Huntsville Times front page: Stand for decency, reject Roy Moore

What does Russia have to do with your boy being a serial rapist pig?

Easy, I'll explain.

Trump is Russia's guy, so they have to defend him at all costs. That means employing the KGB tactic of "whataboutism" in order to distract from what Trump has done and is doing, in order to elicit an emotional response to use as a red herring to avoid debate. Problem is, you got thrown for a loop because this liberal is saying that Clinton should be scored and his accusers should come forward. So what I did was I took the wind right out of your "whataboutism" sails, denying you the attempt to deflect and distract from Trump's failures and shortcomings. Russian troll farms are spreading propaganda to muddy the wrongdoings of Trump, using tactics like "whataboutism" to either derail or delay the conversation about Trump.

Thing is, you're not even that good at it. We are seeing the lack of effort come through in your repetitive, thoughtless posts. It's obvious you're just a propagandist. You've entered nothing of substance to the discussion.
Still defending the Clinton evil. When will you loyal Clinton Bootlickers get it? Y'all are defending the indefensible.

Part of the problem with being a Russian troll is that even when you're in agreement with someone, you have to pretend you're not. As I said, the accusers should come forward and Clinton should be shown scorn. But he's not President now. Trump is. So you can pick on an old, retired guy if you want...but you're leaving your flank wide open to an effective counter-attack.

Maybe your troll handlers need to be aware of that. No bonus rubles for you this time.

What does Russia have to do with your boy being a serial rapist pig? Lay off the Democrat Fake News, kid. The 'Russian Boogeyman' is a figment of butthurt Democrat imagination.

Seriously, lay off the Democrat Fake News. Expand your horizons.
Sure, Comrade.
And stay tuned folks. According to some recent reports, 4 more Clinton victims are expected to come forward soon. Democrat Fake News may not report on it, but folks who tune that out, will listen to what these women have to say.

They should come forward, and scorn should be heaped on Clinton.

But Clinton's not President, Trump is. So what exactly does this accomplish? It doesn't take the heat off Trump. He should resign. That way he can avoid prison for colluding with Russia.

The real collusion has been proven to have been perpetrated by Hillary Clinton/Democrats. The phony Russian Dossier is the smoking gun on that. She did collude with the Russians to interfere in our Election. And then there's her nightmarish Uranium deal with Russia. But those are other issues for other threads.
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Still defending the Clinton evil. When will you loyal Clinton Bootlickers get it? Y'all are defending the indefensible.
"The Clinton evil"......:lol: Boy! You sure are bought and paid for, aren't you? :lol:

Check out what Hillary Clinton did to her pervert husband's numerous victims. She is pure evil. It's actually hard to fathom you don't see that. You should probably take a long break from Democrat Fake News. You're completely lost at this point.
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.

That is the most disgusting of all. I almost understand the people saying this is a political hatchet job. They are misguided, but it makes more sense.

For a governor to say they believe the accusers, but will be voting for Moore anyway? That is sick. For it to be a woman saying that? It is the worst sort of partisan, party-politics-above-all-else, slimy, hateful things ever in the history of Alabama politics. And that is saying something.

You don't understand. What these women are saying is that they believe the accusers and if everything the accusers say is true, Roy Moore STILL did nothing wrong. This has nothing to do with partisanship or political parties. The women of Alabama find nothing at all wrong with an older man asking a young girl out on a date, nor giving her a kiss. I don't see anything wrong with it either. Not a single one of these women claim they were raped. The hatchet job trying to portray Moore as some kind of child molester is what's partisan politics.
A few of them say he grabbed their genitals. Of course you avoid that.

UN-Americans like you clearly do not believe in innocent until proven guilty.
In a court of law....glad to see you agree this needs to go to court.

Interesting, you never fought to hold that serial rapist Bill Clinton accountable for anything. So as usual, you're just being disingenuous.
If only, if only, if only B. Clinton had been investigated.
If only, if only, if only B. Clinton had been impeached.
If only, if only, if only B. Clinton had never been elected for anything again.

As you shake your pom-poms for Pervert Moore......
Isn’t that Roy Moore’s date from last New Years Eve?
If not of our proud Southern Heritage boys....(30+ year old boys).
They should come forward, and scorn should be heaped on Clinton.

But Clinton's not President, Trump is. So what exactly does this accomplish? It doesn't take the heat off Trump. He should resign. That way he can avoid prison for colluding with Russia.

The real collusion has been proven to have been perpetrated by Hillary Clinton/Democrats. The phony Russian Dossier is the smoking gun on that. She did collude with the Russians to interfere in our Election. And then there's her nightmarish Uranium deal with Russia. But those are other issues for other threads.
Indictments any day now....any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...

Still defending the Clinton evil. When will you loyal Clinton Bootlickers get it? Y'all are defending the indefensible.
"The Clinton evil"......:lol: Boy! You sure are bought and paid for, aren't you? :lol:

Check out what Hillary Clinton did to her pervert husband's numerous victims. She is pure evil. It's actually hard to fathom you don't see that. You should probably take a long break from Democrat Fake News. You're completely lost at this point.
Back to Hillary. ALWAYS back to Hillary. Carrying on your pussygrabber’s obsession with her.
No.... being a pedaphile like Moore is pure evil.
What does Russia have to do with your boy being a serial rapist pig?

Easy, I'll explain.

Trump is Russia's guy, so they have to defend him at all costs. That means employing the KGB tactic of "whataboutism" in order to distract from what Trump has done and is doing, in order to elicit an emotional response to use as a red herring to avoid debate. Problem is, you got thrown for a loop because this liberal is saying that Clinton should be scored and his accusers should come forward. So what I did was I took the wind right out of your "whataboutism" sails, denying you the attempt to deflect and distract from Trump's failures and shortcomings. Russian troll farms are spreading propaganda to muddy the wrongdoings of Trump, using tactics like "whataboutism" to either derail or delay the conversation about Trump.

Thing is, you're not even that good at it. We are seeing the lack of effort come through in your repetitive, thoughtless posts. It's obvious you're just a propagandist. You've entered nothing of substance to the discussion.

Your boy Clinton's a sick serial rapist. 4 more victims are expected to come forward soon. And your 'Russia Boogeyman' has nothing to do with that. Like i said, take a long break from Democrat Fake News. It's rotting your brain.
What does Russia have to do with your boy being a serial rapist pig?

Easy, I'll explain.

Trump is Russia's guy, so they have to defend him at all costs. That means employing the KGB tactic of "whataboutism" in order to distract from what Trump has done and is doing, in order to elicit an emotional response to use as a red herring to avoid debate. Problem is, you got thrown for a loop because this liberal is saying that Clinton should be scored and his accusers should come forward. So what I did was I took the wind right out of your "whataboutism" sails, denying you the attempt to deflect and distract from Trump's failures and shortcomings. Russian troll farms are spreading propaganda to muddy the wrongdoings of Trump, using tactics like "whataboutism" to either derail or delay the conversation about Trump.

Thing is, you're not even that good at it. We are seeing the lack of effort come through in your repetitive, thoughtless posts. It's obvious you're just a propagandist. You've entered nothing of substance to the discussion.

Your boy Clinton's a sick serial rapist. Your 'Russia Boogeyman' has nothing to do with that. Like i said, take a long break from Democrat Fake News. It's rotting your brain.
He is? Who did he rape?
We need to elect child molester Roy Moore so we can make the debt Obama left us even bigger!
------------------------------ Course i don't agree with the MERE accusation about child molestation but as an outsider outside of Alabama the only reason i want MOORE is because he is pro gun . Also Steve Bannon approves of MOORE and MOORE is also said to be 'anti establishment' both rino and dem G5000 .
Is the Democrat running against Moore anti-gun?
------------------------------ YEP , he approves of SMART Guns Bodecea .
Alabama Evangelicals take a stand for child molesters: 'Some 14-year-olds ... could pass for 20'

People who can go straight to hell? Defenders of child molesters. Particularly the group of so-called men of God who are defending Roy Moore:

“I don’t know how much these women are getting paid, but I can only believe they’re getting a healthy sum,” said pastor Earl Wise, a Moore supporter from Millbrook, Ala.

Wise said he would support Moore even if the allegations were true and the candidate was proved to have sexually molested teenage girls and women.

“There ought to be a statute of limitations on this stuff,” Wise said. “How these gals came up with this, I don’t know. They must have had some sweet dreams somewhere down the line.

“Plus,” he added, “there are some 14-year-olds, who, the way they look, could pass for 20.”

The article has more quotes along those lines, plus some straight-up racism tossed in for good measure. Vile, vile people.
They should come forward, and scorn should be heaped on Clinton.

But Clinton's not President, Trump is. So what exactly does this accomplish? It doesn't take the heat off Trump. He should resign. That way he can avoid prison for colluding with Russia.

The real collusion has been proven to have been perpetrated by Hillary Clinton/Democrats. The phony Russian Dossier is the smoking gun on that. She did collude with the Russians to interfere in our Election. And then there's her nightmarish Uranium deal with Russia. But those are other issues for other threads.
Indictments any day now....any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...any day now....any day now....any day now...

Still defending the Clinton evil. When will you loyal Clinton Bootlickers get it? Y'all are defending the indefensible.
"The Clinton evil"......:lol: Boy! You sure are bought and paid for, aren't you? :lol:

Check out what Hillary Clinton did to her pervert husband's numerous victims. She is pure evil. It's actually hard to fathom you don't see that. You should probably take a long break from Democrat Fake News. You're completely lost at this point.
"Pure evil"......but let's vote for the child predator......:rofl:
Hold the fuck on, Huntsville Times you say? That clinches it, mother fucker must pay.

I figure Creepy Roy has about a 60% chance of winning. Hey i'm good with it - he'll embarrass the holy snot out of the Republican Party .. :)
How so? Only fools like you act upon unsubstantiated rumor.

If it was just one allegation I might agree with you, but there have been multiple now. That's a little hard to ignore.
What does Russia have to do with your boy being a serial rapist pig?

Easy, I'll explain.

Trump is Russia's guy, so they have to defend him at all costs. That means employing the KGB tactic of "whataboutism" in order to distract from what Trump has done and is doing, in order to elicit an emotional response to use as a red herring to avoid debate. Problem is, you got thrown for a loop because this liberal is saying that Clinton should be scored and his accusers should come forward. So what I did was I took the wind right out of your "whataboutism" sails, denying you the attempt to deflect and distract from Trump's failures and shortcomings. Russian troll farms are spreading propaganda to muddy the wrongdoings of Trump, using tactics like "whataboutism" to either derail or delay the conversation about Trump.

Thing is, you're not even that good at it. We are seeing the lack of effort come through in your repetitive, thoughtless posts. It's obvious you're just a propagandist. You've entered nothing of substance to the discussion.

Your boy Clinton's a sick serial rapist. 4 more victims are expected to come forward soon. And your 'Russia Boogeyman' has nothing to do with that. Like i said, take a long break from Democrat Fake News. It's rotting your brain.
And we are waiting for this story to pan out......Comrade.
We need to elect child molester Roy Moore so we can make the debt Obama left us even bigger!
------------------------------ Course i don't agree with the MERE accusation about child molestation but as an outsider outside of Alabama the only reason i want MOORE is because he is pro gun . Also Steve Bannon approves of MOORE and MOORE is also said to be 'anti establishment' both rino and dem G5000 .
Is the Democrat running against Moore anti-gun?
------------------------------ YEP , he approves of SMART Guns Bodecea .
SMART guns are anti-gun?
Hold the fuck on, Huntsville Times you say? That clinches it, mother fucker must pay.

I figure Creepy Roy has about a 60% chance of winning. Hey i'm good with it - he'll embarrass the holy snot out of the Republican Party .. :)
How so? Only fools like you act upon unsubstantiated rumor.

If it was just one allegation I might agree with you, but there have been multiple now. That's a little hard to ignore.
IT's possible it's true, but no one seems to be able to prove anything. All in all though it's a little hypocritical because they have ignored all of Bill Clintons accusers for years.
Your boy Clinton's a sick serial rapist. 4 more victims are expected to come forward soon. And your 'Russia Boogeyman' has nothing to do with that. Like i said, take a long break from Democrat Fake News. It's rotting your brain.

Thanks for proving my point, troll.

Russia is working hard to take the heat off Trump...their guy. Their kompromat.
What does Russia have to do with your boy being a serial rapist pig?

Easy, I'll explain.

Trump is Russia's guy, so they have to defend him at all costs. That means employing the KGB tactic of "whataboutism" in order to distract from what Trump has done and is doing, in order to elicit an emotional response to use as a red herring to avoid debate. Problem is, you got thrown for a loop because this liberal is saying that Clinton should be scored and his accusers should come forward. So what I did was I took the wind right out of your "whataboutism" sails, denying you the attempt to deflect and distract from Trump's failures and shortcomings. Russian troll farms are spreading propaganda to muddy the wrongdoings of Trump, using tactics like "whataboutism" to either derail or delay the conversation about Trump.

Thing is, you're not even that good at it. We are seeing the lack of effort come through in your repetitive, thoughtless posts. It's obvious you're just a propagandist. You've entered nothing of substance to the discussion.

Your boy Clinton's a sick serial rapist. 4 more victims are expected to come forward soon. And your 'Russia Boogeyman' has nothing to do with that. Like i said, take a long break from Democrat Fake News. It's rotting your brain.
And we are waiting for this story to pan out......Comrade.

What kind of person flies around on a plane nicknamed 'Air F*ck One.'

Answer is, a sick pervert like Bill Clinton.

EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton is facing NEW accusations of sexual assault by four women while the former president was working with a billionaire playboy and flying on his private jet nicknamed Air F**k One, claims Clinton author

Bill Clinton accused of sexual assault by four women | Daily Mail Online
IT's possible it's true, but no one seems to be able to prove anything. All in all though it's a little hypocritical because they have ignored all of Bill Clintons accusers for years.

How to tell if you're conversing with a propagandist: the invocation of "whataboutism". In this case, what about Clinton who harassed and assaulted women? Well, he should be scorned. Now that's out of the way and addressed, what about Trump and Moore?

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