Hunt the Boeing 9/11 Conspiracy!!

Fucking retard. Make shit up and then present it as evidence. Why aren't there TWO holes then? If as you claim a missile struck first and a jet later in ANOTHER spot, where is the second HOLE? And where did all the fire from your supposed missile strike come from and then go to?

thanks for showing everybody how you always engage in childish name calling when losing a debate and cant counter a point brought up.
Hi DiveCon:

Nobody on earth can possibly be this stupid, unless they are playing stupid on purpose for some reason.

can you EVER deal with an issue without posting two tons of bullshit
you are the stupid one
there is no video of a missile hitting the pentagon
if you have one, please do show it
you use nothing but LIES to show your troofer bullshit
spoken like a true queer.

So all the people that SAW the plane were liars? But lets go further shall we? If the plane did not, in fact, hit the Pentagon, where did it go? Where did the crew and passengers go? Why did those people talking on cell phones from the plane suddenly stop after the plane did not hit the pentagon?

There is no known missile that could cause the damage seen at the pentagon.

all that proves is that it couldnt have been an airliner.:lol::lol:you just helped reinforce his case that it couldnt have been say where did the crew and passengers go,well wheres the photos of these crew and passengers?,wheres the luggage,wheres the evidence these people were on the plane? did they vaporize?:lol::lol::lol: Thats almost as hysterical as Divecons logic that we cant see the film of the airliner coming in that the FBI ADMITS they confiscated,cause of LOW GRADE cameras.:lol:I'll never live that one down by Divecon.the most sophisticated air defense network in the world and the answer to why it wasnt caught on film is LOW GRADE cameras.thats priceless.I love it.:lol::lol: typical Divecon post thats for sure.LOL.
spoken like a true queer.

So all the people that SAW the plane were liars? But lets go further shall we? If the plane did not, in fact, hit the Pentagon, where did it go? Where did the crew and passengers go? Why did those people talking on cell phones from the plane suddenly stop after the plane did not hit the pentagon?

There is no known missile that could cause the damage seen at the pentagon.

Aliens took the plan and not the ones from Mexico. The little Green Men! They worked in conjunction with the Jews! See long time ago the aliens mistook the Jews' Demonic Green Skin and horns as their own. The rest is history!
thats what cracks me up about the 9/11 apologists who blindly accept the official version.

Blindy accept the offical version? There is a mountain of evidence that supports our claim. In order to believe any part of YOUR conspiracy claim, we are forced to disregard all the evidence counter to it.

Not everyone is crazy like you are.
Hi Godboy:

thats what cracks me up about the 9/11 apologists who blindly accept the official version.
Blindy accept the offical version? There is a mountain of evidence that supports our claim. In order to believe any part of YOUR conspiracy claim, we are forced to disregard all the evidence counter to it.

Not everyone is crazy like you are.

Bullony! Just go to the top of the Page and answer Post #16. Show us a picture of Flight 93 or AA77 crashed ANYWHERE.

Official Cover Story DUPES << -- :cuckoo:


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Hi Godboy:

thats what cracks me up about the 9/11 apologists who blindly accept the official version.
Blindy accept the offical version? There is a mountain of evidence that supports our claim. In order to believe any part of YOUR conspiracy claim, we are forced to disregard all the evidence counter to it.

Not everyone is crazy like you are.

Bullony! Just go to the top of the Page and answer Post #16. Show us a picture of Flight 93 or AA77 crashed ANYWHERE.

Official Cover Story DUPES << -- :cuckoo:



You have made my point for me perfectly. You disregard the mountain of evidence against your theory, because you want a picture? You are out of your fucking mind.

I made bacon and eggs for breakfast this morning and i dont have a picture of that either, but that doesnt mean it didnt happen.
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spoken like a true queer.

So all the people that SAW the plane were liars? But lets go further shall we? If the plane did not, in fact, hit the Pentagon, where did it go? Where did the crew and passengers go? Why did those people talking on cell phones from the plane suddenly stop after the plane did not hit the pentagon?

There is no known missile that could cause the damage seen at the pentagon.

all that proves is that it couldnt have been an airliner.:lol::lol:you just helped reinforce his case that it couldnt have been say where did the crew and passengers go,well wheres the photos of these crew and passengers?,wheres the luggage,wheres the evidence these people were on the plane? did they vaporize?:lol::lol::lol: Thats almost as hysterical as Divecons logic that we cant see the film of the airliner coming in that the FBI ADMITS they confiscated,cause of LOW GRADE cameras.:lol:I'll never live that one down by Divecon.the most sophisticated air defense network in the world and the answer to why it wasnt caught on film is LOW GRADE cameras.thats priceless.I love it.:lol::lol: typical Divecon post thats for sure.LOL.
yes, you find it funny to post rational thoughts
because you are a fucking MORON
Hi Godboy:

thats what cracks me up about the 9/11 apologists who blindly accept the official version.
Blindy accept the offical version? There is a mountain of evidence that supports our claim. In order to believe any part of YOUR conspiracy claim, we are forced to disregard all the evidence counter to it.

Not everyone is crazy like you are.

Bullony! Just go to the top of the Page and answer Post #16. Show us a picture of Flight 93 or AA77 crashed ANYWHERE.

Official Cover Story DUPES << -- :cuckoo:


there have been photos of the wreckage everywhere
you just keep denying the truth
WHERES THE PLANE ? why no video or photos from the the most secure building in America..why cant we see them...7 years later

there are pieces of it in the photo Toro posted.
Hi DiveCon:

Nobody on earth can possibly be this stupid, unless they are playing stupid on purpose for some reason.

can you EVER deal with an issue without posting two tons of bullshit
you are the stupid one
there is no video of a missile hitting the pentagon
if you have one, please do show it
you use nothing but LIES to show your troofer bullshit

this guy is like publius infinitum and oliver stone combined.
Hi DiveCon:

Nobody on earth can possibly be this stupid, unless they are playing stupid on purpose for some reason.

can you EVER deal with an issue without posting two tons of bullshit
you are the stupid one
there is no video of a missile hitting the pentagon
if you have one, please do show it
you use nothing but LIES to show your troofer bullshit

this guy is like publius infinitum and oliver stone combined.
no kidding
then you have the other moron that think security cams that have a low shot ration will pick up a 757 flying at 500+ MPH
thats NOT what they were designed to do and they have limits to what they will cover
clearly they don't understand shutter speeds either
it would have been nice if someone had a Sony HD cam pointed right at the path the plane took, but then they would claim "fore knowledge" and it was an inside job still
Hi Godboy:

Blindy accept the offical version? There is a mountain of evidence that supports our claim. In order to believe any part of YOUR conspiracy claim, we are forced to disregard all the evidence counter to it.

Not everyone is crazy like you are.

Bullony! Just go to the top of the Page and answer Post #16. Show us a picture of Flight 93 or AA77 crashed ANYWHERE.

Official Cover Story DUPES << -- :cuckoo:


there have been photos of the wreckage everywhere
you just keep denying the truth

Yeah, there are photos, but he wants a photo of a typical airliner crash where you have the fuselage mostly intact. He fails to recognize that the plane took a nose dive, so it blew apart on impact. In typical plane crashes, the pilot attempts to land the plane belly down so they can at least skip along to soften the impact. Yes, in those situations, the fuselage generally stays intact. When you take a passenger airliner into a full throttle nose dive, because the passengers are trying to storm the cockpit, the result is the plane blows apart and scatters far from the impact site. Just like weve seen in photos.
Hi Godboy:

Bullony! Just go to the top of the Page and answer Post #16. Show us a picture of Flight 93 or AA77 crashed ANYWHERE.

Official Cover Story DUPES << -- :cuckoo:


there have been photos of the wreckage everywhere
you just keep denying the truth

Yeah, there are photos, but he wants a photo of a typical airliner crash where you have the fuselage mostly intact. He fails to recognize that the plane took a nose dive, so it blew apart on impact. In typical plane crashes, the pilot attempts to land the plane belly down so they can at least skip along to soften the impact. Yes, in those situations, the fuselage generally stays intact. When you take a passenger airliner into a full throttle nose dive, because the passengers are trying to storm the cockpit, the result is the plane blows apart and scatters far from the impact site. Just like weve seen in photos.
yeah, what doesnt embed into the ground from the impact

its just common sense
Hi Elvis, DiveCon and Godboy:

there are pieces of it in the photo Toro posted . . . this guy is like publius infinitum and oliver stone combined.
there have been photos of the wreckage everywhere. you just keep denying the truth
Yeah, there are photos, but he wants a photo of a typical airliner crash where you have the fuselage mostly intact . . .


Here is a News Flash for everybody! All of the pictures (link) taken outside Shanksville on 9/11 show an empty hole (short video clip) in the empty field. Period. You guys crack a real 911Truther up!

[ame=""]Disinfo Chat Monkeys Crack Me Up![/ame]

Learn how to spot a Disinfo Agent here.


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Hi Elvis, DiveCon and Godboy:

there are pieces of it in the photo Toro posted . . . this guy is like publius infinitum and oliver stone combined.
there have been photos of the wreckage everywhere. you just keep denying the truth
Yeah, there are photos, but he wants a photo of a typical airliner crash where you have the fuselage mostly intact . . .

Here is a News Flash for everybody! All of the pictures (link) taken outside Shanksville on 9/11 show an empty hole (short video clip) in the empty field. Period. You guys crack a real 911Truther up!

Learn how to spot a Disinfo Agent here.


you are a fucking moron

you guys just dont want to face the REST of the photos of the site
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