Hunter Biden

I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?

Well, you follow the money. How much of that money did "Scranton Joe" get? If your answer is "well, he doesn't get any, it was all on the up and up". Then you are blinded by hatred of the orange one and a perfect excample of one of those folks who live their day by the 24 hour news cycle. You are right, this has been out there forever. Years ago was the first time I heard about Joe Biden and his Sons corrupt deal that used his daddy's position and name to make millions for them both. If one was honest, they woul point out the book that this was first mentioned in. They would also point out that the book also mentioned Mitch McConnel and his family making serious money with the Chinese. I don't care if it's Trump, Obama or whoever, they are all corrupt. And if one can say it's completely lagit to pay a cocaine addict whose habit got them tossed out of the nay then I just don't know what to say. Many places can't even employ a person who failed a drug test and is still obviously addicted to drugs and those are $12.00 an hour jobs.
Well unlike Trump, Biden has released his tax returns so please connect the dots on how he funneled money through Ukraine to enrich himself and his son.

You know that's not how it works. You haven't even read the excerpt from the book where the Claim all got started a long ass time ago. The Bidens were reported on long before Trump was even involved. READ THE BOOK. At least try and not be a sheep getting fed your facts by Hannity or whomever. It you did that, you would see I'm not really disagreeing with ya. Just trying to help you not be an ignorant slave.
If you want to help then post the excerpt your talking about instead of calling people ignorant slaves and telling them to read a book
did you know there is almost 8 billion dollars of aid to Ukraine that has gone missing??? and several billions of it were to people hunter worked for,,,GONE!!!!

and most of it was under the direction/control of joe biden???
Got a non blaze link?
Actual evidence?
So Ukraine lose money and its bidens fault?
you can do it, right?
follow the story its got all the links to the documents,,,and all of them are not the blaze,,,
Deep Fake "documents," you mean!

Prove they are fake.
You deny they are fake, that proves they are fake.
Thank you.

LOL, you're a bright one kid. Prove they are fake, you can prove it right? I mean you believe SO strongly you MUST have some proof?
I understan that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?

There are no unanswered questions.

That's because there are no questions.

There is bullshit, on top of bullshit, by a bunch of bullshitters.

There isn't even bad PR on Bidens part.

Now a hotel in Istanbul that is the reason for a President to let our allies in Syria get slaughtered, to the disrespect of our military. That's bad PR.

If Joe Biden is the nominee, it should be the one thing he sticks up Trumps ass so far, that he chokes on it.

In fact every single Democrat running to take a Senate seat from Republicans should make this a campaign commercial, every American sees before the election. Now there's a PR move.
I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?

Well, you follow the money. How much of that money did "Scranton Joe" get? If your answer is "well, he doesn't get any, it was all on the up and up". Then you are blinded by hatred of the orange one and a perfect excample of one of those folks who live their day by the 24 hour news cycle. You are right, this has been out there forever. Years ago was the first time I heard about Joe Biden and his Sons corrupt deal that used his daddy's position and name to make millions for them both. If one was honest, they woul point out the book that this was first mentioned in. They would also point out that the book also mentioned Mitch McConnel and his family making serious money with the Chinese. I don't care if it's Trump, Obama or whoever, they are all corrupt. And if one can say it's completely lagit to pay a cocaine addict whose habit got them tossed out of the nay then I just don't know what to say. Many places can't even employ a person who failed a drug test and is still obviously addicted to drugs and those are $12.00 an hour jobs.
Well unlike Trump, Biden has released his tax returns so please connect the dots on how he funneled money through Ukraine to enrich himself and his son.

You know that's not how it works. You haven't even read the excerpt from the book where the Claim all got started a long ass time ago. The Bidens were reported on long before Trump was even involved. READ THE BOOK. At least try and not be a sheep getting fed your facts by Hannity or whomever. It you did that, you would see I'm not really disagreeing with ya. Just trying to help you not be an ignorant slave.
If you want to help then post the excerpt your talking about instead of calling people ignorant slaves and telling them to read a book

No. I won't. The book has been out long enough you can get it for $6.00 at half price books, and I'm positive you can find a free down load. I find it hard to believe that no one here has even read the book by the guy who planted this seed.

Peter Schweizer - Wikipedia

That's the author. One of the books is called "secret empires" or some such. I have questions as to why Mitch McConnel and Elain Chaw aren't having a few questions tossed their way.
Got a non blaze link?
Actual evidence?
So Ukraine lose money and its bidens fault?
you can do it, right?
follow the story its got all the links to the documents,,,and all of them are not the blaze,,,
Deep Fake "documents," you mean!

Prove they are fake.
You deny they are fake, that proves they are fake.
Thank you.

LOL, you're a bright one kid. Prove they are fake, you can prove it right? I mean you believe SO strongly you MUST have some proof?
Everything from the Right is FAKE. Everybody with at least one working brain cell knows that!
I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?

Well, you follow the money. How much of that money did "Scranton Joe" get? If your answer is "well, he doesn't get any, it was all on the up and up". Then you are blinded by hatred of the orange one and a perfect excample of one of those folks who live their day by the 24 hour news cycle. You are right, this has been out there forever. Years ago was the first time I heard about Joe Biden and his Sons corrupt deal that used his daddy's position and name to make millions for them both. If one was honest, they woul point out the book that this was first mentioned in. They would also point out that the book also mentioned Mitch McConnel and his family making serious money with the Chinese. I don't care if it's Trump, Obama or whoever, they are all corrupt. And if one can say it's completely lagit to pay a cocaine addict whose habit got them tossed out of the nay then I just don't know what to say. Many places can't even employ a person who failed a drug test and is still obviously addicted to drugs and those are $12.00 an hour jobs.
Well unlike Trump, Biden has released his tax returns so please connect the dots on how he funneled money through Ukraine to enrich himself and his son.

You know that's not how it works. You haven't even read the excerpt from the book where the Claim all got started a long ass time ago. The Bidens were reported on long before Trump was even involved. READ THE BOOK. At least try and not be a sheep getting fed your facts by Hannity or whomever. It you did that, you would see I'm not really disagreeing with ya. Just trying to help you not be an ignorant slave.
If you want to help then post the excerpt your talking about instead of calling people ignorant slaves and telling them to read a book

No. I won't. The book has been out long enough you can get it for $6.00 at half price books, and I'm positive you can find a free down load. I find it hard to believe that no one here has even read the book by the guy who planted this seed.

Peter Schweizer - Wikipedia

That's the author. One of the books is called "secret empires" or some such. I have questions as to why Mitch McConnel and Elain Chaw aren't having a few questions tossed their way.
I don’t read political books. Theres a new one coming out every day by some politician, news anchor, pundant, or ex staffer trying to cash in.

if somebody strikes oil we will see it
I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?

There is more actual evidence that Jim Jordan knew about wrestlers being molested than there is about the Bidens, Ukraine and corruption.

How do you prove he "knew"? How many years ago was this, with no proof ever provided?

That's why you are a dumbass! No thought processes occur in your head. You merely parrot what your masters say.

Multiple people testifying that they told him.
Well, you follow the money. How much of that money did "Scranton Joe" get? If your answer is "well, he doesn't get any, it was all on the up and up". Then you are blinded by hatred of the orange one and a perfect excample of one of those folks who live their day by the 24 hour news cycle. You are right, this has been out there forever. Years ago was the first time I heard about Joe Biden and his Sons corrupt deal that used his daddy's position and name to make millions for them both. If one was honest, they woul point out the book that this was first mentioned in. They would also point out that the book also mentioned Mitch McConnel and his family making serious money with the Chinese. I don't care if it's Trump, Obama or whoever, they are all corrupt. And if one can say it's completely lagit to pay a cocaine addict whose habit got them tossed out of the nay then I just don't know what to say. Many places can't even employ a person who failed a drug test and is still obviously addicted to drugs and those are $12.00 an hour jobs.
Well unlike Trump, Biden has released his tax returns so please connect the dots on how he funneled money through Ukraine to enrich himself and his son.

You know that's not how it works. You haven't even read the excerpt from the book where the Claim all got started a long ass time ago. The Bidens were reported on long before Trump was even involved. READ THE BOOK. At least try and not be a sheep getting fed your facts by Hannity or whomever. It you did that, you would see I'm not really disagreeing with ya. Just trying to help you not be an ignorant slave.
If you want to help then post the excerpt your talking about instead of calling people ignorant slaves and telling them to read a book

No. I won't. The book has been out long enough you can get it for $6.00 at half price books, and I'm positive you can find a free down load. I find it hard to believe that no one here has even read the book by the guy who planted this seed.

Peter Schweizer - Wikipedia

That's the author. One of the books is called "secret empires" or some such. I have questions as to why Mitch McConnel and Elain Chaw aren't having a few questions tossed their way.
I don’t read political books. Theres a new one coming out every day by some politician, news anchor, pundant, or ex staffer trying to cash in.

if somebody strikes oil we will see it

This Biden thing has been out there for ever. Yes, Biden is a slimy corrupt piece of shit. I hope he dies in as much pain or more then his son Bo did. But it's not just him. It's all of them. There are no good polititions. Trump is not Gawds presidant. Trump is a corrupt turd like Obama was. This is all smoke and mirrors until the tiff among the political elite gets settled.
epstien didnt commit suicide,,,
Tramp had him killed, as you well know!
Sure would be nice if could provide some evidence. We have the DNC evidence. You don't have squat for the RNC.
You have NO evidence, only conspiracy theory GOSSIP!
And with that very leftarded inanity Eddie again makes it unnecessary for anyone to point out just how STUPID he is.
Thank you, Eddie ... mission accomplished. :beer:
Well unlike Trump, Biden has released his tax returns so please connect the dots on how he funneled money through Ukraine to enrich himself and his son.

You know that's not how it works. You haven't even read the excerpt from the book where the Claim all got started a long ass time ago. The Bidens were reported on long before Trump was even involved. READ THE BOOK. At least try and not be a sheep getting fed your facts by Hannity or whomever. It you did that, you would see I'm not really disagreeing with ya. Just trying to help you not be an ignorant slave.
If you want to help then post the excerpt your talking about instead of calling people ignorant slaves and telling them to read a book

No. I won't. The book has been out long enough you can get it for $6.00 at half price books, and I'm positive you can find a free down load. I find it hard to believe that no one here has even read the book by the guy who planted this seed.

Peter Schweizer - Wikipedia

That's the author. One of the books is called "secret empires" or some such. I have questions as to why Mitch McConnel and Elain Chaw aren't having a few questions tossed their way.
I don’t read political books. Theres a new one coming out every day by some politician, news anchor, pundant, or ex staffer trying to cash in.

if somebody strikes oil we will see it

This Biden thing has been out there for ever. Yes, Biden is a slimy corrupt piece of shit. I hope he dies in as much pain or more then his son Bo did. But it's not just him. It's all of them. There are no good polititions. Trump is not Gawds presidant. Trump is a corrupt turd like Obama was. This is all smoke and mirrors until the tiff among the political elite gets settled.
It’s easy to be the peanut gallery. You sound like a disturbed individual who makes up for his inadequacies and insecurities by bitching about others and diving into conspiracy theories. Instead of playing the victim for the rest of your days why don’t you try to put yourself out there and actually do something useful with your life.
you can do it, right?
follow the story its got all the links to the documents,,,and all of them are not the blaze,,,
Deep Fake "documents," you mean!

Prove they are fake.
You deny they are fake, that proves they are fake.
Thank you.

LOL, you're a bright one kid. Prove they are fake, you can prove it right? I mean you believe SO strongly you MUST have some proof?
Everything from the Right is FAKE. Everybody with at least one working brain cell knows that!

so you dont even have one working brain cell,,,
we already knew that,,,
You know that's not how it works. You haven't even read the excerpt from the book where the Claim all got started a long ass time ago. The Bidens were reported on long before Trump was even involved. READ THE BOOK. At least try and not be a sheep getting fed your facts by Hannity or whomever. It you did that, you would see I'm not really disagreeing with ya. Just trying to help you not be an ignorant slave.
If you want to help then post the excerpt your talking about instead of calling people ignorant slaves and telling them to read a book

No. I won't. The book has been out long enough you can get it for $6.00 at half price books, and I'm positive you can find a free down load. I find it hard to believe that no one here has even read the book by the guy who planted this seed.

Peter Schweizer - Wikipedia

That's the author. One of the books is called "secret empires" or some such. I have questions as to why Mitch McConnel and Elain Chaw aren't having a few questions tossed their way.
I don’t read political books. Theres a new one coming out every day by some politician, news anchor, pundant, or ex staffer trying to cash in.

if somebody strikes oil we will see it

This Biden thing has been out there for ever. Yes, Biden is a slimy corrupt piece of shit. I hope he dies in as much pain or more then his son Bo did. But it's not just him. It's all of them. There are no good polititions. Trump is not Gawds presidant. Trump is a corrupt turd like Obama was. This is all smoke and mirrors until the tiff among the political elite gets settled.
It’s easy to be the peanut gallery. You sound like a disturbed individual who makes up for his inadequacies and insecurities by bitching about others and diving into conspiracy theories. Instead of playing the victim for the rest of your days why don’t you try to put yourself out there and actually do something useful with your life.

this isnt a theory,,,its all backed up by documents and testimony
I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?

Well, you follow the money. How much of that money did "Scranton Joe" get? If your answer is "well, he doesn't get any, it was all on the up and up". Then you are blinded by hatred of the orange one and a perfect excample of one of those folks who live their day by the 24 hour news cycle. You are right, this has been out there forever. Years ago was the first time I heard about Joe Biden and his Sons corrupt deal that used his daddy's position and name to make millions for them both. If one was honest, they woul point out the book that this was first mentioned in. They would also point out that the book also mentioned Mitch McConnel and his family making serious money with the Chinese. I don't care if it's Trump, Obama or whoever, they are all corrupt. And if one can say it's completely lagit to pay a cocaine addict whose habit got them tossed out of the nay then I just don't know what to say. Many places can't even employ a person who failed a drug test and is still obviously addicted to drugs and those are $12.00 an hour jobs.
Well unlike Trump, Biden has released his tax returns so please connect the dots on how he funneled money through Ukraine to enrich himself and his son.

There's no evidence.
Biden forced Shokin out
Our Blaze friends don't even know his name.
This guy
"Prosecutor General, he was accused of blocking major cases against allies and influential figures and hindering the fight against corruption in Ukraine.[6]"
As the founder of knees news said
"It's not our job to report the news, we post to support what our viewers already believe"
Look at bidens taxes if you believe he laundered money

the facts say your wrong,,,

and who said biden laundered money???
I understand that Trumps last defense against impeachment is going to be proving that there was legit corruption with the Biden/Ukraine situation. Problem is there is no evidence of laws being broken and this is a thing of the past that was out in the open. To me it is obviously a bad PR situation that Trump was looking to exploit in next years campaign.

To those who think it’s a legit concern... what exactly is left to be discovered about Hunter Biden’s board seat at Burisma?

Can somebody explain what they are looking for? Or what questions are still unanswered?

LOL, you nor I know anything about what happened with the Biden's. Any thinking person would want to know the truth but not you. You believe EVERYTHING about Trump but nothing about the folks on the Left. How very American of you.
Zero Blaze evidence?
Don't believe our con grabbed vaginas?
For Christ sake read, Biden got a corrupt prosecuter out who is now in Russia??
What's that tell you. Look up Shokin, PLEASE

the evidence isnt from the blaze,,,
Once again a 30 year old child who is a crack addict to the VP of the United states not corruption?

And Epstein a billionaire committed suicide in his jail cell.

What is the crime? Spell it out for me

Influence peddling. More to the point, if it can be shown, in any way that biden directed USAID payments to Burisma, that is the kiss of death.
thank you for being the first to answer the question... is there any evidence to suspect Biden did that?

The influence peddling is pretty clear. Burisma was famous for placing people on its Board of Directors who could help it escape sanctions. That's why even though Burisma was KNOWN to be incredibly corrupt, nothing ever happened to them.
ok so for that theory to hold water you’d have to have proof that Biden used his power and acted outside of the national interest to give favor to burisma and that Hunter lobbied him for it. What evidence do you have that they did that?

that evidence has already been posted many times,,,and if you dont know it by now its your fault not ours,,,
If you want to help then post the excerpt your talking about instead of calling people ignorant slaves and telling them to read a book

No. I won't. The book has been out long enough you can get it for $6.00 at half price books, and I'm positive you can find a free down load. I find it hard to believe that no one here has even read the book by the guy who planted this seed.

Peter Schweizer - Wikipedia

That's the author. One of the books is called "secret empires" or some such. I have questions as to why Mitch McConnel and Elain Chaw aren't having a few questions tossed their way.
I don’t read political books. Theres a new one coming out every day by some politician, news anchor, pundant, or ex staffer trying to cash in.

if somebody strikes oil we will see it

This Biden thing has been out there for ever. Yes, Biden is a slimy corrupt piece of shit. I hope he dies in as much pain or more then his son Bo did. But it's not just him. It's all of them. There are no good polititions. Trump is not Gawds presidant. Trump is a corrupt turd like Obama was. This is all smoke and mirrors until the tiff among the political elite gets settled.
It’s easy to be the peanut gallery. You sound like a disturbed individual who makes up for his inadequacies and insecurities by bitching about others and diving into conspiracy theories. Instead of playing the victim for the rest of your days why don’t you try to put yourself out there and actually do something useful with your life.

this isnt a theory,,,its all backed up by documents and testimony
If all that was documented and backed up then Biden would either be in prison or under indictment by Trumps DOJ. The fact that he isn’t and Rudy Guliani is running around Ukraine trying to sneak deals for them to open an investigation just show the cards. Sorry man, you’ve been duped. It wasn’t even sly
What is the crime? Spell it out for me[/QUOT

Influence peddling. More to the point, if it can be shown, in any way that biden directed USAID payments to Burisma, that is the kiss of death.
thank you for being the first to answer the question... is there any evidence to suspect Biden did that?
The con cult don't even know the burisma "investigation" was before hunter joined.
"Shokin claimed in May 2019 that he had been investigating Burisma Holdings.[13][34][35] However, Vitaly Kasko, who had been Shokin's deputy overseeing international cooperation before resigning in February 2016 citing corruption in the office, provided documents to Bloomberg News indicating that under Shokin, the investigation into Burisma had been dormant.[36][37] Also, the investigation into Burisma only pertained to events happening before Hunter Biden joined the company.[38]

The influence peddling is pretty clear. Burisma was famous for placing people on its Board of Directors who could help it escape sanctions. That's why even though Burisma was KNOWN to be incredibly corrupt, nothing ever happened to them.
ok so for that theory to hold water you’d have to have proof that Biden used his power and acted outside of the national interest to give favor to burisma and that Hunter lobbied him for it. What evidence do you have that they did that?

that evidence has already been posted many times,,,and if you dont know it by now its your fault not ours,,,

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