Hundreds of California recall ballots found in felon's car.

Good one, now post the pictures of (R's) with Duke.

Duke was a state rep in LA 30+ years ago and never went any further. The fact you clowns are still clinging to him proves you have no case.

The Dimwinger party is the party of racists and the KKK.
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he was stealing mail.....he stole the ballots too.....
Or he was stealing ballots and the other mail was incidental. Either way it shows that elections are not safe and secure if the outcome can be altered so easily. This simply reinforces the need for in person voting and voter ID laws.
Or he was stealing ballots and the other mail was incidental. Either way it shows that elections are not safe and secure if the outcome can be altered so easily. This simply reinforces the need for in person voting and voter ID laws.
it was more like the other way.....the ballots were incidental....

Looks to me like a drug addict robbed a mail truck looking for money. He stole thousands of pieces of mail, but only a few hundred ballots.

Of course with you limited intellect, you assume that the thief who was in possession of meth, a gun, and passed out from drugs, was a paid political operative and not a meth head looking for cash or valuables.

You really are too stupid to be one person, FuckBoi.
dont need a link....i worked in the PO 33 years.....people who stole mail usually just grab what they can and hope there is something they can get money out of....
Ok, so you are just guessing.

Got it.
You made that up. Democrats lie, it's who you are, you are lies.

Racists are racists because they don't like change, which is why they stay Democrats. That and your party has a long, long tradition of racism. You're the party of slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK, lynching, cross burning and segregation. If anyone questions if you still believe in slavery, all they have to do is look at you hunting down and destroying any black who tries to flee your plantation

You accuse Democrats of lying and making things up and then you post an entire paragraph of made up lies you use to smear Democrats.

Nothing you accuse Democrats of doing has happened in the past 60 years. There is no "party of slavery" in the USA. Chattel slavery is embedded into your Constitution and the racism implicit in counting black people as less than one person under the Constitution has still not been eradicated from your society.

Jim Crow, KKK, lynching, cross burning and segregation are not unique to Democrats, no matter how often you repeat that lie. And the ONLY people "hunting down and destroying" black men in the South lately have either been white cops shooting unarmed black civilians, or the McMichaels hunting down and shooting Ahmaud Arbery.

Stop claiming some sort of moral high ground here. You spend all of your time posting Republican lies and propaganda like this, and then call other people liars. Those of us who know our history or who lived through it, know what a lying piece of shit you truly are, Kaz.
Looks to me like a drug addict robbed a mail truck looking for money. He stole thousands of pieces of mail, but only a few hundred ballots.

Of course with you limited intellect, you assume that the thief who was in possession of meth, a gun, and passed out from drugs, was a paid political operative and not a meth head looking for cash or valuables.

You really are too stupid to be one person, FuckBoi.
Link to me saying he was a paid political operative, Halfwit?

No link? OK, you are proven yet again to be a KKKanadian lying sack of shit.
Ok, so you are just guessing.

Got it.

So are you asshat!!! There is absolutely nothing there to indicate this was anything other that a PO robbery. You're the one trying to spin it as "shenanigans" in the recall election.

You have to be the dumbest FuckBoi on this board. And that's really saying something. At this point it's between you and Kaz. It's a difficult choice.
So are you asshat!!! There is absolutely nothing there to indicate this was anything other that a PO robbery. You're the one trying to spin it as "shenanigans" in the recall election.

You have to be the dumbest FuckBoi on this board. And that's really saying something. At this point it's between you and Kaz. It's a difficult choice.
One guy found with hundreds of ballots……Lefttard idiots:“Nothing to see here”.
Link to me saying he was a paid political operative, Halfwit?

No link? OK, you are proven yet again to be a KKKanadian lying sack of shit.

It's right in your OP, FuckBoi. "Looks like there may be some shenanigans going on out West" is absolutely an accusation that he's a political operative. Otherwise why would you be commenting on a drug theft? Why would you be posting it in the politics forum if you aren't suggesting he's a political operative?

Everytime you try this shit, you just make yourself you dumber, FuckBoi.
It's right in your OP, FuckBoi. "Looks like there may be some shenanigans going on out West" is absolutely an accusation that he's a political operative. Otherwise why would you be commenting on a drug theft? Why would you be posting it in the politics forum if you aren't suggesting he's a political operative?

Everytime you try this shit, you just make yourself you dumber, FuckBoi.
Nope. You are a lying sack. Show me where I said he was a “paid political operative”.

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