Huma & Carlos Danger


Jun 1, 2013
If you think there is something very strange about this story you're probably not from New York City. Anthony Weiner is obviously a very peculiar man to normal folks, but not all that different than many "metrosexuals" who use social media to get some. And now he's been caught at it again after it cost him his career in politics....or has it? :eusa_eh: And then there's Huma.


She was born in Kalamazoo but raised in Saudi Arabia by a muslim parents. Already there's an alarm why is she married to a a Jew? Especially since last summer it was revealed her family has Muslim Brotherhood connections:

On June 13, 2012, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), Congressman Trent Franks (R-Arizona), Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), Congressman Tom Rooney (R-Florida), and Congressman Lynn Westmoreland (R-Georgia) sent a letter to the Deputy Inspector General of the Department of State, Harold W. Geisel, requesting an investigation into the influence of anyone associated with the Muslim Brotherhood on State Department policy, citing a study by the Center for Security Policy, a principal proponent of Muslim Brotherhood conspiracy theories, that said that Abedin "has three family members–her late father, her mother and her brother–connected to Muslim Brotherhood operatives and/or organizations

Her alleged lesbian connections to Hillary Clinton are well-known, her being Clinton's "body woman" for a number of years. Yet she had a child with Weiner, whether she intended to or not. Hillary had a child with Bill too....whether they ever had sex again is the question.


So why does Huma put up with Carlos Danger's secret life of texting young women?
Here's my guess....she likes the lifestyle she had and wants it back, even if she has to stick with the scrawny dork Weiner and his propensity to embarrass her in the national media. If she divorces him what kind of money can she get? Not much since he's pretty much broke....she'd fly on a lot fewer private jets:


Or be around other big-shot muslims who hate the United States:


My guess is she learned from Hillary that no matter what a skunk your husband is, as long as he has a shot at being somebody important who you can also be important with, ignore the fact he spits in your face on occasion. :hmpf:
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Looks like I wandered into the heart of the matter here....seems Huma is raking in $490,000 a year (illegally?) as long as Hillary is in the hunt for the WH.....she goes, all Huma has is Weiner....YIKES!

Huma Abedin faces questions about dual jobs | Fox News

Looks like Weenie's nudie pics shined some light on his wife's dirty deals. I wonder when they'll start talking about her Muslim Brotherhood connection. I'm sure that'll be a winner with New Yorkers.
It looks more and more like Huma is going to take Hillary with her on the way down.

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