Humiliated On Iran, America Has Never Suffered A UN Defeat Like This

In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
what a HUGE defeat!!!!! hahahhahahahahahhaha
the Obamas and blacks hate America, not Mr Trump---your OP is very silly
I hear ya "grumpy old man"..... Rotflmbo
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
Its an indication of the decline of US influence under Trump. Not surprisingly that has flown over the heads of the fox viewers on this board.
When straightening out decades of poorly maintained bullcrap, you gonna get a little grease on the old uniform trying to fix it. Let's just hope the old engine is repairable after what the Democrats have done to it over the years. You can only use something without checking the oil and water for so long before it seizes the engine. Trump caught it just before it locked up, and it's been a hell of a job trying to fix it ever since.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

This is a democrat disgrace, countries around the world see the divide in this country and the constant LIES and denigration about our President and they are taking advantage of this weakness created by democrats... What democrats have done to this country is criminal
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

This is a democrat disgrace, countries around the world see the divide in this country and the constant LIES and denigration about our President and they are taking advantage of this weakness created by democrats... What democrats have done to this country is criminal
Yes, and hopefully the law finally deals with the bullcrap in the strongest ways possible.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
Its an indication of the decline of US influence under Trump. Not surprisingly that has flown over the heads of the fox viewers on this board.
You stop kissing people's asses and cut off their free money, and suddenly they don't like you.

I'm okay with that. Your input is neither sought nor required.
What kind of dumbass America-hating piece of shit takes the UNSC seriously? ...

The whole world takes the UNSC serios. And not every nation plays retarded primitive knockabout comedies in front of the United Nations as for example the USA sometimes was doing.
The UNSC is nothing more than a terrorist, thug, and their appeasers hate-America/hate-Israel club for shitholes.

You can suck their ass if you like. They hate you, too.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

Why are you defending a theocratic regime and oppresses and murders its people?
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

Wow, you're right. You do skew. You're attacking Trump for being a puppet of Russia and for not doing what Russia wants ... in the same post ...
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

Why are you defending a theocratic regime and oppresses and murders its people?
Because they have something in common: A hatred for America.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
Its an indication of the decline of US influence under Trump. Not surprisingly that has flown over the heads of the fox viewers on this board.

How's that economic embargo working out for your pals the mullahs?
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
Wait a second...I thought you liberals are claiming that Trump is a "puppet" of Putin? Did you want to take a crack at explaining why we're on opposing sides of this vote?
The Daily Kos? That's funny stuff...
You almost gotta laugh that the (foreign based?) left wing "Daily Kos" thinks the President of the United States "hates America" but the U.N. Security Council loves the U.S. Only a TDS fool would buy into this B.S.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

I love European toughness on terrorism.
Really inspiring.
No danger that Iran will use arms against their own civilians....or other civilians?

Well, at least with economic sanctions, they'll find it harder to afford new weapons.

And if you think Iran ever slowed down their nuclear programs, you're even dumber than you first appeared.

The nuclear programs most certainly did slow down, with US, German, and French inspectors on the ground that verified that fact beyond any doubt.

Trump didn't walk away from the deal because it wasn't working. He walked away from it because it was, and Obama was the one that successfully brokered it.

You can count on two things after that failure and criminal cabal is removed. Irans sanctions will be eased, and Russia's sanctions will become much worse, and the fantasy world in which you reside will become much harder for you to exist in.

The nuclear programs most certainly did slow down,

That's funny.

US, German, and French inspectors on the ground that verified that fact beyond any doubt.

Any restrictions on their inspections? Any at all?

Not that I recall.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
More Trump incompetence.

Yet another compelling reason to vote Trump out of office this November.
You wept over Iran's Head Terrorist being vaporized, too, as I recall.

Yeah, it's amazing what the pseudo intellectual will support.

He loves terrorists though. That much is clear.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

I love European toughness on terrorism.
Really inspiring.
No danger that Iran will use arms against their own civilians....or other civilians?

Well, at least with economic sanctions, they'll find it harder to afford new weapons.

And if you think Iran ever slowed down their nuclear programs, you're even dumber than you first appeared.

The nuclear programs most certainly did slow down, with US, German, and French inspectors on the ground that verified that fact beyond any doubt.

Trump didn't walk away from the deal because it wasn't working. He walked away from it because it was, and Obama was the one that successfully brokered it.

You can count on two things after that failure and criminal cabal is removed. Irans sanctions will be eased, and Russia's sanctions will become much worse, and the fantasy world in which you reside will become much harder for you to exist in.

The nuclear programs most certainly did slow down,

That's funny.

US, German, and French inspectors on the ground that verified that fact beyond any doubt.

Any restrictions on their inspections? Any at all?

Show us any proof that Iran nuclear program did not slow down.
Show us any proof that US, GERMAN, FRENCH inspector on the ground find any Iran’s violations.
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

I love European toughness on terrorism.
Really inspiring.
No danger that Iran will use arms against their own civilians....or other civilians?

Well, at least with economic sanctions, they'll find it harder to afford new weapons.

And if you think Iran ever slowed down their nuclear programs, you're even dumber than you first appeared.

The nuclear programs most certainly did slow down, with US, German, and French inspectors on the ground that verified that fact beyond any doubt.

Trump didn't walk away from the deal because it wasn't working. He walked away from it because it was, and Obama was the one that successfully brokered it.

You can count on two things after that failure and criminal cabal is removed. Irans sanctions will be eased, and Russia's sanctions will become much worse, and the fantasy world in which you reside will become much harder for you to exist in.

The nuclear programs most certainly did slow down,

That's funny.

US, German, and French inspectors on the ground that verified that fact beyond any doubt.

Any restrictions on their inspections? Any at all?

Not that I recall.

Not that I recall.

Iran also agreed to implement the Additional Protocol to their IAEA Safeguards Agreement, which allows inspectors to access any site anywhere in the country they deem suspicious.

Until 2031, Iran will have 24 days to comply with any IAEA access request. If it refuses, an eight-member Joint Commission - including Iran - will rule on the issue. It can decide on punitive steps, including the reimposition of sanctions. A majority vote by the commission suffices.

“Iran’s military sites are off limits,” he said. “All information about these sites are classified. Iran will never allow such visits. Don’t pay attention to such remarks that are only a dream.”

24 days to hide violations and no inspections of military sites. Hmmmmmm......
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

I love European toughness on terrorism.
Really inspiring.
No danger that Iran will use arms against their own civilians....or other civilians?

Well, at least with economic sanctions, they'll find it harder to afford new weapons.

And if you think Iran ever slowed down their nuclear programs, you're even dumber than you first appeared.

The nuclear programs most certainly did slow down, with US, German, and French inspectors on the ground that verified that fact beyond any doubt.

Trump didn't walk away from the deal because it wasn't working. He walked away from it because it was, and Obama was the one that successfully brokered it.

You can count on two things after that failure and criminal cabal is removed. Irans sanctions will be eased, and Russia's sanctions will become much worse, and the fantasy world in which you reside will become much harder for you to exist in.

The nuclear programs most certainly did slow down,

That's funny.

US, German, and French inspectors on the ground that verified that fact beyond any doubt.

Any restrictions on their inspections? Any at all?

Show us any proof that Iran nuclear program did not slow down.
Show us any proof that US, GERMAN, FRENCH inspector on the ground find any Iran’s violations.

You're so trusting.

It's cute!
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?
Let’s get this straight, the US voted to extend the arms embargo, while Russia and China of course voted no, but you are claiming President Trump is a “puppet” of Putin.

Meanwhile the liberal European members bent the knee to Russia and China.

If the US has no say in It, then why does it have a vote?

And here you are taking Russia’s side.

But “Orange Man bad”.

You are confused.
Putin is the master but the puppet is confused and ignorant because he underestimated the master.

Trump sanctions is just stupid has done little or no effect on the nuclear program except punish the Iranians. Even loans to help the Coronavirus to buy medical supplies was blocked by Trump.
Nobody is taking Iran’s side. We are just explaining to you how inept and incompetent is this administration. We did not ask you or Trump to apply sanctions. We are just telling you a failed foreign policy of Trump administration.

What is your goal and purpose of the sanctions?
In what was a little covered story, the America hating Trump regime was humiliated by the United Nations Security Council, yesterday 15 August, 2020.

At issue was the expiry of the 2007 arms embargo, a “carrot” part of the Iran nuclear deal. The Trump administration claimed that the embargo should not expire because of their declaration that Iran is a terrorist state. Trump’s de-facto boss, Russia argued the U.S. has no place presenting resolutions on a deal that it walked away from. The normally loyal European Union allies expressed concern that extending the embargo would cause Iran to withdraw from the nuclear deal.

Oh, this is way worth repeating:

"The US has no place presenting resolutions on a deal it walked away from"

And if Russia and China start selling them weapons tomorrow, we're going to do what again?

I love European toughness on terrorism.
Really inspiring.
No danger that Iran will use arms against their own civilians....or other civilians?

Well, at least with economic sanctions, they'll find it harder to afford new weapons.

And if you think Iran ever slowed down their nuclear programs, you're even dumber than you first appeared.

The nuclear programs most certainly did slow down, with US, German, and French inspectors on the ground that verified that fact beyond any doubt.

Trump didn't walk away from the deal because it wasn't working. He walked away from it because it was, and Obama was the one that successfully brokered it.

You can count on two things after that failure and criminal cabal is removed. Irans sanctions will be eased, and Russia's sanctions will become much worse, and the fantasy world in which you reside will become much harder for you to exist in.

The nuclear programs most certainly did slow down,

That's funny.

US, German, and French inspectors on the ground that verified that fact beyond any doubt.

Any restrictions on their inspections? Any at all?

Show us any proof that Iran nuclear program did not slow down.
Show us any proof that US, GERMAN, FRENCH inspector on the ground find any Iran’s violations.

You're so trusting.

It's cute!
Meaning you don’t have any.

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