Hundreds of California recall ballots found in felon's car.

its also called seeing the results of hundreds of mail thefts.....contrary to popular belief,mail theives dont have the luxory of looking through the letters to see which ones may have checks or credit cards in them.....its grab and go.....
Nowhere in the article does it say he robbed a PO.

Here are the charges…….tell me what why he would be charged with forgery? Could it be all the ballots had his handwriting in them?

The suspect was arrested and faces numerous weapons, narcotics and forgery charges
You accuse Democrats of lying and making things up and then you post an entire paragraph of made up lies you use to smear Democrats.

Nothing you accuse Democrats of doing has happened in the past 60 years. There is no "party of slavery" in the USA. Chattel slavery is embedded into your Constitution and the racism implicit in counting black people as less than one person under the Constitution has still not been eradicated from your society.

Jim Crow, KKK, lynching, cross burning and segregation are not unique to Democrats, no matter how often you repeat that lie. And the ONLY people "hunting down and destroying" black men in the South lately have either been white cops shooting unarmed black civilians, or the McMichaels hunting down and shooting Ahmaud Arbery.

Stop claiming some sort of moral high ground here. You spend all of your time posting Republican lies and propaganda like this, and then call other people liars. Those of us who know our history or who lived through it, know what a lying piece of shit you truly are, Kaz.

You didn't know that it was Democrats who fought for slavery? It was Democrats who passed Jim Crow laws? It was Democrats who created the KKK? It was Democrats who lynched and burned crosses for uppity blacks? It was Democrats who pushed for segregation?

Seriously? They don't have history in Canadian government schools? Really?
Link to me saying he was a paid political operative, Halfwit?

No link? OK, you are proven yet again to be a KKKanadian lying sack of shit.

I posted the link. It's in your OP.


Thanks for confirming my post, Dimtard.
I posted your OP wherein you claimed "shenanigans". Also, if you aren't calling this guy a "political operative", why are you posting about a post office robbery in politics. The guy had thousands of piece of mail, and only hundreds of ballots.
Nowhere in the article does it say he robbed a PO.

Here are the charges…….tell me what why he would be charged with forgery? Could it be all the ballots had his handwriting in them?

The suspect was arrested and faces numerous weapons, narcotics and forgery charges.

Could it be that he was forging the checks he found in the mail and trying to cash those checks?

See, there you are lying again and making assumptions about a meth head stealing mail. All of your posts have implied, directly or indirectly, that this guy is a political operative.

By Friday, Fox News will be running stories that the police have busted a massive election fraud scheme involving the theft of recall ballots. Proof positive that Trump won the election due to mail in voter fraud.
Several hund red balance among thousands of articles of mail found in this idiots car means absolutely nothing except he's nuts. Along with this right wing bologna, for Dupes only.

Regardless, it's proof that mail-in ballots are not secure. If these hadn't been found in this random incident, they would be permanently lost. You're ok with that?
Why do you communist fucks always lie?

There IS widespread voter fraud and it DOES affect the outcome of elections.

Not like that fake RUSSIA!!!!!! bullshit from 2016.
The DixieCrats are dead, moron. They were born Democrats and died Democrats like almost all racists, like you.

Your post is just lies you made up
Idiot-gram ^^^; variety Sophistry.

The sons and daughters of the Dixiecrats are the White Supremacists who marched with torches in Charlottesville in 2017. They're not Democrats, they're supporters of Trump and vote for the Republican members of The Congress and their state legislatures.

In fact, the idiot-gram in your post is an example of the BIG LIES echoed by those USMB members like you trying to rewrite history and not be honest about the far right being anti democracy in America.
We all agree the DixieCrats were Southern Redneck conservatives and the current (R) party has adopted that platform.
So, scream all you want about (D) starting the KKK, it's true. But those (D) at the time are the current (R) party of today.
The KKK were welfare ho Democrats......they are not the same thing as republican.
Nowhere in the article does it say he robbed a PO.

Here are the charges…….tell me what why he would be charged with forgery? Could it be all the ballots had his handwriting in them?

The suspect was arrested and faces numerous weapons, narcotics and forgery charges.
you dont have to rob a PO to get mail.......and i doubt if he did that.....
Idiot-gram ^^^; variety Sophistry.

The sons and daughters of the Dixiecrats are the White Supremacists who marched with torches in Charlottesville in 2017. They're not Democrats, they're supporters of Trump and vote for the Republican members of The Congress and their state legislatures.

In fact, the idiot-gram in your post is an example of the BIG LIES echoed by those USMB members like you trying to rewrite history and not be honest about the far right being anti democracy in America.

Nazis are socialists, Bart, they are left wing. Charlottesville was left wing extremist versus left wing extremist.

Note that you support fascist Antifa while I oppose both left wing fascist groups.

And your link says nothing about Dixiecrats, talk about being a moron
Idiot-gram ^^^; variety Sophistry.

The sons and daughters of the Dixiecrats are the White Supremacists who marched with torches in Charlottesville in 2017. They're not Democrats, they're supporters of Trump and vote for the Republican members of The Congress and their state legislatures.

In fact, the idiot-gram in your post is an example of the BIG LIES echoed by those USMB members like you trying to rewrite history and not be honest about the far right being anti democracy in America.

Say hi to your governor for me, homie!

he was stealing mail.....he stole the ballots too.....
More likely PAYING for ballots as if he were stealing mail there would be piles upon piles of other mail with the ballots. The dems are known to pay people to pay for ballots....

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