World on Course for 3C Warming

so ! China being the biggest polluter by far is the biggest threat to the world !
China tried to kill us all with Covid and since that did not work they now have to resort to carbon emissions.
Except for all the crime and Dem idiocy.
The only mayor dumber than the last one is the current one.
We only hear all the bad crap about that place. Stands to reason some normal people like where they live. I kind of doubt you live in the high crime area. Gotta say, though from what I have heard and read, your city is known to have some interesting? mayors, all the way back to the 60s. You got two baseball teams, though and that is really cool.
We only hear all the bad crap about that place. Stands to reason some normal people like where they live. I kind of doubt you live in the high crime area. Gotta say, though from what I have heard and read, your city is known to have some interesting? mayors, all the way back to the 60s. You got two baseball teams, though and that is really cool.

Now, crime and car jackings even happen in the nicer areas.
Interesting mayors, Daley wasn't the brightest. The last two are dumb!
They believe the leftist claptrap. Made it illegal to chase criminals without permission.
Time to leave before it goes totally Mad Max.
We only have one baseball team. Plus the White Sox.
We only hear all the bad crap about that place. Stands to reason some normal people like where they live. I kind of doubt you live in the high crime area. Gotta say, though from what I have heard and read, your city is known to have some interesting? mayors, all the way back to the 60s. You got two baseball teams, though and that is really cool.
Dude, there’s so many stupid people here it’s unbelievable. As Todd stated, they just voted for a more inept human being and are all calling for their votes back!! I laugh. Voting demofk is voting for insanity. Blacks don’t care until all of the sudden they do and it’s too late , then they double down worse. They make Homer Simpson a genius
Now, crime and car jackings even happen in the nicer areas.
Interesting mayors, Daley wasn't the brightest. The last two are dumb!
They believe the leftist claptrap. Made it illegal to chase criminals without permission.
Time to leave before it goes totally Mad Max.
We only have one baseball team. Plus the White Sox.
It’s the prosecutors who allowed it all to happen. Jussie much? Let the criminals run the city
Now, crime and car jackings even happen in the nicer areas.
Interesting mayors, Daley wasn't the brightest. The last two are dumb!
They believe the leftist claptrap. Made it illegal to chase criminals without permission.
Time to leave before it goes totally Mad Max.
We only have one baseball team. Plus the White Sox.
Daily couldn't have been too dumb. He didn't get caught. I understand there has been 140 Chicago aldermen convicted since 1970. These days, everybody gets caught.
Daily couldn't have been too dumb. He didn't get caught. I understand there has been 140 Chicago aldermen convicted since 1970. These days, everybody gets caught.
What’s hilarious is demofks still want the Cabrini green concept after fatal failure for decades. Now it will be illegals they want in them and blacks are going nuts. Sounds familiar right?
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What’s hilarious is demofks still want the Cabrini green concept after fatal failure for decades. Now it will be illegals they want in them and blacks are going nuts. Sounds familiar right?
Barely familiar with the name (not being from Chicago) only memory associating it with high crime, dangerous urban public housing, I had to look it up. You mean somebody is wanting to rebuild it as a planned mixed income development? Hmmm. Suspect you are correct.

I have no earthly idea what the answer is, regarding public housing and crime in megalopolis urban environments. To my knowledge, nobody anywhere in this country has gotten it correct yet. I know I would not want to be there. I don't even like driving through huge cities. When traveling the interstate highways, I plan on having enough gas to avoid stopping. I am 86 miles from Memphis and avoid going there like the plague.
He got out in time. If Ed Burke goes to jail, it'll be a happy day.
Good luck, up there. Being an urbanite, I suspect you know the lay of the land, so to speak.
"Earth is on track for 3 degrees Celsius of warming, and humanity needs to make deep emission cuts this decade to have a chance of fulfilling the goals of the Paris climate agreement, the United Nations said in a report released Monday".

"The lifetime emissions of current and planned oil and gas fields and coal mines is three and a half times greater that the carbon budget needed to hold temperature increase to 1.5 C. It would exhaust almost all the budget needed for 2 C, the U.N. said."

“Most countries and major emitters have set net-zero targets for 2050 or a little later,” said Taryn Fransen, director of science, research and data at the World Resources Institute and a contributor to the report. The problem is that near-term policy is “not putting countries on track to achieve those net-zero targets.”

"Nevertheless, there are signs that the gap between countries’ climate ambitions and the policies they are pursuing is closing. At the time of the Paris Agreement, global emissions were expected to grow 16 percent by 2030. Now, emissions are expected to increase by 3 percent, by the end of the decade, the U.N. said. Fransen said she was encouraged by progress in the United States and Europe, where governments are pushing forward with plans to deploy clean energy technologies and cut emissions."

I'll bet a dollar to a donut that the headline next year will read "... beyond 3C..."
Didn't you make a claim of 5C by the year 2100 just a week or so ago?

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