Humans love to kill

Nope. Same way you say, "Ghettos are run by Democrats". We still have to deal with Republicans who block our efforts to fix what's wrong.

Like we tried to get single payer through but you fascist Republicans stopped us.

forcing people into government healthcare is the fascist act,,

Yea, when my brother is sitting up in that tree stand freezing his ass off, I'm in a heated box blind. He has a much better chance of shooting a deer where he's hunting but I don't care. I'd much rather be comfortable
That is why I don't go hunting, I'd rather be comfortable, like you. So you are a pussy as well.

forcing people into government healthcare is the fascist act,,
No it's not stupid it's socialism. But we all knew you didn't know what fascism meant otherwise you'd know Trump was a fascist.

“I became worse.” That’s how double impeachment changed him, Donald Trump told a conservative audience in Dallas last weekend, without a trace of a smile. This was not Trump the insult comic talking. This was the deepest Trump self. And this one time, he told the truth.

The Trump movement was always authoritarian and illiberal. It indulged periodically in the rhetoric of violence. Trump himself chafed against the restraints of law. But what the United States did not have before 2020 was a large national movement willing to justify mob violence to claim political power. Now it does.

Two traits have historically marked off European-style fascism from more homegrown American traditions of illiberalism: contempt for legality and the cult of violence. Presidential-era Trumpism operated through at least the forms of law. Presidential-era Trumpism glorified military power, not mob attacks on government institutions. Postpresidentially, those past inhibitions are fast dissolving. The conversion of Ashli Babbitt into a martyr, a sort of American Horst Wessel, expresses the transformation. Through 2020, Trump had endorsed deadly force against lawbreakers: “When the looting starts, the shooting starts,” he tweeted on May 29, 2020. Babbitt broke the law too, but not to steal a TV. She was killed as she tried to disrupt the constitutional order, to prevent the formalization of the results of a democratic election.

If a big-enough movement agrees with Trump that Babbitt was “wonderful”—if they repeat that the crowd of would-be Nancy Pelosi kidnappers and Mike Pence lynchers was “great”—then we are leaving behind the American system of democratic political competition for a new landscape in which power is determined by the gun.

That’s a landscape for which a lot of pro-Trump writers and thinkers seem to yearn.

You are living in territory controlled by enemy tribes. You, and all like you, must assume the innocence of anyone remotely like yourself who is charged in any confrontation with those tribes and with their authorities—until proven otherwise beyond a shadow of your doubt. Take his side. In other words, you must shield others like yourself by practicing and urging “jury nullification.”
Those words are not taken from The Turner Diaries or some other Aryan Nation tract. They were published by a leading pro-Trump site, the same site where Trump’s former in-house intellectual Michael Anton publishes. They were written by Angelo Codevilla, who wrote the books and articles that defined so much of the Trump creed in 2016. (Codevilla’s 2016 book, The Ruling Class, was introduced by Rush Limbaugh and heavily promoted on Limbaugh’s radio program.)

We are so accustomed to using the word fascist as an epithet that it feels awkward to adjust it for political analysis. We understand that there were and are many varieties of socialism. We forget that there were varieties of fascism as well, and not just those defeated in World War II. Peronism, in Argentina, offers a lot of insights into postpresidential Trumpism.

Trump incited his followers to try to thwart an election result, and to kill or threaten Trump’s own vice president if he would not or could not deliver on Trump’s crazy scheme to keep power.

We’re past the point of pretending it was antifa that did January 6, past the point of pretending that Trump didn’t want what he fomented and what he got. In his interview on July 11—as in the ever more explicit talk of his followers—the new line about the attack on the Capitol is guilty but justified.

I do not consider myself guilty. I admit all the factual aspects of the charge. But I cannot plead that I am guilty of high treason; for there can be no high treason against that treason committed in 1918.
Maybe you recognize those words. They come from Adolf Hitler’s plea of self-defense at his trial for his 1923 Munich putsch. He argued: You are not entitled to the power you hold, so I committed no crime when I tried to grab it back. You blame me for what I did; I blame you for who you are.

Trump’s no Hitler, obviously. But they share some ways of thinking. The past never repeats itself. But it offers warnings. It’s time to start using the F-word again, not to defame—but to diagnose.
No it's not stupid it's socialism. But we all knew you didn't know what fascism meant otherwise you'd know Trump was a fascist.

“I became worse.” That’s how double impeachment changed him, Donald Trump told a conservative audience in Dallas last weekend, without a trace of a smile. This was not Trump the insult comic talking. This was the deepest Trump self. And this one time, he told the truth.

The Trump movement was always authoritarian and illiberal. It indulged periodically in the rhetoric of violence. Trump himself chafed against the restraints of law. But what the United States did not have before 2020 was a large national movement willing to justify mob violence to claim political power. Now it does.

Two traits have historically marked off European-style fascism from more homegrown American traditions of illiberalism: contempt for legality and the cult of violence. Presidential-era Trumpism operated through at least the forms of law. Presidential-era Trumpism glorified military power, not mob attacks on government institutions. Postpresidentially, those past inhibitions are fast dissolving. The conversion of Ashli Babbitt into a martyr, a sort of American Horst Wessel, expresses the transformation. Through 2020, Trump had endorsed deadly force against lawbreakers: “When the looting starts, the shooting starts,” he tweeted on May 29, 2020. Babbitt broke the law too, but not to steal a TV. She was killed as she tried to disrupt the constitutional order, to prevent the formalization of the results of a democratic election.

If a big-enough movement agrees with Trump that Babbitt was “wonderful”—if they repeat that the crowd of would-be Nancy Pelosi kidnappers and Mike Pence lynchers was “great”—then we are leaving behind the American system of democratic political competition for a new landscape in which power is determined by the gun.

That’s a landscape for which a lot of pro-Trump writers and thinkers seem to yearn.

Those words are not taken from The Turner Diaries or some other Aryan Nation tract. They were published by a leading pro-Trump site, the same site where Trump’s former in-house intellectual Michael Anton publishes. They were written by Angelo Codevilla, who wrote the books and articles that defined so much of the Trump creed in 2016. (Codevilla’s 2016 book, The Ruling Class, was introduced by Rush Limbaugh and heavily promoted on Limbaugh’s radio program.)

We are so accustomed to using the word fascist as an epithet that it feels awkward to adjust it for political analysis. We understand that there were and are many varieties of socialism. We forget that there were varieties of fascism as well, and not just those defeated in World War II. Peronism, in Argentina, offers a lot of insights into postpresidential Trumpism.

Trump incited his followers to try to thwart an election result, and to kill or threaten Trump’s own vice president if he would not or could not deliver on Trump’s crazy scheme to keep power.

We’re past the point of pretending it was antifa that did January 6, past the point of pretending that Trump didn’t want what he fomented and what he got. In his interview on July 11—as in the ever more explicit talk of his followers—the new line about the attack on the Capitol is guilty but justified.

Maybe you recognize those words. They come from Adolf Hitler’s plea of self-defense at his trial for his 1923 Munich putsch. He argued: You are not entitled to the power you hold, so I committed no crime when I tried to grab it back. You blame me for what I did; I blame you for who you are.

Trump’s no Hitler, obviously. But they share some ways of thinking. The past never repeats itself. But it offers warnings. It’s time to start using the F-word again, not to defame—but to diagnose.
your TDS is causing you to project again,,,

what is it that trump did that was fascist??
Agreed. The only thing I have a problem with is you said NEEDLESSLY kill. We need to eat so it's not needlessly. And if we don't kill it, we have to go to a store and buy cow meat which that animal lived a cruel miserable life compared to my free range deer that lived a beautiful life up until I shot it. And consider this. We only shoot big/old deer who are going to die in a few years anyways. And the way they die naturally is worse than the quick death of a bullet or arrow.

Yes, of course we need to eat, but there is no need to eat meat, people do it because they want to, or due to tradition/habit, but they don't have to. So in the overwhelming majority of cases, the killing IS needless.

it would help if you explained why I'm wrong,,

telling me I'm wrong and running away is childish,,

You said "if you want to eat, you have to kill", that is where you are wrong. There is no nutritional need to eat flesh, and in fact studies have shown that the more animal products a person eats, the higher the risk is for heart disease, cancer and other preventable diseases. So as I just said to sealybobo, the killing is needless. And therefore unethical, in my view.
Actually, hunting in the fall is fun. It's winter that sucks. Luckily I have a box blind and a heater in it.
You have to wait until the weather turns cold to preserve the meat. It'll spoil before you get it in the freezer if you jump the gun on hunting season like so many cops do with some justification or other in their own minds.
By the way, I gave away a lot of meat this year. I'll never do that again. I'm down to 3 burger packs and 1 roast. 2 months till opening day. I actually shot a doe and buck last year. If you shoot two and don't give any away, it'll last you all year.

Like I've said I dont bother with White Tails after eating Axis deer.
You can steak out the whole animal since it has no gamey taste. I'll still make some summer sausage and some link using the least desirable cuts though.
Not only that they far outweigh a white tail.
Like I've said I dont bother with White Tails after eating Axis deer.
You can steak out the whole animal since it has no gamey taste. I'll still make some summer sausage and some link using the least desirable cuts though.
Not only that they far outweigh a white tail.
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Not only that it's like a grocery store. Just go to some private hunting range, pay your fee and for sure bag some meat that day. But where's the sport in that?

Axis deer were introduced in 1932 as a game meat. They were kept on farms or controlled hunting sites for food purposes. Since their introduction, axis deer have escaped captivity and established in Texas, with over 6,000 free ranging animals and 40,000 kept on private hunting ranges.
Many of the elites who push what you want are meat eaters. When much of the world is not eating meat, you can be guaranteed they still will be. Just like you see the Politicians who shut down the Western World in endless pictures and videos without masks on and other criminal acts due to the virus they made the peons be charged with.

Yeah, there's no doubt that the elites have a "rules for thee, not for me" mindset. But that doesn't change my view on not exploiting animals, why should it? And it doesn't negate veganism. I think their main goal is to push the lie of "climate change" and they know that modern day animal ag really is horrible for the environment, so some of them promote a move toward a plantbased diet, but not for the right reasons. I'm speculating here, but I think it's to appear to care about the environment in order to continue the "climate change" trojan horse, which is really about their global political agendas.
Not only that it's like a grocery store. Just go to some private hunting range, pay your fee and for sure bag some meat that day. But where's the sport in that?

Axis deer were introduced in 1932 as a game meat. They were kept on farms or controlled hunting sites for food purposes. Since their introduction, axis deer have escaped captivity and established in Texas, with over 6,000 free ranging animals and 40,000 kept on private hunting ranges.

There all over the place in the hill country,I used to shoot em off the back porch. I wont do canned hunts,I'm not paying that much money to shoot a deer that I can shoot in my own backyard.
But yeah they came from india.
I like the fact that they dont eat corn,only grass which gives them that grass fed beef flavor.
There all over the place in the hill country,I used to shoot em off the back porch. I wont do canned hunts,I'm not paying that much money to shoot a deer that I can shoot in my own backyard.
But yeah they came from india.
I like the fact that they dont eat corn,only grass which gives them that grass fed beef flavor.
They sound wonderful. My brother has 65 acres 4 hours away. Every once in awhile he asks if I ever want to go to Alaska to hunt, or some other state. No. Why would I when we have private property? Maybe I would like to go hog hunting. That would be fun. And their numbers need to be reduced.

There are no corn fields up by where we hunt. The ground isn't right for it. I mean there are corn farms near by but not all over the place. Nothing near where we hunt. Maybe that's why these deer taste better. I never thought about that. I remember shooting a buck once near where I live and it tasted like shit. Probably living off alfalfa and not much else. So my brother and I plant stuff like winter wheat and other stuff I can't think of right now. Beats is one of them. We need to grow this stuff first, then till it into the ground and eventually the ground will be richer so we can plant other things that wouldn't grow right now because the soil is too acidy? Does that make sense?

I have state land right by my house. We never hunt it because we don't like hunting where other hunters are hunting, plus we have the place up north. PLUS you have to walk far back to hunt. I got an Ebike this year. So this year I'm going to go crossbow hunt. Strap it to my back and ride the ebike back. It'll be so easy. I think I will be doing a lot more hunting this year because of the ebike.
They sound wonderful. My brother has 65 acres 4 hours away. Every once in awhile he asks if I ever want to go to Alaska to hunt, or some other state. No. Why would I when we have private property? ....
They sound wonderful. My brother has 65 acres 4 hours away. Every once in awhile he asks if I ever want to go to Alaska to hunt, or some other state. No. Why would I when we have private property? Maybe I would like to go hog hunting. That would be fun. And their numbers need to be reduced.

There are no corn fields up by where we hunt. The ground isn't right for it. I mean there are corn farms near by but not all over the place. Nothing near where we hunt. Maybe that's why these deer taste better. I never thought about that. I remember shooting a buck once near where I live and it tasted like shit. Probably living off alfalfa and not much else. So my brother and I plant stuff like winter wheat and other stuff I can't think of right now. Beats is one of them. We need to grow this stuff first, then till it into the ground and eventually the ground will be richer so we can plant other things that wouldn't grow right now because the soil is too acidy? Does that make sense?

I have state land right by my house. We never hunt it because we don't like hunting where other hunters are hunting, plus we have the place up north. PLUS you have to walk far back to hunt. I got an Ebike this year. So this year I'm going to go crossbow hunt. Strap it to my back and ride the ebike back. It'll be so easy. I think I will be doing a lot more hunting this year because of the ebike.

I refuse to hunt on state lands myself. They're over crowded and the likelihood of getting shot goes way up and the likelihood of getting a deer go way down.
I'm not referring to corn fields I'm referring to feeders. I had six feeders off my back porch and had a shitload of deer on them year around. I mainly fed them just to look at em. Plus they brought in the turkeys and the hogs.
Not a fan of wild turkey for eaten they're too gamey like the white tail but they're cool to watch. We had a rafter of them that roosted in the oak trees every year. Loved to sit on the back porch with a turkey caller in the morning and getting them to talk back and forth.
Conservatively I'd have to say I shot over 100 hogs a year. I'd just load em up in the front end loader and take to the front of the property and dump em over the fence.

I cuss myself for ever selling that place.
I'll have to get some pics up but all I have is film pics.
Hell I got it better than he does. I didn't pay a dime for it. But he's making out too. He purchased the property for $105,000 and zillow says it's worth $250,000 now. That's not including the huge home he built on it, or barn. It's pretty sweet. Good to have rich relatives. All I had to buy was a $6500 quadrunner.
I refuse to hunt on state lands myself. They're over crowded and the likelihood of getting shot goes way up and the likelihood of getting a deer go way down.
I'm not referring to corn fields I'm referring to feeders. I had six feeders off my back porch and had a shitload of deer on them year around. I mainly fed them just to look at em. Plus they brought in the turkeys and the hogs.
Not a fan of wild turkey for eaten they're too gamey like the white tail but they're cool to watch. We had a rafter of them that roosted in the oak trees every year. Loved to sit on the back porch with a turkey caller in the morning and getting them to talk back and forth.
Conservatively I'd have to say I shot over 100 hogs a year. I'd just load em up in the front end loader and take to the front of the property and dump em over the fence.

I cuss myself for ever selling that place.
I'll have to get some pics up but all I have is film pics.
We were told not to feed deer corn in the winter. In the winter they can't digest corn like they should and they can die. That sucks because it seems like nothing brings them in like corn.

I actually walk my dog through the woods that people hunt. I'm worried one day they're going to shoot him because I let him run off leash through the woods. I have to say it does seem like there are plenty of places to hunt where you won't run into anyone. I think what I will do is wear an orange hat and walk in the woods 100 yards and face the other way so I'm hunting where no one is walking. So anyone who walks by will see me and the deer out there are kind of used to humans walking around. So people walking through the woods won't scare the deer away. People jog, walk and ride their bikes through these woods while hunters are hunting

But hey, it's state land. The hunters can't complain. If they don't like it go buy some private property.
We were told not to feed deer corn in the winter. In the winter they can't digest corn like they should and they can die. That sucks because it seems like nothing brings them in like corn.

I actually walk my dog through the woods that people hunt. I'm worried one day they're going to shoot him because I let him run off leash through the woods. I have to say it does seem like there are plenty of places to hunt where you won't run into anyone. I think what I will do is wear an orange hat and walk in the woods 100 yards and face the other way so I'm hunting where no one is walking. So anyone who walks by will see me and the deer out there are kind of used to humans walking around. So people walking through the woods won't scare the deer away. People jog, walk and ride their bikes through these woods while hunters are hunting

But hey, it's state land. The hunters can't complain. If they don't like it go buy some private property.

I'd never heard that before.
It's common practice here in the south. From what I read you dont want the deer to have corn as their main food source.
In Texas they still have plenty forage even in the winter other than corn. Plus you only set the feeders to go off for anywhere from 10 to 20 seconds which of course limits the amount of corn they get.
You set the feeders to go off just after sunrise and an hour and a half before sunset.
You can see the little bastards sitting back in the woods waiting for the sound of the feeder going off.
I could easily go to the butcher and buy the meat but I LOVE to go out in the woods and sit for hours in hopes that a big deer is going to walk up so I can shoot it. Do you know what buck fever is? You get so excited you start shaking and breathing hard. It's not sadness. It's excitement.

Hunting deer (or other game) has been a wonderful experience for me. Particularly stalking which involves not only skill with a gun, but orienteering, and fieldcraft skill. Field dressing a kill and hauling it back on foot, not so much. However, if I or my family were dependent on that kill for food through the winter, I believe it would be an much more pleasant experience.
I'd never heard that before.
It's common practice here in the south. From what I read you dont want the deer to have corn as their main food source.
In Texas they still have plenty forage even in the winter other than corn. Plus you only set the feeders to go off for anywhere from 10 to 20 seconds which of course limits the amount of corn they get.
You set the feeders to go off just after sunrise and an hour and a half before sunset.
You can see the little bastards sitting back in the woods waiting for the sound of the feeder going off.
My buddy had corn feeders on his property. They’re illigal in michigan now but I bet he still has them.

Baiting is now illegal in michigan but you can still buy bait which means they won’t go after the drug dealers just the users.
Hunting deer (or other game) has been a wonderful experience for me. Particularly stalking which involves not only skill with a gun, but orienteering, and fieldcraft skill. Field dressing a kill and hauling it back on foot, not so much. However, if I or my family were dependent on that kill for food through the winter, I believe it would be an much more pleasant experience.
when by myself and not bothering anyone’s hunt I’ll walk around the property. I’ve come close to deer. Not ideal way to hunt but if hungry I would walk around looking for a kill.
I'm speculating here, but I think it's to appear to care about the environment in order to continue the "climate change" trojan horse, which is really about their global political agendas.
They're certainly making a killing off of weather derivatives and so-called disaster capitalism.

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