Hunter Biden Weak indictments show GOP Desperation.

yea right they have jack shit.

If they had anything we would know as they would want to show actual evidence of some crime.

The republicans literally have nothing. There is nothing against Biden at all and the Biden crime family lie, is just more of the same lies brought to you by the people that can't even admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud.

You have no evidence of election fraud at all, and Trump lost all court cases. You have no evidence of Biden crime family at all, and the only charges you can scrape up are pathetic misdemeanors that do jack shit and mean jack shit.

Worse yet the dems that have seen the pathetic evidence said it is nothing and dared them to impeach Biden.

Worse yet, the evidence against Trump is devastating and clearly proves his guilt of numerous federal crimes.
I am still waiting for you to post a fact or refute anything I post, which you can't do. You can't even admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud, that shows where you're at.
The facts gathered so far by the House committee investigation of the Biden Crime Family Syndicate have been made public. Those facts include lies by Sloppy Joe about his involvement with Hunter's business partners, records of millions of dollars in bank transactions and 20 shell companies to launder the money. You can find lists of those facts if you perform a search.

I should remind you that this is not the thread to prompte your TDS affliction.
The facts gathered so far by the House committee investigation of the Biden Crime Family Syndicate have been made public. Those facts include lies by Sloppy Joe about his involvement with Hunter's business partners, records of millions of dollars in bank transactions and 20 shell companies to launder the money. You can find lists of those facts if you perform a search.

I should remind you that this is not the thread to prompte your TDS affliction.
The fabricated accusations have been debunked and they have produced nothing at all to link anything to Joe. McCarthy can't even bring the impeachment inquiry to vote in the House because it will get rejected. That shows how weak the case is. They don't even have the votes for an impeachment inquiry...

The pathetic misdemeanor indictment against Hunter shows how truly weak the case against Biden is and how desperate the republicans are to scrape up something after 5 years of investigations and multiple serious federal indictments against Trump.
Your bullshit has been debunked.

I should remind you I started this thread and it is about the weak, pathetic, and desperate case against Biden, if you don't like it tough shit, leave.

You have still yet to post a fact or anything of merit and you keep embarrassing yourself with every post.
The fabricated accusations have been debunked and they have produced nothing at all to link anything to Joe. McCarthy can't even bring the impeachment inquiry to vote in the House because it will get rejected. That shows how weak the case is. They don't even have the votes for an impeachment inquiry...

The pathetic misdemeanor indictment against Hunter shows how truly weak the case against Biden is and how desperate the republicans are to scrape up something after 5 years of investigations and multiple serious federal indictments against Trump.
Your bullshit has been debunked.

I should remind you I started this thread and it is about the weak, pathetic, and desperate case against Biden, if you don't like it tough shit, leave.

You have still yet to post a fact or anything of merit and you keep embarrassing yourself with every post.
What "phacts" can you present to refute the hard copies and electronic bank records of $millions of dollars coming to the Biden Crime Family Syndicate?

I should remind you that ypur silly, "...because I say so", nonsense is laughable. Your weak, desperate and pathetic attempts at denial is poor cricket, Laddie.

This would be a good time to present your "phacts" refuting the documents listed above or better yet, entertain us with another saliva-slinging TDS rant
What "phacts" can you present to refute the hard copies and electronic bank records of $millions of dollars coming to the Biden Crime Family Syndicate?

I should remind you that ypur silly, "...because I say so", nonsense is laughable. Your weak, desperate and pathetic attempts at denial is poor cricket, Laddie.

This would be a good time to present your "phacts" refuting the documents listed above or better yet, entertain us with another saliva-slinging TDS rant
Those are lies and exaggerations, just like when you tried to claim Hunter paid Joe rent, or "the election was stolen" Republicans have a bad and repeated history of lies and false accusations.

The Devon Archer testimony was a huge fail and he provided nothing and even said "no business was discussed" and has nothing to tie anything to Joe Biden
The case against Biden is so weak McCarthy can't even bring it to a House vote, that shows the evidence against Biden is not credible and fabricated lies. If they had real evidence they would have easily gotten a vote on the impeachment inquiry.
They have investigated Hunter Biden for $5 years and found nothing at all besides a weak misdemeanor gun charge. No crimes at all, and nothing credible against Hunter.

You have nothing. If you had real deal credible evidence, like they have against Trump, it would come forward and Biden would be in trouble, like Trump is.

You people already pulled this shit with your crybaby fake election fraud lies and subsequent riot, yet Trump had no credible evidence of fraud at all and lost all court cases and just lied to you gullible fools like always.

You people have a history of lying about everything. The real evidence shows that the case against Biden is a total joke, and lacking in credibility.

No go cry like a bitch about TDS
The GOP have built "we have this" and "what if" but no facts of criminal behavior.

They make up lies and accusations and the gullible retards believe the lies. Then the lies get debunked.

These people can't even admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud, even after Trump lost all court cases and audits, and Trump has presented no real and credible evidence of fraud at all. That shows how gullible they are.

If there was real evidence of Biden wrongdoing, they would easily get the vote on the impeachment inquiry. McCarthy doesn;t even have enough votes for an impeachment inquiry.
Those are lies and exaggerations, just like when you tried to claim Hunter paid Joe rent, or "the election was stolen" Republicans have a bad and repeated history of lies and false accusations.

The Devon Archer testimony was a huge fail and he provided nothing and even said "no business was discussed" and has nothing to tie anything to Joe Biden
The case against Biden is so weak McCarthy can't even bring it to a House vote, that shows the evidence against Biden is not credible and fabricated lies. If they had real evidence they would have easily gotten a vote on the impeachment inquiry.
They have investigated Hunter Biden for $5 years and found nothing at all besides a weak misdemeanor gun charge. No crimes at all, and nothing credible against Hunter.

You have nothing. If you had real deal credible evidence, like they have against Trump, it would come forward and Biden would be in trouble, like Trump is.

You people already pulled this shit with your crybaby fake election fraud lies and subsequent riot, yet Trump had no credible evidence of fraud at all and lost all court cases and just lied to you gullible fools like always.

You people have a history of lying about everything. The real evidence shows that the case against Biden is a total joke, and lacking in credibility.

No go cry like a bitch about TDS

Those are lies and exaggerations,
"...because I say so"

Gee whiz. For someone whining about "phacts: and even "real phacts", your tirades are weak, pathetic and desperate being void of even those regular, pedestrian "phacts" let alone "real phacts".

I will require another of your frantic, TDS-addled tirades.

Do you understand now why people point and laugh at your rants?
"...because I say so"

Gee whiz. For someone whining about "phacts: and even "real phacts", your tirades are weak, pathetic and desperate being void of even those regular, pedestrian "phacts" let alone "real phacts".

I will require another of your frantic, TDS-addled tirades.

Do you understand now why people point and laugh at your rants?
Just because you don;t like the facts I post doesn't mean anything.

The facts are the facts.
Like I said. Post facts.
You have not posted any facts at all.
Referencing debunked accusations are not facts at all.
Accusations are not facts, especially when McCarthy can't even muster an impeachment inquiry vote proving how weak the accusations are.

Time to either post facts or shut the fuck up and leave with your tail between you legs.
Last edited:
Just because you don;t like the facts I post doesn't mean anything.

The facts are the facts.
Like I said. Post facts.
You have not posted any facts at all.
Referencing debunked accusations are not facts at all.
Accusations are not facts, especially when McCarthy can't even muster an impeachment inquiry vote proving how weak the accusations are.

Time to either post facts or shut the fuck up and leave with your tail between you legs.
You posted no facts. You posted your "beliefs". I previously explained to you why words are spelled differently and why that is intended to convey that words express different concepts.
You posted no facts. You posted your "beliefs". I previously explained to you why words are spelled differently and why that is intended to convey that words express different concepts.

No facts at all, per usual
Time to either post facts or shut the fuck up and leave with your tail between you legs.
Just because you don't like the facts I post doesn't disprove them at all.

All you can do is cry about TDS.
Last edited:

No facts at all, per usual
Time to either post facts or shut the fuck up and leave with your tail between you legs.
Just because you don't like the facts I post doesn't disprove them at all.
So.. you don't deny my claim that you have posted no facts, only your "beliefs" as you stated earlier, while you deny the facts I cited and as announced by the House committee.

I see you're lashing out in anger and frustration and now reduced to hurling vulgarity.

Maybe another off topic, slathering TDS rant would make you feel better?
So.. you don't deny my claim that you have posted no facts, only your "beliefs" as you stated earlier, while you deny the facts I cited and as announced by the House committee.

I see you're lashing out in anger and frustration and now reduced to hurling vulgarity.

Maybe another off topic, slathering TDS rant would make you feel better?
I have posted substantially more facts than anything you have posted. You referenced debunked accusations that have no credibility. I have repeatedly posted the facts multiple times:
The Devon Archer testimony was a total fail and he even said nothing was tied to Joe at all.
Kevin McCarthy doesn't even have the votes to for an impeachment inquiry showing how truly weak and pathetic the case against Biden is.
Hunter has been investigated for 5 years and all they could scrape together was a pathetic misdemeanor gun charge, showing they have nothing at all against Hunter.
Republicans have a history of fabricating total lies like when Trump lied about election fraud and incited a riot at the Capitol, and still most MAGA trash can't even admit Trump lost the election. Total pussies.

You have a slick mouth for being a total joke and a crybaby. You have not made 1 single meaningful post yet. You have not made 1 factual post yet. The best you can do is cry like a pussy about TDS and reference debunked accusations that don't even have enough support in the House for a vote. You have done nothing but expose your stupidity and crying.
I have posted substantially more facts than anything you have posted. You referenced debunked accusations that have no credibility. I have repeatedly posted the facts multiple times:
The Devon Archer testimony was a total fail and he even said nothing was tied to Joe at all.
Kevin McCarthy doesn't even have the votes to for an impeachment inquiry showing how truly weak and pathetic the case against Biden is.
Hunter has been investigated for 5 years and all they could scrape together was a pathetic misdemeanor gun charge, showing they have nothing at all against Hunter.
Republicans have a history of fabricating total lies like when Trump lied about election fraud and incited a riot at the Capitol, and still most MAGA trash can't even admit Trump lost the election. Total pussies.

You have a slick mouth for being a total joke and a crybaby. You have not made 1 single meaningful post yet. You have not made 1 factual post yet. The best you can do is cry like a pussy about TDS and reference debunked accusations that don't even have enough support in the House for a vote. You have done nothing but expose your stupidity and crying.
Your frantic rants are just precious.

I suppose there's not a chance you will be able to post anything resembling a fact, just your "beliefs".
Your frantic rants are just precious.

I suppose there's not a chance you will be able to post anything resembling a fact, just your "beliefs".
Frantic like the MAGA trash that rioted and beat cops on Jan 6th, over total lies??

I already told you, you have a slick mouth for being dumb as fuck and unable to make any meaningful posts, with any form of facts.

You have done nothing at all beyond childish bullshit, per usual. Like always.
You don't even debate issues, because you can't at all, you just cry about TDS or other insults but never any facts or evidence or real debate on issues.

Everybody is still waiting for you to post real facts, which you can't do

Your surrender has been noted.
Frantic like the MAGA trash that rioted and beat cops on Jan 6th, over total lies??

I already told you, you have a slick mouth for being dumb as fuck and unable to make any meaningful posts, with any form of facts.

You have done nothing at all beyond childish bullshit, per usual. Like always.
You don't even debate issues, because you can't at all, you just cry about TDS or other insults but never any facts or evidence or real debate on issues.

Everybody is still waiting for you to post real facts, which you can't do

Your surrender has been noted.
Your frantic, off topic tirades are funny.

I suppose your cutting and pasting of the same garbled nonsense means you’re not going to offer any substantive comment?

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