Hundreds of pages of emails show Nellie Ohr researched Trump-Russia connections

God bless Hannity's passion and desire for actual justice to be administered to these proven traitors; however, it is more likely that he will keel over from an aneurism before any of them are held accountable.

Take former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, investigated and recommended for indictment by the independent investigation by the US IG for crimes committed in his part of part in Obama's coup attempt...and they are talking about DECIDING on whether to indict him or not....
He needs to get Trump on the phone and remind him to start pardoning people
like Flynn and Manafort also .
There was nothing illegal about Orh turning over in Dec 2016 his wife's research she conducted while working for GPS in 2015/2016, to the FBI....

it was research that she was hired to do when the Washington Free Beacon was paying GPS for the opposition research on Trump....

If you see something, say something.
Why it matters ?
They never mentioned these little details to the FISA court.

the Fisa on Page was opened in October 2016... a month after he no longer was part of the Trump campaign... (Page has never even spoken to Trump on the phone, according to Page himself, and has never even met President or candidate or Mr. Trump.....)

the article says Orh gave his wife's notes to the FBI in December of 2016,

That is TWO MONTHS AFTER the FISA application.

so, I ask again, what is unusual or illegal about this?

And seriously, if Page's FISA did not have all the i's dotted or T's crossed, then fine.... give them their slap on the hand, or penalty according to the law.... by law, a person wrongly put under FISA surveillance gets X amount of money for every day he was wrongly spied on

but it in no way affects any of the Mueller investigation.

it's simply a diversion.

well if anyone knows diversions its the democrats and their RUSSIA bullshit. everything behind it as soon as you ask, they divert to someone else. blame someone else. when was the last time a democrat (or hell, anyone) simply said "yea, we screwed up" and took accountability for their actions?

the fact we so easily blame each other for our mistakes is why the world is a bag of shit these days.

What are you babbling on about? The Russians did interfere with our election, in support for Donald Trump, the Trump campaign freely accepted that help from the Russians, the Trump campaign even gave the Russians, their inside, detailed polling data in the three states the Trump campaigned turned from blue to red, in order to win the electoral college, so the Russians could zero in on those people in those states with their influence campaign to get Donald Trump elected.... if you don't believe me, READ the Special Counsel's investigation report, volume 1.

The Trump campaign/administration is stonewalling the congressional investigators and slow walking everything that all other presidents handed over to Congress when asked... hoping and praying 30 other SCANDALS in between by Trump, before they can get the subpoenaed evidence and witnesses to testify, that everyone will have forgotten about the Special Counsel investigation....

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied.
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Attacks by "Cozy Bear" began in the summer of 2015. Attacks by "Fancy Bear" began in April 2016 on the DNC

So why wouldn't Russia be a country of interest

The newly-released emails show Bruce forwarded himself a spreadsheet sent by his wife titled “WhosWho19Sept2016.xlsx”

Although it wasn't universally accepted, the active russian campaign became a part of the political campaign itself. Trump and opponent Hillary Clinton traded barbs about the Russian interference during their debates.

Trump never bought into the Russian interference until recently when he admitted in a weak way that they might have interfered

Yet has he ever admitted that they help him but with Trump trying to get Russia readmitted to the G8 well I guess it did pay off for the Russians.

yes the right will try to paint something but Russian interference was known or suspect for a long time and yes the intelligence agency was aware of it and that is why Trump associates are in jail and have admitted wrong doing in relations to the Russians

Trump actions and support of Putin does not indicated anything less

Why would they not keep records and have discussion on Russian interference especially with Trumps early denials and in the end it is Trump himself who is the last one to believe it happen.

The time line is important

In April 2016, an attorney for Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC separately hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump

The same month that the DNC and her emails were hacked

In June 2016, Fusion GPS subcontracted Steele's firm to compile the dossier
As most work is done by subcontractors, the client does know who the subcontractor is and does not care

still Steele is hired in June 2016 to do a dossier well after the russian attack is known and the the facebook and tweeter accounts are known

So the question is why the support for Trump

Also Trump people were already meeting with Russians and trying to peddle influence

He put the dossier together between June 2016 and Oct 2016 and as much of the dossier is UNPROVEN there are a couple of things that was proven

Who to believe rudy who was not there or maybe he was or

the police that investigated the murder

Still an indictment was filed that identified the person who compromised the hacking. I didn't see Seth's name on it.

If you have any evidence that something else happen I would send it to the police

Sorry rudy was not there

Fine example of fake news as people thing they know what happen but have no proof

Rich's parents condemned the conspiracy theorists and said that these individuals were exploiting their son's death for political gain

The investigator stated that he had no evidence to back up the claims which Fox News attributed to him.

Fox news issued a retraction and network executives (FOX) were never able to identify the source of their now-retracted story

U.S. prosecutor who was in charge of the Rich investigation says that Russia’s foreign intelligence service (SVR) first pushed the false claim that Democratic National Committee staffer Rich was involved

Jerome Corsi retracted a nearly year-old column published on the website Infowars, run by another notorious conspiracy peddler, Alex Jones, that promoted the unfounded claim that Rich and his brother participated in the hack of the DNC and leaked documents to WikiLeaks.

And it is still being pushing as the Fake News that it is

but if you don't believe me then how about Fox

On May 16, a story was posted on the Fox News website on the investigation into the 2016 murder of DNC Staffer Seth Rich. The article was not initially subjected to the high degree of editorial scrutiny we require for all our reporting," the network said in an official statement on May 23, 2017. "Upon appropriate review, the article was found not to meet those standards and has since been removed."
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There was nothing illegal about Orh turning over in Dec 2016 his wife's research she conducted while working for GPS in 2015/2016, to the FBI....

it was research that she was hired to do when the Washington Free Beacon was paying GPS for the opposition research on Trump....

If you see something, say something.
Why it matters ?
They never mentioned these little details to the FISA court.

the Fisa on Page was opened in October 2016... a month after he no longer was part of the Trump campaign... (Page has never even spoken to Trump on the phone, according to Page himself, and has never even met President or candidate or Mr. Trump.....)

the article says Orh gave his wife's notes to the FBI in December of 2016,

That is TWO MONTHS AFTER the FISA application.

so, I ask again, what is unusual or illegal about this?

And seriously, if Page's FISA did not have all the i's dotted or T's crossed, then fine.... give them their slap on the hand, or penalty according to the law.... by law, a person wrongly put under FISA surveillance gets X amount of money for every day he was wrongly spied on

but it in no way affects any of the Mueller investigation.

it's simply a diversion.

well if anyone knows diversions its the democrats and their RUSSIA bullshit. everything behind it as soon as you ask, they divert to someone else. blame someone else. when was the last time a democrat (or hell, anyone) simply said "yea, we screwed up" and took accountability for their actions?

the fact we so easily blame each other for our mistakes is why the world is a bag of shit these days.

What are you babbling on about? The Russians did interfere with our election, in support for Donald Trump, the Trump campaign freely accepted that help from the Russians, the Trump campaign even gave the Russians, their inside, detailed poling data in the three states the Trump campaigned turned from blue to red, in order to win the electoral college, so the Russians could zero in on those people in that state with their influence campaign to get Donald Trump elected.... if you don't believe me, READ the Special Counsel's investigation report, volume 1.

The Trump campaign/administration is stonewalling the congressional investigators and slow walking everything that all other presidents handed over to Congress when asked... hoping and praying 30 other SCANDALS in between by Trump, before they can get the subpoenaed evidence and witnesses to testify, that everyone will have forgotten about the Special Counsel investigation....

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied.

and they know how to party when they get a KGB operative in the WH -


OP's post #1: Nellie's ham radio operator application is quite comparable to a Clinton employee family member talking to Russians over the Bering Straits from Alaska via ham radio. Nellie's husband met with a Russian aluminum oligarch many times, as is documented in cyberspace.
The nation HAS become a banana republic.

Using the Justice system and intelligence agencies for political ends?


The lie is still bandied about that the Russians hacked the DNC. How convenient. It was a lie perpetuated in the Mueller Report.

One he conveniently decided not to even ask for the Crowd-strike raw data. There is something even more nefarious and ominous going on that most folks refuse to even consider.

RAY McGOVERN: Rich’s Ghost Haunts the Courts
RAY McGOVERN: Rich's Ghost Haunts the Courts

UPDATED: It is verboten to utter his name, but a lawsuit and possible declassification of NSA documents could get to the bottom of the Seth Rich controversy, says Ray McGovern.

". . . . As most Consortium News habitués are aware, Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (which includes two former NSA technical directors), working with independent forensic investigators, concluded two years ago that what “everyone knows to be Russian hacking of the Democratic National Committee” actually involved an insider with physical access to DNC computers copying the emails onto an external storage device — such as a thumb drive. In other words, it was a leak, not a hack.

VIPS based its conclusion on the principles of physics applied to metadata and other empirical information susceptible of forensic analysis.

But if a leak, not a hack, who was the DNC insider-leaker? In the absence of hard evidence, VIPS refuses “best-guess”-type “assessments” — the kind favored by the “handpicked analysts” who drafted the evidence-impoverished, so-called Intelligence Community Assessment of Jan. 6, 2017.. . . . . .


. . . . U.S. Courts apply far tougher standards to evidence than do the intelligence community and the pundits who loll around lazily, feeding from the intelligence PR trough. This (hardly surprising) reality was underscored when a Dallas financial adviser named Ed Butowsky sued National Public Radio and others for defaming him about the role he played in controversial stories relating to Rich.On August 7, NPR suffered a setback, when U.S. District Court Judge Amos Mazzant affirmed a lower court decision to allow Butowsky’s defamation lawsuit to proceed.

Judge Mazzant ruled that NPR had stated as “verifiable statements of fact” information that could not be verified, and that the plaintiff had been, in effect, accused of being engaged in wrongdoing without persuasive sourcing language.

Isikoff: Russians started it. (Wikipedia)

Imagine! — “persuasive sourcing” required to separate fact from opinion and axes to grind! An interesting precedent to apply to the ins and outs of Russiagate. In the courts, at least, this is now beginning to happen. And NPR and others in similarly vulnerable positions are scurrying around for allies. The day after Judge Mazzant’s decision, NPR enlisted help from discredited Yahoo! News pundit Michael Isikoff (author, with David Corn, of the fiction-posing-as-fact novel Russian Roulette). NPR gave Isikoff 37 minutes on its popular Fresh Air program to spin his yarn about how the Seth Rich story got started. You guessed it; the Russians started it. No, we are not making this up. . . . "
Rich's parents condemned the conspiracy theorists and said that these individuals were exploiting their son's death for political gain
Seth Rich's parents were paid off to the tune of at least 7 figures- probably 8 ($10million).

State your source. I know that they tried to sue FOX for defamation of character but the judge threw it out because the guy had died and the judge ruled that you cannot defaming his character since he died and his parents cannot prove that it damaged them. Something like that. So if you have a source state it and who says that they were paid off.

why would they be paid off and by whom ?
State your source. I know that they tried to sue FOX for defamation of character but the judge threw it out because the guy had died and the judge ruled that you cannot defaming his character since he died and his parents cannot prove that it damaged them. Something like that. So if you have a source state it and who says that they were paid off.

why would they be paid off and by whom ?
State my source ? Why don't you ask Donna Brazile about it.
State your source. I know that they tried to sue FOX for defamation of character but the judge threw it out because the guy had died and the judge ruled that you cannot defaming his character since he died and his parents cannot prove that it damaged them. Something like that. So if you have a source state it and who says that they were paid off.

why would they be paid off and by whom ?
State my source ? Why don't you ask Donna Brazile about it.

Do you mean the Donna B who was with the DNC and got caught leaking debate question to Hillary and was disgraced enough and got fired

Now she works as a FOX contributor, as the only network that would use her is FOX

The same FOX that published the Seth story and eventually had to apologize and retract the story and couldn't answer who was the source of the story

Yeah right just because she says something is not proof unless she has proof to back it up

Yet if you believe her because she said it then I would do a little more research

Yet the Mueller report should have ended any of the conspiracy stuff about Seth R as they told us who was responsible
Do you mean the Donna B who was with the DNC and got caught leaking debate question to Hillary and was disgraced enough and got fired

Now she works as a FOX contributor, as the only network that would use her is FOX

The same FOX that published the Seth story and eventually had to apologize and retract the story and couldn't answer who was the source of the story

Yeah right just because she says something is not proof unless she has proof to back it up

Yet if you believe her because she said it then I would do a little more research

Yet the Mueller report should have ended any of the conspiracy stuff about Seth R as they told us who was responsible
Prime example when a Right wing argument is debunked and they have nothing

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