Humiliated On Iran, America Has Never Suffered A UN Defeat Like This

Here is the latest update on Trump SNAPBACK UN sanctions in Iran. A follow up on the arms embargo failure that happened earlier this week. . Already rejected. Another slapped in the face and embarrassment.

Other countries that remain party to the deal -- China, Russia, France, the United Kingdom and Germany -- disagreed with Pompeo's legal rationale for the move, as many believe the full return of UN sanctions would kill the 2015 agreement.

France, Germany and the UK, known as "the E3," noted that "the US ceased to be a participant to the JCPOA following their withdrawal from the deal on May 8, 2018," in a joint statement on Thursday. "We cannot therefore support this action which is incompatible with our current efforts to support the JCPOA."
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
Shake our fist vigorously.
... Fuck Germany. Y'all pay for your own defense from now on. You're not entitled to US dollars.

I don't know why all US-Americans fuck the whole day everyone and everything like rabbits , including their own absurde ideas about others. You never defended Germany - you took care that we do not defend the whole world.

To inform you: With reality has this "argument" nothing to do at all. Trump is only using on propagandisic reasons a wide spread racist anti-Germanism in the USA to get votes. Some people from the political party "democrats" are doing by the way the same and the whole USA makes a totally idiotic politics in case of Germany and Europe meanwhile.

As far as I know we aggreed with the NATO, when Obama was the king of the USA, to increase our military budget from 1% BIP to 1.5% (50%) up to the year 2024. Suddenly some time later everyone spoke about 2% (100%). I don't know why. And why thinks everyone in the USA the year 2024 is in the past? Indeed we increased from the year 2000 to the year 2020 our military budget from 20 billions to 50 billions (250%). We were last year somewhere in the near of 1.35% ... and this year I fear it will be much more than 1.5%. We could easily reach 2% in 2024. BUT I DO NOT THINK NOW - AFTER ALL THE SELF-FULFILLING STUPIDITIES OF THE USA - WE WILL WASTE ALWAYS MORE AND MORE MONEY WITH TOTALLY STUPID AND SENSELESS WEAPONS IN TIMES OF ABC(+D) WEAPONS, WHICH CAN WIPE OUT EVERY LIFE ON PLANET EARTH EASILY.

The USA in total nervs - and your "president" Donald Trump nervs totally. Never in history was the reputation of the USA so greatly down in Germany. To make one thing clear: The only thing a German has to do is to die - anything else what Germans do or not do depends on the own free will.

Yippee. You're not entitled to our money. And I don't give a shit about your opinion of America. Absolutely worthless.

Sure. Life not worth to live has worthless opinions. And the only good German you ever saw was dead, isn't it?

Nope. There are good people of every race, ethnicity, religion, and any other demographic you can find.

Lose the victimhood fetish. It's not attractive.

... Fuck Germany. Y'all pay for your own defense from now on. You're not entitled to US dollars.

I don't know why all US-Americans fuck the whole day everyone and everything like rabbits , including their own absurde ideas about others. You never defended Germany - you took care that we do not defend the whole world.

To inform you: With reality has this "argument" nothing to do at all. Trump is only using on propagandisic reasons a wide spread racist anti-Germanism in the USA to get votes. Some people from the political party "democrats" are doing by the way the same and the whole USA makes a totally idiotic politics in case of Germany and Europe meanwhile.

As far as I know we aggreed with the NATO, when Obama was the king of the USA, to increase our military budget from 1% BIP to 1.5% (50%) up to the year 2024. Suddenly some time later everyone spoke about 2% (100%). I don't know why. And why thinks everyone in the USA the year 2024 is in the past? Indeed we increased from the year 2000 to the year 2020 our military budget from 20 billions to 50 billions (250%). We were last year somewhere in the near of 1.35% ... and this year I fear it will be much more than 1.5%. We could easily reach 2% in 2024. BUT I DO NOT THINK NOW - AFTER ALL THE SELF-FULFILLING STUPIDITIES OF THE USA - WE WILL WASTE ALWAYS MORE AND MORE MONEY WITH TOTALLY STUPID AND SENSELESS WEAPONS IN TIMES OF ABC(+D) WEAPONS, WHICH CAN WIPE OUT EVERY LIFE ON PLANET EARTH EASILY.

The USA in total nervs - and your "president" Donald Trump nervs totally. Never in history was the reputation of the USA so greatly down in Germany. To make one thing clear: The only thing a German has to do is to die - anything else what Germans do or not do depends on the own free will.

What a load of bullshit. The NATO treaty requires all members to spend 3% of their GDP

What's wrong.

Here the text in German: The North Atlantic Treaty
Here the text in English: The North Atlantic Treaty

on defense and 70 years after signing the treaty and promising to pay, deadbeat Germany still has not met its treaty obligations and worse, Germany has stated it refuses to pay the full 3%.

Your fantasies have absolutely nothing to do with reality. How much money someone spends for the own army is not a decision of the NATO - it's a decsions of sovereign countries. The NATO suggested to its members under president Obama to spend about 2% of the GDP up to the year 2024. As far as I know Germany agreed in this conetxt once with 1.5% - and on whatever reason later everyone spoke suddenly about 2%. Now you try to speak about 3%. The relation of the USA to truth and reality becomes from year to year more strange under Donald Trump.

To make matters even worse, Germany now proposes to become a state sponsor of terrorism by selling conventional weapons to Iran with which to arm Iran's various militias waging war against other countries throughout the ME.

We do not sell weapons to the Iran - but our counhtry makesnot snacoitns agaihnst the Iran because theyn never broke the nuclear treaty. But the USA forces German companies not to do businees with the Iran.

Germany is no one's ally and never has been.


Now that the USSR is gone, perhaps the US should withdraw all forces, weapons and other facilities from deadbeat state sponsor of terrorism, Germany.

You know less than nothing ahout Germany, isn't it? Whatever: Tale all of your soldiers and all of your nukes and leave Germany. The USA is not able to defend what the USA hates - and meanwhile is the reputiaons of the USA in Germany so damned bad, that I don't think most Germans will be able to defend the USA any longer. Thse same tein donhald Truhno didi elimnainted essential safety bolts in international conflict management, specially it was an essential attack of the security of Europe to cancel the INF treaty with Russia.

It's by the way realy astojnihiung to have to see how easy it is for US-Americans to forget everythting what had happened in the last 60-70 years in international politics and how easy it is to use a wide spread anti-Germanism in the USA for to get votes.

The NATO treaty says each member must pay 3% of its GDP on defense, but Germany refuses to meet its treaty obligation. Obviously Germany does not take its treaty obligations seriously. By voting against continuing the UN embargo of the sale of conventional weapons to Iran, Germany has signaled that it is not opposed to supplying Iran with all the weapons it needs to continue its wars throughout the ME and its support of terrorism around the world. Clearly Germany cannot be considered a US ally anymore.

And why do you repeat this bullshit now, although you know this bullshit is wrong?

We both know what I am saying is true but you reject the idea that Germany should pay its treaty obligations.

Apparently, Germans are too good to live up to their word.

You never defended Germany - you took care that we do not defend the whole world.
We fucked Germany up in WWII and then stood the line for Germany til Reagan.........Germany didn't have half of what it had before WWII because the USSR owned it...........the USSR would have owned all of you had it not been for our guns pointed in the bears direction.

So you are an ungrateful bastard.

To inform you: With reality has this "argument" nothing to do at all. Trump is only using on propagandisic reasons a wide spread racist anti-Germanism in the USA to get votes. Some people from the political party "democrats" are doing by the way the same and the whole USA makes a totally idiotic politics in case of Germany and Europe meanwhile.
You are spreadng anti Germanism........I'd wager you are a German troll to cause anti Germanism.........I highly doubt the people of Germany are all like you.........and I DOUBT you speak for anyone but yourself.

Your country agreed to spend more on the military and haven't done so...........Trump called you out on it and your BS on Trade..............Your country.........China.....and others have been allowed to fuck the United States of Trade for far too long........and now that you are being called for it.........your pissed we don't bend over for you.........TOO DAMNED BAD.
The only thing a German has to do is to die - anything else what Germans do or not do depends on the own free will.
Well in WWI and WWII you did that the Greatest Generation came over there and kicked your asses.........Good for you. Don't make us do it again.
The Iran made no nuclear weapons. The USA says and makes nonsense. The USA tries to force every nation in the world to fight on their side against absurde chimeras. You are on the way to create a self-fulfilling prophecy now, because what else should do the Iran - or any other nation in the world - , than to produce nuclear weapons, if it likes not to be a slave of the USA?
Iran is BS............and a State Sponsor of terror around the Globe. They are lying sacks of shit just like you. You don't trust LIARS...........they have killed our troops across the ME and have been in a perpetual state of War with us since Carter.........They say they only want nuclear for medicine and power generation.........only a fool would believe them.....

They are our enemies............and have killed our troops with advanced IEDs...........they are lucky we haven't gone back to total war and bombed them into the stone age.

By the way: Is it true that many US-American men are eating dog food?

You should probably spend more time worrying about your nation's surrender to Islamic barbarians and less about what happens in America.

If someone makes an impenetrable wall around the USA and will take a look in 399 years, then some US-Americans perhaps will have survived the neverending civil wars there. And if someone will do the same with Germany then we will have left the planet, because someone found out how easy it is to travel through space and time with a German heart.

That's quite an Übermensch thing you've got going on there.

You are somehow right. Only superman, supergirl and their superdog are able to fly through the spacetime of the cosm with the own energy - but they would on the other side not able to be such a form of technical angel without to be either extremly human and ideal canine beings. I fear by the way that the Nazis indeed never understood the essential and existential problems Nietzsche tried to speak about. This following video about a text of Nietzsche with the theme "god is dead" is for me one of the most fascinating credos I ever heard. "Good friday" - indeed bad friday - could be a good day to think about this text and the poor guy, who wrote it down.

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In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
You are just another no info voter. Iran took and held over 50 Americans hostage for 444 days after invading our embassy. Iran has more American blood on their hands especially in Iraq and Syria, than all others. Trump killed the one who master minded it all. Iran builds mock American aircraft carriers then attacks them with their little boats. You are a poor excuse of an American and a human being!
... We both know what I am saying is true but you reject the idea that Germany should pay its treaty obligations.

It's nothing else than a total irreal bullshit what you say, which has nothing to do with the NATO nor anything to do with Germany. Take your soldiers and your nukes and leave Germany. End of this extremely stupid discussion. That anti-Germanism is able to create votes in presidential elections in the USA is a shame for the USA and has absolutelly nothing to do with Germany.
News Flash, Skippy:

Nobody's basing their vote for the American President on anything to do with Germany.

What's true and wrong the same time. To attack Germany nonsensically helps Trump to get votes. Otherwise he would not do so.

Y'all just not important to Americans.

Good to know.

How can you be so convinced of German superiority and a big whiny baby all at the same time?

Counterquestion - why are you an extremist idiot, who has not any idea what he tries to speak about when he is using the words German or Germany?
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You are just another no info voter. Iran took and held over 50 Americans hostage for 444 days after invading our embassy. Iran has more American blood on their hands especially in Iraq and Syria, than all others. Trump killed the one who master minded it all. Iran builds mock American aircraft carriers then attacks them with their little boats. You are a poor excuse of an American and a human being!

For how many dead Persians and what kind of miseries and hopelessness is the USA responsible in Persia? What do you think about this as an US-American or human being?

In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
If the UN is your gold standard, you’re broke.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
If the UN is your gold standard, you’re broke.

The USA is meanwhile the international shit standard in politics - that's the real problem. By the way - what is going on under the leading criminal in the third generation of leading criminals in North Korea? ... Do I really like to know this any longer? ... Does anyone know - or really like to know - what the idiotic actions of the political illiterate Donald Trump did cause within the tyranny North Korea? ...
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In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
If the UN is your gold standard, you’re broke.

The USA is meanwhikle a shit standard - that's the real problem.
And what country do you live in that you insist is so much better?
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
If the UN is your gold standard, you’re broke.

The USA is meanwhikle a shit standard - that's the real problem.
And what country do you live in that you insist is so much better?

I'm a German. But your question meets not what I said. Countries without standards for others are for sure the most countries and regions of the world. When I was young I thought about it could had been a good thing to live for 2-5 years in Japan like a totally normal Japanese man and to learn in this way the culture of Japan. A very fascinating traditional and modern culture. But this never had happened. In reality I had the request to go to the USA when I was young - but this I did not want to do. Today I do not understand why so many people like to visit on their own free will the USA - a land ful of violent drug addicts and weapon fetishists on one side and with absurde inhuman laws on the other side.

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In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
The UN is a bunch of stuffed suits who get together every once in awhile and jerk each other off. It should have been dismantled years ago.
Trump made us the laughing stock around the world with his dumb incompetent foreign policies. Embarrassing actually. You want to dismantle UN just because of Trump failed foreign policy.
I've been for the dismantling of the UN for decades just like other real Americans who understand what a waste of money and oxygen the UN is.
You want to dismantle the UN for decades? Anti UN here in US was born when Trump got elected.
12 Great Reasons Why U.S.A. Should Get Out Of The UN!by LDS Patriot on January 31, 2006

Oh, looky're wrong.

Coming from LDS Patriot? LOL. Can you get something a little more credible?
All you need to look at is the date of publication. That alone proves you wrong. You know, when you made the so-easily-disproven statement "Anti UN here in US was born when Trump got elected."

You fucked up. It's your fault. Don't blame other people for your fuck-up.
Bullshit. Your link doesn’t have any credibility. Go get me something else.
The only thing the link needs to say is its date.

That alone proved you wrong.

Grow a set and admit it.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
The purpose of the arms embargo is to try to prevent all the wars in the ME Iran is funding, but once again the UN shows itself to be irrelevant to the cause of peace.

Wrong. Do you honestly believe that arms embargo will stop any war in ME?
If Iran wants war today and there are no arms embargoes. Why not start a war today? Russians are the main supplier of arms and technologies to Iran and Syria for decades. These are neighbors... Do you think arm embargo will stop any of that?

Arms embargo and his sanctions are both Bullshit.

Best policy is a good approach policy. Strong arms policy as a bully is the worst policy you can imagine. That’s Trump.
Clearly, the UN embargo hasn't prevented Iran to start wars all across the ME, and it is clear that Russia hasn't abided by the UN embargo, but it did prevent western European countries from selling weapons to Iran and that did slow down Iran's ability to make war against other countries in the ME. With the end of the embargo, the UN is now entirely irrelevant to the issue of peace in the ME.

However the good news is US sanctions have devastated Iran's economy and thrown it into a deep recession that grows deeper everyday, so Iran's ability to purchase advanced weapons systems is extremely limited, the secondary sanctions will continue to limit the desire of European companies to do business with Iran. However gleeful you may feel about the idea the US has somehow been damaged by the UN vote the only practical result of the vote is that the UN has now withdrawn from the issues of peace in the ME.
They just launched a military satellite this year. They now have the capabilities to track US military movements in the regions especially the aircraft carrier. So tell me where and how did the sanctions impacted Iran?
January 8, 2020 Iran sent 12+ missiles in Al Anbar Iraq bombing US military barracks with pin point accuracy and with 2 hours advanced notice. They could have killed hundreds of US soldiers but they didn’t. Again So tell me how and what the sanctions impacted Iran.
They do not need to purchase nuclear materials because they have all the ingredients in house.
So the sanctions are just worthless.
Iran's GDP shrank by 9% last year and this year it will shrink by another 10% to 20%. It's currency is worthless outside of Iran, and its cash reserves of euros is practically gone, so Iran cannot buy anything from Russia or China. Iran has prioritized it military adventures across the ME over the welfare of its own people. You seem to think Iran needs a satellite to see a US aircraft carrier, but all they have to do to see one is look west into the Gulf.
Sanctions only hurts the civilians but the military still going strong. Why do you think they were able to launch satellites with the sanctions? Who do you think supplies Iran even with Trump sanctions? Iran’s satellite is not just to monitor aircraft carrier. That includes fighter jets and cruise missiles just incase you don’t know.

Like I already posted earlier. The key to Iran change are the younger generations vs the olds ayatollahs. But Trump screwed that up.
I'm embarrassed on your behalf, the way you eagerly kiss Iran's ass.

Iran's satellite likely didn't even reach orbit. And it's a camera. It can't track fighter jets and cruise missile. That's just retarded.

You went all the way to Asia to find that suits your ignorance.
Why don’t you use links available here in US? Here is a link that proves you very wrong.
Another link from Pompeo blasting Iran launching the satellites. History of Iran, China, Russia space programs been going on for decades. The big difference this time is they acquired latest technology about satellites. Dude you don’t even have a clue about Iran, Asia, middle east ...... let alone arguing about satellites? You probably doesn’t even heard VELA history to IONDS.
And how and what can you possibly know about tracking?

Iran’s military satellite launch: What just happened? - Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation

How is it you wonder why people believe you support Iran?

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