Hunter Biden Claim Exposes Joe Biden As Tax Cheat

Hunter Biden Claims he paid dad, Joe Biden, $50,000 a MONTH to rent the house...

...but Joe Biden never claimed the $50k a month on his taxes.

"On the Schedule E portion of his 2017 tax forms, Joe Biden reported $19,800 in “rents received,” and none in 2018.

But when filling out a background check, Hunter Biden claimed to pay a specific $49,910 rent each month to his dad from March 2017 to February 2018. This is the same home where classified documents were recently found stacked in the garage. Biden the Younger spent about a year — during part of his drugged-out times — renting (?) Biden the Elder’s Wilmington, Del., home following his divorce from Kathleen Biden.

Kathleen filed for divorce after learning that (among other women, including an Arkansas stripper who gave birth to Hunter’s unacknowledged daughter in 2018) Hunter was having an affair with his dead brother Beau’s widow, Hallie."



Hunter was paying his dad $50,000 PER MONTH to rent the house?

Joe Biden’s Wilmington home “is currently valued at $1,380,800 by real estate website” and has an estimated rental value of about $7,600 per month.

PJMEDIA is a questionable source.


He was paying that much every three months for office space, which is about average for a law firm and it wasn't being paid to his dad. The story arose out of a misreading of a rental application.

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A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.
  • Overall, we rate PJ Media to be Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, as well as numerous failed fact checks.

Detailed Report​

Questionable Reasoning: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Poor Sourcing, Failed Fact Checks
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Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
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Rump Pole = Questionable source

Find a better source, please. WSJ, Christian Science Moniter, The Hill, etc.​

MBFC's ratings are right on, so don't give me any crap you don't like them.

Funny thing, the websites that rate MBFC poorly are the very ones that MBFC rates poorly.

No wonder the right wing sites hate MBFC, 'cause MFBC rates them poorly, it's a circular argument.

Here's their rating on PJMEDIA.


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.
  • Overall, we rate PJ Media to be Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, as well as numerous failed fact checks.

Detailed Report​

Questionable Reasoning: Extreme Right, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Poor Sourcing, Failed Fact Checks
Bias Rating: RIGHT
Factual Reporting: MIXED
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY

Hey Rump, you and all the other snowflakes, bots, and trolls who continuously try to undermine other's sources when unable to disprove what is being reported while clinging to your leftist MSM ... whose remaining credibility was shredded today ... can kiss my ass.

In a couple of years when the Left has at least 1 media source you can refer to that has earned back even anyone's benefit of the doubt again, come talk to me.
But when filling out a background check, Hunter Biden claimed to pay a specific $49,910 rent each month to his dad from March 2017 to February 2018. Well you would have to know what this background check is for and then assume that he is not lying or claiming bills that are not real. He is a drug addict during this period of time.

well a background check means what when HB was hopped up on drugs, alcoholic, and whatever. It just a form that he filled out and does not mean its accurate and we would have to know what he filling it out for. Looking for a loan or something.

rest of the story- During an acrimonious divorce filing in 2017, Ms Buhle accused Hunter of "spending extravagantly on his own interests (including drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs, and gifts for women with whom he has sexual relations) while leaving the family with no funds to pay legitimate bills

Still why would Biden charge his son rent when he was having issues and if his wife says he used money to pay for drugs and alcohol and had no money to pay bills. Why would Joe not report it. It is no big deal to report this income if real. If he wasn't paying it then yeah, he would not report it. He does not have to charge rent to his son if he trying to help him.

How is he paying Joe Biden 50,000 a year as it is not like JB needs it and he helping his son.

yeah he was still on the Ukraine company payroll $83,333 a month to sit on its board, Still why would Joe Biden not report this 49,000. Yet his wife says that they had no funds to pay bills because he was using drugs, paying prostitutes, etc.

All circumstantial and fishing expedition. Hunter Biden was going thru a divorce and she wanted at about 30,000 a month So this probably was a factor in him saying that he paid Joe this money for rent. He lost the Ukraine salary in early 2018.

Hunter Biden: The struggles and scandals of the US president's son
The story is bunk. Hunter paid the money for office space, not out of the ordinary for a law firm, and it wasn't being paid to Joe Biden. The story arose out of a misreading of a rental application on Hunter's laptop

My gawd, you republicans are a bunch of jackals.

I wonder if the real reason the filthy Democrats wanted to hire 87,000 new IRS agents is so they could cover up Joe Potatohead's tax evasion.
Yuo lie. The IRS hiring policy is over a long period of time to replace retirees. There is NO evidence Joe Biden is a tax cheat, and the story is bunk. proof provided on request.
Instead of trying to launder the payoff money through several LLCs Potatohead should have done like Crooked Hillary and Slick Willy and created a sham charity foundation. Much easier to launder corruption payoff funds.

Trump had 500 LLCs. There are a number of legit reasons for a shell company. A shell company is not prima facie evidence of illegal activity.

Trump's charity, a paper org, was shut down because of 'illegal activity' and Trump was fined $2 million bucks.

Clinton's charity employs 2000 people world wide.

Quit lying.
Rump Pole = Troll
I chose the name 'Rumpole' because I knew morons wouldn't be able to resist vulgarizing the name.
Congratulations on taking the bait. I now know who I'm dealing with: A fucking moron!
He's just pissed because their 7-year hoax just officially came to an end.

Yeah, like John 'heads will roll' Durham's investigation came to end, SEVEN MILLION TAXPAYER Bucks for a 300 page report that just whines about the FBI. No prosecutions. No indictments, nothing.

I got your seven year hoax right here;

Remember what they were saying when Barr appointed Durham? "Heads will roll".

Sorry, no heads.

Hey Rump, you and all the other snowflakes, bots, and trolls who continuously try to undermine other's sources when unable to disprove what is being reported while clinging to your leftist MSM ... whose remaining credibility was shredded today ... can kiss my ass.

In a couple of years when the Left has at least 1 media source you can refer to that has earned back even anyone's benefit of the doubt again, come talk to me.
Dude, even YOU ignored your source.

Hey Rump, you and all the other snowflakes, bots, and trolls who continuously try to undermine other's sources when unable to disprove what is being reported while clinging to your leftist MSM ... whose remaining credibility was shredded today ... can kiss my ass.
Joke's on you, bub. That story is debunked, below.
In a couple of years when the Left has at least 1 media source you can refer to that has earned back even anyone's benefit of the doubt again, come talk to me.

Hell, that one is easy to debunk:

The story arose from an email on the laptop which shows that the $49k was for a security deposit on office space, which had nothing to do with Joe Biden. THat being true, there can be no 'tax cheat' because the premise of the tax cheat was that Joe Biden was receiving rent from his son which he didn't report. Well, that's a false story.

Note that the email, below, has a 'Marco Polo' watermark, which means that the image originated from "Marco Polo" website "The FAmily Biden Business" which is the anti-Biden Family website: Marco Polo Since they are no friend of the Bidens, it's unlikely they altered the image given that it disproves the rumor.

this is the memo referred to:

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Joke's on you, bub. That story is debunked, below.

Hell, that one is easy to debunk:

The story arose from a memo on the laptop which shows that the $49k was for a security deposit on office space, which had nothing to do with Hunter's dad. THat being true, there can be no 'tax cheat' because the premise of the tax cheat was that Joe Biden was receiving rent from his son which he didn't report. Well, that's a false story.

this is the memo referred to:

View attachment 785990

Easy lies like he breathes. You're right to fact check anything you hear from him.

And the Lease Email? That was in Easy's PJ Media blog post. He edited it out when he copied and pasted.

Meaning Easy knew he was completely full of shit from the moment he posted.
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Belief isn't a standard of evidence.

And what kind of corruption are you claiming Joe Biden engaged in....

...realizing of course, that you'll need evidence to back that up.
I keep saying the investigation will need to be completed for those answers…What’s the matter with you idiots?
Easy lies like he breathes. You're right to fact check anything you hear from him.

And the Lease Email? That was in Easy's PJ Media blog post. He edited it out when he copied and pasted.

Meaning Easy knew he was completely full of shit from the moment he posted.
If it helps you sleep at night.

You fuckers just don't get it.

Next time we have a war, no one's going to fight for you.
If it helps you sleep at night.

You fuckers just don't get it.

Next time we have a war, no one's going to fight for you.

Yeah, I know. We ask questions. We demand evidence. We should just ape whatever we're told to think by PJ Media like good little right wingers.

Life is so much simpler for you in your echo-chamber, isn't it? No one fact checks. No one questions. EVeryone just nods to whatever nonsense you make up.

Alas, the law and the courts are the windshield that the bug of your sundry conspiracies splatter upon. And the transition from the comforting womb of the echo-chamber to harsh reality is a brutal one.
Yeah, I know. We ask questions. We demand evidence. We should just ape whatever we're told to think by PJ Media like good little right wingers.

Life is so much simpler for you in your echo-chamber, isn't it? No one fact checks. No one questions. EVeryone just nods to whatever nonsense you make up.

Alas, the law and the courts are the windshield that the bug of your sundry conspiracies splatter upon. And the transition from the comforting womb of the echo-chamber to harsh reality is a brutal one.

You're just waking up to this reality? :lmao:

You fail. No one believes your bullshit. Trump is under 34 felony indictments, and he's up by 7 points in the polls.

What does that tell you?

You're just waking up to this reality? :lmao:

You fail. No one believes your bullshit. Trump is under 34 felony indictments, and he's up by 7 points in the polls.

What does that tell you?
Oh, look. Another complete abandonment of the topic of the thread.

It really doesn't take much to run you off, doesn't it?

As for your awkward attempt to change the topic to *polling* numbers, the election is a year and a half away. And polling that far out is gloriously irrelevant. In May of 2015.....the Republican front runner was Jeb Bush.

Good luck with that!
Yeah, I know. We ask questions. We demand evidence. We should just ape whatever we're told to think by PJ Media like good little right wingers.

Life is so much simpler for you in your echo-chamber, isn't it? No one fact checks. No one questions. EVeryone just nods to whatever nonsense you make up.

Alas, the law and the courts are the windshield that the bug of your sundry conspiracies splatter upon. And the transition from the comforting womb of the echo-chamber to harsh reality is a brutal one.
You’re going to be screaming in the town square next Nov. and I’m going to laugh…


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