Human CO2 emissions flat

...and none of the Faithers noticed we have 2017 data before the end of 2017...
its already the hottest ev'a and La Niña is now going very cold.. Two months to go and they are claiming the history has already been written.. Fools

Yeah, the two of you are going to show all those scientists! But, I gotta say, you are both somewhat thin-skinned little babies. When you two go out together in the real world and call these scientists liars and incompetent in formal settings, I don't think either of you has the stomach to deal with how you will be ridiculed.
Ridicule is all you got? No lies? I'm hurt... your not doing your best to deride and belittle... Saul Alyinsky would be disappointed... Fucking left wing idiot..
For people that claim education credential which they quite obviously do not have, ridicule is all there is. What we are seeing right now, this year, is the result of the human emissions of past decades. As we are once again rapidly increasing our emissions, we will see worse in the coming years.
...and none of the Faithers noticed we have 2017 data before the end of 2017...
its already the hottest ev'a and La Niña is now going very cold.. Two months to go and they are claiming the history has already been written.. Fools

Yeah, the two of you are going to show all those scientists! But, I gotta say, you are both somewhat thin-skinned little babies. When you two go out together in the real world and call these scientists liars and incompetent in formal settings, I don't think either of you has the stomach to deal with how you will be ridiculed.
Ridicule is all you got? No lies? I'm hurt... your not doing your best to deride and belittle... Saul Alyinsky would be disappointed... Fucking left wing idiot..

Yes, just ridicule. Believe me, what you are getting from me would pale in the extreme compared to what you would get in any serious setting on any of these topics. You would be decimated. You deserve exactly NO legitimacy, or debate. You are incurious and dishonest. You say incorrect things about these topics that any 3rd grader could look up and see are false. You start from a position of superstition and politics, and you then backward-think from there to complicated topics you know less than nothing about. You create bizarre constructs of conspiracy among the global scientific community, while also insinuating (and outright saying) they are liars and incompetent. You insult these people from a position absolutely bereft of authority, superiority, knowledge, or any honest effort to educate yourself on this scientific topic at all.
I debate Phd's in the field. You don't have a clue! Your making me laugh to hard.. The desperation your exhibiting is priceless...

Now that we've correctly shown you to be a dupe, Post up just one EMPIRICALLY OBSERVED shred of Quantifiable, Repeatable science that provides the linkage of mans influence on our atmosphere. Note: Modeling is fantasy and does not meet the criteria..
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...and none of the Faithers noticed we have 2017 data before the end of 2017...
its already the hottest ev'a and La Niña is now going very cold.. Two months to go and they are claiming the history has already been written.. Fools

Yeah, the two of you are going to show all those scientists! But, I gotta say, you are both somewhat thin-skinned little babies. When you two go out together in the real world and call these scientists liars and incompetent in formal settings, I don't think either of you has the stomach to deal with how you will be ridiculed.
Ridicule is all you got? No lies? I'm hurt... your not doing your best to deride and belittle... Saul Alyinsky would be disappointed... Fucking left wing idiot..
For people that claim education credential which they quite obviously do not have, ridicule is all there is. What we are seeing right now, this year, is the result of the human emissions of past decades. As we are once again rapidly increasing our emissions, we will see worse in the coming years.

Coming from a supposed geologist in training who doesn't know that mantle plumes and volcanoes are cyclical? Now that's damn funny!
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Can we call this the 2017 CO2 hockey stick yet?
Can we call you an uneducated willfully ignorant slob?

Yes, this year the CO2 is taking a big jump. And we will pay for that in the coming years. But then, slobs like you cannot see past next Tuesday, in any case.

It dropped this year, and we see the set up for "claiming" Man got its act together for 2017. :rolleyes:

Can we call this the 2017 CO2 hockey stick yet?
Can we call you an uneducated willfully ignorant slob?

Yes, this year the CO2 is taking a big jump. And we will pay for that in the coming years. But then, slobs like you cannot see past next Tuesday, in any case.
Come on Old Crock.. you keep making this claim but you have still not posted up one shred of measurable, quantifiable, empirical evidence or science to prove it...
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...and none of the Faithers noticed we have 2017 data before the end of 2017...

Data on what, exactly? Be specific, professor.

And by the way, my aspiring little conman, you just changed the subject.

The subject is faked science, we are on task.

A person who knows less than nothing about science is just as unqualidfied to register an opinion on fake science as he is science. That means you.
...and none of the Faithers noticed we have 2017 data before the end of 2017...
its already the hottest ev'a and La Niña is now going very cold.. Two months to go and they are claiming the history has already been written.. Fools

Yeah, the two of you are going to show all those scientists! But, I gotta say, you are both somewhat thin-skinned little babies. When you two go out together in the real world and call these scientists liars and incompetent in formal settings, I don't think either of you has the stomach to deal with how you will be ridiculed.
Ridicule is all you got? No lies? I'm hurt... your not doing your best to deride and belittle... Saul Alyinsky would be disappointed... Fucking left wing idiot..

Yes, just ridicule. Believe me, what you are getting from me would pale in the extreme compared to what you would get in any serious setting on any of these topics. You would be decimated. You deserve exactly NO legitimacy, or debate. You are incurious and dishonest. You say incorrect things about these topics that any 3rd grader could look up and see are false. You start from a position of superstition and politics, and you then backward-think from there to complicated topics you know less than nothing about. You create bizarre constructs of conspiracy among the global scientific community, while also insinuating (and outright saying) they are liars and incompetent. You insult these people from a position absolutely bereft of authority, superiority, knowledge, or any honest effort to educate yourself on this scientific topic at all.
I debate Phd's in the field. You don't have a clue! Your making me laugh to hard.. The desperation your exhibiting is priceless...

Now that we've correctly shown you to be a dupe, Post up just one EMPIRICALLY OBSERVED shred of Quantifiable, Repeatable science that provides the linkage of mans influence on our atmosphere. Note: Modeling is fantasy and does not meet the criteria..

"I debate Phd's in the field. "

You shameless little liar, no you don't. Middle school science students know more about this topic than you do. You could never even approach a debate with a doctor of science, because he would have to spend years just educating you. What a laughable, transparent lie.
...and none of the Faithers noticed we have 2017 data before the end of 2017...

Data on what, exactly? Be specific, professor.

And by the way, my aspiring little conman, you just changed the subject.

The subject is faked science, we are on task.

A person who knows less than nothing about science is just as unqualidfied to register an opinion on fake science as he is science. That means you.

Your use of deflection indicates an insecurity.
...and none of the Faithers noticed we have 2017 data before the end of 2017...

Data on what, exactly? Be specific, professor.

And by the way, my aspiring little conman, you just changed the subject.

The subject is faked science, we are on task.

A person who knows less than nothing about science is just as unqualidfied to register an opinion on fake science as he is science. That means you.

Your use of deflection indicates an insecurity.

That's deep man.

Unfortunately for you and your ankle-biting, what I had for breakfast has no bearing on the fact that you know less than nothing about any of this and are embarrassing yourself.
Actually, the FACT that none of the Faithers models nor Chicken Little cries nor sea level scares nor anything they have made up to date work or reflect the reality we live in. A climate change made by people simply does not exist. It is a politically driven mantra of conmen and the weak minded.
Actually, the FACT that none of the Faithers models nor Chicken Little cries nor sea level scares nor anything they have made up to date work or reflect the reality we live in. A climate change made by people simply does not exist. It is a politically driven mantra of conmen and the weak minded.

Nobody cares what an uneducated slob thinks about a scientific topic. Nobody. Your opinions on this are utterly worthless.
Actually, the FACT that none of the Faithers models nor Chicken Little cries nor sea level scares nor anything they have made up to date work or reflect the reality we live in. A climate change made by people simply does not exist. It is a politically driven mantra of conmen and the weak minded.

Nobody cares what an uneducated slob thinks about a scientific topic. Nobody. Your opinions on this are utterly worthless.

Your need to respond to me tells a different story. You know I am right.
Actually, the FACT that none of the Faithers models nor Chicken Little cries nor sea level scares nor anything they have made up to date work or reflect the reality we live in. A climate change made by people simply does not exist. It is a politically driven mantra of conmen and the weak minded.

Nobody cares what an uneducated slob thinks about a scientific topic. Nobody. Your opinions on this are utterly worthless.

Your need to respond to me tells a different story. You know I am right.

Haha, declaration of victory number 1,483,902 for the ignorant denier who knows less than nothing about any of this. Here's what you have won:
Can we call this the 2017 CO2 hockey stick yet?
Can we call you an uneducated willfully ignorant slob?

Yes, this year the CO2 is taking a big jump. And we will pay for that in the coming years. But then, slobs like you cannot see past next Tuesday, in any case.

It dropped this year, and we see the set up for "claiming" Man got its act together for 2017. :rolleyes:


co2, mauna loa record - Saferbrowser Yahoo Image Search Results

It dropped this year? How so?
Global emissions of CO2 in 2017 are projected to rise for the first time in four years, dashing hopes that a peak might soon be reached.

The main cause of the expected growth has been greater use of coal in China as its economy expanded.

Researchers are uncertain if the rise in emissions is a one-off or the start of a new period of CO2 build-up.

Scientists say that a global peak in CO2 before 2020 is needed to limit dangerous global warming this century.

The Global Carbon Project has been analysing and reporting on the scale of emissions of CO2 since 2006.

Carbon output has grown by about 3% per year in that period, but growth essentially declined or remained flat between 2014 and 2016.Concern at first CO2 rise in four years


The latest figures indicate that in 2017, emissions of CO2 from all human activities grew by about 2% globally.
Actually, the FACT that none of the Faithers models nor Chicken Little cries nor sea level scares nor anything they have made up to date work or reflect the reality we live in. A climate change made by people simply does not exist. It is a politically driven mantra of conmen and the weak minded.

Nobody cares what an uneducated slob thinks about a scientific topic. Nobody. Your opinions on this are utterly worthless.

lol.....the people of the religion still don't get it. They are always talking about "the science" but............

"About one in four Republicans with only a high school education said they worried about climate change a great deal. But among college-educated Republicans, that figure decreases, sharply, to 8 percent.

This may seem counterintuitive, because better-educated Republicans are more likely to be aware of the scientific consensus that human activity is contributing to climate change. But in the realm of public opinion, climate change isn’t really a scientific issue. It’s a political one."

In todays REALCLEARPOLITICS..........

The Suicidal Narrative of the Modern Environmental Left

How do we know that its all about politics?

Because the AGW k00ks have barely moved the ball in the past 20 years......despite all the bomb throwing. When is the last time anybody heard congress talking about climate change legislation?:bye1: Look at Paris!!:oops-28: Look at the pathetic growth of renewable energy!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance: Indeed.........nobody out there is caring about the science.:deal:

And that's the only thing that matters s0ns!!:up:
Been saying for 10 years on this forum.........the AGW truthers need to go to a Plan B.........

This bomb throwing shit is making people tune its not working you fucking dummies!:coffee:
Actually, the FACT that none of the Faithers models nor Chicken Little cries nor sea level scares nor anything they have made up to date work or reflect the reality we live in. A climate change made by people simply does not exist. It is a politically driven mantra of conmen and the weak minded.

Nobody cares what an uneducated slob thinks about a scientific topic. Nobody. Your opinions on this are utterly worthless.

lol.....the people of the religion still don't get it. They are always talking about "the science" but............

"About one in four Republicans with only a high school education said they worried about climate change a great deal. But among college-educated Republicans, that figure decreases, sharply, to 8 percent.

This may seem counterintuitive, because better-educated Republicans are more likely to be aware of the scientific consensus that human activity is contributing to climate change. But in the realm of public opinion, climate change isn’t really a scientific issue. It’s a political one."

In todays REALCLEARPOLITICS..........

The Suicidal Narrative of the Modern Environmental Left

How do we know that its all about politics?

Because the AGW k00ks have barely moved the ball in the past 20 years......despite all the bomb throwing. When is the last time anybody heard congress talking about climate change legislation?:bye1: Look at Paris!!:oops-28: Look at the pathetic growth of renewable energy!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance: Indeed.........nobody out there is caring about the science.:deal:

And that's the only thing that matters s0ns!!:up:

Yes, google for agreeable headlines that contain no science. That's a perfect job for an uneducated slob like you.

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