Humiliated On Iran, America Has Never Suffered A UN Defeat Like This


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

I love European toughness on terrorism.
Really inspiring.
No danger that Iran will use arms against their own civilians....or other civilians?

Well, at least with economic sanctions, they'll find it harder to afford new weapons.

And if you think Iran ever slowed down their nuclear programs, you're even dumber than you first appeared.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

Fuck The Marxist UN, years ago measures should have been taken to DESTROY The UN, ALL funding should have been STOPPED and with that it would have withered on the vine. The UN is THE most FUNDAMENTAL DIRECT THREAT to not only Sovereign Nations and Sovereign Borders but ALSO to World Peace itself.
What's the problem? The Us GODverment is being brought to task? By a "council" that means nothing? Shame shame, woe is me deep dark depression, excessive misery - if it weren't for Godvernment I'd have no God at all-
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

I love European toughness on terrorism.
Really inspiring.
No danger that Iran will use arms against their own civilians....or other civilians?

Well, at least with economic sanctions, they'll find it harder to afford new weapons.

And if you think Iran ever slowed down their nuclear programs, you're even dumber than you first appeared.

The nuclear programs most certainly did slow down, with US, German, and French inspectors on the ground that verified that fact beyond any doubt.

Trump didn't walk away from the deal because it wasn't working. He walked away from it because it was, and Obama was the one that successfully brokered it.

You can count on two things after that failure and criminal cabal is removed. Irans sanctions will be eased, and Russia's sanctions will become much worse, and the fantasy world in which you reside will become much harder for you to exist in.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
The UN is a bunch of stuffed suits who get together every once in awhile and jerk each other off. It should have been dismantled years ago.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
Let’s get this straight, the US voted to extend the arms embargo, while Russia and China of course voted no, but you are claiming President Trump is a “puppet” of Putin.

Meanwhile the liberal European members bent the knee to Russia and China.

If the US has no say in It, then why does it have a vote?

And here you are taking Russia’s side.

But “Orange Man bad”.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
More Trump incompetence.

Yet another compelling reason to vote Trump out of office this November.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

I love European toughness on terrorism.
Really inspiring.
No danger that Iran will use arms against their own civilians....or other civilians?

Well, at least with economic sanctions, they'll find it harder to afford new weapons.

And if you think Iran ever slowed down their nuclear programs, you're even dumber than you first appeared.

The nuclear programs most certainly did slow down, with US, German, and French inspectors on the ground that verified that fact beyond any doubt.

Trump didn't walk away from the deal because it wasn't working. He walked away from it because it was, and Obama was the one that successfully brokered it.

You can count on two things after that failure and criminal cabal is removed. Irans sanctions will be eased, and Russia's sanctions will become much worse, and the fantasy world in which you reside will become much harder for you to exist in.

A deal brokered in the middle of the night in secret
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
What's the surprise here? With the USA cutting off so many countries from their teat and giving them less money and troops, more and more nations are turning to countries like Iran for economic backing! How do you always assume this is a black eye in Trump's face when it is really another justification for where much of the rest of the world stands!

Europe is weak. Muslims are talking them over. Skews is a fucking commie who celebrates it.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

'America-hating Trump regime'?

That's funny coming from a pro-Iran, butt-hurt, TDS-suffering, pro-dementia-plagued Biden fan.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
More Trump incompetence.

Yet another compelling reason to vote Trump out of office this November.
Incompetence on what? The claims are nonsensical, this embargo was from 2007. It has nothing to do with the 2015 “Iran Nuclear Deal” that was never ratified by the US Congress. The Hussein was incompetent in trying to make a treaty without ever ratifying it. Iran has also admitted they breached the deal.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

'America-hating Trump regime'?

That's funny coming from a pro-Iran, butt-hurt, TDS-suffering, pro-dementia-plagued Biden fan.
These un-American assholes can’t keep their stories straight. President Trump is a “puppet” of Putin, yet votes against them at the UN. President Trump “hates America”, but the OP cheers Russia and China and Iran getting their way.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

I love European toughness on terrorism.
Really inspiring.
No danger that Iran will use arms against their own civilians....or other civilians?

Well, at least with economic sanctions, they'll find it harder to afford new weapons.

And if you think Iran ever slowed down their nuclear programs, you're even dumber than you first appeared.

The nuclear programs most certainly did slow down, with US, German, and French inspectors on the ground that verified that fact beyond any doubt.

Trump didn't walk away from the deal because it wasn't working. He walked away from it because it was, and Obama was the one that successfully brokered it.

You can count on two things after that failure and criminal cabal is removed. Irans sanctions will be eased, and Russia's sanctions will become much worse, and the fantasy world in which you reside will become much harder for you to exist in.

The nuclear programs most certainly did slow down,

That's funny.

US, German, and French inspectors on the ground that verified that fact beyond any doubt.

Any restrictions on their inspections? Any at all?

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