Hunter Biden Weak indictments show GOP Desperation.

The pathetic misdemeanor charges against Hunter show how desperate republicans are to do something to Joe or Hunter after all the big investigations failed miserably.

5 years of investigations and all they have are pathetic misdemeanor charges, lies, and fabricated accusation that have been debunked.

Meanwhile The evidence against Trump is devastating and Kushner gets $2B in bribe money.

Have you been living under a rock? Hunter Biden has been charged with crimes that add up to 25 years in federal prison if convicted and not pardoned by his daddy.
Those are YOUR questions to answer. This isn't how any of this works, my man.
Ha ha ha ha

Yeah. Your idea of evidence is as video or something direct but there is a mountain of evidence leading up to the direct evidence. Questions you refuse to answer cause you’re a pussy.

  • Why did Burisma hire Hunter Biden
  • Why did Hunter’s WhatsApp messages state he has to give 50% to dad
  • Why did Joe Biden use multiple aliases as VP?
  • Why 150+ SARs for the Bidens?
  • Why did Hunter receive millions from Ukraine and China (50% went to dad) and Joe blatantly lied about it?
  • Why did Bobulinski and Archer testify that Joe indeed knew. Why wasn’t Archer thrown in prison for lying to Congress if he was lying?
  • Why did the wife of the former mayor of Moscow give Hunter $3.5mil and was exempt from the US and their sanctions against Russian assets?

So much evidence that you turn a blind eye to. It’s comical.


there is a mountain of evidence leading up to the direct evidence. Questions you refuse to answer
Yet you haven't named any. Some accusations by a guy, and Hunter having 150 SARs? I think you know that doesn't cut it.

Joe Biden having a regular dinner? Testimony from the whistleblower stating no business was discussed with him? Doesn't cut it.

And again, those are YOUR questions to answer. Not mine. You answer them.

And then be ready when people say, "Oh yeah, prove it!"

Because you clearly are not ready for that. And neither is the GOP, or they would be parading the proof about.
Yet you haven't named any. Some accusations by a guy, and Hunter having 150 SARs? I think you know that doesn't cut it.

Joe Biden having a regular dinner? Testimony from the whistleblower stating no business was discussed with him? Doesn't cut it.

And again, those are YOUR questions to answer. Not mine. You answer them.

And then be ready when people say, "Oh yeah, prove it!"

Because you clearly are not ready for that. And neither is the GOP, or they would be parading the proof about.
Ha ha ha you’re kidding, right. I just posted evidence. You’re trolling. And you’re a pussy. I answer all your questions. You set quite an example for our youth. Coward
Actually, other than your silly conspiracy theories that there is no evidence against either Sloppy Joe or Hunter Biden, the evidence keeps piling up.

I do think your TDS is affecting your every waking moment, Do you not see your posts are drenched in TDS? You’re obsessed.

How about a nice hot cup of tea and some electro-shock therapy?
Ahh yea.
Is this your attempt at trying to be witty, because you look and sound stupid and un-informed? Your strategy seems to be to just deny fact based reality. BUT in reality the evidence against Biden is non existent, and the evidence against Trump is overwhelming. You can attempt to deny that and attempt to make little pathetic quips, but the US justice sytem only cares about facts and evidence.

Trump lost all his court cases for his Big election fraud lies because he has no credible evidence of fraud, you can't even man up and admit that.
The pathetic little misdemeanor charges against Hunter show how truly desperate and weak the case against Biden is. You don't seem to realize that.
Trump is facing multiple serious and credible indictments, with real deal credible evidence to prove Trump's guilt. You can't seem to accept that, just like the election fraud lies (notice a pattern of lies by the gullible republicans).
Ha ha ha ha

Yeah. Your idea of evidence is as video or something direct but there is a mountain of evidence leading up to the direct evidence. Questions you refuse to answer cause you’re a pussy.

  • Why did Burisma hire Hunter Biden
  • Why did Hunter’s WhatsApp messages state he has to give 50% to dad
  • Why did Joe Biden use multiple aliases as VP?
  • Why 150+ SARs for the Bidens?
  • Why did Hunter receive millions from Ukraine and China (50% went to dad) and Joe blatantly lied about it?
  • Why did Bobulinski and Archer testify that Joe indeed knew. Why wasn’t Archer thrown in prison for lying to Congress if he was lying?
  • Why did the wife of the former mayor of Moscow give Hunter $3.5mil and was exempt from the US and their sanctions against Russian assets?

So much evidence that you turn a blind eye to. It’s comical.

View attachment 831158

View attachment 831159
You have a bunch of debunked pathetic bull shit, that has no merit in court.

Trump lost all his court cases because he had no credible evidence of fraud at all, and just made it all up. A total lie.
The republicans are just doing the same thing here. They made this shit up, and have no real and credible evidence to support it at all.

That is why they charged Hunter with some little pathetic misdemeanor gun charges, because they have nothing, even after 5 years of investigations.
You have a bunch of debunked pathetic bull shit, that has no merit in court.

Trump lost all his court cases because he had no credible evidence of fraud at all, and just made it all up. A total lie.
The republicans are just doing the same thing here. They made this shit up, and have no real and credible evidence to support it at all.

That is why they charged Hunter with some little pathetic misdemeanor gun charges, because they have nothing, even after 5 years of investigations.
Not discussing Trump. None of what I posted was debunked. You lied again. 🤷‍♂️
You have a bunch of debunked pathetic bull shit, that has no merit in court.

Trump lost all his court cases because he had no credible evidence of fraud at all, and just made it all up. A total lie.
The republicans are just doing the same thing here. They made this shit up, and have no real and credible evidence to support it at all.

That is why they charged Hunter with some little pathetic misdemeanor gun charges, because they have nothing, even after 5 years of investigations. really got Azoged (i.e. triggered by Azog). You can't even keep your subjects straight.

Might want to check your meds.
Ahh yea.
Is this your attempt at trying to be witty, because you look and sound stupid and un-informed? Your strategy seems to be to just deny fact based reality. BUT in reality the evidence against Biden is non existent, and the evidence against Trump is overwhelming. You can attempt to deny that and attempt to make little pathetic quips, but the US justice sytem only cares about facts and evidence.

Trump lost all his court cases for his Big election fraud lies because he has no credible evidence of fraud, you can't even man up and admit that.
The pathetic little misdemeanor charges against Hunter show how truly desperate and weak the case against Biden is. You don't seem to realize that.
Trump is facing multiple serious and credible indictments, with real deal credible evidence to prove Trump's guilt. You can't seem to accept that, just like the election fraud lies (notice a pattern of lies by the gullible republicans).

Well here again, you’re on another TDS rant. You don’t see it but your OCD-like compulsion to spend your life banging away at your keyboard on these sweaty, emotionally charged rants suggests you need further medical attention.
Besides what I described; that isn't evidence?

No you didn't.
Yeah it is. Firsthand knowledge is indeed evidence. I posted actual texts as well. You’re a zealot and that’s OK.

Evidence = the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

I posted facts you could not refute. 🤷‍♂️

Your only answer.

“Idk why that happened but it’s not evidence”

Oh, they exist. You've just got your head so far up your backside you can't see them.
They exist, its just nobody can see them...

You people are little children

The weak little misdemeanor charges against Hunter show how desperate the republicans have become, 5 years and millions in tax payer money wasted just for a few misdemeanors...

The evidence against Trump is devastating and credible, the evidence against Biden is a total joke.
Well here again, you’re on another TDS rant. You don’t see it but your OCD-like compulsion to spend your life banging away at your keyboard on these sweaty, emotionally charged rants suggests you need further medical attention.
Get back to us when you can actually produce factual and credible evidence against Biden.
Because they have produce massive amounts of factual, credible, and corroborated evidence proving Trump's guilt.

Reality is going to be a gut punch for you.
Get back to us when you can actually produce factual and credible evidence against Biden.
Because they have produce massive amounts of factual, credible, and corroborated evidence proving Trump's guilt.

Reality is going to be a gut punch for you.
There is already factual and credible evidence against the Biden Crime Family Syndicate.

Denial on your part is an issue you need to deal with.

_____ <---- here is where you can post your next flaming TDS rant.
There is already factual and credible evidence against the Biden Crime Family Syndicate.

Denial on your part is an issue you need to deal with.

_____ <---- here is where you can post your next flaming TDS rant.
ahhh yea actual evidence... that has been fully debunked by facts...
Just like when you people lied and tried to say Hunter paid Jope rent, when it was a lie. Remember that? Remember when you lied about Hunter paying Joe rent??
yea... its all lies, and only gullible sheep retards would believe it.

You have been played for a sucka so many times that we are laughing at you and the big boy world laughs at you.

You have been destroyed here and have done nothing but make pathetic attempts at wit that have blown up and left you looking stupid.

Get back to me when you can accept facts and reality, which clearly can't done.
ahhh yea actual evidence... that has been fully debunked by facts...
Just like when you people lied and tried to say Hunter paid Jope rent, when it was a lie. Remember that? Remember when you lied about Hunter paying Joe rent??
yea... its all lies, and only gullible sheep retards would believe it.

You have been played for a sucka so many times that we are laughing at you and the big boy world laughs at you.

You have been destroyed here and have done nothing but make pathetic attempts at wit that have blown up and left you looking stupid.

Get back to me when you can accept facts and reality, which clearly can't done.
Not surprisingly, you made no effort to identify those facts fully debunked.

I noticed you used the juvenile, "you have been destroyed here", tactic. That's simply a desperate effort on your part to convince yourself the conspiracy theories you want to believe are true.

This is probably where you want to launch into another of your frantic TDS- addled tirades.

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