Humanity Is In Danger Until...

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017

Dr Li Meng-Yan was formerly a virologist at Hong Kong's School of Public Health


Dr Li travelled to the US in late April before speaking out, saying she had to leave Hong Kong because she "knows how [China] treat whistleblowers".

From the early stages of the pandemic, reports emerged of doctors being detained after trying to warn others about the virus on social media. Journalists also had their equipment confiscated after trying to report on the issue.

Dr Li, a formerly a specialist at Hong Kong's School of Public Health, has said her supervisor first asked her to investigate a new "SARS-like" virus in Wuhan on December 31 - but that her efforts were later stifled.She t was told to "keep silent and be careful".

"'We will get in trouble and we'll be disappeared'," her supervisor reportedly said.

She has also backed claims that the virus came not from a meat market in Wuhan, and is widely thought, but from a virology institute in the city.

Speaking on ITV's Loose Women from an undisclosed location this afternooon, Dr Li said: "It comes from the lab in Wuhan."

She then explained: "The genome sequence is like a human fingerprint."Based on this you can identify these things.

"I will [use this] evidence to tell people why this has come from the lab in China, why they are the ones who made it.

"Anyone, even if you have no biology knowledge, will be able to read it, and check and identify and verify it yourself."

She also said Chinese authorities began efforts to discredit her even before she fled the country.

"They deleted all my information and also they told people to spread rumours about me," she said.

"That I'm a liar, I don't know anything, I just killed a hamster in the lab. "They will try to control my family and friends and then suddenly I don't exist."

Experts have previously cast doubt on claims that the coronavirus was made in a laboratory.

The vast majority of scientists who have studied its genetic makeup have concluded that it is naturally occurring and was passed to humans from an animal, probably a bat.

Writing in a research paper published earlier this year, immunologist Kristian Andersen PhD of the Scripps Research institute in California said: "By comparing the available genome sequence data for known coronavirus strains, we can firmly
determine that [Covid-19] originated through natural processes."

From the author:
Considering that our society is mired in the lie, that a small but fantastically rich group of people controls the country, the media, the minds of scientists and the Planet, in general, THERE IS NO ONE we can BELIEVE TODAY.

But let's not forget, that the first virologist who drew attention to the ""artificial nature" of the "killer virus" was a virologist from the Czech Republic.

The media controlled by special interest groups" unleashed all the "pack of dogs" on her - both sold-out journalists and sold-out scientists, and the world soon forgot about her .. ...

And here are the NEW facts about the artificial origin of the COVID-19 virus.

How strange:

For the first time, a 100% fatal coronavirus with ALL signs of COVID-19 was created through genetic engineering at a private Virology Institute in the UK, owned by Bill Gates.

He and his accomplices claimed the virus ONLY infects poultry. It is logical to assume, that a small "editing" of the genome of that virus - and it begins to kill Homo sapiens ...

But all somehow SUSPICIOUSLY "forgot" about the dream of the cryptoneozionist Bill Gates and his accomplices from the Good Club to radically reduce the level of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere by the RADICAL REDUCTION of the human race.

It can be assumed that this is exactly the task set by the participants of the top-secret meeting of the "Good Club", which, among others, includes Oprah Winfrey. Like Obama and now-Kamala Harris she hides their true ethnicity by camouflaging as "African Americans."

Humanity Can't Feel Safe While Moral Freaks, Openly Discussing Nazi Plans of Planet's human population "Reduction", Are Walking On Its Surface.

Souce:Chinese virologist who fled to US vows to PROVE coronavirus is manmade
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Not been directly affected by coronavirus. Anyone else? Have you been directly affected by Carona19 virus personally?

NO! And NOBODY among the food store personnel. But they can infect ME to prove it IS contagious.

The purpose of this psychological operation to initiate and maintain social psychosis is not yet clear to me.

It is quite possible that the same "killer virus" REALLY exists, but the wrong one "escaped" from the laboratory (IF it "escaped".

And Dr. Fauci simply supported this psychosis in the interests of Bill Gates' business.

This is indirectly indicated by almost ALL the President's statements that concern Fauci
China didn't do this on their own, they had ample support, both directly, and indirectly from the democratic party, Obama and his administration, CIA, and most definitely the tech-billionaires(Gates, Bezos, Bloomberg, ect....)

In addition, through a front company, the Pentagon FINANCED directly the R&D in the Wuhan Institute of virology.

Question: WHAT STUDIES ???
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Not been directly affected by coronavirus. Anyone else? Have you been directly affected by Carona19 virus personally?

NO! And NOBODY among the food store personnel. But they can infect ME to prove it IS contagious.

The purpose of this psychological operation to initiate and maintain social psychosis is not yet clear to me.

It is quite possible that the same "killer virus" REALLY exists, but the wrong one "escaped" from the laboratory (IF it "escaped".

And Dr. Fauci simply supported this psychosis in the interests of Bill Gates' business.

This is indirectly indicated by almost ALL the President's statements that concern Fauci
I've had more trauma from bad lovers than this pandemic...
If this was a real pandemic, "call up the mortuary to bury the dead" actual pandemic, we would know it. This covid19 thing is a scare tactic to shut down the economy, and that's it.

Rather, to hide the fact that capitalism as an economic system is on its last legs. What do the "powerful of this world" hope for ??? Human lack of education and lack of intelligence?
Not been directly affected by coronavirus. Anyone else? Have you been directly affected by Carona19 virus personally?

NO! And NOBODY among the food store personnel. But they can infect ME to prove it IS contagious.

The purpose of this psychological operation to initiate and maintain social psychosis is not yet clear to me.

It is quite possible that the same "killer virus" REALLY exists, but the wrong one "escaped" from the laboratory (IF it "escaped".

And Dr. Fauci simply supported this psychosis in the interests of Bill Gates' business.

This is indirectly indicated by almost ALL the President's statements that concern Fauci
I've had more trauma from bad lovers than this pandemic...

Not been directly affected by coronavirus. Anyone else? Have you been directly affected by Carona19 virus personally?

NO! And NOBODY among the food store personnel. But they can infect ME to prove it IS contagious.

The purpose of this psychological operation to initiate and maintain social psychosis is not yet clear to me.

It is quite possible that the same "killer virus" REALLY exists, but the wrong one "escaped" from the laboratory (IF it "escaped".

And Dr. Fauci simply supported this psychosis in the interests of Bill Gates' business.

This is indirectly indicated by almost ALL the President's statements that concern Fauci
I've had more trauma from bad lovers than this pandemic...

You might be on their "list" starting now...
Not been directly affected by coronavirus. Anyone else? Have you been directly affected by Carona19 virus personally?

Back in March or April, my wife became mildly ill with something that matched the symptoms of the #CoronaHoax2020 virus. She wasn't tested, but it was the opinion of the doctor with whom she consulted that she most likely had COVID-19.

In spite of having my own immune system weakened at that point, and of being “high risk” on account of my age and of being diabetic, I did not contract any illness at that time. For this time period, that was rather unusual for me. My wife's workplace seems to be optimized for the purpose of making sure that if anyone shows up with any contagious illness, everyone will get it. She often comes up ill with any of a variety of flu-like illnesses from work. Before my injury, I rarely got sick, but since then, when my wife gets ill, I usually do too.

Her bout with what is suspected to have been the #CoronaHoax virus was very mild, compared to most of the illnesses she catches at work, and this particular one, I did not come down with at all.

Of course, like everyone else, my wife and I have been significantly and adversely affected by all the ridiculous overreactions to the #CoronaHoax2020.
Not been directly affected by coronavirus. Anyone else? Have you been directly affected by Carona19 virus personally?

Back in March or April, my wife became mildly ill with something that matched the symptoms of the #CoronaHoax2020 virus. She wasn't tested, but it was the opinion of the doctor with whom she consulted that she most likely had COVID-19.

In spite of having my own immune system weakened at that point, and of being “high risk” on account of my age and of being diabetic, I did not contract any illness at that time. For this time period, that was rather unusual for me. My wife's workplace seems to be optimized for the purpose of making sure that if anyone shows up with any contagious illness, everyone will get it. She often comes up ill with any of a variety of flu-like illnesses from work. Before my injury, I rarely got sick, but since then, when my wife gets ill, I usually do too.

Her bout with what is suspected to have been the #CoronaHoax virus was very mild, compared to most of the illnesses she catches at work, and this particular one, I did not come down with at all.

Of course, like everyone else, my wife and I have been significantly and adversely affected by all the ridiculous overreactions to the #CoronaHoax2020.

Thanks a lot for the comment. I also suffered something "in a weak form", but it was not a coronavirus. Or all its consequences are "gone". They checked three times before the operation - nothing was found.
I wish you health, prosperity, and ... security at this difficult time for the country.

This psychopandemic showed how strong the influence of this group of moral monsters on society is. And something needs to be done with THIS ...

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