Human Composting Now Legal in California

Using human corpses as

Suddenly I lost my appetite.
you are just another person who doesnt live there trying to make an anti california thread....this one didnt work to well...
Meh, some folks don't care about their remains, I get it but I'll be damned if I would want to end-up in some green weenie's flower bed.....It's bad enough I'll be voting dem after I'm dead. ;)
This thread is just awful.

I don't think this bill is a problem, as long as it is a choice. The problem, will become when it is, normalized, and no longer a choice, or when the government decides it wants to incentivize and promote by social control, the taxing of other means of body disposal, or give this means, a tax credit.

If this method is given government economic preference over other methods of funerary, it will amount to religious and spiritual discrimination.

There are a lot of folks in this thread, that are clearly humanists and atheists, who have very little empathy and are tone deaf to this issue. Indeed, yes, they probably do need to fuck off.
To utterly sensible, all viable organs will be removed and any and all valuables, i.e. gold teeth, etc., will be turned over to the government.
I dislike almost everything about California politically and socially, but this doesn't bother me really. How is fertilizing flowers with your remains worse than having your blood drained and replaced with chemicals, and dolled up to look like a sick horror movie prop??? Our bodies are meat after we die, plain and simple. It is disrespecting the planet and ourselves to refuse to go back to the dust from which we came naturally.
Can you imagine the kids of the grand person buried, decides to make a victory garden, due to Joe Biden's inflation, thus they grow corn, lettuce, potato's, not realizing the area that they are growing is where the compost of the grandparent was put. That is just wrong......

Can you imagine the kids of the grand person buried, decides to make a victory garden, due to Joe Biden's inflation, thus they grow corn, lettuce, potato's, not realizing the area that they are growing is where the compost of the grandparent was put. That is just wrong......

Some cultures may not have your psychological aversion to it and would not be hurting anyone or anything.
I don't think the libs would want to compost the corpuses of the dead members of the Kennedy family, Vlad Lenin and other leftist heroes of the past. Just the dead relatives of the Hoi Polloi. When lib heroes like John McCain and John Lewis have their remains composted without ceremony instead of being glorified in death, then the rest of us might follow.
You should be able to do whatever you want with your body, as long as it doesnt bother anyone else.
I want to be planted with a tree, for example.

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