Huntsville Times front page: Stand for decency, reject Roy Moore

Your boy Clinton's a sick serial rapist. 4 more victims are expected to come forward soon. And your 'Russia Boogeyman' has nothing to do with that. Like i said, take a long break from Democrat Fake News. It's rotting your brain.

Thanks for proving my point, troll.

Russia is working hard to take the heat off Trump...their guy. Their kompromat.

Again, lay off the Democrat Fake News, kid. Your 'Russia Boogeyman' has nothing to do with Bill Clinton being a sick serial pervert.
Hold the fuck on, Huntsville Times you say? That clinches it, mother fucker must pay.

I figure Creepy Roy has about a 60% chance of winning. Hey i'm good with it - he'll embarrass the holy snot out of the Republican Party .. :)
How so? Only fools like you act upon unsubstantiated rumor.

If it was just one allegation I might agree with you, but there have been multiple now. That's a little hard to ignore.
IT's possible it's true, but no one seems to be able to prove anything. All in all though it's a little hypocritical because they have ignored all of Bill Clintons accusers for years. investigations or anything.......................Comrade.
EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton is facing NEW accusations of sexual assault by four women while the former president was working with a billionaire playboy and flying on his private jet nicknamed Air F**k One, claims Clinton author

Well, since you can't impeach Clinton because he's not President and is a retired private citizen, what do you want to do about this?
A lot of Alabamans believe it did, including the governor, but are voting for Moore anyways. Because down there, middle aged men fucking children is well accepted.

Yet another lie. And there you go with your lie again and so soon after you had it shoved down your throat. Pleas show where the Govrener of Alabama said Roy Moore liked to date teens. Bet you don’t.
Hey pervert, post where she said she doesn’t believe the accusers. Oops you can’t, because she does. Along millions of others of Alabamans. But, of course, in the deep south, fucking children is a proud tradition.
Part of that "southern heritage" the con-federate flag flyers talk about.

So you agree then?
That child-chasing is part of the "southern heritage"? Yes.

And gay peoples facination with rape. Remember this gay men who datrape drugged a 13 year old and raped him until he died?

Hey pete, I want you to burn an image in your head so you can remember on one of your flying trips to the North Pole to stock them up on plywood.

Remember Chet? This will be what is in your head when you realize you were the ones who got is trump, and you will likely be the ones who get Roy Moore elected.
What does Russia have to do with your boy being a serial rapist pig?

Easy, I'll explain.

Trump is Russia's guy, so they have to defend him at all costs. That means employing the KGB tactic of "whataboutism" in order to distract from what Trump has done and is doing, in order to elicit an emotional response to use as a red herring to avoid debate. Problem is, you got thrown for a loop because this liberal is saying that Clinton should be scored and his accusers should come forward. So what I did was I took the wind right out of your "whataboutism" sails, denying you the attempt to deflect and distract from Trump's failures and shortcomings. Russian troll farms are spreading propaganda to muddy the wrongdoings of Trump, using tactics like "whataboutism" to either derail or delay the conversation about Trump.

Thing is, you're not even that good at it. We are seeing the lack of effort come through in your repetitive, thoughtless posts. It's obvious you're just a propagandist. You've entered nothing of substance to the discussion.

Your boy Clinton's a sick serial rapist. 4 more victims are expected to come forward soon. And your 'Russia Boogeyman' has nothing to do with that. Like i said, take a long break from Democrat Fake News. It's rotting your brain.
And we are waiting for this story to pan out......Comrade.

What kind of person flies around on a plane nicknamed 'Air F*ck One.'

Answer is, a sick pervert like Bill Clinton.

EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton is facing NEW accusations of sexual assault by four women while the former president was working with a billionaire playboy and flying on his private jet nicknamed Air F**k One, claims Clinton author

Bill Clinton accused of sexual assault by four women | Daily Mail Online
Nice Russian Troll Farm story, Comrade.....have some more vodka.
There are NO minors! There are middle aged women who have had a lifetime to speak up and didn't until the Washington Post tickled their clits.
Quite a lot of assault victims NEVER speak out. Asshole.

That's why the fuckers who attack them get away with it, and continue to attack other women.

I've taught my daughters that if they are attacked and remain silent, they are encouraging the attacker to do it again to another victm.

Moore is a textbook example. He went on to attack SEVERAL women because none of his victims ever spoke out.
40 years, 8 major campaigns including TWO for Chief Justice of the State Supreme court and not a word until the Washington Post waved money under their noses.
You know they spoke up about this a long time ago. I guess by trying to misrepresent, you too support this kind of Moore behavior.
I don't think Moore did anything wrong. These old ladies were paid to remember what they were told to remember. They remember what they read in those romance novels.
You have proof they were paid? Or is it just your "instinct"? Or are those your marching orders as you continue to spread propaganda?

These pro-moore people are always demanding "proof," in a court of law, perhaps. So they should come forth with the cancelled checks/bank statements, etc., any evidence that moore's accusers were paid, and also proof that moore's accusers are lying.
EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton is facing NEW accusations of sexual assault by four women while the former president was working with a billionaire playboy and flying on his private jet nicknamed Air F**k One, claims Clinton author

Well, since you can't impeach Clinton because he's not President and is a retired private citizen, what do you want to do about this?

Standard stuff. Make him say I’m sorry, he chisels some dough outta Hillary and gos to counseling. That or nothing.
EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton is facing NEW accusations of sexual assault by four women while the former president was working with a billionaire playboy and flying on his private jet nicknamed Air F**k One, claims Clinton author

Well, since you can't impeach Clinton because he's not President and is a retired private citizen, what do you want to do about this?

Well, at least you're finally being honest. Y'all Democrats could care less about sexually assaulted women. You only care about trying to oust Donald Trump. That's what it's all about for y'all. You're very shallow disingenuous folks.
Again, lay off the Democrat Fake News, kid. Your 'Russia Boogeyman' has nothing to do with Bill Clinton being a sick serial pervert.

And Clinton has nothing to do with the subject of this thread, which is Roy Moore's deviancy.
Hold the fuck on, Huntsville Times you say? That clinches it, mother fucker must pay.

I figure Creepy Roy has about a 60% chance of winning. Hey i'm good with it - he'll embarrass the holy snot out of the Republican Party .. :)
How so? Only fools like you act upon unsubstantiated rumor.

If it was just one allegation I might agree with you, but there have been multiple now. That's a little hard to ignore.
IT's possible it's true, but no one seems to be able to prove anything. All in all though it's a little hypocritical because they have ignored all of Bill Clintons accusers for years.

Don’t matter . It’s them who are going to get him elected just as they did for Trump.
We need to elect child molester Roy Moore so we can make the debt Obama left us even bigger!
------------------------------ Course i don't agree with the MERE accusation about child molestation but as an outsider outside of Alabama the only reason i want MOORE is because he is pro gun . Also Steve Bannon approves of MOORE and MOORE is also said to be 'anti establishment' both rino and dem G5000 .
Is the Democrat running against Moore anti-gun?
------------------------------ YEP , he approves of SMART Guns Bodecea .
SMART guns are anti-gun?
------------------------------------------------ a little info for you Bodecea . --- Democrat Doug Jones: The Second Amendment Has 'Limitations' --- YES smart guns [as one example] are anti gun Bodecea .
Well, at least you're finally being honest. Y'all Democrats could care less about sexually assaulted women. You only care about trying to oust Donald Trump. That's what it's all about for y'all. You're very shallow disingenuous folks.

Now hold on a second, you screeched like a whiny little bitch about Bill Clinton. So what about that? You screech like your panties are filled with sand about Clinton assaulting women. SO what do you want to do about it? And what does that have to do with Roy Moore?

We are condemning Clinton, yet you're defending Moore. Why? Obviously because you're a propagandist and those are your orders.
EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton is facing NEW accusations of sexual assault by four women while the former president was working with a billionaire playboy and flying on his private jet nicknamed Air F**k One, claims Clinton author

Well, since you can't impeach Clinton because he's not President and is a retired private citizen, what do you want to do about this?

Standard stuff. Make him say I’m sorry, he chisels some dough outta Hillary and gos to counseling. That or nothing.

Seriously, what kind of people fly around on a plane nicknamed 'Air F*uck One?' I gotta let folks decide that for themselves.
Yet another lie. And there you go with your lie again and so soon after you had it shoved down your throat. Pleas show where the Govrener of Alabama said Roy Moore liked to date teens. Bet you don’t.
Hey pervert, post where she said she doesn’t believe the accusers. Oops you can’t, because she does. Along millions of others of Alabamans. But, of course, in the deep south, fucking children is a proud tradition.
Part of that "southern heritage" the con-federate flag flyers talk about.

So you agree then?
That child-chasing is part of the "southern heritage"? Yes.

And gay peoples facination with rape. Remember this gay men who datrape drugged a 13 year old and raped him until he died?

Hey pete, I want you to burn an image in your head so you can remember on one of your flying trips to the North Pole to stock them up on plywood.

Remember Chet? This will be what is in your head when you realize you were the ones who got is trump, and you will likely be the ones who get Roy Moore elected.View attachment 161518
A Moore thread leading to gays and rape....what are you trying to tell us about Moore now?
Seriously, what kind of people fly around on a plane nicknamed 'Air F*uck One?' I gotta let folks decide that for themselves.

What kind of man in his thirties pursues teenage girls? AKA the OP of this thread.

BTW - I reported your post for trolling.
Well, at least you're finally being honest. Y'all Democrats could care less about sexually assaulted women. You only care about trying to oust Donald Trump. That's what it's all about for y'all. You're very shallow disingenuous folks.

Now hold on a second, you screeched like a whiny little bitch about Bill Clinton. So what about that? You screech like your panties are filled with sand about Clinton assaulting women. SO what do you want to do about it? And what does that have to do with Roy Moore?

We are condemning Clinton, yet you're defending Moore. Why? Obviously because you're a propagandist and those are your orders.

Hey, i caught you in a rare moment of honesty. You don't care about sexually assaulted women. It's only about ousting Donald Trump, and any other Republicans. You're a fraud. Nuff said. Movin on...
Have some more vodka, Comrade.....working hard at that troll farm today.

Thing is, they're so sloppy that it's not even a question that they're trolls. From the misspellings, to the fact that the posts read as if they've been put through an internet translator, the trolls running interference here on behalf of Moore and Trump are doing it because that's what their orders are.
We need to elect child molester Roy Moore so we can make the debt Obama left us even bigger!
------------------------------ Course i don't agree with the MERE accusation about child molestation but as an outsider outside of Alabama the only reason i want MOORE is because he is pro gun . Also Steve Bannon approves of MOORE and MOORE is also said to be 'anti establishment' both rino and dem G5000 .
The only pro gun guy you could find is a child molester?

We need to elect child molester Roy Moore so we can make the debt Obama left us even bigger!
------------------------------ Course i don't agree with the MERE accusation about child molestation but as an outsider outside of Alabama the only reason i want MOORE is because he is pro gun . Also Steve Bannon approves of MOORE and MOORE is also said to be 'anti establishment' both rino and dem G5000 .
Is the Democrat running against Moore anti-gun?
------------------------------ YEP , he approves of SMART Guns Bodecea .
SMART guns are anti-gun?
------------------------------------------------ a little info for you Bodecea . --- Democrat Doug Jones: The Second Amendment Has 'Limitations' --- YES smart guns [as one example] are anti gun Bodecea .
You don't think the 2nd Amendment has limitations? You want a tank? A RPG?

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