Hundreds of gun owners show up at New Mexico gun murder, no gun crime.

Armed security = other people with guns. Good job dodging the point. Heck, you might have to get your neck checked out it snapped around so fast.

I'm not dodging the point. You guys are trying to make chicken salad out of chicken shit. This whole thread is a ridiculous attempt at trying to push the 2nd Amendment on an event that has nothing to do with a mass shooting. Only those with limited intelligence would follow that message.

If you're not dodging the point, you're certainly missing it. Now, about your admission that people with guns tend to prevent other people with guns from using them to kill people...

Yes surrounded by HUNDREDS of people with fucking Ar-15s. Are you people trying to be stupid? are the dense ones. Again.....what would have stopped someone intent on dying, like mass public shooters are....from opening up on the crowd....which is what you asshats say must happen whenever guns are in the hands of normal asshats say that, not us.
The object of a mass shooter is to maximize their number of victims.
If that's the case, why do so few mass shooters use 'assault weapons'?
Armed security = other people with guns. Good job dodging the point. Heck, you might have to get your neck checked out it snapped around so fast.

I'm not dodging the point. You guys are trying to make chicken salad out of chicken shit. This whole thread is a ridiculous attempt at trying to push the 2nd Amendment on an event that has nothing to do with a mass shooting. Only those with limited intelligence would follow that message.

If you're not dodging the point, you're certainly missing it. Now, about your admission that people with guns tend to prevent other people with guns from using them to kill people...

Yes surrounded by HUNDREDS of people with fucking Ar-15s. Are you people trying to be stupid? are the dense ones. Again.....what would have stopped someone intent on dying, like mass public shooters are....from opening up on the crowd....which is what you asshats say must happen whenever guns are in the hands of normal asshats say that, not us.

The object of a mass shooter is to maximize their number of victims. That's what makes them a mass shooter dip shit.

Thank you.....maybe you understand something....this is why they go to gun free zones to murder, you get rid of gun free zones to keep them away......

Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events [FBI]

Of all the active shooter events there were 33 at which an armed citizen was present. Of those, Armed Citizens were successful at stopping the Active shooter 75.8% of the time (25 incidents) and were successful in reducing the loss of life in an additional 18.2% (6) of incidents. In only 2 of the 33 incidents (6.1%) was the Armed Citizen(s) not helpful in any way in stopping the active shooter or reducing the loss of life.

Thus the headline of our report that Armed Citizens Are Successful 94% Of The Time At Active Shooter Events.

In the 2 incidents at which the armed citizen “failed” to stop or slow the active shooter, one is the previously mentioned incident with hunters. The other is an incident in which the CCWer was shot in the back in a Las Vegas Walmart when he failed to identify that there were 2 Active Shooters involved in the attack. He neglected to identify the one that shot him in the back while he was trying to ambush the other perpetrator.

We also decided to look at the breakdown of events that took place in gun free zones and the relative death toll from events in gun free zones vs non-gun-free zones.

Of the 283 incidents in our data pool, we were unable to identify if the event took place in a gun-free zone in a large number (41%) of the events. Most of the events took place at a business, church, home, or other places at which as a rule of law it is not a gun free zone but potentially could have been declared one by the property owner. Without any information in the FBI study or any indication one way or the other from the news reports, we have indicated that event with a question mark.

If you look at all of the Active Shooter events (pie chart on the top) you see that for those which we have the information, almost twice as many took place in gun free zones than not; but realistically the vast majority of those for which we have no information (indicated as ?) are probably NOT gun free zones.

If you isolate just the events at which 8 or more people were killed the data paints a different picture (pie chart on the bottom). In these incidents, 77.8% took place in a gun-free zone suggesting that gun free zones lead to a higher death rate vs active shooter events in general


One of the final metrics we thought was important to consider is the potential tendency for armed citizens to injure or kill innocent people in their attempt to “save the day.” A common point in political discussions is to point out the lack of training of most armed citizens and the decrease in safety inherent in their presence during violent encounters.

As you can see below, however, at the 33 incidents at which Armed Citizens were present, there were zero situations at which the Armed Citizen injured or killed an innocent person. It never happened.

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