Humanity has a system of cycles. Liberals Rises and Falls


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2018
yes indeed human life is controlled by cycles ....

Close to the end of a cycle comes a lot of freedoms and to the unwise ... Wild sex and insane Greed comes to brainwash and rob the people

That triggers the other part of the cycle big time correction pains and society going backwards back to misery

That destruction with the pain corrects the liberal harm and the next cycle begins with very strict laws to stop the freedoms of the unwise
These cycles shows we advance 3 steps and then go backwards 2 steps to the next cycle
Slavery came because humanity was at the start of a cycle. The start is very strict on freedoms of the unwise . Then liberalism starts growing until the last part of the cycle with total chaos with wild sex and insane greed
So what is the purpose of these planned and made life cycles that keeps pushing humanity to conquer the universe ??

The purpose is to give humanity the best happiness

We can see how we have been pre wired with pains and joys that moves us with the plan

Humanity is pre wired to enjoy paradise AFTER experience of pains struggles and Injustice

The liberals are bringing the big pains of injustice

But the law gets triggered all the way

Firing quads will come for deep state criminals
Freshmen in college often get high and come up with what they think are profound narratives such as yours, and then they sober up the next day and realize it was profoundly dumb. If they are lucky, they didn't post all that crap on the internet.
Freshmen in college often get high and come up with what they think are profound narratives such as yours, and then they sober up the next day and realize it was profoundly dumb. If they are lucky, they didn't post all that crap on the internet.

The OP is obviously a stable genius.

Facts are ...when a person is 18 they are more liberal

When gaining experience they become more conservative

That proves liberals comes from the

Fraud education that don't teach kids this fact of science laws d
Freshmen in college often get high and come up with what they think are profound narratives such as yours, and then they sober up the next day and realize it was profoundly dumb. If they are lucky, they didn't post all that crap on the internet.

We have history data that proves this
Humans created and placed into paradise was seen by the maker as NOT the best way to put us in paradise

A system of pains and struggles and INJUSTICE was set up first so that we can feel paradise ... Without the pains we could not feel the opposite as good
Facts are ...when a person is 18 they are more liberal

When gaining experience they become more conservative

That proves liberals comes from the

Fraud education that don't teach kids this fact of science laws d
Freshmen in college often get high and come up with what they think are profound narratives such as yours, and then they sober up the next day and realize it was profoundly dumb. If they are lucky, they didn't post all that crap on the internet.

We have history data that proves this

No. You have a stack of index cards with cliche statements on them.
Humans created and placed into paradise was seen by the maker as NOT the best way to put us in paradise

A system of pains and struggles and INJUSTICE was set up first so that we can feel paradise ... Without the pains we could not feel the opposite as good

So now you think you can critique God? You know you are a goober, don't you?
Facts are ...when a person is 18 they are more liberal

When gaining experience they become more conservative

That proves liberals comes from the

Fraud education that don't teach kids this fact of science laws d
Freshmen in college often get high and come up with what they think are profound narratives such as yours, and then they sober up the next day and realize it was profoundly dumb. If they are lucky, they didn't post all that crap on the internet.

We have history data that proves this

No. You have a stack of index cards with cliche statements on them.

Wrong. Dead Wrong !!
Facts are ...when a person is people are 18 , they are more liberal

When gaining experience, they become more conservative

That proves liberals comes come from the

Fraud education that don't doesn't teach kids this fact of science laws d
Freshmen in college often get high and come up with what they think are profound narratives such as yours, and then they sober up the next day and realize it was profoundly dumb. If they are lucky, they didn't post all that crap on the internet.

We have history data that proves prove this

Sheepskins Are for Sheep. Students Are Thumb-Sucking Mamas' Boys.

The 6th-Grade grammar of college graduates proves (Diploma Dumbos would use "prove," as Trent Lott did) that College Education Is a Fraud and Should Not Be Rewarded. It is for ambitious imbeciles who are afraid to grow up and for no-talent richkids living off an allowance.

Our present nation-destroying class-biased indentured servitude must be replaced with highly paid professional training, which is the only alternative that will attract our most valuable human resources and motivate them to study.

Economic bullies don't want the most-talented job applicants; they only hire those whose unpaid education proves they were willing to humiliate themselves in order to get hired by such King Ape Scrooges.
Students must be paid the same allowance the rich businessmen give their sons, or real Americans should make sure that those spoiled pukes never graduate.
yes indeed human life is controlled by cycles ....

Close to the end of a cycle comes a lot of freedoms and to the unwise ... Wild sex and insane Greed comes to brainwash and rob the people

That triggers the other part of the cycle big time correction pains and society going backwards back to misery

That destruction with the pain corrects the liberal harm and the next cycle begins with very strict laws to stop the freedoms of the unwise
They have already lost all of the people actually smart enough to preserve any semblance of the nation.
Only Christian survival groups can escape this destruction

Groups like the HUTTERITES !!!
History has the wise moving away from the unwise with these cycles

And when they move the unwise areas fall into destruction
yes indeed human life is controlled by cycles ....

Close to the end of a cycle comes a lot of freedoms and to the unwise ... Wild sex and insane Greed comes to brainwash and rob the people

That triggers the other part of the cycle big time correction pains and society going backwards back to misery

That destruction with the pain corrects the liberal harm and the next cycle begins with very strict laws to stop the freedoms of the unwise
Can’t stop progress, fool. Your “conservative cycles” always come after the goal posts move forward.
Big news out about writing ....!!!!

It seems there has been 4 different time periods where writing was invented !

That news gives more credibility to life is made of cycles and how the coming destruction is very real

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