Hunter Biden

Hunter getting a job with a large company who had a corrupt CEO isn’t a crime. Joe doing his job and executing our foreign policy objectives isn’t a crime. look into it all you want. Trump wanted Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation when he could have had his own intel agency’s look into it to see if any criminal activity occurred. That’s why he was impeached. As always, he was playing politics
you sure skipped a lot of facts in that description of events,,,
No need to write a novel... I hit the important and relevant points
one big one you left out was the claim from Latvia that said that the bidens received laundered money, which was why shokin wanted to reopen the investigation that biden later had him fired for,,,
No need to mention that because it was investigated and found to be nothing there as I’ve proven to you in past posts

when diid you do that,,,cause the latvias havent even done itt
Exactly... you post fake news... from your Finger tips
you sure skipped a lot of facts in that description of events,,,
No need to write a novel... I hit the important and relevant points
one big one you left out was the claim from Latvia that said that the bidens received laundered money, which was why shokin wanted to reopen the investigation that biden later had him fired for,,,
No need to mention that because it was investigated and found to be nothing there as I’ve proven to you in past posts

when diid you do that,,,cause the latvias havent even done itt
Exactly... you post fake news... from your Finger tips

now your just squirming,,,
No need to write a novel... I hit the important and relevant points
one big one you left out was the claim from Latvia that said that the bidens received laundered money, which was why shokin wanted to reopen the investigation that biden later had him fired for,,,
No need to mention that because it was investigated and found to be nothing there as I’ve proven to you in past posts

when diid you do that,,,cause the latvias havent even done itt
Exactly... you post fake news... from your Finger tips

now your just squirming,,,
Not at all... you literally just proved my point. You post fake shit, don’t provide links or evidence, just refer to some fantasy evidence you’ve posted in the past. You’re a phony, a troll, a waste of time. Thanks for playing but game over
one big one you left out was the claim from Latvia that said that the bidens received laundered money, which was why shokin wanted to reopen the investigation that biden later had him fired for,,,
No need to mention that because it was investigated and found to be nothing there as I’ve proven to you in past posts

when diid you do that,,,cause the latvias havent even done itt
Exactly... you post fake news... from your Finger tips

now your just squirming,,,
Not at all... you literally just proved my point. You post fake shit, don’t provide links or evidence, just refer to some fantasy evidence you’ve posted in the past. You’re a phony, a troll, a waste of time. Thanks for playing but game over

I didnt post anything,,,
I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.
To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?
Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?

Trump's last defense? Seems more like he has about 113 of them. Meantime, as each day passes, the Dem's case FOR impeachment grows ever more specious, unlikely and untenable as so much desperate political grasping.
Trumps first pile of excuses are all being debunked through his own people’s testimonies. All he has left is admitting to the QPQ and trying to legitimize it.

Once again a 30 year old child who is a crack addict to the VP of the United states not corruption?

And Epstein a billionaire committed suicide in his jail cell.

epstien didnt commit suicide,,,

Billionaires under protection who have beaten pedo charges before do not off themselves.
i wonder if Hunter will eventually wind up on a game on the back of a cereal someday
No need to mention that because it was investigated and found to be nothing there as I’ve proven to you in past posts

when diid you do that,,,cause the latvias havent even done itt
Exactly... you post fake news... from your Finger tips

now your just squirming,,,
Not at all... you literally just proved my point. You post fake shit, don’t provide links or evidence, just refer to some fantasy evidence you’ve posted in the past. You’re a phony, a troll, a waste of time. Thanks for playing but game over
I didnt post anything,,,
Is this whole thing going over your head?? Give it a second and let it soak in... you’ll get it
Of course it looks suspicious... trump has painted an entire narrative around it to try and criminalize Joe. Shockingly enough we haven’t heard much about it since Joe lost his front runner status... guess what we are about to hear all about again?! Can you connect the dots?
Um first things first. Hunter Biden admitted he was hired by a corrupt foreign company and paid millions. Its verifiable. But Trump looking into that AFTERWARDS, that suspicious? And the kicker is Joseph Biden bragged how he bought off Ukrainians officials looking into the company Hunter worked for...that doesn't sound at all suspicious and worth looking into? No?
Hunter getting a job with a large company who had a corrupt CEO isn’t a crime. Joe doing his job and executing our foreign policy objectives isn’t a crime. look into it all you want. Trump wanted Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation when he could have had his own intel agency’s look into it to see if any criminal activity occurred. That’s why he was impeached. As always, he was playing politics
you sure skipped a lot of facts in that description of events,,,
No need to write a novel... I hit the important and relevant points
one big one you left out was the claim from Latvia that said that the bidens received laundered money, which was why shokin wanted to reopen the investigation that biden later had him fired for,,,

You never learn.

John Solomon's new “scoop” about Ukraine and Hunter Biden debunks itself

Latvian authorities said they did not get any incriminating information back from Ukraine to warrant further investigation and did not take additional action in 2016.
I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?
Given the littany
I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?
Plenty of posters that are well spoken and smarter than I am have spoken on this. Trumps impeachment by the democrats hinged on this Burisma connection. The Democrats keep saying H. Biden's Burisma thing was disproved, (it wasn't) and the democrats went after Trump JUST for looking into it... which, on the face of it, looks a tad suspicious....
Of course it looks suspicious... trump has painted an entire narrative around it to try and criminalize Joe. Shockingly enough we haven’t heard much about it since Joe lost his front runner status... guess what we are about to hear all about again?! Can you connect the dots?
Um first things first. Hunter Biden admitted he was hired by a corrupt foreign company and paid millions. Its verifiable. But Trump looking into that AFTERWARDS, that suspicious? And the kicker is Joseph Biden bragged how he bought off Ukrainians officials looking into the company Hunter worked for...that doesn't sound at all suspicious and worth looking into? No?
Hunter getting a job with a large company who had a corrupt CEO isn’t a crime. Joe doing his job and executing our foreign policy objectives isn’t a crime. look into it all you want. Trump wanted Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation when he could have had his own intel agency’s look into it to see if any criminal activity occurred. That’s why he was impeached. As always, he was playing politics
Hunter admitted he didn't have any skills and it was his political connections and his dad why he got hired by Burisma. Big Joe Biden spent billions buying off Ukrainian officials and he even bragged about it...
Hunter getting a job with a large company who had a corrupt CEO isn’t a crime. Joe doing his job and executing our foreign policy objectives isn’t a crime. look into it all you want. Trump wanted Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation when he could have had his own intel agency’s look into it to see if any criminal activity occurred. That’s why he was impeached. As always, he was playing politics
you sure skipped a lot of facts in that description of events,,,
No need to write a novel... I hit the important and relevant points
one big one you left out was the claim from Latvia that said that the bidens received laundered money, which was why shokin wanted to reopen the investigation that biden later had him fired for,,,
No need to mention that because it was investigated and found to be nothing there as I’ve proven to you in past posts
No, you didn't. Hunter Biden got paid millions to work for a corrupt Ukrainian oil company. Even Hunter admitted that, and then TA DA! Big Joe paid billions to Ukrainian officials to call off the investigation. Please, that happened. But its BAD that Trump investigated THAT? And was impeached over it? Really?
Liar. There was no ongoing investigation to call off.

Timeline in Ukraine Probe Casts Doubt on Giuliani’s Biden Claim

But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.
That's Biden bragging about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired. Kudos to Biden.

You mean, that's Biden showing what makes him now ineligible to hold office of the Presidency.

But in your deranged dare that prosecutor get in the, way, of the Biden family illegalities in Ukraine! Only a corrupt Prosecutor would've tried to do that. He deserved to get fired! Just like Trump deserved to be, impeached, for doing that same thing re: the Bidens illegalities in Ukraine.


You see how the vid caused the ever-deceitful Coyote to tuck her tail then whimper on, out of here, and you really should have did the same ---instead of embarrassing yourself here, by telling lies on the video. Then again, you are a Dem. Therefore telling lies is now a survival mechanism for you.
Last edited:
That's Biden bragging about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired. Kudos to Biden.

You mean, that's Biden showing what makes him now ineligible to hold office of the Presidency.

But in your deranged dare that prosecutor get in the, way, of the Biden family illegalities in Ukraine! Only a corrupt Prosecutor would've tried to do that. He deserved to get fired! Just like Trump deserved to be, impeached, for doing that same thing re: the Bidens illegalities in Ukraine.


You see how the vid caused the ever-deceitful Coyote to tuck her tail then whimper on, out of here, and you really should have did the same ---instead of embarrassing yourself here, by telling lies on the video. Then again, you are a Dem. Therefore telling lies is now a survival mechanism for you.

I don't think you watched your entire video. Your video shows Impeached Trump lied when he falsely claimed Biden got Shokin fired because he was looking into Biden's son and the company he worked for.

You got bitch-slapped by your own video.


I don't think you watched your entire video. Your video shows Impeached Trump lied when he falsely claimed Biden got Shokin fired because he was looking into Biden's son and the company he worked for.

You got bitch-slapped by your own video.


Your decision to tell lies on the video is, expected, since you are a honor student of the Dem's Deceit Doctrine.

I'm just glad you have now exposed yourself here as the dishonest, satanic teammate, for all Biden-leaning undecided voters who view the video ---then read your deceitful comments about it.

Thank you!!
Undecided voters need to see this/see your deceit here, in 6th gear, as a sample size for realizing the dishonest&demonic culture which now drives the Dem party.
you sure skipped a lot of facts in that description of events,,,
No need to write a novel... I hit the important and relevant points
one big one you left out was the claim from Latvia that said that the bidens received laundered money, which was why shokin wanted to reopen the investigation that biden later had him fired for,,,
No need to mention that because it was investigated and found to be nothing there as I’ve proven to you in past posts
No, you didn't. Hunter Biden got paid millions to work for a corrupt Ukrainian oil company. Even Hunter admitted that, and then TA DA! Big Joe paid billions to Ukrainian officials to call off the investigation. Please, that happened. But its BAD that Trump investigated THAT? And was impeached over it? Really?
Liar. There was no ongoing investigation to call off.

Timeline in Ukraine Probe Casts Doubt on Giuliani’s Biden Claim

But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.

not according to the new york times,,,
No need to write a novel... I hit the important and relevant points
one big one you left out was the claim from Latvia that said that the bidens received laundered money, which was why shokin wanted to reopen the investigation that biden later had him fired for,,,
No need to mention that because it was investigated and found to be nothing there as I’ve proven to you in past posts
No, you didn't. Hunter Biden got paid millions to work for a corrupt Ukrainian oil company. Even Hunter admitted that, and then TA DA! Big Joe paid billions to Ukrainian officials to call off the investigation. Please, that happened. But its BAD that Trump investigated THAT? And was impeached over it? Really?
Liar. There was no ongoing investigation to call off.

Timeline in Ukraine Probe Casts Doubt on Giuliani’s Biden Claim

But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.

not according to the new york times,,,

According to The NY Times, Shokin was a corrupt prosecutor who had drawn criticism from our allies, the IMF and his own countrymen and reforms who wanted to end the old way of Ukrainian justice.

Ukraine Ousts Viktor Shokin, Top Prosecutor, and Political Stability Hangs in the Balance

But y’all love to ignore that part.
one big one you left out was the claim from Latvia that said that the bidens received laundered money, which was why shokin wanted to reopen the investigation that biden later had him fired for,,,
No need to mention that because it was investigated and found to be nothing there as I’ve proven to you in past posts
No, you didn't. Hunter Biden got paid millions to work for a corrupt Ukrainian oil company. Even Hunter admitted that, and then TA DA! Big Joe paid billions to Ukrainian officials to call off the investigation. Please, that happened. But its BAD that Trump investigated THAT? And was impeached over it? Really?
Liar. There was no ongoing investigation to call off.

Timeline in Ukraine Probe Casts Doubt on Giuliani’s Biden Claim

But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.

not according to the new york times,,,

According to The NY Times, Shokin was a corrupt prosecutor who had drawn criticism from our allies, the IMF and his own countrymen and reforms who wanted to end the old way of Ukrainian justice.

Ukraine Ousts Viktor Shokin, Top Prosecutor, and Political Stability Hangs in the Balance

But y’all love to ignore that part.

the wrote more than one article on it you stupid fuck,,,
No need to mention that because it was investigated and found to be nothing there as I’ve proven to you in past posts
No, you didn't. Hunter Biden got paid millions to work for a corrupt Ukrainian oil company. Even Hunter admitted that, and then TA DA! Big Joe paid billions to Ukrainian officials to call off the investigation. Please, that happened. But its BAD that Trump investigated THAT? And was impeached over it? Really?
Liar. There was no ongoing investigation to call off.

Timeline in Ukraine Probe Casts Doubt on Giuliani’s Biden Claim

But what has received less attention is that at the time Biden made his ultimatum, the probe into the company -- Burisma Holdings, owned by Mykola Zlochevsky -- had been long dormant, according to the former official, Vitaliy Kasko.

not according to the new york times,,,

According to The NY Times, Shokin was a corrupt prosecutor who had drawn criticism from our allies, the IMF and his own countrymen and reforms who wanted to end the old way of Ukrainian justice.

Ukraine Ousts Viktor Shokin, Top Prosecutor, and Political Stability Hangs in the Balance

But y’all love to ignore that part.

the wrote more than one article on it you stupid fuck,,,
Did you read the article I posted?

It completely destroys the idea that Shokin was ousted for personal reasons by Biden. Shall we go on?

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