Hunter Biden’s Ass Is Grass

Federal criminal investigation has started into Hunter Biden focusing on his business dealings in China
The real and most viable possibility is that Hunter will get indicted
and face charges.Get convicted on some lighter charge and papa will
use his Presidential power to Pardon.
Something along those lines.Since Papa is involved it will permanently
stain his Presidency like no other POTUS in American History.
Which spells real disaster for our Country.The possibility of a POTUS
to use some version or versions of a scorched earth scenario.
Which are being Beta tested against Putin.And Ironically here
stateside.With record level Inflation,Food shortages and Transportation
That picture of Hunter smiling with the ragged remains of his Meth teeth tells one hell of a story.

'That's ma boy'


ADA Man of the Year

Did you catch the part where Watters said 'there are more we can't show you, many more'.
That is what most say who have had access to the laptop.
Very few.Like Rudy Giuliani.The very reason he became targetted.
Americas Mayor knew too much.Same with the rigging of the 2020
Election.I'm trying to recall who else saw some of the Laptop photos.
No one wants to admit because they could get one them subpoena.
That is what most say who have had access to the laptop.
Very few.Like Rudy Giuliani.The very reason he became targetted.
Americas Mayor knew too much.Same with the rigging of the 2020
Election.I'm trying to recall who else saw some of the Laptop photos.
No one wants to admit because they could get one them subpoena.

I know Daily Mail had a copy as they were authenticating email contents. Several media org's had some access also, like WSJ and a couple others.
I know Daily Mail had a copy as they were authenticating email contents. Several media org's had some access also, like WSJ and a couple others.
Of course Miranda Devine { lead writer investigating and composing articles }.
She was forced to stop because the N.Y.Post was being aggressively
censored.But she managed to use - Tucker - {8pm} prudently and with
notable effect.Plus guys like Joe Concha and of course Dan Bongino.
Wake me up when there's an indictment.

Otherwise, I'll return you to your regular masturbation material. :auiqs.jpg:
Tough guy ... eh.Sounds like what Hunter Biden and Pops
think of themselves.As they Lie and traitor their way around
getting rich and no one the wiser.
Only leftist weenies would treat this Hunter Biden Scandal
as if some Network Soap Opera.
let me guess,you read the Norman Mailer novel ...
- Tough Guys Don't Dance - {1984 }
Dream on ... Fairy Tale boy.
Of course Miranda Devine { lead writer investigating and composing articles }.
She was forced to stop because the N.Y.Post was being aggressively
censored.But she managed to use - Tucker - {8pm} prudently and with
notable effect.Plus guys like Joe Concha and of course Dan Bongino.

Concha and Bongino are good dudes. Bongino won't air anything he can't back up.
Concha and Bongino are good dudes. Bongino won't air anything he can't back up.
It's very entertainig to watch Geraldo and Bongino give their take
on news.Just about any News.Geraldo is the Poster Boy for being
a Leftist excuse monger.With a head bigger than the statue of Liberty.
A Nose the size of a New York Deli pickle and his ever-present Banana Dictator
Moustache.Plus he got a Taco brain.
In his defense he learned it firsthand from guys like Phil Donohue.
Still doesn't explain for years his habit of calling folk :
" His people ". " My People " meaning Hispanics.Latinos.
He stopped that usage over 10 years ago.
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You do not care about proof. There is NOTHING you will accept.
That's because they've provided none. Hint..alt-right accusations aren't proof.
Just because THEY SAY SO...doesn't mean it's so. Sorry, you don't get an investigation
or indictment for unproven accusations.
That's because they've provided none. Hint..alt-right accusations aren't proof.
Just because THEY SAY SO...doesn't mean it's so. Sorry, you don't get an investigation
or indictment for unproven accusations.

Proof that Hunter Biden committed a Federal felony was provided in post 261. You, of course, ignored it.

That's because they've provided none. Hint..alt-right accusations aren't proof.
Just because THEY SAY SO...doesn't mean it's so. Sorry, you don't get an investigation
or indictment for unproven accusations.

Democrats said so about everything Trump......I'd give my left nut to see your posts then.
Proof that Hunter Biden committed a Federal felony was provided in post 261. You, of course, ignored it.

A weapons violation which he Ignored and the FBI never bothered
to follow-up on.In 2018 {Oct.12 } Hunter Biden purchased a .38 caliber
revolver in Delaware where Papa Lives.He Misrepresented his habits
of Drug use like Cocaine { considered a Narcotic }.Cocaine is not even
considered a controlled substance.
In hindsight knowing what we now know that Hunter had multiple
Photos of himself smoking Crack and doing a narcotic.
He made a false statement on ATF Form 4473 by signaling " NO "
about current drug use.He also could be in violation of a
Section 922{g}{3} which prohibits a drug user from possessing a
firearm with ammunition.
Notice the wording ... W/ammunition.Even Gonzo Journalist
Hunter Thompson knew dat.Famous for wielding around a pistol
like Wyatt Earp.
Bill Murrary starred as Hunter Thompson in the Movie
- Where the Buffalo Roam - { 1980 }.

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