Hunter Biden

And that's according to who exactly?

other people that worked in the prosecutors office,,,

I posted an interview of one of them and an article of another,,,

The thread is 150 pages long, can you point me to the interview and article?

you ignored it then and its not my job to hand feed you now,,,

you only have yourself to blame,,,

truthfully I am tired of the bullshit from you pricks,,,

educate yourself and fuck off until you do,,,

In typical troll fashion, when challenged to post proof, the troll refuses.

I did post proof you stupid fuck,,

but because he decided to ignore it and doesnt want to go back over 150 pages of posts he wants me to go back over 150 posts for him,,,

both of you can fuck off until you solve you ignorance problem,,,
So you claim, troll. I didn't notice the link you're claiming you posted to the NYT and I'm not about to go hunting through 1500 posts to find something you could easily post now if it existed. Hiding behind a bluff that it's out there somewhere as a pathetic excuse to not post it now is your go to troll move when you're nailed.
other people that worked in the prosecutors office,,,

I posted an interview of one of them and an article of another,,,

The thread is 150 pages long, can you point me to the interview and article?

you ignored it then and its not my job to hand feed you now,,,

you only have yourself to blame,,,

truthfully I am tired of the bullshit from you pricks,,,

educate yourself and fuck off until you do,,,

In typical troll fashion, when challenged to post proof, the troll refuses.

I did post proof you stupid fuck,,

but because he decided to ignore it and doesnt want to go back over 150 pages of posts he wants me to go back over 150 posts for him,,,

both of you can fuck off until you solve you ignorance problem,,,
Do you really need to pour through 150 pages to find a source you posted? I figured you’d be able to access it pretty easily from your memory.
He'd be able to had he actually posted it.
The thread is 150 pages long, can you point me to the interview and article?

you ignored it then and its not my job to hand feed you now,,,

you only have yourself to blame,,,

truthfully I am tired of the bullshit from you pricks,,,

educate yourself and fuck off until you do,,,

In typical troll fashion, when challenged to post proof, the troll refuses.

I did post proof you stupid fuck,,

but because he decided to ignore it and doesnt want to go back over 150 pages of posts he wants me to go back over 150 posts for him,,,

both of you can fuck off until you solve you ignorance problem,,,
Do you really need to pour through 150 pages to find a source you posted? I figured you’d be able to access it pretty easily from your memory.

sorry but I dont save all the things I post,,,

better that you not ignore things to avoid being ignorant on the topic at hand,,,

You have no memory of the article that you're referencing? Anything to help a search.
you ignored it then and its not my job to hand feed you now,,,

you only have yourself to blame,,,

truthfully I am tired of the bullshit from you pricks,,,

educate yourself and fuck off until you do,,,

In typical troll fashion, when challenged to post proof, the troll refuses.

I did post proof you stupid fuck,,

but because he decided to ignore it and doesnt want to go back over 150 pages of posts he wants me to go back over 150 posts for him,,,

both of you can fuck off until you solve you ignorance problem,,,
Do you really need to pour through 150 pages to find a source you posted? I figured you’d be able to access it pretty easily from your memory.

sorry but I dont save all the things I post,,,

better that you not ignore things to avoid being ignorant on the topic at hand,,,

You have no memory of the article that you're referencing? Anything to help a search.
I already gave that to you,,,

Watch your own video, ya dumbfuck. :lmao:

Jonah Fisher: "so what's President Trump saying about it? Well he wants Ukraine to investigate if there's a link between the sacking of Mr. Shokin and Hunter Biden's company."

Impeached Trump: "But what he said is that he wouldn’t give, I think, it was billions of dollars to Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor who was looking at his son and his son’s company, the company that his son worked with, and that’s a very dishonest thing."

Jonah Fisher: "So, is there any evidence to support what President Trump is saying? If there is, well we haven't seen it yet."

Daria Kaleniuk: "But it's not true that Prosecutor Shokin was tough prosecutor who was willing to investigate Burisma. Absolutely, to the contrary. Prosecutor Shokin was dumping this investigation and I have evidence of that. And following this investigations since 2014, Shokin, his predecessor, and the next prosecutor after Shokin, Yuriy Lutsenko, they all were contributing to killing this case."

Jonah Fisher: "So there's no evidence that suggests that Vice President Biden acted differently because his son was on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma?"

Daria Kaleniuk: "I haven't seen this evidence. I've seen the actions which show absolutely the contrary, what happened."

Jonah Fisher: "So, then why did Joe Biden want the Prosecutor General sacked? Well at the time there was wide-spread consensus among international donors like the IMF, the EU, and also locally here among activists that Mr. Shokin was an obstacle to the fight against corruption and that he had to go."

[emphasis added to highlight Ethos Logos Pathos' self induced bitch-slapping]

Starting @ 1:31...

Your own video! :lmao:



1:15 - 1:30 is all that matters in the video, you kooky fucclump. Biden's own words. Yes. Not anyone else's words but his, with respect to appropriate punishment which should leave Biden now ineligible to hold the office of the Presidency.
And that's according to who exactly?

other people that worked in the prosecutors office,,,

I posted an interview of one of them and an article of another,,,

The thread is 150 pages long, can you point me to the interview and article?

you ignored it then and its not my job to hand feed you now,,,

you only have yourself to blame,,,

truthfully I am tired of the bullshit from you pricks,,,

educate yourself and fuck off until you do,,,

In typical troll fashion, when challenged to post proof, the troll refuses.

I did post proof you stupid fuck,,

but because he decided to ignore it and doesnt want to go back over 150 pages of posts he wants me to go back over 150 posts for him,,,

both of you can fuck off until you solve you ignorance problem,,,
Liar... the only thing you’ve posted is admitting that you lie about posting evidence. You’re done Prog

In typical troll fashion, when challenged to post proof, the troll refuses.

I did post proof you stupid fuck,,

but because he decided to ignore it and doesnt want to go back over 150 pages of posts he wants me to go back over 150 posts for him,,,

both of you can fuck off until you solve you ignorance problem,,,
Do you really need to pour through 150 pages to find a source you posted? I figured you’d be able to access it pretty easily from your memory.

sorry but I dont save all the things I post,,,

better that you not ignore things to avoid being ignorant on the topic at hand,,,

You have no memory of the article that you're referencing? Anything to help a search.
I already gave that to you,,,

Gave what? You haven't told me anything about the interview and article. What was the source? Who was interviewed? When did you cite this article?

Any memory at all?

Watch your own video, ya dumbfuck. :lmao:

Jonah Fisher: "so what's President Trump saying about it? Well he wants Ukraine to investigate if there's a link between the sacking of Mr. Shokin and Hunter Biden's company."

Impeached Trump: "But what he said is that he wouldn’t give, I think, it was billions of dollars to Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor who was looking at his son and his son’s company, the company that his son worked with, and that’s a very dishonest thing."

Jonah Fisher: "So, is there any evidence to support what President Trump is saying? If there is, well we haven't seen it yet."

Daria Kaleniuk: "But it's not true that Prosecutor Shokin was tough prosecutor who was willing to investigate Burisma. Absolutely, to the contrary. Prosecutor Shokin was dumping this investigation and I have evidence of that. And following this investigations since 2014, Shokin, his predecessor, and the next prosecutor after Shokin, Yuriy Lutsenko, they all were contributing to killing this case."

Jonah Fisher: "So there's no evidence that suggests that Vice President Biden acted differently because his son was on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma?"

Daria Kaleniuk: "I haven't seen this evidence. I've seen the actions which show absolutely the contrary, what happened."

Jonah Fisher: "So, then why did Joe Biden want the Prosecutor General sacked? Well at the time there was wide-spread consensus among international donors like the IMF, the EU, and also locally here among activists that Mr. Shokin was an obstacle to the fight against corruption and that he had to go."

[emphasis added to highlight Ethos Logos Pathos' self induced bitch-slapping]

Starting @ 1:31...

Your own video! :lmao:



1:15 - 1:30 is all that matters in the video, you kooky fucclump. Biden's own words. Yes. Not anyone else's words but his, with respect to appropriate punishment which should leave Biden now ineligible to hold the office of the Presidency.

So you think there is no acceptable circumstance in which the US would demand a prosecutor be fired before giving them financial aid?
Exactly... you post fake news... from your Finger tips

now your just squirming,,,
Not at all... you literally just proved my point. You post fake shit, don’t provide links or evidence, just refer to some fantasy evidence you’ve posted in the past. You’re a phony, a troll, a waste of time. Thanks for playing but game over

I didnt post anything,,,
I KNOW. That’s my point. You are full of shit. You lie about posting evidence. You’re finally admitting it. Game over

does that mean youre going to shut up now???
Not even close. It means I’m going to keep throwing this in your face every time you pretend like you’ve been posting evidence of your bullshit lies
The thread is 150 pages long, can you point me to the interview and article?

you ignored it then and its not my job to hand feed you now,,,

you only have yourself to blame,,,

truthfully I am tired of the bullshit from you pricks,,,

educate yourself and fuck off until you do,,,

In typical troll fashion, when challenged to post proof, the troll refuses.

I did post proof you stupid fuck,,

but because he decided to ignore it and doesnt want to go back over 150 pages of posts he wants me to go back over 150 posts for him,,,

both of you can fuck off until you solve you ignorance problem,,,
Do you really need to pour through 150 pages to find a source you posted? I figured you’d be able to access it pretty easily from your memory.
He'd be able to had he actually posted it.
He lies about posting evidence to avoid posting evidence. I laid out a trap for him a few pages back and he fell right in... actually admitted to lying about posting evidence about fantasy narratives. Don’t go too deep with this troll... he’s got nothing
you ignored it then and its not my job to hand feed you now,,,

you only have yourself to blame,,,

truthfully I am tired of the bullshit from you pricks,,,

educate yourself and fuck off until you do,,,

In typical troll fashion, when challenged to post proof, the troll refuses.

I did post proof you stupid fuck,,

but because he decided to ignore it and doesnt want to go back over 150 pages of posts he wants me to go back over 150 posts for him,,,

both of you can fuck off until you solve you ignorance problem,,,
Do you really need to pour through 150 pages to find a source you posted? I figured you’d be able to access it pretty easily from your memory.
He'd be able to had he actually posted it.
He lies about posting evidence to avoid posting evidence. I laid out a trap for him a few pages back and he fell right in... actually admitted to lying about posting evidence about fantasy narratives. Don’t go too deep with this troll... he’s got nothing

and your trap would have worked except for the fact I did post them even if you ignored them,,,

that would make you a moron for thinking you debunked actual proof
you ignored it then and its not my job to hand feed you now,,,

you only have yourself to blame,,,

truthfully I am tired of the bullshit from you pricks,,,

educate yourself and fuck off until you do,,,

In typical troll fashion, when challenged to post proof, the troll refuses.

I did post proof you stupid fuck,,

but because he decided to ignore it and doesnt want to go back over 150 pages of posts he wants me to go back over 150 posts for him,,,

both of you can fuck off until you solve you ignorance problem,,,
Do you really need to pour through 150 pages to find a source you posted? I figured you’d be able to access it pretty easily from your memory.

sorry but I dont save all the things I post,,,

better that you not ignore things to avoid being ignorant on the topic at hand,,,

You have no memory of the article that you're referencing? Anything to help a search.
one big one you left out was the claim from Latvia that said that the bidens received laundered money, which was why shokin wanted to reopen the investigation that biden later had him fired for,,,

No need to mention that because it was investigated and found to be nothing there as I’ve proven to you in past posts

when diid you do that,,,cause the latvias havent even done itt

Exactly... you post fake news... from your Finger tips

Fell right into that trap. Prog is full of shit and posts fake news

In typical troll fashion, when challenged to post proof, the troll refuses.

I did post proof you stupid fuck,,

but because he decided to ignore it and doesnt want to go back over 150 pages of posts he wants me to go back over 150 posts for him,,,

both of you can fuck off until you solve you ignorance problem,,,
Do you really need to pour through 150 pages to find a source you posted? I figured you’d be able to access it pretty easily from your memory.
He'd be able to had he actually posted it.
He lies about posting evidence to avoid posting evidence. I laid out a trap for him a few pages back and he fell right in... actually admitted to lying about posting evidence about fantasy narratives. Don’t go too deep with this troll... he’s got nothing

and your trap would have worked except for the fact I did post them even if you ignored them,,,

that would make you a moron for thinking you debunked actual proof

It's hard to believe you when you can't seem to remember any details about the articles your referencing.

In typical troll fashion, when challenged to post proof, the troll refuses.

I did post proof you stupid fuck,,

but because he decided to ignore it and doesnt want to go back over 150 pages of posts he wants me to go back over 150 posts for him,,,

both of you can fuck off until you solve you ignorance problem,,,
Do you really need to pour through 150 pages to find a source you posted? I figured you’d be able to access it pretty easily from your memory.
He'd be able to had he actually posted it.
He lies about posting evidence to avoid posting evidence. I laid out a trap for him a few pages back and he fell right in... actually admitted to lying about posting evidence about fantasy narratives. Don’t go too deep with this troll... he’s got nothing

and your trap would have worked except for the fact I did post them even if you ignored them,,,

that would make you a moron for thinking you debunked actual proof
Sorry Prog, you already admitted in several posts that you are full of shit and like to post fake news. Get a life

Watch your own video, ya dumbfuck. :lmao:

Jonah Fisher: "so what's President Trump saying about it? Well he wants Ukraine to investigate if there's a link between the sacking of Mr. Shokin and Hunter Biden's company."

Impeached Trump: "But what he said is that he wouldn’t give, I think, it was billions of dollars to Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor who was looking at his son and his son’s company, the company that his son worked with, and that’s a very dishonest thing."

Jonah Fisher: "So, is there any evidence to support what President Trump is saying? If there is, well we haven't seen it yet."

Daria Kaleniuk: "But it's not true that Prosecutor Shokin was tough prosecutor who was willing to investigate Burisma. Absolutely, to the contrary. Prosecutor Shokin was dumping this investigation and I have evidence of that. And following this investigations since 2014, Shokin, his predecessor, and the next prosecutor after Shokin, Yuriy Lutsenko, they all were contributing to killing this case."

Jonah Fisher: "So there's no evidence that suggests that Vice President Biden acted differently because his son was on the board of a Ukrainian energy company, Burisma?"

Daria Kaleniuk: "I haven't seen this evidence. I've seen the actions which show absolutely the contrary, what happened."

Jonah Fisher: "So, then why did Joe Biden want the Prosecutor General sacked? Well at the time there was wide-spread consensus among international donors like the IMF, the EU, and also locally here among activists that Mr. Shokin was an obstacle to the fight against corruption and that he had to go."

[emphasis added to highlight Ethos Logos Pathos' self induced bitch-slapping]

Starting @ 1:31...

Your own video! :lmao:



1:15 - 1:30 is all that matters in the video, you kooky fucclump. Biden's own words. Yes. Not anyone else's words but his, with respect to appropriate punishment which should leave Biden now ineligible to hold the office of the Presidency.

How do you keep go to this argument? How do you not realize how stupid you sound? What Biden did and what he is talking about in that video is totally legit. Nothing illegal... doing his job... executing US foreign policy. Let that sink in and stop making a fool out of yourself by pretending like it s some kind of crime

In typical troll fashion, when challenged to post proof, the troll refuses.

I did post proof you stupid fuck,,

but because he decided to ignore it and doesnt want to go back over 150 pages of posts he wants me to go back over 150 posts for him,,,

both of you can fuck off until you solve you ignorance problem,,,
Do you really need to pour through 150 pages to find a source you posted? I figured you’d be able to access it pretty easily from your memory.
He'd be able to had he actually posted it.
He lies about posting evidence to avoid posting evidence. I laid out a trap for him a few pages back and he fell right in... actually admitted to lying about posting evidence about fantasy narratives. Don’t go too deep with this troll... he’s got nothing

and your trap would have worked except for the fact I did post them even if you ignored them,,,

that would make you a moron for thinking you debunked actual proof
Ohh, so you did post them but then you lied about not posting them because you really did post them but now you won’t post them because you already did post them. Great argument t Prog... dipshit. Stop wasting my time, this is getting pathetic
I did post proof you stupid fuck,,

but because he decided to ignore it and doesnt want to go back over 150 pages of posts he wants me to go back over 150 posts for him,,,

both of you can fuck off until you solve you ignorance problem,,,
Do you really need to pour through 150 pages to find a source you posted? I figured you’d be able to access it pretty easily from your memory.
He'd be able to had he actually posted it.
He lies about posting evidence to avoid posting evidence. I laid out a trap for him a few pages back and he fell right in... actually admitted to lying about posting evidence about fantasy narratives. Don’t go too deep with this troll... he’s got nothing

and your trap would have worked except for the fact I did post them even if you ignored them,,,

that would make you a moron for thinking you debunked actual proof

It's hard to believe you when you can't seem to remember any details about the articles your referencing.
He posts fake conspiracy articles that are easily debunked and then he brings them up later as if they are proof of his fake arguments. He won’t post them because then you can debunk them. #trollgames
I did post proof you stupid fuck,,

but because he decided to ignore it and doesnt want to go back over 150 pages of posts he wants me to go back over 150 posts for him,,,

both of you can fuck off until you solve you ignorance problem,,,
Do you really need to pour through 150 pages to find a source you posted? I figured you’d be able to access it pretty easily from your memory.
He'd be able to had he actually posted it.
He lies about posting evidence to avoid posting evidence. I laid out a trap for him a few pages back and he fell right in... actually admitted to lying about posting evidence about fantasy narratives. Don’t go too deep with this troll... he’s got nothing

and your trap would have worked except for the fact I did post them even if you ignored them,,,

that would make you a moron for thinking you debunked actual proof
Ohh, so you did post them but then you lied about not posting them because you really did post them but now you won’t post them because you already did post them. Great argument t Prog... dipshit. Stop wasting my time, this is getting pathetic[/QUOTEpathetic is a good description,,,
Do you really need to pour through 150 pages to find a source you posted? I figured you’d be able to access it pretty easily from your memory.
He'd be able to had he actually posted it.
He lies about posting evidence to avoid posting evidence. I laid out a trap for him a few pages back and he fell right in... actually admitted to lying about posting evidence about fantasy narratives. Don’t go too deep with this troll... he’s got nothing

and your trap would have worked except for the fact I did post them even if you ignored them,,,

that would make you a moron for thinking you debunked actual proof

It's hard to believe you when you can't seem to remember any details about the articles your referencing.
He posts fake conspiracy articles that are easily debunked and then he brings them up later as if they are proof of his fake arguments. He won’t post them because then you can debunk them. #trollgames

if only that were true,,,
He'd be able to had he actually posted it.
He lies about posting evidence to avoid posting evidence. I laid out a trap for him a few pages back and he fell right in... actually admitted to lying about posting evidence about fantasy narratives. Don’t go too deep with this troll... he’s got nothing

and your trap would have worked except for the fact I did post them even if you ignored them,,,

that would make you a moron for thinking you debunked actual proof

It's hard to believe you when you can't seem to remember any details about the articles your referencing.
He posts fake conspiracy articles that are easily debunked and then he brings them up later as if they are proof of his fake arguments. He won’t post them because then you can debunk them. #trollgames

if only that were true,,,

It sure looks true given your inability to remember any details about these supposed articles you keep referencing.

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