Hunter is 100% the victim of deep state right wing lawfare

That is the lamest defense out there. A liar can’t be held accountable because he’s a drug abuser and a liar. That makes no sense.

Except that if he really believed he had it under control, he wasn't a liar.

Halle just admitted that she hadn't seen him take drugs during the period in question.
Except that if he really believed he had it under control, he wasn't a liar.

Halle just admitted that she hadn't seen him take drugs during the period in question.
It doesn’t matter if he thought he had it under control. He lied. He knowingly lied.

She, whoever she is, is irrelevant. .
Biden's former gf testified under oath that SHE threw the gun in the dumpster, not Hunter.

Have another shit sandwich. Still working on that ass imprint thingy? :abgg2q.jpg:
Hey shitstain, that was Hunter's gun. We know you hate kids and want them hurt.
You're right. Hunter is going to trial. But we don't hear him whining like a little bitch over it like your assbuddy Trump has been doing, Sparky.

45 got 34. Enjoy that shit sandwich, loser.
Hey asswipe, Crackhead Hunter and Joe and you and every other lefturd have been crying about this for months. FOAD you coward.
Hey shitstain, that was Hunter's gun. We know you hate kids and want them hurt.
No shit that was his gun, Sparky. You accused Hunter of tossing it in that dumpster when in reality it was his ex, assface. :oops8:

How's that shit sandwich going down?
It doesn’t matter if he thought he had it under control. He lied. He knowingly lied.

She, whoever she is, is irrelevant. .

Actually, you can't prove he was on drugs the day he filled out that form. The form is not, "Have you ever taken drugs" it's "Are you addicted now?"
Actually, you can't prove he was on drugs the day he filled out that form. The form is not, "Have you ever taken drugs" it's "Are you addicted now?"
Right, which is a possible out for Hunter.

If that happens, I admit, I will get a kick out of the gun humpers choking on the fruits of their own labor in limiting our gun control.
Actually, you can't prove he was on drugs the day he filled out that form. The form is not, "Have you ever taken drugs" it's "Are you addicted now?"
It doesn’t matter if he was or was not high the instant he signed the form.
Who is the victim in this crime???? Totally victimless crime being charged by a Trump appointed special prosecutor goon which would have been resolved except a Trump appointed judge didn’t like a pound of flesh from Hunter and instead wanted to behead him in the public square. This is the most unjustified injustice of the American system of right wing deep state lawfare i have ever seen.

If they can do this to an American citizen they can do this to us. If this guy is convicted it will be because of the corrupt legal system infested by right wing deep state judges and prosecutors. If Kagan doesn’t fly an upside down flag of the seal of the justice system she is a total weenie.

Also. Why is his wife and family there? I watched the Trump trial and I thought family wasn’t allowed there since Trump had none.

You’re so pathetically transparent these days. I sincerely hope you can get over this TDS and become a moderately intelligent and interesting USMB contributor again.
My guess: to try and sway the jury with their presence.

As far as the charges brought against Hunter, they are valid. He lied on the ATF form. He wrote a book detailing his addiction to illegal drugs. He isn't above the law.
The level of the infraction does not require all of this as a remedy. Certainly you see that?
Um, actually it does, because if he wasn't, or really didn't think he had a problem, then he didn't lie.
No. It doesn’t matter if he was under the influence when he signed the form. These excuses are just plain idiotic.
Who cares. They are all crooks and criminals.

After all that shit we found out that Hunter did that was on his laptop, if he gets a hundred years in prison, no sane American should give a damn.

It is a waste of time to even pay attention to this circus.
Then charge him with what you found on his laptop, dupe.
You can’t. This is all you’ve got.
So? He broke the law willingly and intentionally. Like others that have done the same, he probably thought noone would notice and that he'd get away with it. Karma comes calling sooner or later, regardless as to who it is that does the crime.
True. And unlike most non-violent, first time offenders who get prosecuted with similar violations of the law, Biden is being treated harshly. As a member of a important family, he was for a while being treated with the kid gloves we've seen used in prosecuting people like Mr. Trump.

The media especially on the right went wild for a while, but during the actual trial, seems like -- crickets. Hmm...

It had such importance in the minds of the right. Now?
As reprehensible as Hunter is I don't think he will get any jail time even if god intervenes and he is found guilty.

I'm OK with that but the fact of the matter is that he lied on a 4473. Liars should face consequences.
Of course those same consequences could have come about without any of this. No?
There was a plea arrangement in place at one point until someone decided a spectacle was more desired.
Wait now, you guys just said that he should be prosecuted for buying a gun while using drugs, but you can't prove that he was high when he bought the gun.
The person who sold him the weapon? Wouldn't he/she be alarmed at a crazed drug addict (those photos they all like to post of Hunter), showing up too purchase a gun...
True. And unlike most non-violent, first time offenders who get prosecuted with similar violations of the law, Biden is being treated harshly. As a member of a important family, he was for a while being treated with the kid gloves we've seen used in prosecuting people like Mr. Trump.

The media especially on the right went wild for a while, but during the actual trial, seems like -- crickets. Hmm...

It had such importance in the minds of the right. Now?
I think they are realizing that it looks kind of silly for them to scream that even the most minor restriction or delay in gun purchasing is a violation of the Second Amendment, but they want to prosecute Hunter for maybe not realizing how high he was when he filled out a form with the help of a gun seller who just wanted to make a sale.

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