of the public know that the impeachment effort so far has been pure political theater. They know that Schiff couldn’t care less about the precedents of the impeachment process. They know that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s accusation about Trump — “All roads lead to Putin” — is rank McCarthyism. They know that the media is stacking the deck with Trump haters at every opportunity, with some urging the blacklisting of anyone not calling for Trump’s head. They know these things, and they won’t forgive surrendering to these left-wing elites because it is uncomfortable to confront them at Nats games

Totally agree with the OP, Trump's 95% approval rating among Republican voters says it all, get onboard or get run over....
Do you remember when Hewitt tried to sabotage Trump during the 2016 GOP primary debates by asking about the Nuclear Triad? Hewitt ended up with egg on his own face when he instructed Trump that (obsolete) B-52 bombers were were the basis of our nuclear air deterrent.

Like George Will, Hewitt's only allegiance is to his own vocabulary.
I'm sure it's already posted, but a dozen or so
Republicans stormed the room where Pencil Neck Shiff was holding his secret hearings.
He didn't quite put it that way...but it is the same anyway....

Third, if a quid pro quo involving Trump is established, and the agreement it refers to was the leveraging of military or civilian aid to Ukraine for assistance in the investigation of the attack on the 2016 presidential election, that would not be illegitimate. It would be of a piece with special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation, which involved least a dozen requests for assistance from foreign governments by Mueller and his staff. If the aim of a negotiation was to lever information on the operations run against the United States in 2016, it’s a legitimate ask.

Finally, if the impeachment process moves toward a Senate trial, House Republicans had better offer loud and sustained denunciations of the outrageous Star Chamber tactics of Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) during the inquiry, or they will almost certainly face primary challenges. Likewise, Senate Republicans will need to stand up against the left’s campaign of insinuations and trafficking in unnamed sources, or they may well get the boot.

Members of the public know that the impeachment effort so far has been pure political theater. They know that Schiff couldn’t care less about the precedents of the impeachment process. They know that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s accusation about Trump — “All roads lead to Putin” — is rank McCarthyism. They know that the media is stacking the deck with Trump haters at every opportunity, with some urging the blacklisting of anyone not calling for Trump’s head. They know these things, and they won’t forgive surrendering to these left-wing elites because it is uncomfortable to confront them at Nats games

"for assistance in the investigation of the attack on the 2016 presidential election"

Specifically a publicly announced investigation of the so called "DNC Server in the Ukraine" theory, and the "Bidens Corruption scam", all for the authorized aid Congress approved of.

The King of the Shakedowns. Trumpybear!

Imo, he didn't even want dirt on either, he just wanted it publicly stated so he can point at it, it doesn't even have to be true for use at his Nuremberg style rallies. He loved calling Hillary a criminal, and the chants,omg. Orgasmic moments for the Ol'Trumpybear. He just wanted a repeat.
He didn't quite put it that way...but it is the same anyway....

Third, if a quid pro quo involving Trump is established, and the agreement it refers to was the leveraging of military or civilian aid to Ukraine for assistance in the investigation of the attack on the 2016 presidential election, that would not be illegitimate. It would be of a piece with special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation, which involved least a dozen requests for assistance from foreign governments by Mueller and his staff. If the aim of a negotiation was to lever information on the operations run against the United States in 2016, it’s a legitimate ask.

Finally, if the impeachment process moves toward a Senate trial, House Republicans had better offer loud and sustained denunciations of the outrageous Star Chamber tactics of Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Calif.) during the inquiry, or they will almost certainly face primary challenges. Likewise, Senate Republicans will need to stand up against the left’s campaign of insinuations and trafficking in unnamed sources, or they may well get the boot.

Members of the public know that the impeachment effort so far has been pure political theater. They know that Schiff couldn’t care less about the precedents of the impeachment process. They know that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s accusation about Trump — “All roads lead to Putin” — is rank McCarthyism. They know that the media is stacking the deck with Trump haters at every opportunity, with some urging the blacklisting of anyone not calling for Trump’s head. They know these things, and they won’t forgive surrendering to these left-wing elites because it is uncomfortable to confront them at Nats games
Hewitt sounds triggered. Needs a chill pill and let Congress do its job.

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