Hundreds of pages of emails show Nellie Ohr researched Trump-Russia connections

Obama tried to orchestrate a coup against Trump....for you to still be stretching from here to the moon over Russia nonsense is a laugh at this point in time...and Trump would be nuts to release his tax returns with dishonest people like you and the media looking over guys can make a crime out of a goose egg....
You can see the underlying theme they're conjuring up - to the Democrats, whether the FBI or the White House broke the law is irrelevant- they were doing it for national security to prevent Trump from being president. Stzrok, Comey, Ohr, Brennan-- all these folks are heroes who were just "trying to do the right thing for America."
Still no brave independent reporter will ask Obama what he knew and when he knew it.....shouldn't the president at the time be the one to clear things up?.....
How many business deals has Obama concluded with corrupt Russian gangsters?

One year into the FBI's Russia investigation, Mueller is on the Trump money trail - CNNPolitics

"A year later, the FBI is reviewing financial records related to the Trump Organization, as well as Trump, his family members, including Donald Trump Jr., and campaign associates.

"They've combed through the list of shell companies and buyers of Trump-branded real estate properties and scrutinized the roster of tenants at Trump Tower reaching back more than a half-dozen years.

"They've looked at the backgrounds of Russian business associates connected to Trump surrounding the 2013 Miss Universe pageant. CNN could not determine whether the review has included his tax returns."

Obama has released his tax returns.

Why has Trump refused to do so?
if for no other reason than to piss off the left, good.
There was nothing illegal about Orh turning over in Dec 2016 his wife's research she conducted while working for GPS in 2015/2016, to the FBI....

it was research that she was hired to do when the Washington Free Beacon was paying GPS for the opposition research on Trump....

If you see something, say something.
Why it matters ?
They never mentioned these little details to the FISA court.

the Fisa on Page was opened in October 2016... a month after he no longer was part of the Trump campaign... (Page has never even spoken to Trump on the phone, according to Page himself, and has never even met President or candidate or Mr. Trump.....)

the article says Orh gave his wife's notes to the FBI in December of 2016,

That is TWO MONTHS AFTER the FISA application.

so, I ask again, what is unusual or illegal about this?

And seriously, if Page's FISA did not have all the i's dotted or T's crossed, then fine.... give them their slap on the hand, or penalty according to the law.... by law, a person wrongly put under FISA surveillance gets X amount of money for every day he was wrongly spied on

but it in no way affects any of the Mueller investigation.

it's simply a diversion.

There would have never been a mewler investigation if the FISA application had not been fraudulent.

That's the whole point.

Why not? The Mueller investigation began because of Trump firing the head of those officially investigating Russian interference?? Not anything to do with a legal or illegally obtained FISA?

FISA had already been abused and the trump campaign was being spied on even before he was the nominee.

That is a crime Care. That was the obummer admin setting us down the road towards banana republic status.
FISA had already been abused and the trump campaign was being spied on even before he was the nominee.

That is a crime Care. That was the obummer admin setting us down the road towards banana republic status.
Obama is too smart to have signed off on this without securing
some kind of 'get out of jail free' card from Brennan, Clapper and Comey. Unless he was being blackmailed
in some way ? If you think about it back to when he was elected in 2008, do you really think that Obama chose Hillary Clinton to be his Secretary of State or John Brennan to be CIA director ?
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Obama tried to orchestrate a coup against Trump....for you to still be stretching from here to the moon over Russia nonsense is a laugh at this point in time...and Trump would be nuts to release his tax returns with dishonest people like you and the media looking over guys can make a crime out of a goose egg....
You can see the underlying theme they're conjuring up - to the Democrats, whether the FBI or the White House broke the law is irrelevant- they were doing it for national security to prevent Trump from being president. Stzrok, Comey, Ohr, Brennan-- all these folks are heroes who were just "trying to do the right thing for America."

None of the people you listed acted in any way " to prevent Trump from being president",
Obama tried to orchestrate a coup against Trump....for you to still be stretching from here to the moon over Russia nonsense is a laugh at this point in time...and Trump would be nuts to release his tax returns with dishonest people like you and the media looking over guys can make a crime out of a goose egg....
You can see the underlying theme they're conjuring up - to the Democrats, whether the FBI or the White House broke the law is irrelevant- they were doing it for national security to prevent Trump from being president. Stzrok, Comey, Ohr, Brennan-- all these folks are heroes who were just "trying to do the right thing for America."

None of the people you listed acted in any way " to prevent Trump from being president",
Brennan called him a traitor on Rachel Maddow, Huggy Bear.
FISA had already been abused and the trump campaign was being spied on even before he was the nominee.

That is a crime Care. That was the obummer admin setting us down the road towards banana republic status.
Obama is too smart to have signed off on this without securing
some kind of 'get out of jail free' card from Brennan, Clapper and Comey. Unless he was being blackmailed
in some way ? If you think about it back to when he was elected in 2008, do you really think that Obama chose Hillary Clinton to be his Secretary of State or John Brennan to be CIA director ?

Of course not. Once elected obummer was doing his masters bidding. That has been true of all presidents going back to at least Wilson. That's why trump was elected.
The people of the US are tired of the ruling class.
Obama tried to orchestrate a coup against Trump....for you to still be stretching from here to the moon over Russia nonsense is a laugh at this point in time...and Trump would be nuts to release his tax returns with dishonest people like you and the media looking over guys can make a crime out of a goose egg....
You can see the underlying theme they're conjuring up - to the Democrats, whether the FBI or the White House broke the law is irrelevant- they were doing it for national security to prevent Trump from being president. Stzrok, Comey, Ohr, Brennan-- all these folks are heroes who were just "trying to do the right thing for America."

None of the people you listed acted in any way " to prevent Trump from being president",

Facts we already have say otherwise.
Any day now.:26:
Newly uncovered FBI documents show how Nellie Ohr fits into the Trump-Russia saga, documents that also paint an increasingly clearer picture of the Clinton-linked opposition research firm Fusion GPS's central role in 2016 and beyond.
Hundreds of pages of emails show Nellie Ohr researched Trump-Russia connections
Nellie did a laundry of the email by runing them by about 6 or more servers to cover up who sent them. It sort of like money laundering to hide the source of the data. I also note that she was financed to run for a Senate seat by Clinton to the tune of $500.000. She did not win.

Obama tried to orchestrate a coup against Trump....for you to still be stretching from here to the moon over Russia nonsense is a laugh at this point in time...and Trump would be nuts to release his tax returns with dishonest people like you and the media looking over guys can make a crime out of a goose egg....
You can see the underlying theme they're conjuring up - to the Democrats, whether the FBI or the White House broke the law is irrelevant- they were doing it for national security to prevent Trump from being president. Stzrok, Comey, Ohr, Brennan-- all these folks are heroes who were just "trying to do the right thing for America."

None of the people you listed acted in any way " to prevent Trump from being president",

Facts we already have say otherwise.

LOL...what "facts" are those?
Attacks by "Cozy Bear" began in the summer of 2015. Attacks by "Fancy Bear" began in April 2016 on the DNC

So why wouldn't Russia be a country of interest

The newly-released emails show Bruce forwarded himself a spreadsheet sent by his wife titled “WhosWho19Sept2016.xlsx”

Although it wasn't universally accepted, the active russian campaign became a part of the political campaign itself. Trump and opponent Hillary Clinton traded barbs about the Russian interference during their debates.

Trump never bought into the Russian interference until recently when he admitted in a weak way that they might have interfered

Yet has he ever admitted that they help him but with Trump trying to get Russia readmitted to the G8 well I guess it did pay off for the Russians.

yes the right will try to paint something but Russian interference was known or suspect for a long time and yes the intelligence agency was aware of it and that is why Trump associates are in jail and have admitted wrong doing in relations to the Russians

Trump actions and support of Putin does not indicated anything less

Why would they not keep records and have discussion on Russian interference especially with Trumps early denials and in the end it is Trump himself who is the last one to believe it happen.

The time line is important

In April 2016, an attorney for Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC separately hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump

The same month that the DNC and her emails were hacked

In June 2016, Fusion GPS subcontracted Steele's firm to compile the dossier
As most work is done by subcontractors, the client does know who the subcontractor is and does not care

still Steele is hired in June 2016 to do a dossier well after the russian attack is known and the the facebook and tweeter accounts are known

So the question is why the support for Trump

Also Trump people were already meeting with Russians and trying to peddle influence

He put the dossier together between June 2016 and Oct 2016 and as much of the dossier is UNPROVEN there are a couple of things that was proven
Attacks by "Cozy Bear" began in the summer of 2015. Attacks by "Fancy Bear" began in April 2016 on the DNC

So why wouldn't Russia be a country of interest

The newly-released emails show Bruce forwarded himself a spreadsheet sent by his wife titled “WhosWho19Sept2016.xlsx”

Although it wasn't universally accepted, the active russian campaign became a part of the political campaign itself. Trump and opponent Hillary Clinton traded barbs about the Russian interference during their debates.

Trump never bought into the Russian interference until recently when he admitted in a weak way that they might have interfered

Yet has he ever admitted that they help him but with Trump trying to get Russia readmitted to the G8 well I guess it did pay off for the Russians.

yes the right will try to paint something but Russian interference was known or suspect for a long time and yes the intelligence agency was aware of it and that is why Trump associates are in jail and have admitted wrong doing in relations to the Russians

Trump actions and support of Putin does not indicated anything less

Why would they not keep records and have discussion on Russian interference especially with Trumps early denials and in the end it is Trump himself who is the last one to believe it happen.

The time line is important

In April 2016, an attorney for Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC separately hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump

The same month that the DNC and her emails were hacked

In June 2016, Fusion GPS subcontracted Steele's firm to compile the dossier
As most work is done by subcontractors, the client does know who the subcontractor is and does not care

still Steele is hired in June 2016 to do a dossier well after the russian attack is known and the the facebook and tweeter accounts are known

So the question is why the support for Trump

Also Trump people were already meeting with Russians and trying to peddle influence

He put the dossier together between June 2016 and Oct 2016 and as much of the dossier is UNPROVEN there are a couple of things that was proven

In the end, Cocksucker Obama will be outed as the one who ordered all of it. The Cocksucker will be "undressed" after all, and exposed for being....

1. born in Kenya
2. a gay coke whore as a teenager
3. an organizer of HATE HOAXES
4. married to a MAN who wears outfits with foam inserts to make the ass look female
5. a fraud of a "father" who has no real kids with his DNA
6. a complete and total white hating bigot
7. one who found out in 2010 that Global Warming was a fraud, buried that truth, tried to have the person who exposed it all murdered... and that person is, you guessed it, WHITE and a victim of "affirmative action"
8. deliberately lied in the 2008 campaign about medical marijuana only to turn around and up said prosecutions 5 fold... because the defendants were overwhelmingly WHITE
9. had his DOJ question Federal crime victims about whether they supported him, the Dems, and ObamaCare, and then ditched the prosecution if the answers were not all YES
10, was told in week 1 of his Presidency that 911 was a fraud by Israel, responded by bringing in Netanyahu, sitting him in a room like a 3rd grader, and then letting him out and kissing his toes because THE CLOSET DOOR would open if he did not
Any day now.:26:
Newly uncovered FBI documents show how Nellie Ohr fits into the Trump-Russia saga, documents that also paint an increasingly clearer picture of the Clinton-linked opposition research firm Fusion GPS's central role in 2016 and beyond.
Hundreds of pages of emails show Nellie Ohr researched Trump-Russia connections
More CONFIRMATION of what we have known for a LONG time...
If they don't put someone away soon, Sean Hannity may go on a shooting spree or lose it like Glenn Beck with the crazy chalkboard.:beer:
God bless Hannity's passion and desire for actual justice to be administered to these proven traitors; however, it is more likely that he will keel over from an aneurism before any of them are held accountable.

Take former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, investigated and recommended for indictment by the independent investigation by the US IG for crimes committed in his part of part in Obama's coup attempt...and they are talking about DECIDING on whether to indict him or not....
There was nothing illegal about Orh turning over in Dec 2016 his wife's research she conducted while working for GPS in 2015/2016, to the FBI....

it was research that she was hired to do when the Washington Free Beacon was paying GPS for the opposition research on Trump....

If you see something, say something.
Why it matters ?
They never mentioned these little details to the FISA court.

the Fisa on Page was opened in October 2016... a month after he no longer was part of the Trump campaign... (Page has never even spoken to Trump on the phone, according to Page himself, and has never even met President or candidate or Mr. Trump.....)

the article says Orh gave his wife's notes to the FBI in December of 2016,

That is TWO MONTHS AFTER the FISA application.

so, I ask again, what is unusual or illegal about this?

And seriously, if Page's FISA did not have all the i's dotted or T's crossed, then fine.... give them their slap on the hand, or penalty according to the law.... by law, a person wrongly put under FISA surveillance gets X amount of money for every day he was wrongly spied on

but it in no way affects any of the Mueller investigation.

it's simply a diversion.

There would have never been a mewler investigation if the FISA application had not been fraudulent.

That's the whole point.

Why not? The Mueller investigation began because of Trump firing the head of those officially investigating Russian interference?? Not anything to do with a legal or illegally obtained FISA?

how does that interfere in an investigation exactly?

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