Hunter's Business Partner To Meet With Senators On Friday

Looks like the Senators are going to let Tony to spill his guts without being ratholed by the FBI.

OUCH. This can't be too good for Joe's insomnia.

. . . and still, Leslie can't seem to verify the story.
Looks like the Senators are going to let Tony to spill his guts without being ratholed by the FBI.

Good job, Senators.

Josh Caplan

INBOX: Sen. Ron Johnson and Sen. Chuck Grassley to convene informal interview Friday with Tony Bobulinski
2:45 PM · Oct 22, 2020
707 people are Tweeting about this
Shadenfreude doesn’t do a justice in describing how I feel. I’ve been up the fucking wall trying to get even the more moderate dems capable of real conversation on here to admit that the Ukraine stuff is A. shady and reeks of corruption B. Get them to see that the media is lying up a storm about it, that the burisma investigation was in fact still ongoing and very active, and that it was blue star strategies that admitted to being the ones to run a smear campaign on shokin. The proof is all there. They all say the same old “nothing was found” and let conformation bias gently rock them back to sleep.

I’ve said before that Biden will never be the nominee because one of the other dems in the field will press him in Ukraine harder than the media and he will not have a good answer for it. That obviously never materialized much to the chagrin of Democrats nationwide. Their candidate is exploding like that guy in Big Trouble in Little China, with only 2 weeks remaining. Rasmuessuen just announced that trump hit the holy grail election number with a 52% approval rating. And Tony Bobulinski just dared the media to come at him and certainly seems up to the task, and certainly seems like he knows he has the Biden’s nuts between an Anvil and a Sledgehammer. And it’s probably the Biden’s fault because it certainly seems like they set him up as the fall guy, but he was too sharp to fall for that. Now they’re paying the price.

Democrats. This is what happens when you deifie your politicians and look the other way. This is what happens when you have a media that’s nothing more than a privatized propaganda arm for the Democratic Party, and practice political activism and campaigning instead of an ounce of journalism. This is what happens when big tech companies get in bed with the government, and declare themselves the arbiters of truth. This is what happens when you allow the obvious, brazen corruption fester, and decide to look the other way. The corruption gets braver, and eventually takes a step into daylight.

The weeping and gnashing of teeth is going to be beautiful. I wouldn’t feel this way at all had it not been for the lefts incredible mental gymnastics they had to preform in order to ignore this, and the gall to come after trump with clearly bogus charges for something the Biden’s we’re doing in broad daylight.
Looks like the Senators are going to let Tony to spill his guts without being ratholed by the FBI.

Good job, Senators.

Josh Caplan

INBOX: Sen. Ron Johnson and Sen. Chuck Grassley to convene informal interview Friday with Tony Bobulinski
2:45 PM · Oct 22, 2020
707 people are Tweeting about this
Shadenfreude doesn’t do a justice in describing how I feel. I’ve been up the fucking wall trying to get even the more moderate dems capable of real conversation on here to admit that the Ukraine stuff is A. shady and reeks of corruption B. Get them to see that the media is lying up a storm about it, that the burisma investigation was in fact still ongoing and very active, and that it was blue star strategies that admitted to being the ones to run a smear campaign on shokin. The proof is all there. They all say the same old “nothing was found” and let conformation bias gently rock them back to sleep.

I’ve said before that Biden will never be the nominee because one of the other dems in the field will press him in Ukraine harder than the media and he will not have a good answer for it. That obviously never materialized much to the chagrin of Democrats nationwide. Their candidate is exploding like that guy in Big Trouble in Little China, with only 2 weeks remaining. Rasmuessuen just announced that trump hit the holy grail election number with a 52% approval rating. And Tony Bobulinski just dared the media to come at him and certainly seems up to the task, and certainly seems like he knows he has the Biden’s nuts between an Anvil and a Sledgehammer. And it’s probably the Biden’s fault because it certainly seems like they set him up as the fall guy, but he was too sharp to fall for that. Now they’re paying the price.

Democrats. This is what happens when you deifie your politicians and look the other way. This is what happens when you have a media that’s nothing more than a privatized propaganda arm for the Democratic Party, and practice political activism and campaigning instead of an ounce of journalism. This is what happens when big tech companies get in bed with the government, and declare themselves the arbiters of truth. This is what happens when you allow the obvious, brazen corruption fester, and decide to look the other way. The corruption gets braver, and eventually takes a step into daylight.

The weeping and gnashing of teeth is going to be beautiful. I wouldn’t feel this way at all had it not been for the lefts incredible mental gymnastics they had to preform in order to ignore this, and the gall to come after trump with clearly bogus charges for something the Biden’s we’re doing in broad daylight.

Most excellent post. When all you do all day is sit in an echo chamber you start believing the bullshit you made up the day before.
Tony Bobulinski confirmed 10% of the pay for play China deal was held for Hunter's Chairman, Sleepy Joe. Sleepy Joe needs to pay for his crimes. The Fake News questions after Tony made his confession were so predictable, basically, "Did the Kremlin pay for you to be here?"

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