Hunter Biden

I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?
Burisma owner MZ had fled Ukraine by the time
Hunter joined the board

If Shokin was removed because he dropped the ball
on the money enrichment charges against MZ
and London unfreezed the money and it was returned to him

Why did Joe have a problem with Shokin not doing his job
but no problem with his son working for the guy
Shokin let 'get away'....does that make sense to you

Does it make sense that the VP son is working for
a Ukraine oligarch who has a slew of
criminal corruption cases pending and has fled the country
you make it sound like Hunter was hired by MZ and they would go into the office together to shoot the shit by the water cooler.

In reality MZ owned several company’s, Burisma along with the Ukrainian gas and oil producers Aldea, Pari, Esko-Pivnich, and the First Ukrainian Petroleum Company and the investment group Brociti Investments.

Also he was a politician... the Minister of Ecology at the time he was accused of his crimes. This linkage between Hunter and MZ takes a few leaps to get there

you left out he owned the bank where 1.5 billion dollars of US tax money went missing,,,
Sure, if you say so... whoa, I wonder if Biden had a bank account with that bank... dude, that could be the nail in the coffin!!

thats what the documents claim,,,and biden having an account is irrelevant,,,
Says the man who lied to us about the moral and ethical integrity of Mueller, who lied to us about The Veracity of The Russian Dossier, and who took Occasion to Ridicule The Honorable Judge Kavanaugh, and call him a Rapist and side with those wicked Demons who did the same.

You aren’t here to discuss issues, son of Belial.

Otherwise you would not have refused to address all my points about The Muslim Marxist Manchurian Candidate’s Love of Putin and Love of Marxism and Hatred of America!

Surrender accepted.

Yep, He, The DNC, and Clinton funded it.

Don’t you have some more Heroin to sell oppressed Democrats in The Inner City?

Run along Slave Master

1. Obama didn’t ask Russia to attack Trump... that’s a lie. But Trump did literally ask hackers to go after Clinton. It’s on tape.

2. It’s fine for trump to ask about the Biden’s. Ask our DOJ... not Ukraine to announce an investigation while stalling their military aid.

View attachment 305986
The Existence of a $12 Million Dollar Dossier paid for by Obama & Clinton crafted by The Kremlin and Signed off on by Putin is evidence of Obama The DNC, and Clinton's attempts to rig the 2016 Election with Putin's Help. Obama, Clinton & The DNC paid Putin for that Dossier because they were desperate to defeat Orange Man Bad and felt they had no other choice.

And when they lost, they weaponized it like a dirty bomb and dropped it right in to The Heart of The FBI, DOJ, NSC, and FISA where their Jihadist Moles carried out their missions to attack our Institutions, The Rule of Law, Civil Rights, and lay siege to The White House for 4 years.

And then there is the fact Russia gave $145 Million to Clinton as a thank you, and $64 Million to Obama for a book advance through a Russian owned publishing company to write a book he STILL HAS NOT WRITTEN!

Furthermore, Obama gave Putin 4 of our Aleutian Islands with massive oil and gas deposits under them, and never had Congress sign off on it. Obama & Clinton gave Putin 20% of our Strategic Uranium, gave Putin control of The Libyan Oil fields when he Obama & Clinton paid Al Queda to launch a COUP and assassinate Qadaffi.

Then that wicked man Obama had missiles pulled out of The Ukraine, allowed Putin to take over Crimea and Invade Ukraine, winked at Putin and tossed some dirty blankets to The People of Ukraine instead of defending them.

He gave Iran $150 Billion Dollars in Obama Bucks to Buy Obama Bombs, from Mother Russia from Putin, as well as pay for Nuclear Scientists, and Rocket Scientists to use our Money to build Nuclear weapons, and to use Our Own Uranium sold to Russia by Obama, delivered to Iran bought with Obama Bucks, which also purchased Russian Expertise to build Nuclear Armed ICBMs to kill Americans and Israelis with.

YES THERE IS NO DOUBT PUTIN SUPPORTED CLINTON and wanted more sweetheart dirty deals like that.

If it's a Clinton or an Obama and it's breathing it's selling out America for it's own personal gain.
View attachment 305987
Paid for by Obama?! Haha. Liar
just because you say it or because your hear it in conservative propaganda media, doesn’t make it true. You need facts and evidence to back up those claims. You don’t have it. You are lying
I didn’t refuse, I just didn’t read them. I rarely get past a sentence or two of yours before I reply. I see a lie and I reply that’s my rule. You can’t get past a sentence or two without lying so the rest of your blather never gets read. Sorry. Not sorry
Burisma owner MZ had fled Ukraine by the time
Hunter joined the board

If Shokin was removed because he dropped the ball
on the money enrichment charges against MZ
and London unfreezed the money and it was returned to him

Why did Joe have a problem with Shokin not doing his job
but no problem with his son working for the guy
Shokin let 'get away'....does that make sense to you

Does it make sense that the VP son is working for
a Ukraine oligarch who has a slew of
criminal corruption cases pending and has fled the country
you make it sound like Hunter was hired by MZ and they would go into the office together to shoot the shit by the water cooler.

In reality MZ owned several company’s, Burisma along with the Ukrainian gas and oil producers Aldea, Pari, Esko-Pivnich, and the First Ukrainian Petroleum Company and the investment group Brociti Investments.

Also he was a politician... the Minister of Ecology at the time he was accused of his crimes. This linkage between Hunter and MZ takes a few leaps to get there

that's the same thing i say about you when it comes to "forgiving" those on the left, or attacking those on the right.

you certainly don't apply evenly what you are asking for.
That’s because I’m a biased snowflake. You’re just gonna have to beat my arguments with logic and facts because if you focus on hypocrisy then your never going to get to the actual substance we are debating.
Just sain I ain't the only one who notices. Trump gets zero benefit of doubt, people you like, ll you need to give them.
I don’t support Trump. I think he is a shitty leader. I think he is an embarrassment. Of course I’m going to be more critical of him. I’d love to see him voted out of office next election. I’ve never claimed otherwise. That doesn’t mean I’m lying or being dishonest. I’ll give any topic a fair look and discussion.... but of course I’m going to be extra critical of those who I oppose. That’s human nature. I’d be shocked if you claimed you were any different.

Now we’ve had this conversation a dozen times now. You like to bring it up every time you chime into a thread I’m engaged in and it derails the conversation. Can we end this sidetrack now? I’m almost convinced you’re just trolling me but I’m giving it one last shot with this post to lay it all out and then close the door on it. Is there more you’d like to say about it?

you need to let go of the TDS a little
Reviewing information that Rudy sends them is not an investigation based on credible evidence. It means they are vetting intel that they specifically state is suspect to be Russian disinformation. If I called the FBI and told them you were a pedophile does that mean there’s evidence that you’re a pedophile and you’re being investigated for pedophilia?

Triggered. :lmao:

Yeah, there's also Impeached Trump's personal attorney, formerly with Igor and Parnas, doing investigations. :eusa_dance:
Hopefully Hunter Biden will sue Trump, Rudy, Pompeo, Mulvaney, Bondi & the entire Trump ratpack until they're forced to sell pencils on a street corner to eat. In Pam's case, she can peddle her ass.

the fact that they havent sued anyone speaks volumes to the whole thing,,,
No it doesn’t... his dad is in the middle of running for POTUS. They are going to stay as quiet about this as possible and not fan the flames and draw more attention to this silly story.

did joe tell you this?? or are you being sarcastic again??

one thing that gets me is everyone knew this guy was corrupt and being investigated from many different directions and countries, so why did joe not try and stop hunter from getting into the middle of all of it???
one reason could be he doesnt care about hunter since hes been an embarrassment,, the other could be the profit they stood to make if they got away with it,,,
As far as I know Trump still owns his hotels, golf courses and many other enterprises. If Trump got busted committing crimes as president, let’s say he embezzled money or something... would you damn the board of directs of all his businesses?

the topic is biden not trump,,,if you want to talk about him there are several threads already started abput him,,,
You can prove nothing to a man who has seared his conscience with a hot iron.
Burisma owner MZ had fled Ukraine by the time
Hunter joined the board

If Shokin was removed because he dropped the ball
on the money enrichment charges against MZ
and London unfreezed the money and it was returned to him

Why did Joe have a problem with Shokin not doing his job
but no problem with his son working for the guy
Shokin let 'get away'....does that make sense to you

Does it make sense that the VP son is working for
a Ukraine oligarch who has a slew of
criminal corruption cases pending and has fled the country
you make it sound like Hunter was hired by MZ and they would go into the office together to shoot the shit by the water cooler.

In reality MZ owned several company’s, Burisma along with the Ukrainian gas and oil producers Aldea, Pari, Esko-Pivnich, and the First Ukrainian Petroleum Company and the investment group Brociti Investments.

Also he was a politician... the Minister of Ecology at the time he was accused of his crimes. This linkage between Hunter and MZ takes a few leaps to get there

you left out he owned the bank where 1.5 billion dollars of US tax money went missing,,,
Sure, if you say so... whoa, I wonder if Biden had a bank account with that bank... dude, that could be the nail in the coffin!!
Better do your homework ...not to mention


Do a Google search, not only for PrivatBank
but, also for ABLV AS RIGA LATVIA
and Novatus Holding as well as SEC site
i don’t know what you think you’re proving
Agreed, which is why I stopped trying to prove things to you a while ago. There’s no mystery you’re just here to troll.
Reviewing information that Rudy sends them is not an investigation based on credible evidence. It means they are vetting intel that they specifically state is suspect to be Russian disinformation. If I called the FBI and told them you were a pedophile does that mean there’s evidence that you’re a pedophile and you’re being investigated for pedophilia?

Triggered. :lmao:

Yeah, there's also Impeached Trump's personal attorney, formerly with Igor and Parnas, doing investigations. :eusa_dance:

I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?
Burisma owner MZ had fled Ukraine by the time
Hunter joined the board

If Shokin was removed because he dropped the ball
on the money enrichment charges against MZ
and London unfreezed the money and it was returned to him

Why did Joe have a problem with Shokin not doing his job
but no problem with his son working for the guy
Shokin let 'get away'....does that make sense to you

Does it make sense that the VP son is working for
a Ukraine oligarch who has a slew of
criminal corruption cases pending and has fled the country
you make it sound like Hunter was hired by MZ and they would go into the office together to shoot the shit by the water cooler.

In reality MZ owned several company’s, Burisma along with the Ukrainian gas and oil producers Aldea, Pari, Esko-Pivnich, and the First Ukrainian Petroleum Company and the investment group Brociti Investments.

Also he was a politician... the Minister of Ecology at the time he was accused of his crimes. This linkage between Hunter and MZ takes a few leaps to get there

you left out he owned the bank where 1.5 billion dollars of US tax money went missing,,,
Sure, if you say so... whoa, I wonder if Biden had a bank account with that bank... dude, that could be the nail in the coffin!!

thats what the documents claim,,,and biden having an account is irrelevant,,,
All of the accusations have been irrelevant in the Biden smear. Haven’t seen anything credible yet
Burisma owner MZ had fled Ukraine by the time
Hunter joined the board

If Shokin was removed because he dropped the ball
on the money enrichment charges against MZ
and London unfreezed the money and it was returned to him

Why did Joe have a problem with Shokin not doing his job
but no problem with his son working for the guy
Shokin let 'get away'....does that make sense to you

Does it make sense that the VP son is working for
a Ukraine oligarch who has a slew of
criminal corruption cases pending and has fled the country
you make it sound like Hunter was hired by MZ and they would go into the office together to shoot the shit by the water cooler.

In reality MZ owned several company’s, Burisma along with the Ukrainian gas and oil producers Aldea, Pari, Esko-Pivnich, and the First Ukrainian Petroleum Company and the investment group Brociti Investments.

Also he was a politician... the Minister of Ecology at the time he was accused of his crimes. This linkage between Hunter and MZ takes a few leaps to get there

you left out he owned the bank where 1.5 billion dollars of US tax money went missing,,,
Sure, if you say so... whoa, I wonder if Biden had a bank account with that bank... dude, that could be the nail in the coffin!!

thats what the documents claim,,,and biden having an account is irrelevant,,,
All of the accusations have been irrelevant in the Biden smear. Haven’t seen anything credible yet

thats understandable...
you make it sound like Hunter was hired by MZ and they would go into the office together to shoot the shit by the water cooler.

In reality MZ owned several company’s, Burisma along with the Ukrainian gas and oil producers Aldea, Pari, Esko-Pivnich, and the First Ukrainian Petroleum Company and the investment group Brociti Investments.

Also he was a politician... the Minister of Ecology at the time he was accused of his crimes. This linkage between Hunter and MZ takes a few leaps to get there

that's the same thing i say about you when it comes to "forgiving" those on the left, or attacking those on the right.

you certainly don't apply evenly what you are asking for.
That’s because I’m a biased snowflake. You’re just gonna have to beat my arguments with logic and facts because if you focus on hypocrisy then your never going to get to the actual substance we are debating.
Just sain I ain't the only one who notices. Trump gets zero benefit of doubt, people you like, ll you need to give them.
I don’t support Trump. I think he is a shitty leader. I think he is an embarrassment. Of course I’m going to be more critical of him. I’d love to see him voted out of office next election. I’ve never claimed otherwise. That doesn’t mean I’m lying or being dishonest. I’ll give any topic a fair look and discussion.... but of course I’m going to be extra critical of those who I oppose. That’s human nature. I’d be shocked if you claimed you were any different.

Now we’ve had this conversation a dozen times now. You like to bring it up every time you chime into a thread I’m engaged in and it derails the conversation. Can we end this sidetrack now? I’m almost convinced you’re just trolling me but I’m giving it one last shot with this post to lay it all out and then close the door on it. Is there more you’d like to say about it?

you need to let go of the TDS a little
Oh wow, TDS, how original. Good one
Hopefully Hunter Biden will sue Trump, Rudy, Pompeo, Mulvaney, Bondi & the entire Trump ratpack until they're forced to sell pencils on a street corner to eat. In Pam's case, she can peddle her ass.

the fact that they havent sued anyone speaks volumes to the whole thing,,,
No it doesn’t... his dad is in the middle of running for POTUS. They are going to stay as quiet about this as possible and not fan the flames and draw more attention to this silly story.

did joe tell you this?? or are you being sarcastic again??

one thing that gets me is everyone knew this guy was corrupt and being investigated from many different directions and countries, so why did joe not try and stop hunter from getting into the middle of all of it???
one reason could be he doesnt care about hunter since hes been an embarrassment,, the other could be the profit they stood to make if they got away with it,,,
As far as I know Trump still owns his hotels, golf courses and many other enterprises. If Trump got busted committing crimes as president, let’s say he embezzled money or something... would you damn the board of directs of all his businesses?

the topic is biden not trump,,,if you want to talk about him there are several threads already started abput him,,,
I’m talking about the Biden situation. I’m using an analogy to make a point. Do I need to explain how the analogy relates to Biden or can you figure it out and respond accordingly?
I don’t blame you. Truth Burns the Eyes of Devils if they see it and burns The Ears of Demons if they hear it.

So it is also with you.

And so I smite thee with those things which hurt you to hear, and burn you to see....and therefore you flee.

All cowards flee when the battle is lost, rather than fight to the end and reserve what little measure of honor they may still possess.

Says the man who lied to us about the moral and ethical integrity of Mueller, who lied to us about The Veracity of The Russian Dossier, and who took Occasion to Ridicule The Honorable Judge Kavanaugh, and call him a Rapist and side with those wicked Demons who did the same.

You aren’t here to discuss issues, son of Belial.

Otherwise you would not have refused to address all my points about The Muslim Marxist Manchurian Candidate’s Love of Putin and Love of Marxism and Hatred of America!

Surrender accepted.

Yep, He, The DNC, and Clinton funded it.

Don’t you have some more Heroin to sell oppressed Democrats in The Inner City?

Run along Slave Master

View attachment 305986
The Existence of a $12 Million Dollar Dossier paid for by Obama & Clinton crafted by The Kremlin and Signed off on by Putin is evidence of Obama The DNC, and Clinton's attempts to rig the 2016 Election with Putin's Help. Obama, Clinton & The DNC paid Putin for that Dossier because they were desperate to defeat Orange Man Bad and felt they had no other choice.

And when they lost, they weaponized it like a dirty bomb and dropped it right in to The Heart of The FBI, DOJ, NSC, and FISA where their Jihadist Moles carried out their missions to attack our Institutions, The Rule of Law, Civil Rights, and lay siege to The White House for 4 years.

And then there is the fact Russia gave $145 Million to Clinton as a thank you, and $64 Million to Obama for a book advance through a Russian owned publishing company to write a book he STILL HAS NOT WRITTEN!

Furthermore, Obama gave Putin 4 of our Aleutian Islands with massive oil and gas deposits under them, and never had Congress sign off on it. Obama & Clinton gave Putin 20% of our Strategic Uranium, gave Putin control of The Libyan Oil fields when he Obama & Clinton paid Al Queda to launch a COUP and assassinate Qadaffi.

Then that wicked man Obama had missiles pulled out of The Ukraine, allowed Putin to take over Crimea and Invade Ukraine, winked at Putin and tossed some dirty blankets to The People of Ukraine instead of defending them.

He gave Iran $150 Billion Dollars in Obama Bucks to Buy Obama Bombs, from Mother Russia from Putin, as well as pay for Nuclear Scientists, and Rocket Scientists to use our Money to build Nuclear weapons, and to use Our Own Uranium sold to Russia by Obama, delivered to Iran bought with Obama Bucks, which also purchased Russian Expertise to build Nuclear Armed ICBMs to kill Americans and Israelis with.

YES THERE IS NO DOUBT PUTIN SUPPORTED CLINTON and wanted more sweetheart dirty deals like that.

If it's a Clinton or an Obama and it's breathing it's selling out America for it's own personal gain.
View attachment 305987
Paid for by Obama?! Haha. Liar
just because you say it or because your hear it in conservative propaganda media, doesn’t make it true. You need facts and evidence to back up those claims. You don’t have it. You are lying
I didn’t refuse, I just didn’t read them. I rarely get past a sentence or two of yours before I reply. I see a lie and I reply that’s my rule. You can’t get past a sentence or two without lying so the rest of your blather never gets read. Sorry. Not sorry
Last edited:
Obama and Biden made their riches off of anyone they could. Whether selling out to Ukraine, Russia or China was immaterial to them & what was Evil, they called Good.

Their God, like your God was Filthy Lucre.

the fact that they havent sued anyone speaks volumes to the whole thing,,,
No it doesn’t... his dad is in the middle of running for POTUS. They are going to stay as quiet about this as possible and not fan the flames and draw more attention to this silly story.

did joe tell you this?? or are you being sarcastic again??

one thing that gets me is everyone knew this guy was corrupt and being investigated from many different directions and countries, so why did joe not try and stop hunter from getting into the middle of all of it???
one reason could be he doesnt care about hunter since hes been an embarrassment,, the other could be the profit they stood to make if they got away with it,,,
As far as I know Trump still owns his hotels, golf courses and many other enterprises. If Trump got busted committing crimes as president, let’s say he embezzled money or something... would you damn the board of directs of all his businesses?

the topic is biden not trump,,,if you want to talk about him there are several threads already started abput him,,,
I’m talking about the Biden situation. I’m using an analogy to make a point. Do I need to explain how the analogy relates to Biden or can you figure it out and respond accordingly?
I don’t blame you. Truth Burns the Eyes of Devils if they see it and burns The Ears of Demons if they hear it.

So it is also with you.

And so I smite thee with those things which hurt you to hear, and and burn you to see....and therefore you flee.

All cowards flee when the battle is lost, rather than fight to the end and reserve what little measure of honor they may still possess.

Says the man who lied to us about the moral and ethical integrity of Mueller, who lied to us about The Veracity of The Russian Dossier, and who took Occasion to Ridicule The Honorable Judge Kavanaugh, and call him a Rapist and side with those wicked Demons who did the same.

You aren’t here to discuss issues, son of Belial.

Otherwise you would not have refused to address all my points about The Muslim Marxist Manchurian Candidate’s Love of Putin and Love of Marxism and Hatred of America!

Surrender accepted.

Yep, He, The DNC, and Clinton funded it.

Don’t you have some more Heroin to sell oppressed Democrats in The Inner City?

Run along Slave Master

Paid for by Obama?! Haha. Liar
just because you say it or because your hear it in conservative propaganda media, doesn’t make it true. You need facts and evidence to back up those claims. You don’t have it. You are lying
I didn’t refuse, I just didn’t read them. I rarely get past a sentence or two of yours before I reply. I see a lie and I reply that’s my rule. You can’t get past a sentence or two without lying so the rest of your blather never gets read. Sorry. Not sorry
Your words don’t hurt me. You give yourself way too much credit. I laugh at you and see you as a dishonest troll who can’t back up anything he says. Nothing more.
Obama and Biden made their riches off of anyone they could. Whether selling out to Ukraine, Russia or China was immaterial to them.

Their God, like your God was Filthy Lucre.

No it doesn’t... his dad is in the middle of running for POTUS. They are going to stay as quiet about this as possible and not fan the flames and draw more attention to this silly story.

did joe tell you this?? or are you being sarcastic again??

one thing that gets me is everyone knew this guy was corrupt and being investigated from many different directions and countries, so why did joe not try and stop hunter from getting into the middle of all of it???
one reason could be he doesnt care about hunter since hes been an embarrassment,, the other could be the profit they stood to make if they got away with it,,,
As far as I know Trump still owns his hotels, golf courses and many other enterprises. If Trump got busted committing crimes as president, let’s say he embezzled money or something... would you damn the board of directs of all his businesses?

the topic is biden not trump,,,if you want to talk about him there are several threads already started abput him,,,
I’m talking about the Biden situation. I’m using an analogy to make a point. Do I need to explain how the analogy relates to Biden or can you figure it out and respond accordingly?

that's the same thing i say about you when it comes to "forgiving" those on the left, or attacking those on the right.

you certainly don't apply evenly what you are asking for.
That’s because I’m a biased snowflake. You’re just gonna have to beat my arguments with logic and facts because if you focus on hypocrisy then your never going to get to the actual substance we are debating.
Just sain I ain't the only one who notices. Trump gets zero benefit of doubt, people you like, ll you need to give them.
I don’t support Trump. I think he is a shitty leader. I think he is an embarrassment. Of course I’m going to be more critical of him. I’d love to see him voted out of office next election. I’ve never claimed otherwise. That doesn’t mean I’m lying or being dishonest. I’ll give any topic a fair look and discussion.... but of course I’m going to be extra critical of those who I oppose. That’s human nature. I’d be shocked if you claimed you were any different.

Now we’ve had this conversation a dozen times now. You like to bring it up every time you chime into a thread I’m engaged in and it derails the conversation. Can we end this sidetrack now? I’m almost convinced you’re just trolling me but I’m giving it one last shot with this post to lay it all out and then close the door on it. Is there more you’d like to say about it?

you need to let go of the TDS a little
Oh wow, TDS, how original. Good one

it fits,,
the fact that they havent sued anyone speaks volumes to the whole thing,,,
No it doesn’t... his dad is in the middle of running for POTUS. They are going to stay as quiet about this as possible and not fan the flames and draw more attention to this silly story.

did joe tell you this?? or are you being sarcastic again??

one thing that gets me is everyone knew this guy was corrupt and being investigated from many different directions and countries, so why did joe not try and stop hunter from getting into the middle of all of it???
one reason could be he doesnt care about hunter since hes been an embarrassment,, the other could be the profit they stood to make if they got away with it,,,
As far as I know Trump still owns his hotels, golf courses and many other enterprises. If Trump got busted committing crimes as president, let’s say he embezzled money or something... would you damn the board of directs of all his businesses?

the topic is biden not trump,,,if you want to talk about him there are several threads already started abput him,,,
I’m talking about the Biden situation. I’m using an analogy to make a point. Do I need to explain how the analogy relates to Biden or can you figure it out and respond accordingly?

in otherwords you were spewing bullshit,,,
That’s because I’m a biased snowflake. You’re just gonna have to beat my arguments with logic and facts because if you focus on hypocrisy then your never going to get to the actual substance we are debating.
Just sain I ain't the only one who notices. Trump gets zero benefit of doubt, people you like, ll you need to give them.
I don’t support Trump. I think he is a shitty leader. I think he is an embarrassment. Of course I’m going to be more critical of him. I’d love to see him voted out of office next election. I’ve never claimed otherwise. That doesn’t mean I’m lying or being dishonest. I’ll give any topic a fair look and discussion.... but of course I’m going to be extra critical of those who I oppose. That’s human nature. I’d be shocked if you claimed you were any different.

Now we’ve had this conversation a dozen times now. You like to bring it up every time you chime into a thread I’m engaged in and it derails the conversation. Can we end this sidetrack now? I’m almost convinced you’re just trolling me but I’m giving it one last shot with this post to lay it all out and then close the door on it. Is there more you’d like to say about it?

you need to let go of the TDS a little
Oh wow, TDS, how original. Good one

it fits,,
I realize our dear leader is setting the super mature example of name calling in lieu of actually discussing substance, something you seem to have adapted to just fine, but I don’t really care what you want to call me. TDS snowflake libtard douchemuffin... let’s just go with that. Now that that’s clear can we move on or do you want to add something?
I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?
Burisma owner MZ had fled Ukraine by the time
Hunter joined the board

If Shokin was removed because he dropped the ball
on the money enrichment charges against MZ
and London unfreezed the money and it was returned to him

Why did Joe have a problem with Shokin not doing his job
but no problem with his son working for the guy
Shokin let 'get away'....does that make sense to you

Does it make sense that the VP son is working for
a Ukraine oligarch who has a slew of
criminal corruption cases pending and has fled the country
you make it sound like Hunter was hired by MZ and they would go into the office together to shoot the shit by the water cooler.

In reality MZ owned several company’s, Burisma along with the Ukrainian gas and oil producers Aldea, Pari, Esko-Pivnich, and the First Ukrainian Petroleum Company and the investment group Brociti Investments.

Also he was a politician... the Minister of Ecology at the time he was accused of his crimes. This linkage between Hunter and MZ takes a few leaps to get there

you left out he owned the bank where 1.5 billion dollars of US tax money went missing,,,
Liar. :eusa_liar:
Just sain I ain't the only one who notices. Trump gets zero benefit of doubt, people you like, ll you need to give them.
I don’t support Trump. I think he is a shitty leader. I think he is an embarrassment. Of course I’m going to be more critical of him. I’d love to see him voted out of office next election. I’ve never claimed otherwise. That doesn’t mean I’m lying or being dishonest. I’ll give any topic a fair look and discussion.... but of course I’m going to be extra critical of those who I oppose. That’s human nature. I’d be shocked if you claimed you were any different.

Now we’ve had this conversation a dozen times now. You like to bring it up every time you chime into a thread I’m engaged in and it derails the conversation. Can we end this sidetrack now? I’m almost convinced you’re just trolling me but I’m giving it one last shot with this post to lay it all out and then close the door on it. Is there more you’d like to say about it?

you need to let go of the TDS a little
Oh wow, TDS, how original. Good one

it fits,,
I realize our dear leader is setting the super mature example of name calling in lieu of actually discussing substance, something you seem to have adapted to just fine, but I don’t really care what you want to call me. TDS snowflake libtard douchemuffin... let’s just go with that. Now that that’s clear can we move on or do you want to add something?


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