Hunter’s investigation wrapping up… sorry guys

You don't obtain convictions by the testimony of the accused, you obtain convictions on the basis of the evidence against them. Republicans can't seem to find ANY evidence against the Clintons, and no witnesses either. And yet they keep trying and failing to find anything to charge them with.

This is why you've nailed Trump so many times, right?
It appears they are considering charges that he committed some tax violations and may have not disclosed he had a drug abuse problem on a form to purchase a fire arm…

Heavy stuff…

If he broke the law he should pay the price, just like anyone else… but it doesn’t look like he is the ring leader of an international money laundering or political influence scam the righties claimed he was…

Federal investigation of Hunter Biden reaches critical juncture, sources say - CNNPolitics
You don't obtain convictions by the testimony of the accused, you obtain convictions on the basis of the evidence against them. Republicans can't seem to find ANY evidence against the Clintons, and no witnesses either. And yet they keep trying and failing to find anything to charge them with.
You don't obtain convictions by the testimony of the accused,

Ever heard of a confession, you moron?
You still cannot see a pattern with our DOJ, can you?

Congress subpoenas seven IRS personal computers from their crooked operations against Christian and conservative organizations ---- and all seven hard drives mysteriously crash within a month. Neither Lois Lerner nor anyone else is charged.

Congress subpoenas Hillary's illegal server when Sec of State and she proceeds to destroy it instead of turning it over. No one is charged, mush less convicted.

Why is it ok for the DNC to obtain fake Russian dossier, turn it into illegal FISA warrants so they can spy on a sitting U.S. president and no one goes to jail? That's justice?

Congress gave Hillary the subpoena MONTHS after the server had been cleaned, and more than 4 years AFTER she left office.

You last paragaph is completely false and has been completely debunked dozens of times. Dunham couldn't even get a single conviction and the one charge he did make was tossed within minutes of going to the jury. The jurors said the charge should never have been made.
You don't obtain convictions by the testimony of the accused,

Ever heard of a confession, you moron?

A "confession" is not "testimony". A "confession" is an admission of guilt. Testimony is information about the case.

Definitions: confession: a formal statement admitting that one is guilty of a crime.

Testimony: a formal written or spoken statement, especially one given in a court of law.

I can see how someone with your limited knowledge and skills could confuse the two, but they are quite different.

How's the job search going, FuckBoi. Anyone willing to hire you yet??? Suck to be so stupid you can't find a job in this day and age.
Hopefully they doublecheck on Hillary too.

Congress gave Hillary the subpoena MONTHS after the server had been cleaned, and more than 4 years AFTER she left office.

You last paragaph is completely false and has been completely debunked dozens of times. Dunham couldn't even get a single conviction and the one charge he did make was tossed within minutes of going to the jury. The jurors said the charge should never have been made.

I am not going to spend time defending myself, but it did not take long to find some documentation on Google is the worst at burying any website that goes against their political and global agendas.

Platte River Networks employee Paul Combetta, the person who wiped Hillary Clinton's private server and email archive with BleachBit, plead the Fifth Tuesday and refused to testify in front of the House Oversight Committee.
"On advise of counsel I respectfully decline to answer and assert my Fifth Amendment privilege," Combetta said.
Platte River Networks is the company employed by Clinton to host her private email servers and email accounts during her time at the State Department.
According to the timing presented FBI report on the criminal investigation into the servers, Combetta wiped the server with BleachBit four weeks after the investigation started and two weeks after Congress requested all emails be preserved. Combetta has also been accused of wiping the server while under subpoena.
Combetta's colleague, Bill Thornton, was also called to testify and plead the fifth.

As to your second point, I could not care less what Durham comes up with or not. Every political or media player in D.C. and beyond is subject to threats, blackmail, bribes, etc; by the deep state. Who are you trying to kid? 1) the evidence is out there in spades implicating a host of DNC and FBI players with this Russian Collusion scheme. It has been reported in a myriad of ways since that phony Mueller investigation began. But you have selective hearing and probably stick to the MSM for news so as not to weigh greater on your conscience. I could not care less if you think everyone is innocent or not.
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It appears they are considering charges that he committed some tax violations and may have not disclosed he had a drug abuse problem on a form to purchase a fire arm…

Heavy stuff…

If he broke the law he should pay the price, just like anyone else… but it doesn’t look like he is the ring leader of an international money laundering or political influence scam the righties claimed he was…

Federal investigation of Hunter Biden reaches critical juncture, sources say - CNNPolitics
Al Capone was taken down on tax evasion ... what's your attempted point, snowflake?
It appears they are considering charges that he committed some tax violations and may have not disclosed he had a drug abuse problem on a form to purchase a fire arm…

Heavy stuff…

If he broke the law he should pay the price, just like anyone else… but it doesn’t look like he is the ring leader of an international money laundering or political influence scam the righties claimed he was…

Federal investigation of Hunter Biden reaches critical juncture, sources say - CNNPolitics
If by “it doesn’t look like” you mean to be understood as claiming that an investigation which doesn’t include bringing specific charges somehow means the person didn’t do those crimes, well then, your understanding or words is very weak.
It appears they are considering charges that he committed some tax violations and may have not disclosed he had a drug abuse problem on a form to purchase a fire arm…

Heavy stuff…

If he broke the law he should pay the price, just like anyone else… but it doesn’t look like he is the ring leader of an international money laundering or political influence scam the righties claimed he was…

Federal investigation of Hunter Biden reaches critical juncture, sources say - CNNPolitics

Stupid loves company I guess. Sure, Hunter has no political influence, he's paid well for his good looks.
A "confession" is not "testimony". A "confession" is an admission of guilt. Testimony is information about the case.

Definitions: confession: a formal statement admitting that one is guilty of a crime.

Testimony: a formal written or spoken statement, especially one given in a court of law.

I can see how someone with your limited knowledge and skills could confuse the two, but they are quite different.

How's the job search going, FuckBoi. Anyone willing to hire you yet??? Suck to be so stupid you can't find a job in this day and age.
You really are stupid, and you prove it here daily.
You really are stupid, and you prove it here daily.

You need to quit while you're behind. You haven't refuted a single thing I've posted and now you're reduced to posting nothing but insults.

And you never ever answer the question about the fact that a young man like you is here day after day, and you're not working. Why don't you have a job, FuckBoi???? 11 million job openings in the USA, and you're still here posting 60+ time a day.
It appears they are considering charges that he committed some tax violations and may have not disclosed he had a drug abuse problem on a form to purchase a fire arm…

Heavy stuff…

If he broke the law he should pay the price, just like anyone else… but it doesn’t look like he is the ring leader of an international money laundering or political influence scam the righties claimed he was…

Federal investigation of Hunter Biden reaches critical juncture, sources say - CNNPolitics

Drug use? How do you know? There is no evidence he abuses drugs,
A "confession" is not "testimony". A "confession" is an admission of guilt. Testimony is information about the case.

Definitions: confession: a formal statement admitting that one is guilty of a crime.

Testimony: a formal written or spoken statement, especially one given in a court of law.

I can see how someone with your limited knowledge and skills could confuse the two, but they are quite different.

How's the job search going, FuckBoi. Anyone willing to hire you yet??? Suck to be so stupid you can't find a job in this day and age.
And if, in that testimony, the accused implicates himself?
Oh, her. They had a lot of designers, some of the best the Republicans had to offer, but could never design a suit to fit. She's just the great white whale of the republican fantasy, the one that got away.
Did she really get away, White? She lost the one thing she wants more than anything and she lost it because she was revealed for who she really is. The investigations into Hillary were never able to prove things that would put her into prison but let's be honest here...those investigations uncovered so many sleazy things that Clinton did with the power that we entrusted her with that there is no way in hell that she can run for office again. That's KILLING her!
Did she really get away, White? She lost the one thing she wants more than anything and she lost it because she was revealed for who she really is. The investigations into Hillary were never able to prove things that would put her into prison but let's be honest here...those investigations uncovered so many sleazy things that Clinton did with the power that we entrusted her with that there is no way in hell that she can run for office again. That's KILLING her!
If you are talking about losing the election, she had potential to be as bad as trump, maybe worse, for having higher IQ, and more knowledge of the workings of government, so no loss to the American people, just a shame they both couldn't lose. She's a sleazy person of bad character, in my opinion, never fit for the job. The two parties ran a shitty race to the bottom of the barrel that year, ending up backing the two shiniest rotten apples, with their worms.
The Hill, running is a republican pipe dream or wet dream, if you will.
LOL.....I wonder why?


Why do you keep promoting lies that have been thoroughly debunked? We didn't believe these lies the first time you posted them, and after FOX News retracted the story and settled all of the law suits, and apologised to the family, you come back with this bullshit.

There are videos of GRU agents delivering packages to Julian Assange at the Embassy where he was holed up in posting Clinton's emails to WikiLeaks. Roger Stone bragged about being in touch with Gucifer who did the hack, and Assange who posted the results.

We are less inclined to believe them now.
If you are talking about losing the election, she had potential to be as bad as trump, maybe worse, for having higher IQ, and more knowledge of the workings of government, so no loss to the American people, just a shame they both couldn't lose. She's a sleazy person of bad character, in my opinion, never fit for the job. The two parties ran a shitty race to the bottom of the barrel that year, ending up backing the two shiniest rotten apples, with their worms.
The Hill, running is a republican pipe dream or wet dream, if you will.

If Clinton had won, you would have had a thorough, well prepared and fully stocked response to the covid pandemic. The White House Pandemic Office would have still be operating, and they would have sprung into action on the first notification from China. That unqualified doofus, Redman, that Trump hired as CDC Director would not have been in a position to botch the roll out of the testing.

You would have had an efficient and effective testing system in place at airports from day one, just like Canada.

Your ventilators would have been working, because the service contract would not have been allowed to expire, and Clinton would not have sold all of your PPE to China, leaving none for American hospitals. Clinton's response would have been similar to Canada's or that of Germany. That would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and billions of dollars in the testing of citizens, and caring for the sick and dying.

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