Hunter Biden

Just sain I ain't the only one who notices. Trump gets zero benefit of doubt, people you like, ll you need to give them.
I don’t support Trump. I think he is a shitty leader. I think he is an embarrassment. Of course I’m going to be more critical of him. I’d love to see him voted out of office next election. I’ve never claimed otherwise. That doesn’t mean I’m lying or being dishonest. I’ll give any topic a fair look and discussion.... but of course I’m going to be extra critical of those who I oppose. That’s human nature. I’d be shocked if you claimed you were any different.

Now we’ve had this conversation a dozen times now. You like to bring it up every time you chime into a thread I’m engaged in and it derails the conversation. Can we end this sidetrack now? I’m almost convinced you’re just trolling me but I’m giving it one last shot with this post to lay it all out and then close the door on it. Is there more you’d like to say about it?
and this becomes my point -

when you like someone, you give them every benefit of doubt. - ie our hillary discussions. it was all "it could have been private mail, you don't know!"

all well and good but ANYONE deleting requested materials or going through the motions she did to hide those is hiding something. you went with excuse #1 and didn't hold her to any standard you'd hold a stranger to.

trump says something on a phone call, WHAM. he's guilty.

the huge difference between us it would seem is i don't care if i like someone or not, i'm going to make every effort to judge by the same set of standards. you start to get mad because yes, i do bulldog and force the issue. it makes zero sense to me to look the other way on things for people you like and in essence, make up shit and take big reaches to connect the dots you have shown time and again you won't allow done to people you like.

that - in my book - is classic hypocrisy.

will i want to give people i like the benefit of doubt and refuse to do that on people i hate? you're right that it *is* human nature, but if you call *me* on it i'm going to ask, am i? am i using 2 different sets of standards? it's a given i don't like hillary but if she was accused of something i'm not going to assume it's true just because i hate her.

look around these days - how many people make shit up on a constant basis just to satisfy their emotional needs? should i believe them then? no. i don't. i wouldn't instantly believe something bad about hillary regardless of the circumstances. when they were blamed for child porn out of the pizza place (or whatever food place it was) i called bullshit til more evidence can be brought in. those are heavy charges to lob and should not be done lightly nor believed "willy nilly".

bill clinton to pedofile island - well sure. he made a lot of trips he denies and there was that painting of him in the blue dress that freaked me out but that was epstein. i doubt bill posted for it. so until we have some ladies come forward and describe williams johnson in court, i'm not going to dive into pedo-talk and accuse him because i don't like him.

but as you confess, you will be more critical and hold people you don't like to a higher standard. then go "we all do it".

no, slade. we do not. esp if called on it. when i call you on it, you dig in and i bulldog a whole lot harder and it pisses you off.

so when you see any potential future discussions of ours go off course, it's likely because you won't even try to find some middle / common ground and allow people you like to get away with things i never would.

if my brother deleted info on his hard drive cause the police said they wanted it, i'd call a party foul because the action is wrong regardless of who does it or why. you are fine with "oh she said it was personal and hey, the corrupt FBI cleared her".

but people you don't like you forgo all that and we go straight to attack. not verification.
Sorry Ice but you don’t pass the purity test as you’ve just laid out. How do I know this? Easy, because it is pretty predictable which side of each issue you are going to come down on. You more often than not defend arguments supporting the Right and are more critical of the Left. And that’s fine. That’s good. Because you are also open minded and able to call things out on both sides. That’s why I used to enjoy engaging with you. I like to think I’m the same way. Yes I lean Left and am very critical of Trump who I see as a con man, but I enjoy having my positions challenged and facts brought to the table. I’ve conceded arguments to many posters and thanked them for the debate. You used to be one of these people.

The problem I’ve had with you lately is you don’t engage anymore. You take most recent conversations to the “hypocrisy” argument, which really doesn’t prove a damn thing. It simply derails the debate, distracts from the points being made, and takes things to a personal level which is unnecessary.

Frankly, it doesn’t matter how I feel, or who I give the benefit of the doubt to or if I’m a hypocrite or not. I’m either making valid points or I’m not. If I’m not then my argument can be beaten through simple debate. I can easily switch my position and argue Trumps side and go against my “personal feelings”, because how I feel really doesn’t matter.

I just want to get back to debating issues. I’m at the end of my rope with you playing the personal hypocrisy game every time there’s a debate going on. This is my last attempt to lay it all out and nip it in the bud because I once had respect for you and genuinely enjoyed our debates. You were my favorite poster on this board for a spell. Ever since the Clinton discussion you've carried a chip on your shoulder. I’ve tried making peace many times but you continue to bring it up and don’t seem able to let it go.

If you just can’t let it go then please do us both a favor and block me or don’t engage. I’d prefer to go back to our old way of debating and hope you can make the change. This is the last time I’m going off topic to discuss my personal hypocrisy. Beat my arguments on their face or share your point of view but if you need to go personal then please don’t engage. It’s old and I’m done.
mostly because I've found engaging with you pointless.

I try to come to a finality.
you, by your own words, enjoy the back and forth.

We are in it for different reasons. I want to come to an agreememt and you want to talk til the world ends.
I see it as the opposite. You keep bringing up the same “personal hypocrisy” thing over and over again while I’m trying to move on and address the topic at hand and engage the substance. This side track we are having right now showcases my case in point.

I do agree that engaging with me like this is pointless and that why I said that this is the last conversation of this sort I’m going to have with you.

if you take issue, agree with, disagree with or care to share your perspective about the discussion that we were having in this thread regarding the Biden situation then please feel free. If you don’t see the point in engaging with me about it then don’t reply. It’s pretty simple.
since I'm after "finality" then I go back to it as a reference and "unfinished".

but fine. have a day.
I don’t support Trump. I think he is a shitty leader. I think he is an embarrassment. Of course I’m going to be more critical of him. I’d love to see him voted out of office next election. I’ve never claimed otherwise. That doesn’t mean I’m lying or being dishonest. I’ll give any topic a fair look and discussion.... but of course I’m going to be extra critical of those who I oppose. That’s human nature. I’d be shocked if you claimed you were any different.

Now we’ve had this conversation a dozen times now. You like to bring it up every time you chime into a thread I’m engaged in and it derails the conversation. Can we end this sidetrack now? I’m almost convinced you’re just trolling me but I’m giving it one last shot with this post to lay it all out and then close the door on it. Is there more you’d like to say about it?
and this becomes my point -

when you like someone, you give them every benefit of doubt. - ie our hillary discussions. it was all "it could have been private mail, you don't know!"

all well and good but ANYONE deleting requested materials or going through the motions she did to hide those is hiding something. you went with excuse #1 and didn't hold her to any standard you'd hold a stranger to.

trump says something on a phone call, WHAM. he's guilty.

the huge difference between us it would seem is i don't care if i like someone or not, i'm going to make every effort to judge by the same set of standards. you start to get mad because yes, i do bulldog and force the issue. it makes zero sense to me to look the other way on things for people you like and in essence, make up shit and take big reaches to connect the dots you have shown time and again you won't allow done to people you like.

that - in my book - is classic hypocrisy.

will i want to give people i like the benefit of doubt and refuse to do that on people i hate? you're right that it *is* human nature, but if you call *me* on it i'm going to ask, am i? am i using 2 different sets of standards? it's a given i don't like hillary but if she was accused of something i'm not going to assume it's true just because i hate her.

look around these days - how many people make shit up on a constant basis just to satisfy their emotional needs? should i believe them then? no. i don't. i wouldn't instantly believe something bad about hillary regardless of the circumstances. when they were blamed for child porn out of the pizza place (or whatever food place it was) i called bullshit til more evidence can be brought in. those are heavy charges to lob and should not be done lightly nor believed "willy nilly".

bill clinton to pedofile island - well sure. he made a lot of trips he denies and there was that painting of him in the blue dress that freaked me out but that was epstein. i doubt bill posted for it. so until we have some ladies come forward and describe williams johnson in court, i'm not going to dive into pedo-talk and accuse him because i don't like him.

but as you confess, you will be more critical and hold people you don't like to a higher standard. then go "we all do it".

no, slade. we do not. esp if called on it. when i call you on it, you dig in and i bulldog a whole lot harder and it pisses you off.

so when you see any potential future discussions of ours go off course, it's likely because you won't even try to find some middle / common ground and allow people you like to get away with things i never would.

if my brother deleted info on his hard drive cause the police said they wanted it, i'd call a party foul because the action is wrong regardless of who does it or why. you are fine with "oh she said it was personal and hey, the corrupt FBI cleared her".

but people you don't like you forgo all that and we go straight to attack. not verification.
Sorry Ice but you don’t pass the purity test as you’ve just laid out. How do I know this? Easy, because it is pretty predictable which side of each issue you are going to come down on. You more often than not defend arguments supporting the Right and are more critical of the Left. And that’s fine. That’s good. Because you are also open minded and able to call things out on both sides. That’s why I used to enjoy engaging with you. I like to think I’m the same way. Yes I lean Left and am very critical of Trump who I see as a con man, but I enjoy having my positions challenged and facts brought to the table. I’ve conceded arguments to many posters and thanked them for the debate. You used to be one of these people.

The problem I’ve had with you lately is you don’t engage anymore. You take most recent conversations to the “hypocrisy” argument, which really doesn’t prove a damn thing. It simply derails the debate, distracts from the points being made, and takes things to a personal level which is unnecessary.

Frankly, it doesn’t matter how I feel, or who I give the benefit of the doubt to or if I’m a hypocrite or not. I’m either making valid points or I’m not. If I’m not then my argument can be beaten through simple debate. I can easily switch my position and argue Trumps side and go against my “personal feelings”, because how I feel really doesn’t matter.

I just want to get back to debating issues. I’m at the end of my rope with you playing the personal hypocrisy game every time there’s a debate going on. This is my last attempt to lay it all out and nip it in the bud because I once had respect for you and genuinely enjoyed our debates. You were my favorite poster on this board for a spell. Ever since the Clinton discussion you've carried a chip on your shoulder. I’ve tried making peace many times but you continue to bring it up and don’t seem able to let it go.

If you just can’t let it go then please do us both a favor and block me or don’t engage. I’d prefer to go back to our old way of debating and hope you can make the change. This is the last time I’m going off topic to discuss my personal hypocrisy. Beat my arguments on their face or share your point of view but if you need to go personal then please don’t engage. It’s old and I’m done.
mostly because I've found engaging with you pointless.

I try to come to a finality.
you, by your own words, enjoy the back and forth.

We are in it for different reasons. I want to come to an agreememt and you want to talk til the world ends.
I see it as the opposite. You keep bringing up the same “personal hypocrisy” thing over and over again while I’m trying to move on and address the topic at hand and engage the substance. This side track we are having right now showcases my case in point.

I do agree that engaging with me like this is pointless and that why I said that this is the last conversation of this sort I’m going to have with you.

if you take issue, agree with, disagree with or care to share your perspective about the discussion that we were having in this thread regarding the Biden situation then please feel free. If you don’t see the point in engaging with me about it then don’t reply. It’s pretty simple.
since I'm after "finality" then I go back to it as a reference and "unfinished".

but fine. have a day.
What does that mean?
I don’t support Trump. I think he is a shitty leader.
What policies do you support for our country
And what makes a good leader
That answer would take pages to address my positions on the major policies... ultimately it is the congress that legislates policy so to me a good POTUS is somebody who can clearly communicate the values that America holds dear. Honorably represent our country and ALL Americans on the world stage. Manage strong diplomatic relationships and our military to provide safety and security for our nation, and navigate domestic policy to promote effective legislation from our congress. Honesty, integrity, and an ability to unify our country to promote prosperous policy are qualities of a strong leader. I could keep going but I think I hit the main points.

Thanks for the question... how about yourself?
It seems "Crack pipe chronicles" are out.

Giuliani storms back into Ukraine investigation with Hunter Biden documentary

Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s personal attorney, is reemerging as a central figure behind efforts to continue investigating Democrats’ ties to Ukraine with work on a new documentary about Hunter Biden, three Republican sources familiar with the project told Yahoo News.

Giuliani and his production team, led by veteran California Republican fixer Tim Yale, have been conducting interviews for the documentary, according to two of the people familiar with the effort. They have also approached potential investors in the film, showing them trailers with footage of former Vice President Joe Biden and actors portraying Hunter Biden and Ukrainian officials, according to one of those sources.
Gotta love these news sources...

“I really like all that I’m hearing about Barr today. I know the heads of liberals are exploding all over the place; I see online accusations of a cover up by Barr – seriously, what’s new about that.“

so basically Rudy has been feeding the DOJ intel for weeks now and nothing has warranted criminal charges. Beautiful. Thanks for the insight!
Gotta love these news sources...

“I really like all that I’m hearing about Barr today. I know the heads of liberals are exploding all over the place; I see online accusations of a cover up by Barr – seriously, what’s new about that.“

so basically Rudy has been feeding the DOJ intel for weeks now and nothing has warranted criminal charges. Beautiful. Thanks for the insight!

patience my friend patience,,,all will be revealed

remember the dem investigation to impeach trump and was hurried and that caused them to fuck the whole thing up,,at least we'll know they covered their bases this time,,,
I am truly perplexed and agitated right now,
and before I tell you why, I would first like to say thank you
Thank you for addressing my questions,
though I was hoping for specifics...anyhoo

Let me tell you why I'm perplexed and agitated

I've been researching the Joe/Shokin/Burisma/Hunter story
since before the Trump 'Quid Pro Quo phone call'

I have hundreds of translated articles bookmarked
and at least 10 court documents downloaded
from hours and months of researching

I went to my folders to pull up some of these articles
to respond to your reply to my post...from our initial exchange
and the first 'alert' of 20, some 4+ hours ago

The first story I chose and clicked on,
stopped loading immediately after it began...nothing
Hmmm, odd, I said to myself, tried again...same thing

So, I moved to the next article in my folder...same thing
Next bookmark...same one...again, same thing

So, I opened a new window...didn't help, same thing

Now, I'm flipping furious...
unless I'm crazy, and I'm least 2 folders are MIA

I am not computer illiterate
I happen to have my own message board website,
though it hasn't been used since the Casey Anthony case
I created numerous websites between '96-'08

So, I copied the link, pasted it in the reply box
removed what was created by Google translate
and was left with the original article address

I highlighted the link, cut it and pasted it into a new window
Wtf comes up...a German based web page....Stop, fake news
and tons of links about Ukraine and Russia


I would leave a link to this page but, I don't think it's a good idea

I've been replacing all my compromised bookmarks
and storing them on ICloud with syncing turned off

That is what I have been doing since I posted those questions
I don’t support Trump. I think he is a shitty leader.
What policies do you support for our country
And what makes a good leader
That answer would take pages to address my positions on the major policies... ultimately it is the congress that legislates policy so to me a good POTUS is somebody who can clearly communicate the values that America holds dear.
What values might those be?

Values and priorities are 2 different things

Well, well, well....
I just was at to start listing ALL the legislation
for immigrants and immigration and that's not what I see anymore


Honorably represent our country and ALL Americans on the world stage. Manage strong diplomatic relationships and our military to provide safety and security for our nation, and navigate domestic policy to promote effective legislation from our congress. Honesty, integr
Honesty, integrity, and an ability to unify our country to promote prosperous policy are qualities of a strong leader.
I'm sorry, I'm going back to
Just the other day I posted about the Hair Bill and
neighbors not something bill Omar came up with...
I stated I went up to #52-#56 something like that,
and out of the first say, 52 pieces of legislation listed
39 were for immigrants and immigration

They must have either pulled them off the site or
buried it behind a bunch of 'new' legislation
figuring people would hit the site after hearing about
this Hair bill on the Oscar show
Gotta love these news sources...

“I really like all that I’m hearing about Barr today. I know the heads of liberals are exploding all over the place; I see online accusations of a cover up by Barr – seriously, what’s new about that.“

so basically Rudy has been feeding the DOJ intel for weeks now and nothing has warranted criminal charges. Beautiful. Thanks for the insight!

patience my friend patience,,,all will be revealed

remember the dem investigation to impeach trump and was hurried and that caused them to fuck the whole thing up,,at least we'll know they covered their bases this time,,,

Bush's WMD in Iraq will be found before any of your bullshit is revealed.
Nadler's panic letter to Barr demands to know why DOJ is looking at Giuliani's Biden-Ukraine info.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler, a New York Democrat, on Monday sent Attorney General William Barr the following letter asking him to respond to a series of questions about President Donald Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani's arrangement to provide the Justice Department with information on Ukraine.

You can read letter here...

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler's letter to Attorney General Bill Barr - CNN
I am truly perplexed and agitated right now,
and before I tell you why, I would first like to say thank you
Thank you for addressing my questions,
though I was hoping for specifics...anyhoo

Let me tell you why I'm perplexed and agitated

I've been researching the Joe/Shokin/Burisma/Hunter story
since before the Trump 'Quid Pro Quo phone call'

I have hundreds of translated articles bookmarked
and at least 10 court documents downloaded
from hours and months of researching

I went to my folders to pull up some of these articles
to respond to your reply to my post...from our initial exchange
and the first 'alert' of 20, some 4+ hours ago

The first story I chose and clicked on,
stopped loading immediately after it began...nothing
Hmmm, odd, I said to myself, tried again...same thing

So, I moved to the next article in my folder...same thing
Next bookmark...same one...again, same thing

So, I opened a new window...didn't help, same thing

Now, I'm flipping furious...
unless I'm crazy, and I'm least 2 folders are MIA

I am not computer illiterate
I happen to have my own message board website,
though it hasn't been used since the Casey Anthony case
I created numerous websites between '96-'08

So, I copied the link, pasted it in the reply box
removed what was created by Google translate
and was left with the original article address

I highlighted the link, cut it and pasted it into a new window
Wtf comes up...a German based web page....Stop, fake news
and tons of links about Ukraine and Russia


I would leave a link to this page but, I don't think it's a good idea

I've been replacing all my compromised bookmarks
and storing them on ICloud with syncing turned off

That is what I have been doing since I posted those questions
I don’t support Trump. I think he is a shitty leader.
What policies do you support for our country
And what makes a good leader
That answer would take pages to address my positions on the major policies... ultimately it is the congress that legislates policy so to me a good POTUS is somebody who can clearly communicate the values that America holds dear.
What values might those be?

Values and priorities are 2 different things

Well, well, well....
I just was at to start listing ALL the legislation
for immigrants and immigration and that's not what I see anymore


Honorably represent our country and ALL Americans on the world stage. Manage strong diplomatic relationships and our military to provide safety and security for our nation, and navigate domestic policy to promote effective legislation from our congress. Honesty, integr
Honesty, integrity, and an ability to unify our country to promote prosperous policy are qualities of a strong leader.
I'm sorry, I'm going back to
Just the other day I posted about the Hair Bill and
neighbors not something bill Omar came up with...
I stated I went up to #52-#56 something like that,
and out of the first say, 52 pieces of legislation listed
39 were for immigrants and immigration

They must have either pulled them off the site or
buried it behind a bunch of 'new' legislation
figuring people would hit the site after hearing about
this Hair bill on the Oscar show
What are some of the links?
I am truly perplexed and agitated right now,
and before I tell you why, I would first like to say thank you
Thank you for addressing my questions,
though I was hoping for specifics...anyhoo

Let me tell you why I'm perplexed and agitated

I've been researching the Joe/Shokin/Burisma/Hunter story
since before the Trump 'Quid Pro Quo phone call'

I have hundreds of translated articles bookmarked
and at least 10 court documents downloaded
from hours and months of researching

I went to my folders to pull up some of these articles
to respond to your reply to my post...from our initial exchange
and the first 'alert' of 20, some 4+ hours ago

The first story I chose and clicked on,
stopped loading immediately after it began...nothing
Hmmm, odd, I said to myself, tried again...same thing

So, I moved to the next article in my folder...same thing
Next bookmark...same one...again, same thing

So, I opened a new window...didn't help, same thing

Now, I'm flipping furious...
unless I'm crazy, and I'm least 2 folders are MIA

I am not computer illiterate
I happen to have my own message board website,
though it hasn't been used since the Casey Anthony case
I created numerous websites between '96-'08

So, I copied the link, pasted it in the reply box
removed what was created by Google translate
and was left with the original article address

I highlighted the link, cut it and pasted it into a new window
Wtf comes up...a German based web page....Stop, fake news
and tons of links about Ukraine and Russia


I would leave a link to this page but, I don't think it's a good idea

I've been replacing all my compromised bookmarks
and storing them on ICloud with syncing turned off

That is what I have been doing since I posted those questions
I don’t support Trump. I think he is a shitty leader.
What policies do you support for our country
And what makes a good leader
That answer would take pages to address my positions on the major policies... ultimately it is the congress that legislates policy so to me a good POTUS is somebody who can clearly communicate the values that America holds dear.
What values might those be?

Values and priorities are 2 different things

Well, well, well....
I just was at to start listing ALL the legislation
for immigrants and immigration and that's not what I see anymore


Honorably represent our country and ALL Americans on the world stage. Manage strong diplomatic relationships and our military to provide safety and security for our nation, and navigate domestic policy to promote effective legislation from our congress. Honesty, integr
Honesty, integrity, and an ability to unify our country to promote prosperous policy are qualities of a strong leader.
I'm sorry, I'm going back to
Just the other day I posted about the Hair Bill and
neighbors not something bill Omar came up with...
I stated I went up to #52-#56 something like that,
and out of the first say, 52 pieces of legislation listed
39 were for immigrants and immigration

They must have either pulled them off the site or
buried it behind a bunch of 'new' legislation
figuring people would hit the site after hearing about
this Hair bill on the Oscar show
What are some of the links?
They are Ukraine articles translated with Google translate
I am truly perplexed and agitated right now,
and before I tell you why, I would first like to say thank you
Thank you for addressing my questions,
though I was hoping for specifics...anyhoo

Let me tell you why I'm perplexed and agitated

I've been researching the Joe/Shokin/Burisma/Hunter story
since before the Trump 'Quid Pro Quo phone call'

I have hundreds of translated articles bookmarked
and at least 10 court documents downloaded
from hours and months of researching

I went to my folders to pull up some of these articles
to respond to your reply to my post...from our initial exchange
and the first 'alert' of 20, some 4+ hours ago

The first story I chose and clicked on,
stopped loading immediately after it began...nothing
Hmmm, odd, I said to myself, tried again...same thing

So, I moved to the next article in my folder...same thing
Next bookmark...same one...again, same thing

So, I opened a new window...didn't help, same thing

Now, I'm flipping furious...
unless I'm crazy, and I'm least 2 folders are MIA

I am not computer illiterate
I happen to have my own message board website,
though it hasn't been used since the Casey Anthony case
I created numerous websites between '96-'08

So, I copied the link, pasted it in the reply box
removed what was created by Google translate
and was left with the original article address

I highlighted the link, cut it and pasted it into a new window
Wtf comes up...a German based web page....Stop, fake news
and tons of links about Ukraine and Russia


I would leave a link to this page but, I don't think it's a good idea

I've been replacing all my compromised bookmarks
and storing them on ICloud with syncing turned off

That is what I have been doing since I posted those questions
I don’t support Trump. I think he is a shitty leader.
What policies do you support for our country
And what makes a good leader
That answer would take pages to address my positions on the major policies... ultimately it is the congress that legislates policy so to me a good POTUS is somebody who can clearly communicate the values that America holds dear.
What values might those be?

Values and priorities are 2 different things

Well, well, well....
I just was at to start listing ALL the legislation
for immigrants and immigration and that's not what I see anymore


Honorably represent our country and ALL Americans on the world stage. Manage strong diplomatic relationships and our military to provide safety and security for our nation, and navigate domestic policy to promote effective legislation from our congress. Honesty, integr
Honesty, integrity, and an ability to unify our country to promote prosperous policy are qualities of a strong leader.
I'm sorry, I'm going back to
Just the other day I posted about the Hair Bill and
neighbors not something bill Omar came up with...
I stated I went up to #52-#56 something like that,
and out of the first say, 52 pieces of legislation listed
39 were for immigrants and immigration

They must have either pulled them off the site or
buried it behind a bunch of 'new' legislation
figuring people would hit the site after hearing about
this Hair bill on the Oscar show
What are some of the links?
They are Ukraine articles translated with Google translate
So post some of them....
I am truly perplexed and agitated right now,
and before I tell you why, I would first like to say thank you
Thank you for addressing my questions,
though I was hoping for specifics...anyhoo

Let me tell you why I'm perplexed and agitated

I've been researching the Joe/Shokin/Burisma/Hunter story
since before the Trump 'Quid Pro Quo phone call'

I have hundreds of translated articles bookmarked
and at least 10 court documents downloaded
from hours and months of researching

I went to my folders to pull up some of these articles
to respond to your reply to my post...from our initial exchange
and the first 'alert' of 20, some 4+ hours ago

The first story I chose and clicked on,
stopped loading immediately after it began...nothing
Hmmm, odd, I said to myself, tried again...same thing

So, I moved to the next article in my folder...same thing
Next bookmark...same one...again, same thing

So, I opened a new window...didn't help, same thing

Now, I'm flipping furious...
unless I'm crazy, and I'm least 2 folders are MIA

I am not computer illiterate
I happen to have my own message board website,
though it hasn't been used since the Casey Anthony case
I created numerous websites between '96-'08

So, I copied the link, pasted it in the reply box
removed what was created by Google translate
and was left with the original article address

I highlighted the link, cut it and pasted it into a new window
Wtf comes up...a German based web page....Stop, fake news
and tons of links about Ukraine and Russia


I would leave a link to this page but, I don't think it's a good idea

I've been replacing all my compromised bookmarks
and storing them on ICloud with syncing turned off

That is what I have been doing since I posted those questions
I don’t support Trump. I think he is a shitty leader.
What policies do you support for our country
And what makes a good leader
That answer would take pages to address my positions on the major policies... ultimately it is the congress that legislates policy so to me a good POTUS is somebody who can clearly communicate the values that America holds dear.
What values might those be?

Values and priorities are 2 different things

Well, well, well....
I just was at to start listing ALL the legislation
for immigrants and immigration and that's not what I see anymore


Honorably represent our country and ALL Americans on the world stage. Manage strong diplomatic relationships and our military to provide safety and security for our nation, and navigate domestic policy to promote effective legislation from our congress. Honesty, integr
Honesty, integrity, and an ability to unify our country to promote prosperous policy are qualities of a strong leader.
I'm sorry, I'm going back to
Just the other day I posted about the Hair Bill and
neighbors not something bill Omar came up with...
I stated I went up to #52-#56 something like that,
and out of the first say, 52 pieces of legislation listed
39 were for immigrants and immigration

They must have either pulled them off the site or
buried it behind a bunch of 'new' legislation
figuring people would hit the site after hearing about
this Hair bill on the Oscar show
What are some of the links?
They are Ukraine articles translated with Google translate
So post some of them....
Ok, here is the first one I clicked on

Biden Son Involved with Corruption

The page is loading now, untranslated
but, here is the page that came up when it wouldn't load

Stop Fake Rheinland
I am truly perplexed and agitated right now,
and before I tell you why, I would first like to say thank you
Thank you for addressing my questions,
though I was hoping for specifics...anyhoo

Let me tell you why I'm perplexed and agitated

I've been researching the Joe/Shokin/Burisma/Hunter story
since before the Trump 'Quid Pro Quo phone call'

I have hundreds of translated articles bookmarked
and at least 10 court documents downloaded
from hours and months of researching

I went to my folders to pull up some of these articles
to respond to your reply to my post...from our initial exchange
and the first 'alert' of 20, some 4+ hours ago

The first story I chose and clicked on,
stopped loading immediately after it began...nothing
Hmmm, odd, I said to myself, tried again...same thing

So, I moved to the next article in my folder...same thing
Next bookmark...same one...again, same thing

So, I opened a new window...didn't help, same thing

Now, I'm flipping furious...
unless I'm crazy, and I'm least 2 folders are MIA

I am not computer illiterate
I happen to have my own message board website,
though it hasn't been used since the Casey Anthony case
I created numerous websites between '96-'08

So, I copied the link, pasted it in the reply box
removed what was created by Google translate
and was left with the original article address

I highlighted the link, cut it and pasted it into a new window
Wtf comes up...a German based web page....Stop, fake news
and tons of links about Ukraine and Russia


I would leave a link to this page but, I don't think it's a good idea

I've been replacing all my compromised bookmarks
and storing them on ICloud with syncing turned off

That is what I have been doing since I posted those questions
What policies do you support for our country
And what makes a good leader
That answer would take pages to address my positions on the major policies... ultimately it is the congress that legislates policy so to me a good POTUS is somebody who can clearly communicate the values that America holds dear.
What values might those be?

Values and priorities are 2 different things

Well, well, well....
I just was at to start listing ALL the legislation
for immigrants and immigration and that's not what I see anymore


Honorably represent our country and ALL Americans on the world stage. Manage strong diplomatic relationships and our military to provide safety and security for our nation, and navigate domestic policy to promote effective legislation from our congress. Honesty, integr
Honesty, integrity, and an ability to unify our country to promote prosperous policy are qualities of a strong leader.
I'm sorry, I'm going back to
Just the other day I posted about the Hair Bill and
neighbors not something bill Omar came up with...
I stated I went up to #52-#56 something like that,
and out of the first say, 52 pieces of legislation listed
39 were for immigrants and immigration

They must have either pulled them off the site or
buried it behind a bunch of 'new' legislation
figuring people would hit the site after hearing about
this Hair bill on the Oscar show
What are some of the links?
They are Ukraine articles translated with Google translate
So post some of them....
Ok, here is the first one I clicked on

Biden Son Involved with Corruption

The page is loading now, untranslated
but, here is the page that came up when it wouldn't load

Stop Fake Rheinland
That is the only article that stopped loading
(blue bar is advancing then zips across the page but nothing)
that i did anything further with

I took the link for the page that came up from my history

Nothing is in my history detailing the bookmarks
I clicked on but didn't load

You know how if you click a link and the page
doesn't load properly or the article is no longer available
that will show up in your history

Furthermore, shit I searched at work this morning
is showing up between my time here earlier

I am truly perplexed and agitated right now,
and before I tell you why, I would first like to say thank you
Thank you for addressing my questions,
though I was hoping for specifics...anyhoo

Let me tell you why I'm perplexed and agitated

I've been researching the Joe/Shokin/Burisma/Hunter story
since before the Trump 'Quid Pro Quo phone call'

I have hundreds of translated articles bookmarked
and at least 10 court documents downloaded
from hours and months of researching

I went to my folders to pull up some of these articles
to respond to your reply to my post...from our initial exchange
and the first 'alert' of 20, some 4+ hours ago

The first story I chose and clicked on,
stopped loading immediately after it began...nothing
Hmmm, odd, I said to myself, tried again...same thing

So, I moved to the next article in my folder...same thing
Next bookmark...same one...again, same thing

So, I opened a new window...didn't help, same thing

Now, I'm flipping furious...
unless I'm crazy, and I'm least 2 folders are MIA

I am not computer illiterate
I happen to have my own message board website,
though it hasn't been used since the Casey Anthony case
I created numerous websites between '96-'08

So, I copied the link, pasted it in the reply box
removed what was created by Google translate
and was left with the original article address

I highlighted the link, cut it and pasted it into a new window
Wtf comes up...a German based web page....Stop, fake news
and tons of links about Ukraine and Russia


I would leave a link to this page but, I don't think it's a good idea

I've been replacing all my compromised bookmarks
and storing them on ICloud with syncing turned off

That is what I have been doing since I posted those questions
I don’t support Trump. I think he is a shitty leader.
What policies do you support for our country
And what makes a good leader
That answer would take pages to address my positions on the major policies... ultimately it is the congress that legislates policy so to me a good POTUS is somebody who can clearly communicate the values that America holds dear.
What values might those be?

Values and priorities are 2 different things

Well, well, well....
I just was at to start listing ALL the legislation
for immigrants and immigration and that's not what I see anymore


Honorably represent our country and ALL Americans on the world stage. Manage strong diplomatic relationships and our military to provide safety and security for our nation, and navigate domestic policy to promote effective legislation from our congress. Honesty, integr
Honesty, integrity, and an ability to unify our country to promote prosperous policy are qualities of a strong leader.
I'm sorry, I'm going back to
Just the other day I posted about the Hair Bill and
neighbors not something bill Omar came up with...
I stated I went up to #52-#56 something like that,
and out of the first say, 52 pieces of legislation listed
39 were for immigrants and immigration

They must have either pulled them off the site or
buried it behind a bunch of 'new' legislation
figuring people would hit the site after hearing about
this Hair bill on the Oscar show
Wow, it sounds like you are having an incredibly frustrating technology night. Have you tried turning your computer off. Hitting it with a hammer and then chugging a bottle of wine? That usually does the trick for me.
Last edited:
I am truly perplexed and agitated right now,
and before I tell you why, I would first like to say thank you
Thank you for addressing my questions,
though I was hoping for specifics...anyhoo

Let me tell you why I'm perplexed and agitated

I've been researching the Joe/Shokin/Burisma/Hunter story
since before the Trump 'Quid Pro Quo phone call'

I have hundreds of translated articles bookmarked
and at least 10 court documents downloaded
from hours and months of researching

I went to my folders to pull up some of these articles
to respond to your reply to my post...from our initial exchange
and the first 'alert' of 20, some 4+ hours ago

The first story I chose and clicked on,
stopped loading immediately after it began...nothing
Hmmm, odd, I said to myself, tried again...same thing

So, I moved to the next article in my folder...same thing
Next bookmark...same one...again, same thing

So, I opened a new window...didn't help, same thing

Now, I'm flipping furious...
unless I'm crazy, and I'm least 2 folders are MIA

I am not computer illiterate
I happen to have my own message board website,
though it hasn't been used since the Casey Anthony case
I created numerous websites between '96-'08

So, I copied the link, pasted it in the reply box
removed what was created by Google translate
and was left with the original article address

I highlighted the link, cut it and pasted it into a new window
Wtf comes up...a German based web page....Stop, fake news
and tons of links about Ukraine and Russia


I would leave a link to this page but, I don't think it's a good idea

I've been replacing all my compromised bookmarks
and storing them on ICloud with syncing turned off

That is what I have been doing since I posted those questions
What policies do you support for our country
And what makes a good leader
That answer would take pages to address my positions on the major policies... ultimately it is the congress that legislates policy so to me a good POTUS is somebody who can clearly communicate the values that America holds dear.
What values might those be?

Values and priorities are 2 different things

Well, well, well....
I just was at to start listing ALL the legislation
for immigrants and immigration and that's not what I see anymore


Honorably represent our country and ALL Americans on the world stage. Manage strong diplomatic relationships and our military to provide safety and security for our nation, and navigate domestic policy to promote effective legislation from our congress. Honesty, integr
Honesty, integrity, and an ability to unify our country to promote prosperous policy are qualities of a strong leader.
I'm sorry, I'm going back to
Just the other day I posted about the Hair Bill and
neighbors not something bill Omar came up with...
I stated I went up to #52-#56 something like that,
and out of the first say, 52 pieces of legislation listed
39 were for immigrants and immigration

They must have either pulled them off the site or
buried it behind a bunch of 'new' legislation
figuring people would hit the site after hearing about
this Hair bill on the Oscar show
What are some of the links?
They are Ukraine articles translated with Google translate
So post some of them....
Ok, here is the first one I clicked on

Biden Son Involved with Corruption

The page is loading now, untranslated
but, here is the page that came up when it wouldn't load

Stop Fake Rheinland
That definitely loses something in the translation as the article isn't about Hunter Biden corruption, despite it's misleading headline. It's actually about the conflict of interest of Hunter Biden working for Nokolai Zlochevsky, who was accused of corruption; while his father was fighting corruption in Ukraine. And it's based upon a NY Times article...

Joe Biden, His Son and the Case Against a Ukrainian Oligarch

But Edward C. Chow, who follows Ukrainian policy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said the involvement of the vice president’s son with Mr. Zlochevsky’s firm undermined the Obama administration’s anticorruption message in Ukraine. “Now you look at the Hunter Biden situation, and on the one hand you can credit the father for sending the anticorruption message,” Mr. Chow said. “But I think unfortunately it sends the message that a lot of foreign countries want to believe about America, that we are hypocritical about these issues.”

Ironically enough, that article also describes how our ambassador criticized Ukraine for protecting Zlochevsky from a U.K. investigation (emphasis added)...

But after Ukrainian prosecutors refused to provide documents needed in the investigation, a British court in January ordered the Serious Fraud Office to unfreeze the assets. The refusal by the Ukrainian prosecutor general’s office to cooperate was the target of a stinging attack by the American ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey R. Pyatt, who called out Burisma’s owner by name in a speech in September.

“In the case of former Ecology Minister Mykola Zlochevsky, the U.K. authorities had seized $23 million in illicit assets that belonged to the Ukrainian people,” Mr. Pyatt said. Officials at the prosecutor general’s office, he added, were asked by the United Kingdom “to send documents supporting the seizure. Instead they sent letters to Zlochevsky’s attorneys attesting that there was no case against him. As a result, the money was freed by the U.K. court, and shortly thereafter the money was moved to Cyprus.”

And who was in charge of that case from Ukraine's Prosecutor General's office...?

The notorious Viktor Shokin.
I am truly perplexed and agitated right now,
and before I tell you why, I would first like to say thank you
Thank you for addressing my questions,
though I was hoping for specifics...anyhoo

Let me tell you why I'm perplexed and agitated

I've been researching the Joe/Shokin/Burisma/Hunter story
since before the Trump 'Quid Pro Quo phone call'

I have hundreds of translated articles bookmarked
and at least 10 court documents downloaded
from hours and months of researching

I went to my folders to pull up some of these articles
to respond to your reply to my post...from our initial exchange
and the first 'alert' of 20, some 4+ hours ago

The first story I chose and clicked on,
stopped loading immediately after it began...nothing
Hmmm, odd, I said to myself, tried again...same thing

So, I moved to the next article in my folder...same thing
Next bookmark...same one...again, same thing

So, I opened a new window...didn't help, same thing

Now, I'm flipping furious...
unless I'm crazy, and I'm least 2 folders are MIA

I am not computer illiterate
I happen to have my own message board website,
though it hasn't been used since the Casey Anthony case
I created numerous websites between '96-'08

So, I copied the link, pasted it in the reply box
removed what was created by Google translate
and was left with the original article address

I highlighted the link, cut it and pasted it into a new window
Wtf comes up...a German based web page....Stop, fake news
and tons of links about Ukraine and Russia


I would leave a link to this page but, I don't think it's a good idea

I've been replacing all my compromised bookmarks
and storing them on ICloud with syncing turned off

That is what I have been doing since I posted those questions
What policies do you support for our country
And what makes a good leader
That answer would take pages to address my positions on the major policies... ultimately it is the congress that legislates policy so to me a good POTUS is somebody who can clearly communicate the values that America holds dear.
What values might those be?

Values and priorities are 2 different things

Well, well, well....
I just was at to start listing ALL the legislation
for immigrants and immigration and that's not what I see anymore


Honorably represent our country and ALL Americans on the world stage. Manage strong diplomatic relationships and our military to provide safety and security for our nation, and navigate domestic policy to promote effective legislation from our congress. Honesty, integr
Honesty, integrity, and an ability to unify our country to promote prosperous policy are qualities of a strong leader.
I'm sorry, I'm going back to
Just the other day I posted about the Hair Bill and
neighbors not something bill Omar came up with...
I stated I went up to #52-#56 something like that,
and out of the first say, 52 pieces of legislation listed
39 were for immigrants and immigration

They must have either pulled them off the site or
buried it behind a bunch of 'new' legislation
figuring people would hit the site after hearing about
this Hair bill on the Oscar show
What are some of the links?
They are Ukraine articles translated with Google translate
So post some of them....
Ok, here is the first one I clicked on

Biden Son Involved with Corruption

The page is loading now, untranslated
but, here is the page that came up when it wouldn't load

Stop Fake Rheinland
Your second link goes to...

Links_2015-2 | Stop Fake Rheinland

... which is a list of links to other news stories and assorted documents.

Forum List
