Hunter is 100% the victim of deep state right wing lawfare

Huge differences between the two cases.
Hunter Biden provided the evidence himself with pictures and diary journal entries that corresponds to accounting records and company records.
So, exactly as Trump did with his own fraud. His own, signed records.

Hmm, no difference yet.

These crimes Hunter admits to also involves Joe Biden himself selling access to the White House
A lie you just pulled out of your ass.

and President Obama gaining favorable business deals as a result of this access.
And there's another lie...

The cases against Trump are based solely on testimony from a liar/thief and a prostitute
Aaaand there's another lie.

Damn, son. You lie the way normal peole breathe!
How about we try them by jury? Seems like the American way to determine guilt or innocence.
First you have to have a fair trial.
A really fair trial with credible witnesses provided by both sides. (Hunter will have issues here being a drug abuser with crackhead friends)

Then solid evidence of intent to violate the law. Not "multiple choice" of a selection of crimes they possibly could have committed.
Then unanimous agreement about the crimes committed by a jury of peers....meaning former presidential and vice presidential children. (Dick Cheney's daughter, George Bush's kid, Clinton's daughter, Trump's kids, and etc)
Apparently you were napping when Biden signed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act ? Which BTW, has not made any communities safer and was uber-partisan.
So what part of that law was "Draconian" for Gun Fetishists?
But leading the charge for the conviction your direct political opponent is specifically reserved for Biden.
Isn’t that what Trump was trying to do to Biden when he asked Zelensky to go after him?

I was told by Republicans not only was that legal, Trump was bound by his duty as president to lead the charge for the conviction of his direct political opponent.
Isn’t that what Trump was trying to do to Biden when he asked Zelensky to go after him?

I was told by Republicans not only was that legal, Trump was bound by his duty as president to lead the charge for the conviction of his direct political opponent.
Indeed that happened.

But cultists don't have this kind of coherence of thought. Every outburst from them is a reflexive reaction to whatever shiny object they happen to be looking at.
You couldn't argue that the trial was unfair if your life depended on it.
There's a laundry list of issues with their trial starting with:
a biased judge whose daughter was receiving 100 million dollars from Democrat operatives.
Inflammatory testimony freely allowed.
false testimony
no defense witnesses allowed.
i can continue....
Which Mr. Trump got

He and many in his cult-of-personalty just can't handle the outcome -- the truth.
I would be more than willing to accept a guilty verdict for a truly fair trial.
I am not and have never been a fan of his while I was a resident of NY or NJ and very familiar with him long before he ever ventured onto television or politics.
a biased judge
A lie for which you have no evidence

I don't think you quite understand how any of this works.

You don't win an appeal or even get an appeal heard by walking into a court and lying your ass off.

Inflammatory testimony freely allowed.
So what? It was all relevant. A criminal trial is inherently inflammatory. For weeks, the prosecution stood there and called Trump a career criminal. Perfectly normal.

Weak sauce, zero points and zero grounds for appeal.

false testimony
Another lie for which you have no evidence. You actually have to prove the relevant testimony to be false. The defense had their chance to do so. That's what the trial is for.

You folks think crybaby sore losers can just cry and get a do-over.

no defense witnesses allowed.
Well that's your most retarded lie yet. You're embarrassing yourself.

You must also believe Trump wasn't allowed to testify. You believe ANYTHING the orange slob mutters, don't you?
There's a laundry list of issues with their trial starting with:
a biased judge whose daughter was receiving 100 million dollars from Democrat operatives.
Inflammatory testimony freely allowed.
false testimony
no defense witnesses allowed.
i can continue....

I would be more than willing to accept a guilty verdict for a truly fair trial.
I am not and have never been a fan of his while I was a resident of NY or NJ and very familiar with him long before he ever ventured onto television or politics.
All bullshit
I bet you’re one of those suckers who believed Trump when he said the gag order prevented him from testifying at trial.
Trump says a lot of crap....I don't necessarily believe any of it....especially following his stalls of speech. I've had his number for decades. Long before he ever got nationally famous.

He is Naturally a bully and a bit of a pig. Never have personally liked him. Have never changed my opinion of him.

However, my personal feelings about him are not relevant. What he did or not do is relevant....and that's why he hires lawyers to advise him so he stays inside the law. And his lawyer lied to him and stole from him. But we convict him and send him to jail for hiring such a lawyer?
Trump says a lot of crap....I don't necessarily believe any of it....especially following his stalls of speech. I've had his number for decades. Long before he ever got nationally famous.

He is Naturally a bully and a bit of a pig. Never have personally liked him. Have never changed my opinion of him.

However, my personal feelings about him are not relevant. What he did or not do is relevant....and that's why he hires lawyers to advise him so he stays inside the law. And his lawyer lied to him and stole from him. But we convict him and send him to jail for hiring such a lawyer?
Lawyers do what their clients want, not the other way around.

Trump can’t evade culpability by blaming Cohen. You should be more cautious about taking his word for it, given Trump is a commensurate liar.
My guess: to try and sway the jury with their presence.

As far as the charges brought against Hunter, they are valid. He lied on the ATF form. He wrote a book detailing his addiction to illegal drugs. He isn't above the law.
Suddenly MSNBC who protects Biden at all costs, is showing and talking about the Hunter Gun Trial. A distraction? Sympathy for the audience or showing the world the DOJ does not do favors? So they can come back and say Trump was whining? We all know Hunter will not serve a day in prison, Daddy will pardon him.
Isn’t that what Trump was trying to do to Biden when he asked Zelensky to go after him?

I was told by Republicans not only was that legal, Trump was bound by his duty as president to lead the charge for the conviction of his direct political opponent.

Ok, I'll play. Trump was impeached for that. Shouldn't Biden be impeached too?
Ok, I'll play. Trump was impeached for that. Shouldn't Biden be impeached too?
You have two problems.

1. Republicans decided that was not impeachable. In fact, they praised him for doing it.
2. You don’t have anything to impeach Biden for. Even you said the closest you got to him is a lawyer met with another lawyer. What exactly did Biden do?
Hey dumbfuck, how come Obozo's IRS couldn't find anything? Hunter paid nothing and his sugar daddy is being investigated now. Like always, you stupid cultists have no idea what you spew. Just repeat your Dem masters words.
Spanky Dotard claimed for years that he was being audited which turned out to be another one of his lies which dopes like you swallow along with a taste of his ass, Cleetus.

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