Hunter is 100% the victim of deep state right wing lawfare

Outraged that it took THIS LONG for that criminal scum to get hauled into a courtroom to answer for his crimes.
You're right. Hunter is going to trial. But we don't hear him whining like a little bitch over it like your assbuddy Trump has been doing, Sparky.

45 got 34. Enjoy that shit sandwich, loser.
Suddenly MSNBC who protects Biden at all costs, is showing and talking about the Hunter Gun Trial. A distraction? Sympathy for the audience or showing the world the DOJ does not do favors? So they can come back and say Trump was whining? We all know Hunter will not serve a day in prison, Daddy will pardon him.

Or they realize how silly it looks to prosecute a private citizen because he has the wrong last name.

The problem here is that the case is making people feel bad for Hunter. We've all had someone in our lives with a substance abuse problem. Sometimes we've been that person.
Who is the victim in this crime???? Totally victimless crime being charged by a Trump appointed special prosecutor goon which would have been resolved except a Trump appointed judge didn’t like a pound of flesh from Hunter and instead wanted to behead him in the public square. This is the most unjustified injustice of the American system of right wing deep state lawfare i have ever seen.

If they can do this to an American citizen they can do this to us. If this guy is convicted it will be because of the corrupt legal system infested by right wing deep state judges and prosecutors. If Kagan doesn’t fly an upside down flag of the seal of the justice system she is a total weenie.

Also. Why is his wife and family there? I watched the Trump trial and I thought family wasn’t allowed there since Trump had none.

LOL. I thought there was no deep state? Will you guys make up your minds.
Keep turning a blind eye to the abuses of the legal system. Wait til it happens to someone you like as opposed to a political opponents son that you don’t like. Wont be a nothing then.
Are you trying to claim that Hunter Biden didn’t lie on a federal firearms application?
I would argue that he didn't knowingly lie, that he thought he had his addiction under control (when he clearly did not.)
Of course he knowingly lied. He onows all about his addictions. He used them in a book.
You're right. Hunter is going to trial. But we don't hear him whining like a little bitch over it like your assbuddy Trump has been doing, Sparky.

45 got 34. Enjoy that shit sandwich, loser.
His father sure is getting involved though.
The legal question here is did he knowingly fill out a form knowing he had a drug problem.

Or was he in personal denial of how bad his problem was?
That is the lamest defense out there. A liar can’t be held accountable because he’s a drug abuser and a liar. That makes no sense.
He is not involved at all. What are you talking about?

Can you people go 5 minutes without making something up?
He has recently said in response to his son’s charges, if you mess with my son, you mess with me. That is trying to intimidate the jury and witnesses.
Which is right near a school. Good to see that you approve of that kind of reckless behavior. Putting kids in danger. Typical of you lefties.
Biden's former gf testified under oath that SHE threw the gun in the dumpster, not Hunter.

Have another shit sandwich. Still working on that ass imprint thingy? :abgg2q.jpg:

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