Hullo There.


History has the last word
Jan 17, 2010
Greetings from the Great American Desert.

I just found this place and I think I like it. I am an old school forum veteran. Started with the online interaction long before it was networking. Been hangin out on another political forum since 2001 and just got burned out on the same old same old and went looking for some place else to hang my hat. This is it.

Anyway, I am right leaning moderate. That means, in essence I am a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. I have a tendency to argue from a historical point of view instead of an ideological one which can put me at odds with both lefty and righty at times...sometimes in the same argument :D

Glad I found the boards and look forward to the debates.
If I get called a libtard and a rightwingnut in the same thread, I know I must be making sense.

Welcome to the zoo! :D
Social liberal and fiscal conservative - so libertarian? Welcome.

Kinda Libertarian...except that I am not as anti-war as I should be to fit that mold :D

I am very pro-military, though I am very much against the way our nation uses the troops.
Separating social policy from fiscal policy can be damned hard sometimes.

We're all fiscal conservatives and social liberals.

It's just we cannot agree on what is fiscally sound policy or socially sound policies, anyway.

For funding abortions a fiscally conservative thing to do, or is it forcing people who think abortion is a sin violating their religious rights?

See my point?

Social and fiscal policies aren't as easily differentitated as some of us think.

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