Huntsville Times front page: Stand for decency, reject Roy Moore

Hey, i caught you in a rare moment of honesty. You don't care about sexually assaulted women. It's only about ousting Donald Trump, and any other Republicans. You're a fraud. Nuff said. Movin on...

So this is another tactic of propagandists; make things personal in order to elicit an emotional response you then use as an red herring to escape the debate you can't win.

It's pretty fuckin' sad when the Conservative movement has to rely on Russian trolls to help them.
EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton is facing NEW accusations of sexual assault by four women while the former president was working with a billionaire playboy and flying on his private jet nicknamed Air F**k One, claims Clinton author

Well, since you can't impeach Clinton because he's not President and is a retired private citizen, what do you want to do about this?

Standard stuff. Make him say I’m sorry, he chisels some dough outta Hillary and gos to counseling. That or nothing.

Seriously, what kind of people fly around on a plane nicknamed 'Air F*uck One?' I gotta let folks decide that for themselves.

Well, Bill Clinton, Carlos Danger would but he is busy showing his dick to folks and dodging butt darts in jail. Bill Clinton is not an issue. Let him and Hillary deal with it.
Have some more vodka, Comrade.....working hard at that troll farm today.

Thing is, they're so sloppy that it's not even a question that they're trolls. From the misspellings, to the fact that the posts read as if they've been put through an internet translator, the trolls running interference here on behalf of Moore and Trump are doing it because that's what their orders are.
And the constant repeating of something like "Clinton evil"....not even correct syntax.
We need to elect child molester Roy Moore so we can make the debt Obama left us even bigger!
------------------------------ Course i don't agree with the MERE accusation about child molestation but as an outsider outside of Alabama the only reason i want MOORE is because he is pro gun . Also Steve Bannon approves of MOORE and MOORE is also said to be 'anti establishment' both rino and dem G5000 .
The only pro gun guy you could find is a child molester?

Fits right in with shooting up elementary schools, eh?
EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton is facing NEW accusations of sexual assault by four women while the former president was working with a billionaire playboy and flying on his private jet nicknamed Air F**k One, claims Clinton author

Well, since you can't impeach Clinton because he's not President and is a retired private citizen, what do you want to do about this?

Standard stuff. Make him say I’m sorry, he chisels some dough outta Hillary and gos to counseling. That or nothing.

Seriously, what kind of people fly around on a plane nicknamed 'Air F*uck One?' I gotta let folks decide that for themselves.

Well, Bill Clinton, Carlos Danger would but he is busy showing his dick to folks and dodging butt darts in jail. Bill Clinton is not an issue. Let him and Hillary deal with it.
Exactly...Carlos Danger was kicked out of the House, rejected in NYC and is now in jail.

Pervert Moore is being supported by Alabama voters.

Not quite the same reaction to perversion, is it?
EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton is facing NEW accusations of sexual assault by four women while the former president was working with a billionaire playboy and flying on his private jet nicknamed Air F**k One, claims Clinton author

Well, since you can't impeach Clinton because he's not President and is a retired private citizen, what do you want to do about this?

Well, at least you're finally being honest. Y'all Democrats could care less about sexually assaulted women. You only care about trying to oust Donald Trump. That's what it's all about for y'all. You're very shallow disingenuous folks.
Have some more vodka, Comrade.....working hard at that troll farm today.

Ha, always the 'Russia Boogeyman' when y'all hear something you don't wanna hear. :lol:
Hey, i caught you in a rare moment of honesty. You don't care about sexually assaulted women. It's only about ousting Donald Trump, and any other Republicans. You're a fraud. Nuff said. Movin on...

So this is another tactic of propagandists; make things personal in order to elicit an emotional response you then use as an red herring to escape the debate you can't win.

It's pretty fuckin' sad when the Conservative movement has to rely on Russian trolls to help them.

Uh huh, it's the 'Russia Boogeyman.' That has to be it. :cuckoo:
EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton is facing NEW accusations of sexual assault by four women while the former president was working with a billionaire playboy and flying on his private jet nicknamed Air F**k One, claims Clinton author

Well, since you can't impeach Clinton because he's not President and is a retired private citizen, what do you want to do about this?

Standard stuff. Make him say I’m sorry, he chisels some dough outta Hillary and gos to counseling. That or nothing.

Seriously, what kind of people fly around on a plane nicknamed 'Air F*uck One?' I gotta let folks decide that for themselves.

Well, Bill Clinton, Carlos Danger would but he is busy showing his dick to folks and dodging butt darts in jail. Bill Clinton is not an issue. Let him and Hillary deal with it.
Exactly...Carlos Danger was kicked out of the House, rejected in NYC and is now in jail.

Pervert Moore is being supported by Alabama voters.

Not quite the same reaction to perversion, is it?

Moore is going to be Alabama's next senator thanks to you. i cant wait.

Well, since you can't impeach Clinton because he's not President and is a retired private citizen, what do you want to do about this?

Standard stuff. Make him say I’m sorry, he chisels some dough outta Hillary and gos to counseling. That or nothing.

Seriously, what kind of people fly around on a plane nicknamed 'Air F*uck One?' I gotta let folks decide that for themselves.

Well, Bill Clinton, Carlos Danger would but he is busy showing his dick to folks and dodging butt darts in jail. Bill Clinton is not an issue. Let him and Hillary deal with it.
Exactly...Carlos Danger was kicked out of the House, rejected in NYC and is now in jail.

Pervert Moore is being supported by Alabama voters.

Not quite the same reaction to perversion, is it?

Moore is going to be Alabama's next senator thanks to you. i cant wait.

Is she just what Alabama men like? Underage?
Standard stuff. Make him say I’m sorry, he chisels some dough outta Hillary and gos to counseling. That or nothing.

Seriously, what kind of people fly around on a plane nicknamed 'Air F*uck One?' I gotta let folks decide that for themselves.

Well, Bill Clinton, Carlos Danger would but he is busy showing his dick to folks and dodging butt darts in jail. Bill Clinton is not an issue. Let him and Hillary deal with it.
Exactly...Carlos Danger was kicked out of the House, rejected in NYC and is now in jail.

Pervert Moore is being supported by Alabama voters.

Not quite the same reaction to perversion, is it?

Moore is going to be Alabama's next senator thanks to you. i cant wait.

Is she just what Alabama men like? Underage?

mebbe. :smoke:
IT's possible it's true, but no one seems to be able to prove anything. All in all though it's a little hypocritical because they have ignored all of Bill Clintons accusers for years.

How to tell if you're conversing with a propagandist: the invocation of "whataboutism". In this case, what about Clinton who harassed and assaulted women? Well, he should be scorned. Now that's out of the way and addressed, what about Trump and Moore?

Here's the problem with ruling out whataboutism in American politics. You'd have NOTHING LEFT to fight over. Because it's ALL gross and perverse and neither side seems to care. It's also now a weapon that can be used to impugn people without much evidence.

All of these sins are defined down to the point where if the "other side did it first" or "did it worse" -- the sin is atoned for and dismissed. CAN'T control these convos without muzzling folks playing the hypocrisy card. BOTH sides do it. It's YOUR little war. Both your parties are dying a horrible death.

Carry on... Great job..
And stay tuned folks. According to some recent reports, 4 more Clinton victims are expected to come forward soon. Democrat Fake News may not report on it, but folks who tune that out, will listen to what these women have to say.

Cool - like anyone gives a shit? What's Bill running for and were there any 14 year olds? :D
These women are all demoncrats! A real southern woman would immediately forgive Roy Moore for anything and join in forming a protective phallic around him to protect his sacred campaign to save America for secular liberal athieism.
We need to elect child molester Roy Moore so we can make the debt Obama left us even bigger!
------------------------------ Course i don't agree with the MERE accusation about child molestation but as an outsider outside of Alabama the only reason i want MOORE is because he is pro gun . Also Steve Bannon approves of MOORE and MOORE is also said to be 'anti establishment' both rino and dem G5000 .
The only pro gun guy you could find is a child molester?

--------------------------------- MERE 40 year old allegations G5000 !!
Seriously, what kind of people fly around on a plane nicknamed 'Air F*uck One?' I gotta let folks decide that for themselves.

What kind of man in his thirties pursues teenage girls? AKA the OP of this thread.

BTW - I reported your post for trolling.

Not very sporting of you, mate. Very poor taste. Hearing things you don't wanna here does not = 'Trolling.'

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